Isn't racism a God given right?

It's pretty hard to respect a race that has to use affirmative action to try to keep up with other races. And to also expect money for slavery that happened 150 years ago.

My ancestors were kicked out of Europe and had to survive crossing the Atlantic ocean and wound up in Canada and south Louisiana. Where are my reparations?
Its even harder to respect a race that used affirmative action for over 400 years to get a head start on a race they claimed was inferior. Its even worse when they dont pay the money owed like any other respectable person would do.

You were born a free and independent citizen, with the ability to determine your own future. Yet, you spend your time playing the victim of history. Your history began the day you were born, just like everyone else's did

The vast majority of us were not born with a silver spoon in our mouths. We worked to secure our future. Try it, you might like it..
He did. Your assumptions about blacks, that are so benign and harmless, are showing.
Could Hitler have been defeated, if nobody hated him?
Are you saying Proud Boy is like Hitler?
Not very novel these days.
I gave the most obvious example. Tolerating “proud kid” type movements only invites them to grow.

What gives you the conviction that you have the right to determine what will be, or will not be, tolerated?
What gives it to you? Your side either wins,
or it loses, and the winner decides what should be tolerated. The trend over the entirety of human history is that oppressors always end up toppled.

Who is we, and who is you, and what are we, or you, winning or losing? In a free society, we tolerate any view that is not fostering violence against other members of the society. We don't have a thought police.
Our society exists as it does today because people and things that weren’t tolerated won the right to be tolerated. At times through violence.
Could Hitler have been defeated, if nobody hated him?
Are you saying Proud Boy is like Hitler?
Not very novel these days.
I gave the most obvious example. Tolerating “proud kid” type movements only invites them to grow.

What gives you the conviction that you have the right to determine what will be, or will not be, tolerated?
What gives it to you? Your side either wins,
or it loses, and the winner decides what should be tolerated. The trend over the entirety of human history is that oppressors always end up toppled.

Who is we, and who is you, and what are we, or you, winning or losing? In a free society, we tolerate any view that is not fostering violence against other members of the society. We don't have a thought police.
I gave the most obvious example. Tolerating “proud kid” type movements only invites them to grow.
I agree that tolerating them invites them to grow. I don't like that, either. But meeting hate with hate? I'd like to TRY to stay a little calmer and more rational than that.
View attachment 229714
You dont have to hate someone in order to wreck their asses and give them pause.
Exactly. But I'm not sure what you mean by "wreck their asses." The Proud Boys, who our poster seems to be cheering for, is a group of professional violence instigators--a political "fight club," if you will. Meeting that with more violence (unless they hit you first) isn't the answer.
I beg to differ. You hit someone first and that usually takes all the fight out of them.

You haven't been in many fights, have you? I was sucker punched once, and I will bet that guy still regrets starting that fight.
Been in a lot of fights. I wont have to sucker punch you and I wont fail to put you to sleep if I did. :rolleyes:
Could Hitler have been defeated, if nobody hated him?
Are you saying Proud Boy is like Hitler?
Not very novel these days.
I gave the most obvious example. Tolerating “proud kid” type movements only invites them to grow.

What gives you the conviction that you have the right to determine what will be, or will not be, tolerated?
What gives it to you? Your side either wins,
or it loses, and the winner decides what should be tolerated. The trend over the entirety of human history is that oppressors always end up toppled.

Who is we, and who is you, and what are we, or you, winning or losing? In a free society, we tolerate any view that is not fostering violence against other members of the society. We don't have a thought police.

In a truly free society, there is no thought police. But liberalism isn't a free-thinking ideology, as it requires a self-imposed restriction on what you can think. The pressure to conform to their rigid ideology extends far beyond speech and action, which explains why there is so much "virtue-signalling" among the left. It's not an easy thing nor is is a healthy thing to be a liberal, progressive, or leftist. I know this for a fact, as I used to be one, myself.
It's pretty hard to respect a race that has to use affirmative action to try to keep up with other races. And to also expect money for slavery that happened 150 years ago.

My ancestors were kicked out of Europe and had to survive crossing the Atlantic ocean and wound up in Canada and south Louisiana. Where are my reparations?
Its even harder to respect a race that used affirmative action for over 400 years to get a head start on a race they claimed was inferior. Its even worse when they dont pay the money owed like any other respectable person would do.

