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Israel and apartheid

The PLO will rise again and destroy the Jew occupiers of their land.

Long live the PLO, and long live Arafat's memory !

The PLO doesn't recognize the existence of Palestinians, you dildo.

Zuheir Mohsen, former PLO leader...
The Palestinian people does not exist. The creation of a Palestinian state is only a means for continuing our struggle against the state of Israel for our Arab unity. In reality today there is no difference between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese. Only for political and tactical reasons do we speak today about the existence of a Palestinian people, since Arab national interests demand that we posit the existence of a distinct Palestinian people to oppose Zionism.

"For tactical reasons, Jordan, which is a sovereign state with defined borders, cannot raise claims to Haifa and Jaffa, while as a Palestinian, I can undoubtedly demand Haifa, Jaffa, Beer-Sheva and Jerusalem. However, the moment we reclaim our right to all of Palestine, we will not wait even a minute to unite Palestine and Jordan.
Zuheir Mohsen - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You better know what the fuck you're talking about, jerkoff, or, I'll crap all over your ugly head.
"What is not so understandable, not justified, is what it did to another people to guarantee its existence. I've been very deeply distressed in my visit to the Holy Land; it reminded me so much of what happened to us black people in South Africa. I have seen the humiliation of the Palestinians at checkpoints and roadblocks, suffering like us when young white police officers prevented us from moving about."
-Archbishop Desmond Tutu, 2002
(Apartheid in the Holy Land | World news | The Guardian)

"The Jews took Israel from the Arabs after the Arabs had lived there for a thousand years. Israel, like South Africa, is an apartheid state."
- Hendrik Verwoerd, South African PM and "Architect of Apartheid", 1961​

"Regarding apartheid, the team found that Israel's laws and policies in the OPT fit the definition of apartheid in the International Convention on the Suppression and Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid. Israeli law conveys privileges to Jewish settlers and disadvantages Palestinians in the same territory on the basis of their respective identities, which function in this case as racialised identities in the sense provided by international law. Israel's practices are corollary to five of the six 'inhuman acts' listed by the Convention. A policy of apartheid is especially indicated by Israel's demarcation of geographic ‘reserves' in the West Bank, to which Palestinian residence is confined and which Palestinians cannot leave without a permit. The system is very similar to the policy of ‘Grand Apartheid' in apartheid South Africa, in which black South Africans were confined to black homelands delineated by the South African government, while white South Africans enjoyed freedom of movement and full civil rights in the rest of the country."

"The logic of Apartheid is akin to the logic of Zionism... Life for the Palestinians is infinitely worse than what we ever had experienced under Apartheid... The price they (Palestinians) have had to pay for resistance much more horrendous"

"We call upon the Israeli government to cease their activities that are reminiscent of apartheid forced removals and resume negotiations immediately."

"In effect, we established an apartheid regime in the occupied territories immediately following their capture. That oppressive regime exists to this day. The Six-Day War's seventh day has transformed us from a moral society, sure of the justice of Israel's creation, into a society that oppresses another people, preventing it from realizing its legitimate national aspirations. The Six-Day War's seventh day has transformed us from a just society into an unjust one, prepared to expand its control atop another nation's ruins. The discarding of our moral foundation has hurt us as a society, reinforcing the arguments of the world's hostile elements and sowers of evil and intensifying their influence."
- Michael Ben-Yair, Israeli Attorney General (1993-1996), 2002
(The war's seventh day - Haaretz - Israel News)​

"As someone who lived in apartheid South Africa and who has visited Palestine I say with confidence that Israel is an apartheid state. In fact, I believe that some of the atrocities committed against the Palestinians pale in comparison to those committed by the erstwhile apartheid regime in South Africa."
-Pres. Willie Madisha on behalf of the Congress of South African Trade Unions, 2006
(South African union joins boycott of Israel - Israel News, Ynetnews)​
"What is not so understandable, not justified, is what it did to another people to guarantee its existence. I've been very deeply distressed in my visit to the Holy Land; it reminded me so much of what happened to us black people in South Africa. I have seen the humiliation of the Palestinians at checkpoints and roadblocks, suffering like us when young white police officers prevented us from moving about."
-Archbishop Desmond Tutu, 2002​

Desmond Tutu the hypocrite? Tsk tsk. And, you cannot even tell us what apartheid is, Habib.

Civil rights activist Simon Deng...
"Bishop Tutu and "Israeli Apartheid"
Late last month, I went to hear Bishop Desmond Tutu speak at Boston's Old South Church at a conference on 'Israel Apartheid.'

