Isn't this racist? DHS to begin launching deportation raids beginning in January


That was you in 2007 you lying fuck.

I think this is a case of mistaken identity,because that aint me.

You vote for the leaders who feel this way, so ipso facto you must too. I know things change so cool, you are forgiven. Apology accepted. Now lets move on. Now, let go after the illegal employers. You don't realize your party is torn on illegal immigration. Let me show you.

Basically I'm proving to you that us liberals were anti illegal immigration back in 2006 and your side was torn on this issue.

Today's Immigration Battle Corporatists vs. Racists (and Labor is Left Behind)

If you can show me ANYTHING from 2006 proving you guys were anti illegal immigration, BRING IT BITCH!

Notice how the far left drone went to a far left drone blog site for their "facts"..

And also notice how the far left will not use the term illegal immigration..

Illegal immigration - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So another far left narrative shot down..

We have an illegal employer problem in America. But you can't get yourself to go after employers because they rule your sorry far right drone ass.

Show were all the blue states are going after the employers, you far left drone!

There are a lot of greedy corporations in blue states too stupid right wing drone.
“That’s why, over the past six years, deportations of criminals are up 80 percent. And that’s why we’re going to keep focusing enforcement resources on actual threats to our security. Felons, not families. Criminals, not children. Gang members, not a mom who’s working hard to provide for her kids. We’ll prioritize, just like law enforcement does every day.”

— President Obama, November 20, 2014

Immigration Reform

And still does not prove the original comments of the far left drone!

Since the ACLU is not on Obama's back suing the government every time he deports someone, you may find your answer there!

Just like a law and budget was passed to build a fence, yet all the money went to legal fees fighting the ACLU. Just like it did in California back in the late 70s and early 80's when California wanted to build a wall.

Even the far left ACLU is against Obama on this issue: President Obama's Shameful Milestone

Yet none of the far left drone's posts show where the blue states are cracking down on employers who hire illegal immigrants!
If you read the article both parties are guilty.

It's frankly astonishing to hear "progressives" reciting corporatist/racist/conservative talking points, recycled through "conservative Democratic" politicians trying to pander to the relatively small percentage of recently-legal (mostly through recent amnesties or birth) immigrants who are trying to get their relatives into this country by means of Bush's proposed guest worker program or the many variations thereof being proposed.

It's equally astonishing to hear the few unions going along with this (in the sad/desperate hope of picking up new members) turn their backs on César Chávez and the traditions and history of America's Progressive and Union movements by embracing illegal immigration.

Every nation has an obligation to limit immigration to a number that will not dilute its workforce, but will maintain a stable middle class - if it wants to have a stable democracy. This has nothing to do with race, national origin, or language (visit Switzerland with it's ethnic- and language-dived areas!), and everything to do with economics.

- See more at: Today's Immigration Battle Corporatists vs. Racists (and Labor is Left Behind)
“That’s why, over the past six years, deportations of criminals are up 80 percent. And that’s why we’re going to keep focusing enforcement resources on actual threats to our security. Felons, not families. Criminals, not children. Gang members, not a mom who’s working hard to provide for her kids. We’ll prioritize, just like law enforcement does every day.”

— President Obama, November 20, 2014

Immigration Reform

And still does not prove the original comments of the far left drone!

Since the ACLU is not on Obama's back suing the government every time he deports someone, you may find your answer there!

Just like a law and budget was passed to build a fence, yet all the money went to legal fees fighting the ACLU. Just like it did in California back in the late 70s and early 80's when California wanted to build a wall.

Even the far left ACLU is against Obama on this issue: President Obama's Shameful Milestone

Yet none of the far left drone's posts show where the blue states are cracking down on employers who hire illegal immigrants!
Now Koshy Baby. Even you must see the difference between how we viewed illegal immigration during the Clinton and Bush years. Here, I'll show your dumb ass:

"Between 1999 and 2003, work-site enforcement operations were scaled back 95 percent by the Immigration and Naturalization Service, which subsequently was merged into the Homeland Security Department. The number of employers prosecuted for unlawfully employing immigrants dropped from 182 in 1999 to 4 in 2003, and fines collected declined from $3.6 million to $212,000, according to federal statistics.

