Isn't racism a God given right?

It's pretty hard to respect a race that has to use affirmative action to try to keep up with other races. And to also expect money for slavery that happened 150 years ago.

My ancestors were kicked out of Europe and had to survive crossing the Atlantic ocean and wound up in Canada and south Louisiana. Where are my reparations?
Its even harder to respect a race that used affirmative action for over 400 years to get a head start on a race they claimed was inferior. Its even worse when they dont pay the money owed like any other respectable person would do.

You were born a free and independent citizen, with the ability to determine your own future. Yet, you spend your time playing the victim of history. Your history began the day you were born, just like everyone else's did

The vast majority of us were not born with a silver spoon in our mouths. We worked to secure our future. Try it, you might like it..
He did. Your assumptions about blacks, that are so benign and harmless, are showing.

I have not made any assumptions about Blacks. I have made assumptions about one Black. Your lack of reading comprehension is showing.

Asslips sure makes it a point to let everyone know he's black, doesn't he? It wouldn't be so bad is he wasn't constantly trying to prove to himself that he was.

Attention: Asslips

Yes, we know that you're black. Now try to fit in, ok?
Why woulnt I be proud of being Black? I wake up every morning and feel tremendous. Its like I fell from the sky and landed feet first while the ground shakes. :rolleyes:
What gives it to you? Your side either wins,
or it loses, and the winner decides what should be tolerated. The trend over the entirety of human history is that oppressors always end up toppled.

Who is we, and who is you, and what are we, or you, winning or losing? In a free society, we tolerate any view that is not fostering violence against other members of the society. We don't have a thought police.

In a truly free society, there is no thought police. But liberalism isn't a free-thinking ideology, as it requires a self-imposed restriction on what you can think. The pressure to conform to their rigid ideology extends far beyond speech and action, which explains why there is so much "virtue-signalling" among the left. It's not an easy thing nor is is a healthy thing to be a liberal, progressive, or leftist. I know this for a fact, as I used to be one, myself.
^ a bitter old man, pissed that his thought restrictions aren’t shared by everyone

Being free doesn't make a person "bitter." Actually, I'm the happiest I ever have been.

But believe whatever you want. Like a drug addict, a person can only change themselves if they really want to.
Good for you? :cuckoo:

Trust me, someday you'll look back on yourself and laugh at yourself for all the stupid shit you believe in now. Been there already, done that already.

Try listening to someone else for a change, instead of being so dickheaded. You can save yourself a lot of trouble if you do.
Its even harder to respect a race that used affirmative action for over 400 years to get a head start on a race they claimed was inferior. Its even worse when they dont pay the money owed like any other respectable person would do.

You were born a free and independent citizen, with the ability to determine your own future. Yet, you spend your time playing the victim of history. Your history began the day you were born, just like everyone else's did

The vast majority of us were not born with a silver spoon in our mouths. We worked to secure our future. Try it, you might like it..
He did. Your assumptions about blacks, that are so benign and harmless, are showing.

I have not made any assumptions about Blacks. I have made assumptions about one Black. Your lack of reading comprehension is showing.

Asslips sure makes it a point to let everyone know he's black, doesn't he? It wouldn't be so bad is he wasn't constantly trying to prove to himself that he was.

Attention: Asslips

Yes, we know that you're black. Now try to fit in, ok?
Why woulnt I be proud of being Black? I wake up every morning and feel tremendous. Its like I fell from the sky and landed feet first while the ground shakes. :rolleyes:

You're over-compensating. Are you aware of that?
You were born a free and independent citizen, with the ability to determine your own future. Yet, you spend your time playing the victim of history. Your history began the day you were born, just like everyone else's did

The vast majority of us were not born with a silver spoon in our mouths. We worked to secure our future. Try it, you might like it..
He did. Your assumptions about blacks, that are so benign and harmless, are showing.

