Israel attacks civilians

Yeah, so?

So that must be because they're a made up people.
Just call them Arabs.

Israel has been attacking a made up people for a hundred years and has not won yet?:lol::lol::lol:

Fakestinians are merely re-branded Arabs who, by definition, originated from arabia and invaded Israel.

The early Zionists arrived unarmed and without a military. The attacks originated with the Arabs beginning in the 1920s leading up to the ;48 War.

The facts are not your forte.
Yeah, so?

So that must be because they're a made up people.
Just call them Arabs.

Israel has been attacking a made up people for a hundred years and has not won yet?:lol::lol::lol:

Put this thread out of its misery.

John F. Kennedy, who visited Israel early in his career...
The original Zionist philosophy has always maintained that the people of Israel would use their national genius not for selfish purposes but for the enrichment and glory of the entire Middle East. The earliest leaders of the Zionist movement spoke of a Jewish state which would have no military power and which would be content with victories of the spirit

Both Israel and the United States acknowledge the supremacy of the moral law – both believe in personal as well as national liberty – and, perhaps most important, both will fight to the end to maintain that liberty
Israel has never acquired any land. It merely occupies land. It hasn't won anything yet.

And your Arab buddies keep losing. Waaaah.

Lose what?

The borders of Palestine are the same as they were in 1922.

Lose what? Every war they've fought with Israel, for starters.
Borders of Palestine? You mean the country that never existed or controlled it's own borders? No change there. LOL!

Germany lost territory in their 2 lost wars. They aren't getting it back either. Just like your Arab losers.
It is Israel that attacked and can't win.

How much more land does Israel hold now than they did in 1948?
Yeah, Israel can't win. :cuckoo:

Israel has never acquired any land. It merely occupies land. It hasn't won anything yet.

Pulitzer Prize-Winning Writer Charles Krauthammer...
Israel is the very embodiment of Jewish continuity: It is the only nation on earth that inhabits the same land, bears the same name, speaks the same language, and worships the same God that it did 3,000 years ago. You dig the soil and you find pottery from Davidic times, coins from Bar Kokhba, and 2,000-year-old scrolls written in a script remarkably like the one that today advertises ice cream at the corner candy store.

PBS: Civilization and the Jews
The interaction of Jewish history and Western civilization successively assumed different forms. In the Biblical and Ancient periods, Israel was an integral part of the Near Eastern and classical world, which gave birth to Western civilization. It shared the traditions of ancient Mesopotamia and the rest of that world with regard to it’s own beginning; it benefited from the decline of Egypt and the other great Near Eastern empires to emerge as a nation in it’s own right; it asserted it’s claim to the divinely promised Land of Israel...
PBS - Heritage

University of Chicago Oriental Institute---Empires in the Fertile Crescent: : Israel, Ancient Assyria, and Anatolia
Visitors will get a rare look at one of the most important geographic regions in the ancient Near East beginning January 29 with the opening of "Empires in the Fertile Crescent: Ancient Assyria, Anatolia and Israel," the newest galleries at the Museum of the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago.

The galleries showcase artifacts that illustrate the power of these ancient civilizations, including sculptural representations of tributes demanded by kings of ancient Assyria, and some sources of continual fascination, such as a fragment of the Dead Sea Scrolls--one of the few examples in the United States.

"Visitors begin in Assyria, move across Anatolia and down the Mediterranean coast to the land of ancient Israel. The galleries also trace the conquests of the Assyrian empire across the Middle East and follow their trail to Israel."

The Israelites, who emerged as the dominant people of that region in about 975 B.C. are documented by many objects of daily life, a large stamp engraved with a biblical text and an ossuary (box for bones) inscribed in Hebrew.
Probably the most spectacular portion of the Megiddo gallery, however, is the Megiddo ivories. These exquisitely carved pieces of elephant tusks were inlays in furniture, and a particularly large piece was made into a game board.

Oriental Institute | Museum

Harvard Semitic Museum: The Houses of Ancient Israel
In archaeological terms The Houses of Ancient Israel: Domestic, Royal, Divine focuses on the Iron Age (1200-586 B.C.E.). Iron I (1200-1000 B.C.E.) represents the premonarchical period. Iron II (1000-586 B.C.E.) was the time of kings. Uniting the tribal coalitions of Israel and Judah in the tenth century B.C.E., David and Solomon ruled over an expanding realm. After Solomon's death (c. 930 B.C.E.) Israel and Judah separated into two kingdoms.
Israel was led at times by strong kings, Omri and Ahab in the ninth century B.C.E. and Jereboam II in the eighth. B.C.E.
The Houses of Ancient Israel § Semitic Museum

University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology: Canaan and Ancient Israel
The first major North American exhibition dedicated to the archaeology of ancient Israel and neighboring lands, "Canaan and Ancient Israel" features more than 350 rare artifacts from about 3,000 to 586 B.C.E., excavated by University of Pennsylvania Museum archaeologists in Israel,
Artcom Museums Tour: University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, Philadelphia PA