"In 1999, the United States initiated fines against 417 companies. In 2004, it issued fine notices to 3."

- See more at: Reclaiming the Issues: "It's an Illegal Employer Problem"

You should be ashamed of yourself for being so fucking stupid.
You vote for the leaders who feel this way, so ipso facto you must too. I know things change so cool, you are forgiven. Apology accepted. Now lets move on. Now, let go after the illegal employers. You don't realize your party is torn on illegal immigration. Let me show you.

Basically I'm proving to you that us liberals were anti illegal immigration back in 2006 and your side was torn on this issue.

Today's Immigration Battle Corporatists vs. Racists (and Labor is Left Behind)

If you can show me ANYTHING from 2006 proving you guys were anti illegal immigration, BRING IT BITCH!

Notice how the far left drone went to a far left drone blog site for their "facts"..

And also notice how the far left will not use the term illegal immigration..

Illegal immigration - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So another far left narrative shot down..
We have an illegal employer problem in America. But you can't get yourself to go after employers because they rule your sorry far right drone ass.

Show were all the blue states are going after the employers, you far left drone!
Prosecute US Companies Who Hire Illegal Immigrant Workers to the Fullest Degree - NationofChange | Progressive Change Through Positive Action

And once again the far left drone posts a link that does not have anything to do with what was asked, just a link to another far left drone blog site..

Yet another far left drone cut and paste fail!
The hiring crimes of Illegal Employers are being ignored by the law, and rewarded by the economic systems of the nation.

Proof that this simple reality is ignored in our media (much to the delight of Republicans) is everywhere you look. For example, check out a series of national polls on illegal immigration done over the past year at A typical poll question is like this one from an NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll conducted in June, 2006:

"When it comes to the immigration bill, the Senate and the House of Representatives disagree with one another about what should be done on the issue of illegal immigration.

"Many in the House of Representatives favor strengthening security at the borders, including building a seven-hundred-mile fence along the border with Mexico to help keep illegal immigrants from entering the United States, and they favor deporting immigrants who are already in the United States illegally.

"Many in the Senate favor strengthening security at the borders, including building a three-hundred-and-seventy-mile fence along the border with Mexico to help keep illegal immigrants from entering the United States, and they favor a guest worker program to allow illegal immigrants who have jobs and who have been here for more than two years to remain in the United States.

"Which of these approaches would you prefer?"

The question: "Or would you prefer companies that employ undocumented workers be severely fined or put out of business?" wasn't even asked. The word "employer" appears nowhere in any of the questions in that poll. Nor is it in the CBS News immigration poll. Or in the Associated Press immigration poll. Or in the Fox News immigration poll.

Only the CNN poll asked the question: "Would you favor increasing penalties for employers who hire illegal immigrants?" Two-thirds of Americans, of all party affiliations, said, "Yes," but it went virtually unreported in mainstream media coverage.

- See more at: Reclaiming the Issues: "It's an Illegal Employer Problem"
In the end some of you should come to reality, but alas you are the type that cares less about the reality and more about what Hannity and Limbaugh tell you to believe!

I'm sure there are exceptions, but in general, those who support illegal immigration and want to let them stay are either fucking them or employing them.
"Mass deportations" and "Fences" are hysterics and false choices. Start penalizing "Illegal Employers" and non-citizens without a Social Security number will leave the country on their own. And they won't have to confront death trying to cross the desert back into Mexico - Mexican citizens can simply walk back into Mexico across the border at any legal border crossing (as about a million did every year for over a century).

Tax law requires that an employer must verify the Social Security number of their employees in order to document, and thus deduct, the expense of their labor. This is a simple task, and some companies, like AMC Theatres, are already doing it.