I have not made any assumptions about Blacks. I have made assumptions about one Black. Your lack of reading comprehension is showing.

Asslips sure makes it a point to let everyone know he's black, doesn't he? It wouldn't be so bad is he wasn't constantly trying to prove to himself that he was.

Attention: Asslips

Yes, we know that you're black. Now try to fit in, ok?
Why woulnt I be proud of being Black? I wake up every morning and feel tremendous. Its like I fell from the sky and landed feet first while the ground shakes. :rolleyes:

You're over-compensating. Are you aware of that?
Youre just envious. Its impossible for me to overcompensate. Youre white and lack a lot of what I naturally have.
The rise in the wholesale rejection of black people isn't racism. It's exhaustion. It's being fed up with a design. Go away. Take your tude with you. That's not racism. Everything is racist. Peanut butter and jelly is racist. Snow is racist. Elvis is racist. If you are a racist you are in damn good company.
OP apparently thinks Jesus' command to love thy neighbor was optional.

Also thou shall not steal, also means you are to protect your neighbor and his property.

God has nothing to do with your decision to hate a race. That is all on you.
He did. Your assumptions about blacks, that are so benign and harmless, are showing.

I have not made any assumptions about Blacks. I have made assumptions about one Black. Your lack of reading comprehension is showing.

Asslips sure makes it a point to let everyone know he's black, doesn't he? It wouldn't be so bad is he wasn't constantly trying to prove to himself that he was.

Attention: Asslips

Yes, we know that you're black. Now try to fit in, ok?
Why woulnt I be proud of being Black? I wake up every morning and feel tremendous. Its like I fell from the sky and landed feet first while the ground shakes. :rolleyes:

You're over-compensating. Are you aware of that?
Youre just envious. Its impossible for me to overcompensate. Youre white and lack a lot of what I naturally have.

There you go again with the racist stereotypical notions. Any white man who's been intimate with as many black women as I have knows you're full of yourself.

Told you already, I was once a liberal myself.
Who is we, and who is you, and what are we, or you, winning or losing? In a free society, we tolerate any view that is not fostering violence against other members of the society. We don't have a thought police.

In a truly free society, there is no thought police. But liberalism isn't a free-thinking ideology, as it requires a self-imposed restriction on what you can think. The pressure to conform to their rigid ideology extends far beyond speech and action, which explains why there is so much "virtue-signalling" among the left. It's not an easy thing nor is is a healthy thing to be a liberal, progressive, or leftist. I know this for a fact, as I used to be one, myself.
^ a bitter old man, pissed that his thought restrictions aren’t shared by everyone

Being free doesn't make a person "bitter." Actually, I'm the happiest I ever have been.

But believe whatever you want. Like a drug addict, a person can only change themselves if they really want to.
Good for you? :cuckoo:

Trust me, someday you'll look back on yourself and laugh at yourself for all the stupid shit you believe in now. Been there already, done that already.

Try listening to someone else for a change, instead of being so dickheaded. You can save yourself a lot of trouble if you do.
I was wondering with a friend the other day what it would finally take to make me a social conservative. What will young people be doing when I’m old that I don’t understand and am scared of enough, even though it doesn’t harm me at all, that I vote republican to restrict their freedoms? Too hard to predict.
I have not made any assumptions about Blacks. I have made assumptions about one Black. Your lack of reading comprehension is showing.

Asslips sure makes it a point to let everyone know he's black, doesn't he? It wouldn't be so bad is he wasn't constantly trying to prove to himself that he was.

Attention: Asslips

Yes, we know that you're black. Now try to fit in, ok?
Why woulnt I be proud of being Black? I wake up every morning and feel tremendous. Its like I fell from the sky and landed feet first while the ground shakes. :rolleyes:

You're over-compensating. Are you aware of that?
Youre just envious. Its impossible for me to overcompensate. Youre white and lack a lot of what I naturally have.

