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Israel attacks America - Will US policy change?

Should the US stop supporting Israel?

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Because of that slut----I used to tell my little boy-

How nice you are to your kids, using language like that.
I hope and prey they survive your poor parenting, growing up to be far better people than you.
Yo're not really in any position to comment on parenting skills or being better people.
How come you excuse Palestinian terrorism but want to pin the actions of some Israelis on all of Israel? Could it be you're a jew hating fucktard?
a bit PREMATURE----they did not get to rape and pillage
"In the late 1800s a small, fanatic movement called 'political Zionism' began in Europe.

"Its goal was to create a Jewish state somewhere in the world. Its leaders settled on the ancient and long-inhabited land of Palestine for the location of this state.1

"Palestine's population at this time was approximately ninety-six percent non-Jewish (primarily Muslim and Christian).2

"Over the coming decades Zionist leaders used various strategies to accomplish their goal of taking over Palestine..."

The Catastrophe - Al Nakba

How dare those dirty jews want a homeland of their own!


There you go; since you're fond of maps that show arab to jew settlements.

They didn't "want a homeland of their own" - they were given an inheritance - the land of Israel - by G-d Almighty. So it is theirs. Interesting all this fuss over tiny little Israel when the Arabs own all that land you have up there on your map, Isn't it? Gatsby?

Who is being greedy here? The little blue spot that looks like a few dots connected? Or the beige colored nations that represent Arab owned land? What say you?
When Jews start planning terror attacks on America..................... than yes I will agree we need to cut ties with them.

I have good news - I've already posted a link to Jewish Israeli terrorist attacks on American targets.
Thank you for your support in cutting Israel off from US funds.

Gravity doesn't read hate websites. He knows the agenda of such people. Even yourself, Fred. You know you would rather swallow a camel than strain a gnat because you do not want to face the truth as to who the terrorists really are! As you live in Indonesia - how could you not know this? Look at the map and see the tiny blue area called Israel? Look at all the Muslim owned land and realize that your Arab friends should be thankful for what they have and stop while they can. When the judgment of G-d falls over Israel it will be the Arabs and the house of Esau who suffer the consequences. Not the House of Jacob and Benjamin.
They were lucky to be allowed to have the option of keeping their lands after they lost a war, which Israel fought for the sake of their own survival.
In 1948, 650,000 Jews inflicted their state on 1.3 million Arabs resulting in the displacement of 750,000 Arabs from their homes, businesses, and bank accounts. Jews from Europe were given the lands and possessions of displaced Arabs, and the land thefts continue to this very day.
1948 Palestinian exodus - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Wiki is very unreliable source and you are misinformed. Anyone can alter a wiki page and edit it. According to Mark Twain - Israel was a veritable wasteland and according to his eyewitness report there were a handful of nomads moving about - and that was it. 1.3 million Arabs? I think not. That land didn't flourish until the Jews returned and put their own holy hands to that soil. Before then? Nothing but weeds and dust. After the Jews returned? Everyone wanted the land and here come the long lost Palestinians who were formerly only known as ARABS! Oh! The Irony of it all!

During the time of the British Palestine Mandate----the only people called "Palestinians" were jews. Jaffa is a SEA PORT-------a center for exporting-------your statement needs a bit of refining
"A dunam here and a dunam there."
Jews stealing Arab land in Palestine is all the refinement required.

you have no proof whatsoever that jews stole arab land in Palestine-----the claims are made on the basis of
"we lived and worked on that land---therefore we own it".
that Medina is "MUSLIM LAND"-------the arabs of Jaffa were
a bit PREMATURE----they did not get to rape and pillage
there yet. Spain is "MUSLIM LAND" all of the Indian
subcontinent is "MUSLIM LAND". There are still lots of
arabs in Jaffa and they still own land there. Your ethnic
cleaning claim is BS

There are people who come from India for employment in Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates too I hear. Imagine if the people from India said - we worked on your land and we lived on your land and therefore this land is ours. Get out. What would the Arab Muslims think about that? Any ideas? Working in a land - living in a land - does not entitle you to ownership of said land! The land belongs to Israel and unlike India who lost part of their land to Muslims and it became Pakistan............and so on down the line ..........Israel will not follow suit. She will be keeping her land. Thank you very much for reading the truth on the matter and now receive it as such and move along to something you can do something about - like the injustice against women in Iraq, Iran, Pakistan, Afganistan.......plenty to keep you busy.
They didn't "want a homeland of their own" - they were given an inheritance - the land of Israel - by G-d Almighty. So it is theirs.
Are you sure about that, Jeri?
Israel has been scouring Palestine for decades in pursuit of proof of Jewish mythology, and what have they found?