For example, Cameron Barr wrote in The Washington Post on April 30, 2006, that: "At one area multiplex owned by AMC, the Rio 18 in Gaithersburg, 11 employees 'decided to resign' this month after they could not rectify discrepancies that arose during the screening, said Melanie Bell, a spokeswoman for AMC Entertainment Inc., which is based in Kansas City, Mo. She said such screening is a routine procedure that the company conducts across the United States."

Not wanting to be an Illegal Employer, the Post noted that AMC "has long submitted lists of its employees' Social Security numbers to the Social Security Administration for review. If discrepancies arise, she [company spokeswoman Bell] said in an e-mailed response to questions, 'we require the worker to provide their original Social Security card within 3 days or to immediately contact the local SSA office.' She said the process is part of payroll tax verification and occurs after hiring."

Easy, simple, cheap, painless. No fence required. No mass deportations necessary. No need for Homeland Security to get involved. When jobs are not available, most undocumented workers will simply leave the country (as they always did before), or begin the normal process to obtain citizenship that millions (including my own sister-in-law - this hits many of us close to home) go through each year.

Republicans, however, are not going to allow a discussion of "Illegal Employers." Instead, they will continue to hammer the issue of "Illegal Immigrants," and tie that political albatross around the necks of Democrats (who seem all too willing to accept it).

- See more at: Reclaiming the Issues: "It's an Illegal Employer Problem"
In the end some of you should come to reality, but alas you are the type that cares less about the reality and more about what Hannity and Limbaugh tell you to believe!

I'm sure there are exceptions, but in general, those who support illegal immigration and want to let them stay are either fucking them or employing them.
I'm always amazed at how quick republicans are to defend employers when you suggest we have an illegal employer problem. They just can't seem to get themselves to blame employers for anything. Even bad ones.
no it isn't ... you seem to think every time we on the left administration deports some one thats racist ... it doing our job ...but you on the right call them names names here... I won't repeat them, and people like trump and the republieturd party not only call them rapist and drug dealers the call them about just any racist name you can think of in please show is here where we on the left have said we are sending these south american rapist, drug dealer, expletive, expletive, expletive, back to their country... not any where will you find that
I don't blame them for coming here if jobs are waiting for them. I blame the American job creators who hire them.

You can place the blame on our government as well.

Is it legal to hire illegals in your state?

It's illegal for them to be here in the first place.
If our government did their job we wouldnt have a problem.
for them to do their job they have to know where they are ... they know where they are ... the fact that you feel the government isn't doing their job sw3s us you don't know what you're talking about ... when the obama administration has deported more illegals then any president in the past 50 years, where people like you who keep their heads in the republican sand, who aren't aware of this, it's people like your who are the first to whine about them being here... but never give credit where credit is due ...

We need to end Illegal Immigration once and for all. And i'm very skeptical of this story. Looks like a conveniently planted story. Looks like the Hussein and Clinton folks are getting nervous about the People overwhelmingly supporting Trump's views on the awful Immigration mess.
In the end some of you should come to reality, but alas you are the type that cares less about the reality and more about what Hannity and Limbaugh tell you to believe!

I'm sure there are exceptions, but in general, those who support illegal immigration and want to let them stay are either fucking them or employing them.
I don't blame them for coming here if jobs are waiting for them. I blame the American job creators who hire them.

You can place the blame on our government as well.

Is it legal to hire illegals in your state?

It's illegal for them to be here in the first place.
If our government did their job we wouldnt have a problem.
for them to do their job they have to know where they are ... they know where they are ... the fact that you feel the government isn't doing their job sw3s us you don't know what you're talking about ... when the obama administration has deported more illegals then any president in the past 50 years, where people like you who keep their heads in the republican sand, who aren't aware of this, it's people like your who are the first to whine about them being here... but never give credit where credit is due ...

We need to end Illegal Immigration once and for all. And i'm very skeptical of this story. Looks like a conveniently planted story. Looks like the Hussein and Clinton folks are getting nervous about the People overwhelmingly supporting Trump's views on the awful Immigration mess.
As long as employers are willing and able (without severe penalties) to hire illegal workers, people will risk life and limb to grab at the America Dream. When we stop hiring and paying them, most will leave of their own volition over a few years, and the remaining few who are committed to the US will obtain citizenship through normal channels.