You were born a free and independent citizen, with the ability to determine your own future. Yet, you spend your time playing the victim of history. Your history began the day you were born, just like everyone else's did

The vast majority of us were not born with a silver spoon in our mouths. We worked to secure our future. Try it, you might like it..

Already done. That has nothing to do with what I am talking about though.
Are you saying Proud Boy is like Hitler?
Not very novel these days.
I gave the most obvious example. Tolerating “proud kid” type movements only invites them to grow.

What gives you the conviction that you have the right to determine what will be, or will not be, tolerated?
What gives it to you? Your side either wins,
or it loses, and the winner decides what should be tolerated. The trend over the entirety of human history is that oppressors always end up toppled.

Who is we, and who is you, and what are we, or you, winning or losing? In a free society, we tolerate any view that is not fostering violence against other members of the society. We don't have a thought police.

In a truly free society, there is no thought police. But liberalism isn't a free-thinking ideology, as it requires a self-imposed restriction on what you can think. The pressure to conform to their rigid ideology extends far beyond speech and action, which explains why there is so much "virtue-signalling" among the left. It's not an easy thing nor is is a healthy thing to be a liberal, progressive, or leftist. I know this for a fact, as I used to be one, myself.
^ a bitter old man, pissed that his thought restrictions aren’t shared by everyone
"Proud Boy," huh? Just drinkin' some beer and taking turns going to visit your friends in jail?

Hate for another group of humans based on their race or religion is stupid. So if your "friends" are racist, you're hanging with the wrong crowd.

Hatred for anyone, or any group, is deplorable. However, racism, and hatred are not synonymous. A person can believe that his/her race is superior to another race, and not hate the other race, or any individual member of that other race.

Many left wingers seem to believe that any thought contrary to their thoughts, is hateful. Key sign of political indoctrination into a cult.
How that attitude of superiority translates into everyday interactions with others is what interests me. Is it possible for someone to believe that they are superior to, say, blacks, and not make unfair decisions or assumptions based on that? Besides that, no race is "superior" to any other, so it's not just an attitude fraught with possible problems in granting others equal rights, it is also unsound thinking.

Fat people, short people, ugly people, deformed people, etc., are all discriminated against by various people at various times. You are not unique because of your skin color. However, your skin color gets you benefits such as affirmative action that the others do not give. So, what do you owe them?
"Hate" was not the message of that young Jewish lad who ran around Israel a couple of thousand years ago and is still venerated for what the message really was.
"Proud Boy," huh? Just drinkin' some beer and taking turns going to visit your friends in jail?

Hate for another group of humans based on their race or religion is stupid. So if your "friends" are racist, you're hanging with the wrong crowd.

Hatred for anyone, or any group, is deplorable. However, racism, and hatred are not synonymous. A person can believe that his/her race is superior to another race, and not hate the other race, or any individual member of that other race.

Many left wingers seem to believe that any thought contrary to their thoughts, is hateful. Key sign of political indoctrination into a cult.
How that attitude of superiority translates into everyday interactions with others is what interests me. Is it possible for someone to believe that they are superior to, say, blacks, and not make unfair decisions or assumptions based on that? Besides that, no race is "superior" to any other, so it's not just an attitude fraught with possible problems in granting others equal rights, it is also unsound thinking.

Fat people, short people, ugly people, deformed people, etc., are all discriminated against by various people at various times. You are not unique because of your skin color. However, your skin color gets you benefits such as affirmative action that the others do not give. So, what do you owe them?
Hey dumbass. Shes a white woman.
"Proud Boy," huh? Just drinkin' some beer and taking turns going to visit your friends in jail?

Hate for another group of humans based on their race or religion is stupid. So if your "friends" are racist, you're hanging with the wrong crowd.

Hatred for anyone, or any group, is deplorable. However, racism, and hatred are not synonymous. A person can believe that his/her race is superior to another race, and not hate the other race, or any individual member of that other race.

Many left wingers seem to believe that any thought contrary to their thoughts, is hateful. Key sign of political indoctrination into a cult.
How that attitude of superiority translates into everyday interactions with others is what interests me. Is it possible for someone to believe that they are superior to, say, blacks, and not make unfair decisions or assumptions based on that? Besides that, no race is "superior" to any other, so it's not just an attitude fraught with possible problems in granting others equal rights, it is also unsound thinking.