Yale Law School Faculty Scholarship Series: Ancient Land Law in Israel, Mesopotamia, Egypt
This Article provides an overview of the land regimes that the peoples of Mesopotamia, Egypt, and Israel created by law and custom between 3000 B.C. and 500 B.C

A look at land regimes in the earliest periods of human history can illuminate debate over the extent to which human institutions can be expected to vary from time to time and place to place.
"Ancient Land Law: Mesopotamia, Egypt, Israel" by Robert C. Ellickson and Charles DiA. Thorland

Yale University Press: Education in Ancient Israel
In this groundbreaking new book, distinguished biblical scholar James L. Crenshaw investigates both the pragmatic hows and the philosophical whys of education in ancient Israel and its surroundings. Asking questions as basic as "Who were the teachers and students and from what segment of Israelite society did they come?" and "How did instructors interest young people in the things they had to say?" Crenshaw explores the institutions and practices of education in ancient Israel. The results are often surprising and more complicated than one would expect.
Education in Ancient Israel - Crenshaw, James L - Yale University Press

Yale University Press: The Archaeology of Ancient Israel
In this lavishly illustrated book some of Israel's foremost archaeologists present a thorough, up-to-date, and readily accessible survey of early life in the land of the Bible, from the Neolithic era (eighth millennium B.C.E.) to the fall of Jerusalem and the destruction of the First Temple in 586 B.C.E. It will be a delightful and informative resource for anyone who has ever wanted to know more about the religious, scientific, or historical background of the region.
The Archaeology of Ancient Israel - Ben-Tor, Amnon; Greenberg, R. - Yale University Press

Cambridge University Press: The World of Ancient Israel
The Bodies of God and the World of Ancient Israel - Academic and Professional Books - Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press: Wisdom in Ancient Israel
Wisdom in Ancient Israel - Academic and Professional Books - Cambridge University Press in Ancient Israel/?site_locale=en_GB

PBS Nova ...
In the banks of the Nile in southern Egypt in 1896, British archaeologisit Flinders Petrie unearthed one of the most important discoveries in biblical archaeology known as the Merneptah Stele. Merneptah's stele announces the entrance on the world stage of a People named Israel.

The Merneptah Stele is powerful evidence that a People called the Israelites are living in Canaan over 3000 years ago

Dr. Donald Redford, Egyptologist and archaeologist: The Merneptah Stele is priceless evidence for the presence of an ethnical group called Israel in Canaan.
[ame=]1/13 The Bible's Buried Secrets (NOVA PBS) - YouTube[/ame]
And your Arab buddies keep losing. Waaaah.

Lose what?

The borders of Palestine are the same as they were in 1922.

Lose what? Every war they've fought with Israel, for starters.
Borders of Palestine? You mean the country that never existed or controlled it's own borders? No change there. LOL!

Germany lost territory in their 2 lost wars. They aren't getting it back either. Just like your Arab losers.

There is only one war between Israel and Palestine. Israel attacked Palestine a hundred years ago and it is still trying to get the Palestinians to surrender.
Lose what?

The borders of Palestine are the same as they were in 1922.

Lose what? Every war they've fought with Israel, for starters.
Borders of Palestine? You mean the country that never existed or controlled it's own borders? No change there. LOL!

Germany lost territory in their 2 lost wars. They aren't getting it back either. Just like your Arab losers.

There is only one war between Israel and Palestine. Israel attacked Palestine a hundred years ago and it is still trying to get the Palestinians to surrender.

There was no nation called Palestine 100 years ago.
Lose what?

The borders of Palestine are the same as they were in 1922.

Lose what? Every war they've fought with Israel, for starters.
Borders of Palestine? You mean the country that never existed or controlled it's own borders? No change there. LOL!

Germany lost territory in their 2 lost wars. They aren't getting it back either. Just like your Arab losers.

There is only one war between Israel and Palestine. Israel attacked Palestine a hundred years ago and it is still trying to get the Palestinians to surrender.

Palestine was merely a fake name the Romans called Israel during the Roman Empire. There isn't actually any palestine in the Bible.

Biblical Historian and Scholar Dr. Paula Fredriksen, Ph.D, History of Religion, Princeton University, Diploma in Theology, Oxford University...
The Judean revolt against Rome was led by [Jewish messiah] Bar Kochba in 132-135 CE. The immediate causes of this rebellion are obscure. Its result was not: [Roman Emperor] Hadrian crushed the revolt and banned Jews from Judea.

The Romans now designated this territory by a political neologism, "Palestine" [a Latin form of "Philistine"], in a deliberate effort to denationalize Jewish/Judean territory. And, finally, Hadrian eradicated Jewish Jerusalem, erecting upon its ruins a new pagan city, Aelia Capitolina.
Lose what? Every war they've fought with Israel, for starters.
Borders of Palestine? You mean the country that never existed or controlled it's own borders? No change there. LOL!

Germany lost territory in their 2 lost wars. They aren't getting it back either. Just like your Arab losers.

There is only one war between Israel and Palestine. Israel attacked Palestine a hundred years ago and it is still trying to get the Palestinians to surrender.

There was no nation called Palestine 100 years ago.

True, but the Zionists were already there in their planed takeover of the country.

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