"Incredible as it sounds, four generations of devoted archeologists, with a burning conviction and huge resources, did produce exactly:


"From the beginning of the effort to this very day, not a single piece of evidence of the ancient history was found. Not a single indication that the exodus from Egypt, the basis of Jewish history, ever happened. Nor of the 40 years of wandering in the desert.

"No evidence of the conquest of Canaan, as described at length in the Book of Joshua.

"The mighty King David, whose kingdom extended – according to the Bible – from the Sinai peninsula to the north of Syria, did not leave a trace. (Lately an inscription with the name David was discovered, but with no indication that this David was a king.)

"Israel appears for the first time in sound archeological findings in Assyrian inscriptions, which describe a coalition of local kingdoms which tried to stop the Assyrian advance into Syria. Among others, King Ahab of Israel is mentioned as the chief of a considerable military..."

The Connection Between Archaeology and Ideology in the Middle East CounterPunch Tells the Facts Names the Names
Yes, I am positive about it, George. The Word of God does not lie and it is a sure foundation. As for archaelogy - have you any idea of how much archaelogy the arabs have destroyed in and removed in order to hide the history of the lands they steal? Yes, they have and yes, they still do. It's truly despicable to do such a thing to a land but they are known for it.

I am not saying you would ever do such a thing - but the Arabs have been caught doing it and there are many stories about it!
When Jews start planning terror attacks on America..................... than yes I will agree we need to cut ties with them.

I have good news - I've already posted a link to Jewish Israeli terrorist attacks on American targets.
Thank you for your support in cutting Israel off from US funds.
When do we cut off funds from the PLO, Egypt, and Jordan, which receive far more money than Israel, you hatign bastard?

Since the October War in 1973, Washington has provided Israel with a level of support dwarfing the amounts provided to any other state. It has been the largest annual recipient of direct U.S. economic and military assistance since 1976 and the largest total recipient since World War ll. Total direct U.S. aid to Israel amounts to well over $140 billion in 2003 dollars. Israel receives about $3 billion in direct foreign assistance each year, which is roughly one-fifth of America's entire foreign aid budget.

US Aid to Israel and the Palestinians
They didn't "want a homeland of their own" - they were given an inheritance - the land of Israel - by G-d Almighty. So it is theirs.
Are you sure about that, Jeri?
Israel has been scouring Palestine for decades in pursuit of proof of Jewish mythology, and what have they found?

"Incredible as it sounds, four generations of devoted archeologists, with a burning conviction and huge resources, did produce exactly:


"From the beginning of the effort to this very day, not a single piece of evidence of the ancient history was found. Not a single indication that the exodus from Egypt, the basis of Jewish history, ever happened. Nor of the 40 years of wandering in the desert.

"No evidence of the conquest of Canaan, as described at length in the Book of Joshua.

"The mighty King David, whose kingdom extended – according to the Bible – from the Sinai peninsula to the north of Syria, did not leave a trace. (Lately an inscription with the name David was discovered, but with no indication that this David was a king.)

"Israel appears for the first time in sound archeological findings in Assyrian inscriptions, which describe a coalition of local kingdoms which tried to stop the Assyrian advance into Syria. Among others, King Ahab of Israel is mentioned as the chief of a considerable military..."

The Connection Between Archaeology and Ideology in the Middle East CounterPunch Tells the Facts Names the Names

Actually if we research the historical maps we see that Israel is not in possession of all of her land at this writing - although she will be one day in the future - so here is a map that gives a better idea of how much land has been stolen from the Jews already:
You have to be kidding me, Israeli settlers are not Israeli politics! Yes, America needs to keep helping Israel! Just because people don't like some of Obama's law, does that mean we're Obama and that we should stop liking Israel for some settlers who were mad?
When Jews start planning terror attacks on America..................... than yes I will agree we need to cut ties with them.

