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Israel attacks America - Will US policy change?

Should the US stop supporting Israel?

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FYI. A Zionist is someone who supports Israel's right to be recognized as a Jewish State. Which she is! I am a Zionist. Please.
A Zionist is someone who supports giving Jews from Europe the land, businesses, and homes of Arabs who lived in Palestine for generations. Why would you support ethnic cleansing on that scale?
FYI. A Zionist is someone who supports Israel's right to be recognized as a Jewish State. Which she is! I am a Zionist. Please.
A Zionist is someone who supports giving Jews from Europe the land, businesses, and homes of Arabs who lived in Palestine for generations. Why would you support ethnic cleansing on that scale?

What ethnic cleansing? They have given the Arabs who call themselves Palestinians and are not - free medical care - free water - free electricity - jobs in their very own cities - roads to travel on - free education, free housing, land to live on - what more do you want?

This history of Israel and the Jews goes back over 4,000 years. Mohammad - the founder of Islam was not even a twinkle in his mothers eye 4,000 years ago. He was born in 570 A.D. Do some research. There was no such thing as Islam 4,000 years ago.
During the time of the British Palestine Mandate----the only people called "Palestinians" were jews. Jaffa is a SEA PORT-------a center for exporting-------your statement needs a bit of refining
"A dunam here and a dunam there."
Jews stealing Arab land in Palestine is all the refinement required.

you have no proof whatsoever that jews stole arab land in Palestine-----the claims are made on the basis of
"we lived and worked on that land---therefore we own it".
that Medina is "MUSLIM LAND"-------the arabs of Jaffa were
a bit PREMATURE----they did not get to rape and pillage
there yet. Spain is "MUSLIM LAND" all of the Indian
subcontinent is "MUSLIM LAND". There are still lots of
arabs in Jaffa and they still own land there. Your ethnic
cleaning claim is BS

There are people who come from India for employment in Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates too I hear. Imagine if the people from India said - we worked on your land and we lived on your land and therefore this land is ours. Get out. What would the Arab Muslims think about that? Any ideas? Working in a land - living in a land - does not entitle you to ownership of said land! The land belongs to Israel and unlike India who lost part of their land to Muslims and it became Pakistan............and so on down the line ..........Israel will not follow suit. She will be keeping her land. Thank you very much for reading the truth on the matter and now receive it as such and move along to something you can do something about - like the injustice against women in Iraq, Iran, Pakistan, Afganistan.......plenty to keep you busy.

my kid was "docked" in emirati ports when he was in the US NAVY-----he went ashore with his mates and------looked
around -------I got this comment "If the hindu workers there
would one day decide to stop working------just sit down on the
ground like Gandhi-----all those countries would fold up
and drop dead within three days" My kid did class leader when they all had leave in foreign ports------he always searched around for an Indian restaurant------something he
could trust------even in England. He found one in Scotland.
He was brought up around Indians in the USA----so he could
recognize the accents. -------they were delighted to tell him
their stories-----real horror stories of the abuse they had to
endure. for the record----they don't do LINGUINI AL FREDO in Italy-------and "sweet tea" ----one just gets hot tea
with sugar. My kid's shipmates were mostly Texans. My little genius was the most "sophisticated" thing on ship
During the time of the British Palestine Mandate----the only people called "Palestinians" were jews. Jaffa is a SEA PORT-------a center for exporting-------your statement needs a bit of refining
"A dunam here and a dunam there."
Jews stealing Arab land in Palestine is all the refinement required.

you have no proof whatsoever that jews stole arab land in Palestine-----the claims are made on the basis of
"we lived and worked on that land---therefore we own it".
that Medina is "MUSLIM LAND"-------the arabs of Jaffa were
a bit PREMATURE----they did not get to rape and pillage
there yet. Spain is "MUSLIM LAND" all of the Indian
subcontinent is "MUSLIM LAND". There are still lots of
arabs in Jaffa and they still own land there. Your ethnic
cleaning claim is BS