This is, after all, the middle-class "American Dream." And how much better this hemisphere would be if Central and South Americans were motivated to stay in their own nations (because no employer in the US would dare hire them) and fight there for a Mexican Dream and a Salvadoran Dream and a Guatemalan Dream (and so on).

- See more at: Today's Immigration Battle Corporatists vs. Racists (and Labor is Left Behind)
Who and what will Hussein be raiding? Who will he be deporting? A couple of white-ish loooking Europeans who may have over-stayed their Visas? Sorry, i'm just not buying this one. Seems like a way-too conveniently planted story. It's another scam.

Hussein and Clinton must be getting very nervous about Trump. The People overwhelmingly support ending Illegal Immigration once and for all. Trump really is onto something. Clearly, that's making some very nervous.
Who and what will Hussein be raiding? Who will he be deporting? A couple of white-ish loooking Europeans who may have over-stayed their Visas? Sorry, i'm just not buying this one. Seems like a way-too conveniently planted story. It's another scam.

Hussein and Clinton must be getting very nervous about Trump. The People overwhelmingly support ending Illegal Immigration once and for all. Trump really is onto something. Clearly, that's making some very nervous.
Yes, we've been planning this since 2006.

And of course you don't buy into anything that doesn't go along with what Rush and Fox tell you.

This is a great example where I have gone to great length to show you how Republicans are full of shit on this immigration issue and we knew it as far back as 2006. I show you how Trump isn't saying anything Thom Hartmann wasn't saying 9 years ago. I show you how we have an illegal employer problem, and just like every other good republican, you won't be able to get yourself to complain about employers. Tomorrow when you wake up you'll go right back to complaining about immigrants.

I'd sneak to Canada too if Canadian companies were paying $200K a year.
Who and what will Hussein be raiding? Who will he be deporting? A couple of white-ish loooking Europeans who may have over-stayed their Visas? Sorry, i'm just not buying this one. Seems like a way-too conveniently planted story. It's another scam.

Hussein and Clinton must be getting very nervous about Trump. The People overwhelmingly support ending Illegal Immigration once and for all. Trump really is onto something. Clearly, that's making some very nervous.
I know you are confused. The GOP has you confused. That's because they talk out of both sides of their mouth and say two completely different things. The Democrats aren't perfect on this issue either, but make no mistake the GOP are not your friends little buddy.
Who and what will Hussein be raiding? Who will he be deporting? A couple of white-ish loooking Europeans who may have over-stayed their Visas? Sorry, i'm just not buying this one. Seems like a way-too conveniently planted story. It's another scam.

Hussein and Clinton must be getting very nervous about Trump. The People overwhelmingly support ending Illegal Immigration once and for all. Trump really is onto something. Clearly, that's making some very nervous.
Yes, we've been planning this since 2006.

And of course you don't buy into anything that doesn't go along with what Rush and Fox tell you.

This is a great example where I have gone to great length to show you how Republicans are full of shit on this immigration issue and we knew it as far back as 2006. I show you how Trump isn't saying anything Thom Hartmann wasn't saying 9 years ago. I show you how we have an illegal employer problem, and just like every other good republican, you won't be able to get yourself to complain about employers. Tomorrow when you wake up you'll go right back to complaining about immigrants.

I'd sneak to Canada too if Canadian companies were paying $200K a year.

The People don't want Illegal Immigration. They want it ended. Period, end of story.
Who and what will Hussein be raiding? Who will he be deporting? A couple of white-ish loooking Europeans who may have over-stayed their Visas? Sorry, i'm just not buying this one. Seems like a way-too conveniently planted story. It's another scam.