Tutu is a well respected man of G-d. He brought reconciliation between blacks and whites in South Africa. That he would lead a conference that damns the Jewish State is very disturbing to me.

The State of Israel is not an apartheid state. I know because I write this from Jerusalem where I have seen Arab mothers peacefully strolling with their families -- even though I also drove on Israeli roads protected by walls and fences from Arab bullets and stones. I know Arabs go to Israeli schools, and get the best medical care in the world. I know they vote and have elected representatives to the Israeli Parliament. I see street signs in Arabic, an official language here.

None of this was true for blacks under Apartheid in Tutu's South Africa. I also know countries that do deserve the apartheid label: My country, Sudan, is on the top of the list, but so are Iran, Saudi Arabia and Egypt. What has happened to my people in Sudan is a thousand times worse than Apartheid in South Africa. And no matter how the Palestinians suffer, they suffer nothing compared to my people. Nothing. And most of the suffering is the fault of their leaders.

Bishop Tutu, I see black Jews walking down the street here in Jerusalem. Black like us, free and proud.

Tutu said Israeli checkpoints are a nightmare. But checkpoints are there because Palestinians are sent into Israel to blow up and kill innocent women and children.

Tutu wants checkpoints removed. Do you not have doors in your home, Bishop? Does that make your house an apartheid house? If someone, Heaven forbid, tried to enter with a bomb, we would want you to have security people 'humiliating' your guests with searches, and we would not call you racist for doing so. We all go through checkpoints at every airport. Are the airlines being racist? No.

Yes, the Palestinians are inconvenienced at checkpoints. But why, Bishop Tutu, do you care more about that inconvenience than about Jewish lives?

Bishop, when you used to dance for Mandela's freedom, we Africans -- all over Africa -- joined in. Our support was key in your freedom. But when children in Burundi and Kinshasa, all the way to Liberia and Sierra Leone, and in particular in Sudan, cried and called for rescue, you heard but chose to be silent.

Today, black children are enslaved in Sudan, the last place in the continent of Africa where humans are owned by other humans -- I was part of the movement to stop slavery in Mauritania, which just now abolished the practice. But you were not with us, Bishop Tutu.

So where is Desmond Tutu when my people call out for freedom? Slaughter and genocide and slavery are lashing Africans right now. Where are you for Sudan, Bishop Tutu? You are busy attacking the Jewish State.

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"What is not so understandable, not justified, is what it did to another people to guarantee its existence. I've been very deeply distressed in my visit to the Holy Land; it reminded me so much of what happened to us black people in South Africa. I have seen the humiliation of the Palestinians at checkpoints and roadblocks, suffering like us when young white police officers prevented us from moving about."
-Archbishop Desmond Tutu, 2002​

Desmond Tutu the hypocrite? Tsk tsk. And, you cannot even tell us what apartheid is, Habib.

Congratulations, you unsuccessfully attempted to address a whopping one-seventh of my post. :lol:

Other than your unwarranted sense of racial superiority, what gave you the impression that the opinion of a random Jew carries more weight than that of one of apartheid's most prominent and celebrated opponents? I hate to break it to you and the Jew who authored that tripe, but the reality of Israel's oppressiveness and illegitimacy cannot be diminished by pointing fingers at similar tin pot dictatorships in Africa and the Middle East. Assuming that your field of vision isn't completely obstructed by your colossal nose, you can read for yourself how it was determined that Israel is an apartheid regime by clicking on the third link.​
Congratulations, you unsuccessfully attempted to address a whopping one-seventh of my post. :lol:

I crushed you and Tutu. LOL

Other than your unwarranted sense of racial superiority, what gave you the impression that the opinion of a random Jew carries more weight than that of one of apartheid's most prominent and celebrated opponents? I hate to break it to you and the Jew who authored that tripe, but the reality of Israel's oppressiveness and illegitimacy cannot be diminished by pointing fingers at similar tin pot dictatorships in Africa and the Middle East. Assuming that your field of vision isn't completely obstructed by your colossal nose, you can read for yourself how it was determined that Israel is an apartheid regime by clicking on the third link.

Israel is the only truly legitimate country in the Middle East. The Arab shitholes are all false entities carved out of the Ottoman Empire.

As for oppression, Israel is the only country in the Middle East that embraces freedom, human rights and civil liberties. Women in Saudi Arabia can't even drive cars. The Quran tells men to beat their wives. The Arab Muslim cesspools are all ruled by fascist tyrants.