There are people who come from India for employment in Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates too I hear. Imagine if the people from India said - we worked on your land and we lived on your land and therefore this land is ours. Get out. What would the Arab Muslims think about that? Any ideas? Working in a land - living in a land - does not entitle you to ownership of said land! The land belongs to Israel and unlike India who lost part of their land to Muslims and it became Pakistan............and so on down the line ..........Israel will not follow suit. She will be keeping her land. Thank you very much for reading the truth on the matter and now receive it as such and move along to something you can do something about - like the injustice against women in Iraq, Iran, Pakistan, Afganistan.......plenty to keep you busy.

my kid was "docked" in emirati ports when he was in the US NAVY-----he went ashore with his mates and------looked
around -------I got this comment "If the hindu workers there
would one day decide to stop working------just sit down on the
ground like Gandhi-----all those countries would fold up
and drop dead within three days" My kid did class leader when they all had leave in foreign ports------he always searched around for an Indian restaurant------something he
could trust------even in England. He found one in Scotland.
He was brought up around Indians in the USA----so he could
recognize the accents. -------they were delighted to tell him
their stories-----real horror stories of the abuse they had to
endure. for the record----they don't do LINGUINI AL FREDO in Italy-------and "sweet tea" ----one just gets hot tea
with sugar. My kid's shipmates were mostly Texans. My little genius was the most "sophisticated" thing on ship

Bless his heart. I do not think I would have felt at home without the sweet tea though.
FYI. A Zionist is someone who supports Israel's right to be recognized as a Jewish State. Which she is! I am a Zionist. Please.
A Zionist is someone who supports giving Jews from Europe the land, businesses, and homes of Arabs who lived in Palestine for generations. Why would you support ethnic cleansing on that scale?

for those who do not know----the most ardent Zionists in the world are the escapees from shariah shit holes-----the ones
who have lived over there for thousands of years and saw
everything they owned confiscated by muslims----sometimes
even their children. Early on about 50% of the jews in Israel had background in shariah shit holes------now with
marriage between them and jews of European origin-----
both in Israel and------in the civilized non muslim world-----
the stat is just about ALL have family links to shariah shit holes which consist of land stolen in during the GLORIOUS AGE OF ISLAMIC CONQUEST
FYI. A Zionist is someone who supports Israel's right to be recognized as a Jewish State. Which she is! I am a Zionist. Please.
A Zionist is someone who supports giving Jews from Europe the land, businesses, and homes of Arabs who lived in Palestine for generations. Why would you support ethnic cleansing on that scale?

What homes of Arabs living there for generations? Listen to the eye witnesses, not propagandists, George!

Palestine a Land virtually laid waste with little population
An enormous swell of Arab population could only have resulted from immigration and in-migration (from Jordan and the West Bank to the coastal area). It is helpful to see the land that was virtually emptied-and why.

Dio Cassius, writing at the time, described the ruin of the land beginning with the destruction of Judah:

Of their forts the fifty strongest were razed to the ground. Nine hundred and eighty-five of their best-known villages were destroyed....
Thus the whole of Judea became desert, as indeed had been foretold to the Jews before the war. For the tomb of Solomon, whom these folk celebrate in their sacred rites, fell of its own accord into fragments, and wolves and hyenas, many in number, roamed howling through their cities.[URL='http://www.eretzyisroel.org/~peters/depopulated.html#1']1

One historian after another has reported the same findings.In the twelve and a half centuries between the Arab conquest in the seventh century and the beginnings of the Jewish return in the 1880's, Palestine was laid waste. Its ancient canal and irrigation systems were destroyed and the wondrous fertility of which the Bible spoke vanished into desert and desolation... Under the Ottoman empire of the Turks, the policy of disfoliation continued; the hillsides were denuded of trees and the valleys robbed of their topsoil.2In 1590 a "simple English visitor" to Jerusalem wrote, "Nothing there is to bescene but a little of the old walls, which is yet Remayning and all the rest is grasse, mosse and Weedes much like to a piece of Rank or moist Grounde."3[/URL]
During the time of the British Palestine Mandate----the only people called "Palestinians" were jews. Jaffa is a SEA PORT-------a center for exporting-------your statement needs a bit of refining
"A dunam here and a dunam there."
Jews stealing Arab land in Palestine is all the refinement required.