I have good news - I've already posted a link to Jewish Israeli terrorist attacks on American targets.
Thank you for your support in cutting Israel off from US funds.
When do we cut off funds from the PLO, Egypt, and Jordan, which receive far more money than Israel, you hatign bastard?

Since the October War in 1973, Washington has provided Israel with a level of support dwarfing the amounts provided to any other state. It has been the largest annual recipient of direct U.S. economic and military assistance since 1976 and the largest total recipient since World War ll. Total direct U.S. aid to Israel amounts to well over $140 billion in 2003 dollars. Israel receives about $3 billion in direct foreign assistance each year, which is roughly one-fifth of America's entire foreign aid budget.

US Aid to Israel and the Palestinians

Excuse me, Blind Boo ( keep that s/n) but Washington made clear his gratitude to Haym Solomon and the Jews of the 13 colonies who gave their money to save Washington and his men at the battle of Valley Forge. They would have frozen to death had it not been for Haym Solomon giving everything he had to save them - his attitude was until his people - the Jews - would have their own promised land back they would consider America their promised land - and therein the Jews rallied together their wealth to save this fledgling nation from dying! Had it not been for Haym Solomon you and I would not be having this discussion, young man! The money he provided bought ammo, blankets, food, for a freezing, starving, dying army. Washingtons!

So in that day what Haym gave was in the neighborhood of $700,000 dollars - to $1 million dollars. So let's do the interest at 7% for the past 200 years and you tell me how much that is? As there was never any payment before 1948 lets include whatever late fee there would have been and factor that in too. What is it? 2 trillion? 5 trillion dollars? How much because I can tell you now whatever it is? We haven't even scratched the surface of repaying what we owe to Haym's ancestors!

And on that note? What did the Muslims contribute to America besides 9/11?
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Actually if we research the historical maps we see that Israel is not in possession of all of her land at this writing - although she will be one day in the future
There's no historical basis for your map; just more mythology put forth by those who get rich from ethnic cleansing and genocide...like Zionists.
Because, the U.N helped get Israel started as a "country" which led to the mass expansion of Israeli's.
The UN actually violated its own Charter when it refused to allow the citizens of Mandate Palestine their right of self-determination in 1948; a vote of all eligible citizens at that time would have produced a far different Palestine than the one we see today.
Keep in mind that, Haym Solomon was buried in an unmarked grave in Philadelphia! Now the Jews told me that he had to be buried the same day according to Jewish tradition but you'd think someone would have put up a decent tombstone by now! After all, it's been 200 yrs. now. The ingratitude is simply astounding. Seriously, folks. Haym deserved better!
Actually if we research the historical maps we see that Israel is not in possession of all of her land at this writing - although she will be one day in the future
There's no historical basis for your map; just more mythology put forth by those who get rich from ethnic cleansing and genocide...like Zionists.
FYI. A Zionist is someone who supports Israel's right to be recognized as a Jewish State. Which she is! I am a Zionist. Please.
Yes, I am positive about it, George. The Word of God does not lie and it is a sure foundation. As for archaelogy - have you any idea of how much archaelogy the arabs have destroyed in and removed in order to hide the history of the lands they steal? Yes, they have and yes, they still do. It's truly despicable to do such a thing to a land but they are known for it.

I am not saying you would ever do such a thing - but the Arabs have been caught doing it and there are many stories about it!

I doubt that there is much left in Afghanistan to prove the history of ------HINDUS AND BUDDHISTS there------in fact also jews and
chrisitians The language PAHTU over there is linked to
FARSI ------Afghanistan was once sorta part of the Persian
empire----Zoroastrianism was sorta born there ----nothing left of
that either.
Actually if we research the historical maps we see that Israel is not in possession of all of her land at this writing - although she will be one day in the future
There's no historical basis for your map; just more mythology put forth by those who get rich from ethnic cleansing and genocide...like Zionists.
Gangsters have ruled every government ever devised, and that includes states dominated by Jews and Christians as well as Muslims.

Your faith-based morality blinds you to the Evil behind all governments today, including Israel'$.

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