Your brain is totally messed up. You really do not know shit about what you're talking about, Habib. You cannot even tell us what apartheid is, towel head. LOL
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I crushed you and Tutu. LOL


Okay, this is when you tell us that you've been trolling the whole time because nobody could possibly be that stupid... right?

God damn. There's no way that this skid-mark truly believes that he's better than the man who, along with Mandela, dismantled apartheid. :lol:
I crushed you and Tutu. LOL


Okay, this is when you tell us that you've been trolling the whole time because nobody could possibly be that stupid... right?

God damn. There's no way that this skid-mark truly believes that he's better than the man who, along with Mandela, dismantled apartheid. :lol:

Hey, Allah boy, you couldn't even get past your Desmond Tutu bullshit before I demolished you.

Shouldn't you blow yourself up in shame, like every other loser Arab? LOL.

Still, you cannot tell us what apartheid is, towel head loser.
You're a clueless idiot. Arabic is a national language in Israel, where Arabs are in the highest positions in the government, the judiciary and the military. There is an Arab justice of the Israeli Supreme Court. There are Arabic road signs in Israel. There are Arab newspapers, Arab businesses. Arab landowners. Arabs have the vote in Israel as well as every freedom, right and liberty accorded all Israelis.

No such things existed in apartheid South Africa among the black population

You are a moron.

Resorting to name-calling simply confirms that you have no knowledge whatsoever of the Israeli hatred of the Arabs. You are a slave to your Jew masters who have been perpetarting the lie for 60 years. The Jew treats the Arab like a dog, worse than a dog. To say otherwise is outrageous and false.

In future do not, repeat DO NOT, make claims that are not true. You disgust me.
You're a clueless idiot. Arabic is a national language in Israel, where Arabs are in the highest positions in the government, the judiciary and the military. There is an Arab justice of the Israeli Supreme Court. There are Arabic road signs in Israel. There are Arab newspapers, Arab businesses. Arab landowners. Arabs have the vote in Israel as well as every freedom, right and liberty accorded all Israelis.

No such things existed in apartheid South Africa among the black population

You are a moron.

Resorting to name-calling simply confirms that you have no knowledge whatsoever of the Israeli hatred of the Arabs. You are a slave to your Jew masters who have been perpetarting the lie for 60 years. The Jew treats the Arab like a dog, worse than a dog. To say otherwise is outrageous and false.

In future do not, repeat DO NOT, make claims that are not true. You disgust me.

Arabs are too backward to hate. They are to be pitied. You, too. You have not one clue of the subject matter, so, shut the fuck up, turd.
Still, you cannot tell us what apartheid is, towel head loser.
If you cant look it up for yourself heres a link to An Encyclopedia, it has lots of words, but also some colored pictures to help you,
apartheid (social policy) -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia
Now go swing a chicken around your head

LOL, you stupid moron, you don't know what apartheid is and need to resort to an online dictionary. LOL. You fucking moron. And, STILL, you do not know what apartheid is.

LOL, you stupid moron, you don't know what apartheid is and need to resort to an online dictionary. LOL. You fucking moron. And, STILL, you do not know what apartheid is.
Marc39 since you claim no one here knows the real definition of apartheid.

Will you please explain what apartheid is to the rest of the board?

Thank you.
LOL, you stupid moron, you don't know what apartheid is and need to resort to an online dictionary. LOL. You fucking moron. And, STILL, you do not know what apartheid is.
Marc39 since you claim no one here knows the real definition of apartheid.

Will you please explain what apartheid is to the rest of the board?

Thank you.

I did not start this bogus thread. Numbnuts who did so needs to tell us what apartheid is. Thusfar, the dumb fool has been unable to do so. LOL.
I did not start this bogus thread. Numbnuts who did so needs to tell us what apartheid is. Thusfar, the dumb fool has been unable to do so.
Reguardless of who started the thread.

You keep blasting everyone with claims that they have NO idea what apartheid is.

That puts you in the position of being an expert on the subject.

So please explain what apartheid is to those of us who are viewing this thread.

Thank you
I did not start this bogus thread. Numbnuts who did so needs to tell us what apartheid is. Thusfar, the dumb fool has been unable to do so.
Reguardless of who started the thread.

You keep blasting everyone with claims that they have NO idea what apartheid is.

That puts you in the position of being an expert on the subject.

So please explain what apartheid is to those of us who are viewing this thread.

Thank you

Go behead a woman, like all good Muhammadans. I'm waiting for numbnuts to tell us what apartheid is, since he started the thread..
I did not start this bogus thread. Numbnuts who did so needs to tell us what apartheid is. Thusfar, the dumb fool has been unable to do so.
Reguardless of who started the thread.