you have no proof whatsoever that jews stole arab land in Palestine-----the claims are made on the basis of
"we lived and worked on that land---therefore we own it".
that Medina is "MUSLIM LAND"-------the arabs of Jaffa were
a bit PREMATURE----they did not get to rape and pillage
there yet. Spain is "MUSLIM LAND" all of the Indian
subcontinent is "MUSLIM LAND". There are still lots of
arabs in Jaffa and they still own land there. Your ethnic
cleaning claim is BS

There are people who come from India for employment in Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates too I hear. Imagine if the people from India said - we worked on your land and we lived on your land and therefore this land is ours. Get out. What would the Arab Muslims think about that? Any ideas? Working in a land - living in a land - does not entitle you to ownership of said land! The land belongs to Israel and unlike India who lost part of their land to Muslims and it became Pakistan............and so on down the line ..........Israel will not follow suit. She will be keeping her land. Thank you very much for reading the truth on the matter and now receive it as such and move along to something you can do something about - like the injustice against women in Iraq, Iran, Pakistan, Afganistan.......plenty to keep you busy.

my kid was "docked" in emirati ports when he was in the US NAVY-----he went ashore with his mates and------looked
around -------I got this comment "If the hindu workers there
would one day decide to stop working------just sit down on the
ground like Gandhi-----all those countries would fold up
and drop dead within three days" My kid did class leader when they all had leave in foreign ports------he always searched around for an Indian restaurant------something he
could trust------even in England. He found one in Scotland.
He was brought up around Indians in the USA----so he could
recognize the accents. -------they were delighted to tell him
their stories-----real horror stories of the abuse they had to
endure. for the record----they don't do LINGUINI AL FREDO in Italy-------and "sweet tea" ----one just gets hot tea
with sugar. My kid's shipmates were mostly Texans. My little genius was the most "sophisticated" thing on ship

Bless his heart. I do not think I would have felt at home without the sweet tea though.

Some of his stories were funny-------I never did "Alfredo"---
so he had no idea what it is--------one of the Texan boys
was SO EXCITED to be in Italy to get the ORIGINAL STUFF--- the poor kid tried to explain it to the Italian waiter who
seemed to think "this American sailor is NUTS"
And listen to Mark Twain's account!
Palestine a Land virtually laid waste with little population
Mark Twain, in his inimitable fashion, expressed scom for what he called the "romantic" and "prejudiced" accounts of Palestine after he visited the Holy Land in 1867.21 In one location after another, Twain registered gloom at his findings.Stirring scenes ... occur in the valley [Jezreel] no more. There is not a solitary village throughout its whole extent-not for thirty miles in either direction. There are two or three small clusters of Bedouin tents, but not a single permanent habitation. One may ride ten miles hereabouts and not see ten human beings. 22In fact, according to Twain, even the Bedouin raiders who attacked "so fiercely" had been imported: "provided for the occasion ... shipped from Jerusalem," by the Arabs who guarded each group of pilgrims.They met together in full view of the pilgrims, after the battle, and took lunch, divided the baksheesh extorted in the season of danger and then accompanied the cavalcade home to the city! The nuisance of an Arab guard is one which is created by the sheikhs and the Bedouins together, for mutual profit... 23To find ". . . the sort of solitude to make one dreary," one must, Twain wrote dramatically,Come to Galilee for that... these unpeopled deserts, these rusty mounds of barrenness, that never, never do shake the glare from their harsh outlines, and fade and faint into vague perspective; that melancholy ruin of Capernaum: this stupid village of Tiberias, slumbering under its six funereal palms.... We reached Tabor safely .... We never saw a human being on the whole route. 24
Nazareth is forlorn .... Jericho the accursed lies a moldering ruin today, even as Joshua's miracle left it more than three thousand years ago: Bethlehem and Bethany, in their poverty and their humiliation, have nothing about them now to remind one that they once knew the high honor of the Savior's presence; the hallowed spot where the shepherds watched their flocks by night, and where the angels sang, "Peace on earth, good will to men," is untenanted by any living creature... Bethsaida and Chorzin have vanished from the earth, and the "desert places" round about them, where thousands of men once listened to the Savior's voice and ate the miraculous bread, sleep in the hush of a solitude that is inhabited only by birds of prey and skulking foxes.25

"Palestine sits in sackcloth and ashes.... desolate and unlovely.. . Twain wrote with remone. it is dreamland." 26
How about those apples, George? The immigants were the Arabs who came TO Israel not FROM Israel!