Hussein and Clinton must be getting very nervous about Trump. The People overwhelmingly support ending Illegal Immigration once and for all. Trump really is onto something. Clearly, that's making some very nervous.
I know you are confused. The GOP has you confused. That's because they talk out of both sides of their mouth and say two completely different things. The Democrats aren't perfect on this issue either, but make no mistake the GOP are not your friends little buddy.

This 'raid' story is actually pretty funny. Who and what will Hussein be raiding? My guess is, he'll grab a couple white-ish looking Europeans and then claim he's all about enforcing the law. It's a joke. It is time to end Illegal Immigration.
Who and what will Hussein be raiding? Who will he be deporting? A couple of white-ish loooking Europeans who may have over-stayed their Visas? Sorry, i'm just not buying this one. Seems like a way-too conveniently planted story. It's another scam.

Hussein and Clinton must be getting very nervous about Trump. The People overwhelmingly support ending Illegal Immigration once and for all. Trump really is onto something. Clearly, that's making some very nervous.
I know you are confused. The GOP has you confused. That's because they talk out of both sides of their mouth and say two completely different things. The Democrats aren't perfect on this issue either, but make no mistake the GOP are not your friends little buddy.

This 'raid' story is actually pretty funny. Who and what will Hussein be raiding? My guess is, he'll grab a couple white-ish looking Europeans and then claim he's all about enforcing the law. It's a joke. It is time to end Illegal Immigration.
So as a liberal I'm telling you I will agree with you, but you got to take your head out of Rush limbaugh's ass now. You have to wake up from your worshipping corporations and realize that if they weren't employing them, the illegals will go home.

You righties, instead of trying my suggestion, will now typically shift the argument in another direction. You can't get yourself to blame employers for anything. Not even illegal ones.

Reclaiming the Issues: "It's an Illegal Employer Problem"

Today's Immigration Battle Corporatists vs. Racists (and Labor is Left Behind)

Seriously, you read through these two articles and realize Thom is also blaming the Democrats. You know how you guys say all the time there is no difference between the two parties? This is one of those issues where I will agree with you.

This is an issue where liberals and conservatives agree. We need to solve our illegal immigration problem. Who's hiring them? Lets go after them. They'll send those mexicans packing when they fire them. No job, no stay. Get it?
Who and what will Hussein be raiding? Who will he be deporting? A couple of white-ish loooking Europeans who may have over-stayed their Visas? Sorry, i'm just not buying this one. Seems like a way-too conveniently planted story. It's another scam.

Hussein and Clinton must be getting very nervous about Trump. The People overwhelmingly support ending Illegal Immigration once and for all. Trump really is onto something. Clearly, that's making some very nervous.
I know you are confused. The GOP has you confused. That's because they talk out of both sides of their mouth and say two completely different things. The Democrats aren't perfect on this issue either, but make no mistake the GOP are not your friends little buddy.

This 'raid' story is actually pretty funny. Who and what will Hussein be raiding? My guess is, he'll grab a couple white-ish looking Europeans and then claim he's all about enforcing the law. It's a joke. It is time to end Illegal Immigration.
So as a liberal I'm telling you I will agree with you, but you got to take your head out of Rush limbaugh's ass now. You have to wake up from your worshipping corporations and realize that if they weren't employing them, the illegals will go home.

You righties, instead of trying my suggestion, will now typically shift the argument in another direction. You can't get yourself to blame employers for anything. Not even illegal ones.

Reclaiming the Issues: "It's an Illegal Employer Problem"

Today's Immigration Battle Corporatists vs. Racists (and Labor is Left Behind)

Seriously, you read through these two articles and realize Thom is also blaming the Democrats. You know how you guys say all the time there is no difference between the two parties? This is one of those issues where I will agree with you.

This is an issue where liberals and conservatives agree. We need to solve our illegal immigration problem. Who's hiring them? Lets go after them. They'll send those mexicans packing when they fire them. No job, no stay. Get it?

Stop trying to reason with Paulina. It's not a conservative, it's just a fruitcake.
"Mass deportations" and "Fences" are hysterics and false choices. Start penalizing "Illegal Employers" and non-citizens without a Social Security number will leave the country on their own. And they won't have to confront death trying to cross the desert back into Mexico - Mexican citizens can simply walk back into Mexico across the border at any legal border crossing (as about a million did every year for over a century).