There you go again with the racist stereotypical notions. Any white man who's been intimate with as many black women as I have knows you're full of yourself.

Told you already, I was once a liberal myself.
Whooo hooo Let's whip out the dicks, gentlemen, and get measuring!
I have not made any assumptions about Blacks. I have made assumptions about one Black. Your lack of reading comprehension is showing.

Asslips sure makes it a point to let everyone know he's black, doesn't he? It wouldn't be so bad is he wasn't constantly trying to prove to himself that he was.

Attention: Asslips

Yes, we know that you're black. Now try to fit in, ok?
Why woulnt I be proud of being Black? I wake up every morning and feel tremendous. Its like I fell from the sky and landed feet first while the ground shakes. :rolleyes:

You're over-compensating. Are you aware of that?
Youre just envious. Its impossible for me to overcompensate. Youre white and lack a lot of what I naturally have.

There you go again with the racist stereotypical notions. Any white man who's been intimate with as many black women as I have knows you're full of yourself.

Told you already, I was once a liberal myself.
Youre lying on your little microscopic dick again I see. What does how many women you have been with have to do with what I said? :rolleyes:
"Proud Boy," huh? Just drinkin' some beer and taking turns going to visit your friends in jail?

Hate for another group of humans based on their race or religion is stupid. So if your "friends" are racist, you're hanging with the wrong crowd.
People choose their religious beliefs. I see no problem in hating people for what they choose to do or believe if it seeks to harm innocent people.
Hate is a pretty strong word, and a pretty destructive emotion. You seem to be encouraging that. Why?
Could Hitler have been defeated, if nobody hated him?
It was the fact there was enough people who bought into Hitler's hate that was the problem...if Hitler alone spent all day painting portraits while hating Jews, who gives a fuck -- but if Hitler under the guise of "Nationalism" can get enough of the country to hate the people he hates, that is a problem

And that should be defeated every time -- unless you feel that evil is a good thing..
Why do so many people hate racists such as Democrats and ANTIFA members?

Some of my best friends are racist. Hate is a human right.

Hillary loves racists so much she made out with Grand Dragon Robert Byrd.

I'll probably get flamed for this, but hate has always been a powerful motivator throughout history. If it were not for hatred of others who weren't like ourselves, civilization would have never advanced: There would be no great buildings, factories, offices, cities, or great inventions.

If it weren't for hate, distrust, and greed, we'd all be sitting around a fire, shivering in the dark and hungry.

Sad to say, but true.
LOL! Civilization was here before you monkeys became sentient in the caves of europe. You cave people were last to civilization which is the primary reason you have never done anything without help and guidance from people of color. :rolleyes:
If it wasn't for slave ships colored people would still be running around Africa, living in mud huts with bones in their noses.
Why do so many people hate racists such as Democrats and ANTIFA members?

Some of my best friends are racist. Hate is a human right.

Hillary loves racists so much she made out with Grand Dragon Robert Byrd.

I'll probably get flamed for this, but hate has always been a powerful motivator throughout history. If it were not for hatred of others who weren't like ourselves, civilization would have never advanced: There would be no great buildings, factories, offices, cities, or great inventions.

If it weren't for hate, distrust, and greed, we'd all be sitting around a fire, shivering in the dark and hungry.

Sad to say, but true.
LOL! Civilization was here before you monkeys became sentient in the caves of europe. You cave people were last to civilization which is the primary reason you have never done anything without help and guidance from people of color. :rolleyes:
If it wasn't for slave ships colored people would still be running around Africa, living in mud huts with bones in their noses.
Yea, because they are inferior.....we get it already....

Fortunately, there are a few "good blacks" that are worthy of not being called inferior by the almighty white man
Why do so many people hate racists such as Democrats and ANTIFA members?

Some of my best friends are racist. Hate is a human right.

Hillary loves racists so much she made out with Grand Dragon Robert Byrd.