The Jews came FROM Israel and later returned TO Israel and the rest is as they say......................HISTORY!
Notice how Twain said he never saw a single human being the entire route? Barren wasteland is right! Look up meaning of the word, Barren.
How about the testimony of the Reverend Samuel Manning on what he saw? Have a look!Palestine a Land virtually laid waste with little population

Many writers, such as the Reverend Samuel Manning, mourned the atrophy of the coastal plain, the Sharon Plain, "the exquisite fertility and beauty of which made it to the Hebrew mind a symbol of prosperity."

But where were the inhabitants? This fertile plain, which might support an immense population, is almost a solitude.... Day by day we were to learn afresh the lesson now forced upon us, that the denunciations of ancient prophecy have been fulfilled to the very letter -- "the land is left void and desolate and without inhabitants."29
Report followed depressing report, as the economist-historian Professor Fred Gottheil pointed out: "a desolate country"; 30"wretched desolation and neglect";31 "almost abandoned now"32"unoccupied";33 "uninhabited";34 "thinly populated."35
1.3 million Arabs were living there, George? Where were they hiding? Under the sand? hmm....
Last edited:
"A dunam here and a dunam there."
Jews stealing Arab land in Palestine is all the refinement required.

you have no proof whatsoever that jews stole arab land in Palestine-----the claims are made on the basis of
"we lived and worked on that land---therefore we own it".
that Medina is "MUSLIM LAND"-------the arabs of Jaffa were
a bit PREMATURE----they did not get to rape and pillage
there yet. Spain is "MUSLIM LAND" all of the Indian
subcontinent is "MUSLIM LAND". There are still lots of
arabs in Jaffa and they still own land there. Your ethnic
cleaning claim is BS

There are people who come from India for employment in Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates too I hear. Imagine if the people from India said - we worked on your land and we lived on your land and therefore this land is ours. Get out. What would the Arab Muslims think about that? Any ideas? Working in a land - living in a land - does not entitle you to ownership of said land! The land belongs to Israel and unlike India who lost part of their land to Muslims and it became Pakistan............and so on down the line ..........Israel will not follow suit. She will be keeping her land. Thank you very much for reading the truth on the matter and now receive it as such and move along to something you can do something about - like the injustice against women in Iraq, Iran, Pakistan, Afganistan.......plenty to keep you busy.

my kid was "docked" in emirati ports when he was in the US NAVY-----he went ashore with his mates and------looked
around -------I got this comment "If the hindu workers there
would one day decide to stop working------just sit down on the
ground like Gandhi-----all those countries would fold up
and drop dead within three days" My kid did class leader when they all had leave in foreign ports------he always searched around for an Indian restaurant------something he
could trust------even in England. He found one in Scotland.
He was brought up around Indians in the USA----so he could
recognize the accents. -------they were delighted to tell him
their stories-----real horror stories of the abuse they had to
endure. for the record----they don't do LINGUINI AL FREDO in Italy-------and "sweet tea" ----one just gets hot tea
with sugar. My kid's shipmates were mostly Texans. My little genius was the most "sophisticated" thing on ship

Bless his heart. I do not think I would have felt at home without the sweet tea though.

Some of his stories were funny-------I never did "Alfredo"---
so he had no idea what it is--------one of the Texan boys
was SO EXCITED to be in Italy to get the ORIGINAL STUFF--- the poor kid tried to explain it to the Italian waiter who
seemed to think "this American sailor is NUTS"

I can do an excellent Alfredo sauce, Rosie. He doesn't have to go to Italy. He can come to my house. Tell him to come on.
you have no proof whatsoever that jews stole arab land in Palestine-----the claims are made on the basis of
"we lived and worked on that land---therefore we own it".
that Medina is "MUSLIM LAND"-------the arabs of Jaffa were
a bit PREMATURE----they did not get to rape and pillage
there yet. Spain is "MUSLIM LAND" all of the Indian
subcontinent is "MUSLIM LAND". There are still lots of
arabs in Jaffa and they still own land there. Your ethnic
cleaning claim is BS