Tax law requires that an employer must verify the Social Security number of their employees in order to document, and thus deduct, the expense of their labor. This is a simple task, and some companies, like AMC Theatres, are already doing it.

For example, Cameron Barr wrote in The Washington Post on April 30, 2006, that: "At one area multiplex owned by AMC, the Rio 18 in Gaithersburg, 11 employees 'decided to resign' this month after they could not rectify discrepancies that arose during the screening, said Melanie Bell, a spokeswoman for AMC Entertainment Inc., which is based in Kansas City, Mo. She said such screening is a routine procedure that the company conducts across the United States."

Not wanting to be an Illegal Employer, the Post noted that AMC "has long submitted lists of its employees' Social Security numbers to the Social Security Administration for review. If discrepancies arise, she [company spokeswoman Bell] said in an e-mailed response to questions, 'we require the worker to provide their original Social Security card within 3 days or to immediately contact the local SSA office.' She said the process is part of payroll tax verification and occurs after hiring."

Easy, simple, cheap, painless. No fence required. No mass deportations necessary. No need for Homeland Security to get involved. When jobs are not available, most undocumented workers will simply leave the country (as they always did before), or begin the normal process to obtain citizenship that millions (including my own sister-in-law - this hits many of us close to home) go through each year.

Republicans, however, are not going to allow a discussion of "Illegal Employers." Instead, they will continue to hammer the issue of "Illegal Immigrants," and tie that political albatross around the necks of Democrats (who seem all too willing to accept it).

- See more at: Reclaiming the Issues: "It's an Illegal Employer Problem"
In the < few > bills that Republicans have introduced to deal with illegal immigration, NOT ONE holds employers accountable.

In fact, in the current legislation, Republicans deliberately inserted one word that makes it almost impossible to nail the employer.

They inserted the word " knowingly " ... as in " the employer must be shown to have knowingly hired the illegal applicant ". It is almost impossible to prove whether or not the employer knew or suspected that the documents the invading alien produces are fake or not.

And, to be fair, you can buy very convincing fake identities complete with Social Security number and drivers license ( all forged ) for less than $500 in most cities.

Some government employees have been suborned and they steal the documents or even the paper to make the documents so that they are filing out REAL government identification documents that have been STOLEN.

But, to be honest, 99.9% of employers know damn well that the applicant is illegal.

But that one word was deliberately inserted so they could < CLAIM > they had pushed through a tough law but it is only tough one one side and treats employers as though they were God's angels and can do no wrong.

Every one of the Republican bills has also required the prospective employee to have a " sponsor " who just happens to be the employer. So if the employer gets pissed at the employee because he calls the law on unsafe working conditions or not being paid properly he can just fire his ass and he loses his " sponsor " and gets deported unless he can find a new " master " before their deportation date.

It's nothing less than a form of slavery.
"Mass deportations" and "Fences" are hysterics and false choices. Start penalizing "Illegal Employers" and non-citizens without a Social Security number will leave the country on their own. And they won't have to confront death trying to cross the desert back into Mexico - Mexican citizens can simply walk back into Mexico across the border at any legal border crossing (as about a million did every year for over a century).

Tax law requires that an employer must verify the Social Security number of their employees in order to document, and thus deduct, the expense of their labor. This is a simple task, and some companies, like AMC Theatres, are already doing it.

For example, Cameron Barr wrote in The Washington Post on April 30, 2006, that: "At one area multiplex owned by AMC, the Rio 18 in Gaithersburg, 11 employees 'decided to resign' this month after they could not rectify discrepancies that arose during the screening, said Melanie Bell, a spokeswoman for AMC Entertainment Inc., which is based in Kansas City, Mo. She said such screening is a routine procedure that the company conducts across the United States."