Fat people, short people, ugly people, deformed people, etc., are all discriminated against by various people at various times. You are not unique because of your skin color. However, your skin color gets you benefits such as affirmative action that the others do not give. So, what do you owe them?
White women are the greatest beneficiaries of affirmative action. What did their skin color have to do with it?
I gave the most obvious example. Tolerating “proud kid” type movements only invites them to grow.

What gives you the conviction that you have the right to determine what will be, or will not be, tolerated?
What gives it to you? Your side either wins,
or it loses, and the winner decides what should be tolerated. The trend over the entirety of human history is that oppressors always end up toppled.

Who is we, and who is you, and what are we, or you, winning or losing? In a free society, we tolerate any view that is not fostering violence against other members of the society. We don't have a thought police.

In a truly free society, there is no thought police. But liberalism isn't a free-thinking ideology, as it requires a self-imposed restriction on what you can think. The pressure to conform to their rigid ideology extends far beyond speech and action, which explains why there is so much "virtue-signalling" among the left. It's not an easy thing nor is is a healthy thing to be a liberal, progressive, or leftist. I know this for a fact, as I used to be one, myself.
^ a bitter old man, pissed that his thought restrictions aren’t shared by everyone

Being free doesn't make a person "bitter." Actually, I'm the happiest I ever have been.

But believe whatever you want. Like a drug addict, a person can only change themselves if they really want to.
It's pretty hard to respect a race that has to use affirmative action to try to keep up with other races. And to also expect money for slavery that happened 150 years ago.

My ancestors were kicked out of Europe and had to survive crossing the Atlantic ocean and wound up in Canada and south Louisiana. Where are my reparations?
Its even harder to respect a race that used affirmative action for over 400 years to get a head start on a race they claimed was inferior. Its even worse when they dont pay the money owed like any other respectable person would do.

You were born a free and independent citizen, with the ability to determine your own future. Yet, you spend your time playing the victim of history. Your history began the day you were born, just like everyone else's did

The vast majority of us were not born with a silver spoon in our mouths. We worked to secure our future. Try it, you might like it..
He did. Your assumptions about blacks, that are so benign and harmless, are showing.

I have not made any assumptions about Blacks. I have made assumptions about one Black. Your lack of reading comprehension is showing.
It's pretty hard to respect a race that has to use affirmative action to try to keep up with other races. And to also expect money for slavery that happened 150 years ago.

My ancestors were kicked out of Europe and had to survive crossing the Atlantic ocean and wound up in Canada and south Louisiana. Where are my reparations?
Its even harder to respect a race that used affirmative action for over 400 years to get a head start on a race they claimed was inferior. Its even worse when they dont pay the money owed like any other respectable person would do.

You were born a free and independent citizen, with the ability to determine your own future. Yet, you spend your time playing the victim of history. Your history began the day you were born, just like everyone else's did

The vast majority of us were not born with a silver spoon in our mouths. We worked to secure our future. Try it, you might like it..
He did. Your assumptions about blacks, that are so benign and harmless, are showing.

I have not made any assumptions about Blacks. I have made assumptions about one Black. Your lack of reading comprehension is showing.
You made yourself an ass is the only thing you did. :rolleyes:
Why do so many people hate racists such as Democrats and ANTIFA members?

Some of my best friends are racist. Hate is a human right.

Hillary loves racists so much she made out with Grand Dragon Robert Byrd.

I'll probably get flamed for this, but hate has always been a powerful motivator throughout history. If it were not for hatred of others who weren't like ourselves, civilization would have never advanced: There would be no great buildings, factories, offices, cities, or great inventions.

If it weren't for hate, distrust, and greed, we'd all be sitting around a fire, shivering in the dark and hungry.

Sad to say, but true.
If it wasn't for hate we wouldn't have the Volkswagen, Hogan's Heroes and Maxine Waters.
It's pretty hard to respect a race that has to use affirmative action to try to keep up with other races. And to also expect money for slavery that happened 150 years ago.

My ancestors were kicked out of Europe and had to survive crossing the Atlantic ocean and wound up in Canada and south Louisiana. Where are my reparations?
Its even harder to respect a race that used affirmative action for over 400 years to get a head start on a race they claimed was inferior. Its even worse when they dont pay the money owed like any other respectable person would do.