There are people who come from India for employment in Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates too I hear. Imagine if the people from India said - we worked on your land and we lived on your land and therefore this land is ours. Get out. What would the Arab Muslims think about that? Any ideas? Working in a land - living in a land - does not entitle you to ownership of said land! The land belongs to Israel and unlike India who lost part of their land to Muslims and it became Pakistan............and so on down the line ..........Israel will not follow suit. She will be keeping her land. Thank you very much for reading the truth on the matter and now receive it as such and move along to something you can do something about - like the injustice against women in Iraq, Iran, Pakistan, Afganistan.......plenty to keep you busy.

my kid was "docked" in emirati ports when he was in the US NAVY-----he went ashore with his mates and------looked
around -------I got this comment "If the hindu workers there
would one day decide to stop working------just sit down on the
ground like Gandhi-----all those countries would fold up
and drop dead within three days" My kid did class leader when they all had leave in foreign ports------he always searched around for an Indian restaurant------something he
could trust------even in England. He found one in Scotland.
He was brought up around Indians in the USA----so he could
recognize the accents. -------they were delighted to tell him
their stories-----real horror stories of the abuse they had to
endure. for the record----they don't do LINGUINI AL FREDO in Italy-------and "sweet tea" ----one just gets hot tea
with sugar. My kid's shipmates were mostly Texans. My little genius was the most "sophisticated" thing on ship

Bless his heart. I do not think I would have felt at home without the sweet tea though.

Some of his stories were funny-------I never did "Alfredo"---
so he had no idea what it is--------one of the Texan boys
was SO EXCITED to be in Italy to get the ORIGINAL STUFF--- the poor kid tried to explain it to the Italian waiter who
seemed to think "this American sailor is NUTS"

I can do an excellent Alfredo sauce, Rosie. He doesn't have to go to Italy. He can come to my house. Tell him to come on.

well----that was then---about ten years ago------I do not even know if he stays in touch with his ship mates-----MAYBE!!!
The "sweet tea" stories were kinda funny------those poor southern kids--------had all kinds of reasons to imagine that
they had landed on the MOON ----in just about every country
they touched
My grandma was Irish and there was always - hot tea and milk several times a day. So I did get a dose of that starting off - but sweet tea on ice - is delightful!
I never could understand why liberals hate Jews so bad? Rich liberals like them why do poor libs hate them? They are always kind to me
My grandma was Irish and there was always - hot tea and milk several times a day. So I did get a dose of that starting off - but sweet tea on ice - is delightful!

try explaining that sort of thing in Italy-----or one of the
emirates--------just COLD tea was sorta something like ---
"why would anyone want to drink it cold---by
PREFERENCE" ??? it seems to be a rarity even
in England-----back then Irish??? I do not know----
uhm------any whiskey in that glass? with milk?----well---
that is very british ----sorta-----I think. ----but Indians do
it too--------lots of milk....I think. Sometimes the kids were offered lemonade which is considered normal in the middle east
My grandma was Irish and there was always - hot tea and milk several times a day. So I did get a dose of that starting off - but sweet tea on ice - is delightful!

try explaining that sort of thing in Italy-----or one of the
emirates--------just COLD tea was sorta something like ---
"why would anyone want to drink it cold---by
PREFERENCE" ??? it seems to be a rarity even
in England-----back then Irish??? I do not know----
uhm------any whiskey in that glass? with milk?----well---
that is very british ----sorta-----I think. ----but Indians do
it too--------lots of milk....I think. Sometimes the kids were offered lemonade which is considered normal in the middle east

Irish whiskey in tea? Most likely as the Irish were big drinkers. The Jews not so much. I do not know if I have ever heard of a Jewish alcoholic. Probably as rare as the albino deer.
I never could understand why liberals hate Jews so bad? Rich liberals like them why do poor libs hate them? They are always kind to me

The Jews are among the most kind hearted people on the face of the earth.bear. And the most civil according to President Thomas Jefferson. He said so in a letter he wrote.
Get out of your state, visit a bit sweet tea is good, just like grits and I am a born northerner

I was born in NY and am a transplant to the South. I love grits. With or without the cheese. I can have grits for breakfast, grits for lunch and grits for supper. Grits are a great comfort food!

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