I'll probably get flamed for this, but hate has always been a powerful motivator throughout history. If it were not for hatred of others who weren't like ourselves, civilization would have never advanced: There would be no great buildings, factories, offices, cities, or great inventions.

If it weren't for hate, distrust, and greed, we'd all be sitting around a fire, shivering in the dark and hungry.

Sad to say, but true.
LOL! Civilization was here before you monkeys became sentient in the caves of europe. You cave people were last to civilization which is the primary reason you have never done anything without help and guidance from people of color. :rolleyes:
If it wasn't for slave ships colored people would still be running around Africa, living in mud huts with bones in their noses.
If it wasnt for Black people you would be sitting on the porch of your cave right now scratching your head lice and snacking on your neighbors big toe.
Why do so many people hate racists such as Democrats and ANTIFA members?

Some of my best friends are racist. Hate is a human right.

Hillary loves racists so much she made out with Grand Dragon Robert Byrd.

Hate ain't a right. It's more a human condition, trait, characteristic or learned behavior imo.

There are a lot of people that try to rule or regulate hate, along with a lot of other things that can't be legislated. It will never work. I think the citizens and education are by far more effective.

I don't hate anyone but Clinton. I'd love to burn that bitch down.
Hate makes me a better person. Hate keeps me from accepting unborn baby killers.
Hate keeps me from enabling Democratic hate groups such as ANTIFA and the KKK.
Why do so many people hate racists such as Democrats and ANTIFA members?

Some of my best friends are racist. Hate is a human right.

Hillary loves racists so much she made out with Grand Dragon Robert Byrd.

I'll probably get flamed for this, but hate has always been a powerful motivator throughout history. If it were not for hatred of others who weren't like ourselves, civilization would have never advanced: There would be no great buildings, factories, offices, cities, or great inventions.

If it weren't for hate, distrust, and greed, we'd all be sitting around a fire, shivering in the dark and hungry.

Sad to say, but true.
LOL! Civilization was here before you monkeys became sentient in the caves of europe. You cave people were last to civilization which is the primary reason you have never done anything without help and guidance from people of color. :rolleyes:
If it wasn't for slave ships colored people would still be running around Africa, living in mud huts with bones in their noses.
If it wasnt for Black people you would be sitting on the porch of your cave right now scratching your head lice and snacking on your neighbors big toe.
Big toe?
Why do so many people hate racists such as Democrats and ANTIFA members?

Some of my best friends are racist. Hate is a human right.

Hillary loves racists so much she made out with Grand Dragon Robert Byrd.

I'll probably get flamed for this, but hate has always been a powerful motivator throughout history. If it were not for hatred of others who weren't like ourselves, civilization would have never advanced: There would be no great buildings, factories, offices, cities, or great inventions.

If it weren't for hate, distrust, and greed, we'd all be sitting around a fire, shivering in the dark and hungry.

Sad to say, but true.
LOL! Civilization was here before you monkeys became sentient in the caves of europe. You cave people were last to civilization which is the primary reason you have never done anything without help and guidance from people of color. :rolleyes:
If it wasn't for slave ships colored people would still be running around Africa, living in mud huts with bones in their noses.
If it wasnt for Black people you would be sitting on the porch of your cave right now scratching your head lice and snacking on your neighbors big toe.
Big toe?
It just came to me. :laugh:
"Proud Boy," huh? Just drinkin' some beer and taking turns going to visit your friends in jail?

Hate for another group of humans based on their race or religion is stupid. So if your "friends" are racist, you're hanging with the wrong crowd.
Lighten up! Oh wait. Your light skin is the problem. :badgrin:
I'm the one who needs to lighten up here? There are none so blind as those that will not see.
You are blinded by the light of your self righteous claptrap! Stop and listen to what he's saying without running it through the filter of your left wing skin color crutch.
(I had to go and look up how to spell crutch. ) LOL Oh. Sorry OL. You wouldn't get that sort of humor.
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