Not wanting to be an Illegal Employer, the Post noted that AMC "has long submitted lists of its employees' Social Security numbers to the Social Security Administration for review. If discrepancies arise, she [company spokeswoman Bell] said in an e-mailed response to questions, 'we require the worker to provide their original Social Security card within 3 days or to immediately contact the local SSA office.' She said the process is part of payroll tax verification and occurs after hiring."

Easy, simple, cheap, painless. No fence required. No mass deportations necessary. No need for Homeland Security to get involved. When jobs are not available, most undocumented workers will simply leave the country (as they always did before), or begin the normal process to obtain citizenship that millions (including my own sister-in-law - this hits many of us close to home) go through each year.

Republicans, however, are not going to allow a discussion of "Illegal Employers." Instead, they will continue to hammer the issue of "Illegal Immigrants," and tie that political albatross around the necks of Democrats (who seem all too willing to accept it).

- See more at: Reclaiming the Issues: "It's an Illegal Employer Problem"
In the < few > bills that Republicans have introduced to deal with illegal immigration, NOT ONE holds employers accountable.

In fact, in the current legislation, Republicans deliberately inserted one word that makes it almost impossible to nail the employer.

They inserted the word " knowingly " ... as in " the employer must be shown to have knowingly hired the illegal applicant ". It is almost impossible to prove whether or not the employer knew or suspected that the documents the invading alien produces are fake or not.

And, to be fair, you can buy very convincing fake identities complete with Social Security number and drivers license ( all forged ) for less than $500 in most cities.

Some government employees have been suborned and they steal the documents or even the paper to make the documents so that they are filing out REAL government identification documents that have been STOLEN.

But, to be honest, 99.9% of employers know damn well that the applicant is illegal.

But that one word was deliberately inserted so they could < CLAIM > they had pushed through a tough law but it is only tough one one side and treats employers as though they were God's angels and can do no wrong.

Every one of the Republican bills has also required the prospective employee to have a " sponsor " who just happens to be the employer. So if the employer gets pissed at the employee because he calls the law on unsafe working conditions or not being paid properly he can just fire his ass and he loses his " sponsor " and gets deported unless he can find a new " master " before their deportation date.

It's nothing less than a form of slavery.

I notice the Republicans get quiet every time a good point is made. I'm sure they are all writing to Drudge and Rush asking them what they should think about all these things they have never though of before.
As the title says, the DHS will begin launching large scale deportation raids of hundreds of families who have supposedly fled the violence in Central America since last year. I can imagine quite a few people here will be upset by this development. This sounds like something Trump would do, right?

WASHINGTON, Dec 23 (Reuters) - The U.S. Department of Homeland Security has begun preparing for a series of raids that would target for deportation hundreds of families who have flocked to the United States since the start of last year, The Washington Post reported on Wednesday.

Citing people familiar with the operation, the Post said the nationwide campaign to deport the illegal immigrants by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement could start as soon as early January.

It would be the first large-scale effort to deport families who have fled violence in Central America, the newspaper said.

More than 100,000 families with both adults and children have made the journey across the southwest border since last year, the Post reported.

The operation would target only adults and children who have already been ordered removed from the United States by an immigration judge, the newspaper said.

The Post said the operation has not been given final approval by DHS. The number of people targeted is expected to be in the hundreds and possibly greater, the newspaper said.

DHS did not immediately respond to a request from Reuters for comment.

Immigration Officials To Launch Large-Scale Deportation Raids
Trump hires construction companies that use these people..
Coming to the end of 2015 and we STILL don't understand what the word "racism" means?
Coming from a liberal, that is a pretty amazing question......

I simply read the OP title.

You find the concept of reading "amazing" do you?

I find the whole concept of liberals dancing around this "amazing." The word "racist", Pogo is used by many people, many liberals, to describe people like Trump or Cruz who want mass deportations. But as soon as a DHS under Obama decides to do it instead, liberals choose not to address it.

Funny how it no longer is "racist" now isn't it?
Has Trump threatened to build a wall only on the southern border, or all borders of the USA?

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