You were born a free and independent citizen, with the ability to determine your own future. Yet, you spend your time playing the victim of history. Your history began the day you were born, just like everyone else's did

The vast majority of us were not born with a silver spoon in our mouths. We worked to secure our future. Try it, you might like it..
He did. Your assumptions about blacks, that are so benign and harmless, are showing.

I have not made any assumptions about Blacks. I have made assumptions about one Black. Your lack of reading comprehension is showing.
You made yourself an ass is the only thing you did. :rolleyes:

God forbid! I challenged your victim hood. How awful of me.
What gives you the conviction that you have the right to determine what will be, or will not be, tolerated?
What gives it to you? Your side either wins,
or it loses, and the winner decides what should be tolerated. The trend over the entirety of human history is that oppressors always end up toppled.

Who is we, and who is you, and what are we, or you, winning or losing? In a free society, we tolerate any view that is not fostering violence against other members of the society. We don't have a thought police.

In a truly free society, there is no thought police. But liberalism isn't a free-thinking ideology, as it requires a self-imposed restriction on what you can think. The pressure to conform to their rigid ideology extends far beyond speech and action, which explains why there is so much "virtue-signalling" among the left. It's not an easy thing nor is is a healthy thing to be a liberal, progressive, or leftist. I know this for a fact, as I used to be one, myself.
^ a bitter old man, pissed that his thought restrictions aren’t shared by everyone

Being free doesn't make a person "bitter." Actually, I'm the happiest I ever have been.

But believe whatever you want. Like a drug addict, a person can only change themselves if they really want to.
Good for you? :cuckoo:
Its even harder to respect a race that used affirmative action for over 400 years to get a head start on a race they claimed was inferior. Its even worse when they dont pay the money owed like any other respectable person would do.

You were born a free and independent citizen, with the ability to determine your own future. Yet, you spend your time playing the victim of history. Your history began the day you were born, just like everyone else's did

The vast majority of us were not born with a silver spoon in our mouths. We worked to secure our future. Try it, you might like it..
He did. Your assumptions about blacks, that are so benign and harmless, are showing.

I have not made any assumptions about Blacks. I have made assumptions about one Black. Your lack of reading comprehension is showing.
You made yourself an ass is the only thing you did. :rolleyes:

God forbid! I challenged your victim hood. How awful of me.
You only challenged a figment of your imagination there Jeb. :rolleyes:
It's pretty hard to respect a race that has to use affirmative action to try to keep up with other races. And to also expect money for slavery that happened 150 years ago.

My ancestors were kicked out of Europe and had to survive crossing the Atlantic ocean and wound up in Canada and south Louisiana. Where are my reparations?
Its even harder to respect a race that used affirmative action for over 400 years to get a head start on a race they claimed was inferior. Its even worse when they dont pay the money owed like any other respectable person would do.

You were born a free and independent citizen, with the ability to determine your own future. Yet, you spend your time playing the victim of history. Your history began the day you were born, just like everyone else's did

The vast majority of us were not born with a silver spoon in our mouths. We worked to secure our future. Try it, you might like it..
He did. Your assumptions about blacks, that are so benign and harmless, are showing.

I have not made any assumptions about Blacks. I have made assumptions about one Black. Your lack of reading comprehension is showing.

Asslips sure makes it a point to let everyone know he's black, doesn't he? It wouldn't be so bad is he wasn't constantly trying to prove to himself that he was.

Attention: Asslips

Yes, we know that you're black. Now try to fit in, ok?
It's pretty hard to respect a race that has to use affirmative action to try to keep up with other races. And to also expect money for slavery that happened 150 years ago.

My ancestors were kicked out of Europe and had to survive crossing the Atlantic ocean and wound up in Canada and south Louisiana. Where are my reparations?
Its even harder to respect a race that used affirmative action for over 400 years to get a head start on a race they claimed was inferior. Its even worse when they dont pay the money owed like any other respectable person would do.

You were born a free and independent citizen, with the ability to determine your own future. Yet, you spend your time playing the victim of history. Your history began the day you were born, just like everyone else's did

The vast majority of us were not born with a silver spoon in our mouths. We worked to secure our future. Try it, you might like it..
He did. Your assumptions about blacks, that are so benign and harmless, are showing.

I have not made any assumptions about Blacks. I have made assumptions about one Black. Your lack of reading comprehension is showing.
Isn't that how racism works? Attitudes siphoned down into individual actions that are unfair to the other.
I read just fine.

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