Isn't opposing gay marriage an anti-marriage position by definition?

The ideal situation is one man, one woman, married.
Not any other situation, including single parent homes.
Even assuming that this is true, the fact of the matter is that there simply aren't enough married heterosexual couples taking these people in and giving them the unconditional love and support they deserve. This is not a hypothetical situation. This is happening right now and real people's lives are being affected by it.

I'm not inflicting anything on anyone. I am sharing what I feel and believe just like you are.
How is my sharing any different from yours?
So far you've been the only one to engage with me on this in any real way. Thank you.

You're welcome.

I understand what you are saying, but, religious/Christian beliefs and principles are not something you can barter with..... I do think it's a tragedy, and there is so much in this world......
Gay marriage households are no more or less stable than any other.

Of course "as a Christian" you can't provide a single shred of evidence to substantiate that bogus claim.

Just like you can't provide a single shred of evidence to substantiate that your god exists, let alone has a "magic plan".

Depends on what you view as "stable" - if you mean "they stay together" well they might, but, a child needs a man and a woman to raise them, a husband and a wife. They are different by design so that children might be cared for completely.

How do I know this? Relationship with God along with Biblical study and prayer.

You will know it one day too. If not in your life in Earth, then in the next. Mock if you will -
it's not like that wasn't prophesied as well :)

You are entitled to believe your fallacies but there is zero requirement that children require both genders.

A stable relationship for raising children just needs to be 2 adults. One might be the father and the other his grandfather or uncle. The gender is irrelevant as long as the children receive unconditional love.

And there are plenty of dysfunctional opposite gender marriages, including Christian ones, so your holier than thou attitude is ludicrous.

That you imagine that you have a "relationship" with an imaginary person is your problem. But you don't get to inflict what your imaginary person tells you on other people.

The Constitution provides We the People with freedom from religion because of people like you.

The Constitution provides We the People with freedom OF religion. Get it straight
What does freedom of religion have to do with not allowing homosexuals to get married? All religions are protected equally, I should become a satanist..

It's the idea of using force for those that are religious.
The majority in this country has no problem with a civil service marriage ceremony but not to be forced in any business or church.
There are plenty of bakeries, wedding planners, photographers and Church's who are willing to perform services for gay marriages.
This is what America is about diversity and freedom for all, not forcing services on those who disagree and is against their religious beliefs.
It's the idea of using force for those that are religious.
The majority in this country has no problem with a civil service marriage ceremony but not to be forced in any business or church.
There are plenty of bakeries, wedding planners, photographers and Church's who are willing to perform services for gay marriages.
This is what America is about diversity and freedom for all, not forcing services on those who disagree and is against their religious beliefs.
Your argument died, with the No ******* hotel, more than six decades ago. There is no rational basis to allow people to arbitrarily discriminate in transactions of said nature. Been there, failed at that.

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