You keep blasting everyone with claims that they have NO idea what apartheid is.

That puts you in the position of being an expert on the subject.

So please explain what apartheid is to those of us who are viewing this thread.

Thank you

Go behead a woman, like all good Muhammadans. I'm waiting for numbnuts to tell us what apartheid is, since he started the thread..

whatever you say, blood drinker, whatEVER you say.


Seriously, fellas. Hopefully he IS a troll because, while it's not shocking to see vile jews being ironically racist, he's just too stupid to keep up with these threads without repeating himself, those who are dropping 3 point insults and acting like an overall jewish punchline. This kid MUST be as legitimately jewish as blackface was African.

Israel has roads that run thru west bank lands and is for use by only israelis

Do you belive Israel is just another Apartheid state, similer to the former regime in South Africa?

Compare Apples to Apples, not Apples to Elephants.
The west bank is not part of Israel and when peace is made the West Bank and Gaza (and probably East Jerusalem) will all be part of Palestine.

There are seperate roads, because when the JEWS offered them a state of there own comprising 100% of Gaza, EAST JERUSALEM and 98% of the West Bank, the Palestinians Turned it DOWN and engaged on a terrorist campaign!

In a perfect world the Jews and the West Bank Palestinians could get along in harmony until the final peace process is completed, BUT that is not the case. If would be like putting 2 hunger dogs in a pit together figthing for one small piece of steak.

However, if you go into ISRAEL there is no apartheid. Every Arab, Muslim, Christian and Jew has the same rights. Arabs have the right to vote, serve in the government (which many do), sit on the Supreme Court (which 2 have done), join the army, navy and airforce, be generals in all parts of the arm forces, own land, get loans from banks, own businesses, petition the government, freedom of speech, press and assemby, freedom to marry, freedom to travel (unless its to enemy states), right to a speedy, open and impartial trial, freedom to practice their religion etc.

Only someone who has no experience with Israel or is a worthless antisemite can call Israel apartheid.

Note: However, if Israel did in fact annex the West Bank and Gaza, she could (and probably would) split into apartheid. But not even the Bibi administration says he is willing to do that.
Reguardless of who started the thread.

You keep blasting everyone with claims that they have NO idea what apartheid is.

That puts you in the position of being an expert on the subject.

So please explain what apartheid is to those of us who are viewing this thread.

Thank you

Go behead a woman, like all good Muhammadans. I'm waiting for numbnuts to tell us what apartheid is, since he started the thread..

whatever you say, blood drinker, whatEVER you say.


Seriously, fellas. Hopefully he IS a troll because, while it's not shocking to see vile jews being ironically racist, he's just too stupid to keep up with these threads without repeating himself, those who are dropping 3 point insults and acting like an overall jewish punchline. This kid MUST be as legitimately jewish as blackface was African.


Tell us what apartheid is, champ. You don't even know.
Is that in Israel? NO that is in the West Bank. The West Bank is a disputed territory and not part of Israel. It could have been part of Palestine ALREADY, except that arrogant and evil Arafat regime turned it down, because it would have exposed their corruption based regime and removed their power!

Supreme Court orders IDF to open Route 443 to Palestinians
Supreme Court President Beinisch stressed that the freedom of movement constitutes one of the basic liberties and it is a duty to undertake all necessary measures in order to preserve it in territory held by Israel.
Supreme Court orders IDF to open Route 443 to Palestinians - Haaretz - Israel News

But Israels Apatheid does not end with just roads,
The State of Israel's treatment of the Palestinians has been likened to a system of apartheid, analogous to South Africa's treatment of non-whites during its apartheid era. United Nations Special Rapporteur John Dugard has reported to the responsible treaty monitoring bodies that a system of control including separate roads, inequities in infrastructure, legal rights, and access to land and resources between Palestinians and Israeli residents in the Israeli-occupied territories, is different from the apartheid regime, but resembles some of its aspects.[2] Some Israeli commentators and Palestinian rights advocates extend this analogy to include Arab citizens of Israel, describing their citizenship status as second-class.[3][4][5][6] Others use the analogy in relation to the special status that Israel accords to Jews, or to Orthodox Jews, without reference to Palestinians.[7] Israel has also been accused of committing the crime of apartheid.[8] An International Court of Justice judgment declared that Israel is violating the basic human rights of Palestinians in the occupied territory and that it cannot use its own security to excuse violations of the non-derogatory provisions of international laws and conventions
Israel and the apartheid analogy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
And thats less than zero, schmeckle

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