Israel attacks civilians

"In Israel Citizenship and nationality are two different things.

"Citizenship (ezrahut) may be held by Arabs or Jews. Nationality (le'um), bestows much greater rights than citizenship, is for Jews alone.

"In 1972 the Supreme Court that non-Jews cannot qualify for nationality rights in the state of Israel because there is no Israeli nation separate from the Jewish people."

Would Jews immigrating from other countries gain the rights bestowed by nationality, rights denied to native born Arabs or Christians?

Is there no Israeli nation separate from the Jewish people?

Nonsense, all Israeli citizens have the same rights under the law.
How many classes of citizenship currently exist in Israel?

"Class 'A' citizenship : Jews.

Privileged access to the material resources of the State and the social as well as the welfare services of the State. Are able to utilize the 93 per cent of pre-1967 Israel, controlled by the Land Agency. Note that no-one can actually purchase the Agency land and that it is leased to Jews only.

"Class 'B' citizenship : Non Jews/Arabs.

"Taxpayers and citizens with voting rights. Are denied the right to utilize the 93 per cent of pre-1967 Israel controlled by the Land Agency. They are also denied equal access to water and social and welfare services. Are generally not permitted to serve in the military which means they are automatically denied the many social and welfare services available to those who complete compulsory (for Jews) military service.

Class 'C' citizenship : Non Jews/Arabs.

"Taxpayers and citizens with voting rights, but classified as 'absentees'. Comprises some 200,000 persons. Are denied the right to utilize property in 93 per cent of pre-1967 Israel. They are also denied equal access to water and social and welfare services. They have also been denied all rights to their own property (lands, houses, corporations, shares, bank accounts, bank safes, etc.) that they owned until confiscated by the Jewish state. This theft was made 'legal' by the Absentees Property Law of 1950.

Class 'D' citizenship : Non Jews/Arabs.

"Taxpayers, but without voting rights. Comprises some 3,000,000 persons. Are also denied the right to utilize or buy property anywhere in pre-1967 Israel. Have no access to social and welfare services. Many (mostly those who once lived in pre-1967 Israel) have had all their property confiscated by the Jewish state without compensation and have been forced to live in ghettos spread throughout two areas that today resemble concentration camps.

Information From 'Israel: An Apartheid State' (Zed Books, London and New Jersey, 1987) Uri Davis

Israeli Apartheid.

This is on the same level as claiming Jews use the blood of Christian children to make passover matzos. You should be ashamed of yourself for posting such trash.
Mandate Palestine was two-thirds Arab in 1948.
Why do you suppose the UN didn't call for elections?

But better than 80% of these Arabs had arrived in what would become Israel and the disputed territories after the British had arrived during a period when Jewish immigration was not allowed.

The British capitulated to Arab terrorists in the 1930's by blocking Jewish immigration but reported to the League of Nations that they were unable to stop Arab immigration from the surrounding countries. In effect, in order to appease Arab terrorists the British sent hundreds of thousands of Jews to nazi death camps. According to the first British report to the League of Nations, there were about 76,000 Jews and 78,000 Arabs living west of the Jordan River, but as a result of discriminatory British policies by 1948, there were about 1,200,000 Arabs and 600,000 Jews.

The UN partition proposal was eminently fair to these Arab immigrants. The proposed Arab state would have been made up of 800,000 Arabs and 10,000 Jews, but the proposed Jewish state would have been made up of 500,000 Jews and 400,000 Arabs and would quickly have become a binational state. The source of all the trouble and all the suffering in the area is Arab intolerance of Jews and nothing more.
The source of all the suffering and trouble was explained perfectly by the first British Military Governor of Jerusalem in 1922 when he stated Israel would "..form for England a little loyal Jewish Ulster in a sea of potentially hostile Arabism"

Divide and Conquer as Imperial Rules | FPIF

The UN partition plan was entirely unfair to the two-thirds of Palestinians who were not Jews in 1948 regardless of how long they had lived there. There was never the slightest thought given to a binational state as Israel was specifically created as a Jewish state. In 1950 two laws were passed to define who would be included as citizens of the Jewish state and who would be excluded. Jews from around the world were encouraged to immigrate to Israel under the Law of Return while Arabs who had lived in Palestine for generations found themselves excluded from the Jewish state by the Absentee Property Law.

The first Israeli Prime Minister was perfectly clear about it: "This is not only a Jewish state, where the majority of inhabitants are Jews, but a state for all Jews, wherever they are, and for every Jew who wants to be here...this right is inherent in being a Jew."

Since the real estate of Israel is limited, would not opening the borders to every Jew on the planet force a redistribution of land?

Israeli Apartheid.
Nonsense, all Israeli citizens have the same rights under the law.
How many classes of citizenship currently exist in Israel?

"Class 'A' citizenship : Jews.

Privileged access to the material resources of the State and the social as well as the welfare services of the State. Are able to utilize the 93 per cent of pre-1967 Israel, controlled by the Land Agency. Note that no-one can actually purchase the Agency land and that it is leased to Jews only.

"Class 'B' citizenship : Non Jews/Arabs.

"Taxpayers and citizens with voting rights. Are denied the right to utilize the 93 per cent of pre-1967 Israel controlled by the Land Agency. They are also denied equal access to water and social and welfare services. Are generally not permitted to serve in the military which means they are automatically denied the many social and welfare services available to those who complete compulsory (for Jews) military service.

Class 'C' citizenship : Non Jews/Arabs.

"Taxpayers and citizens with voting rights, but classified as 'absentees'. Comprises some 200,000 persons. Are denied the right to utilize property in 93 per cent of pre-1967 Israel. They are also denied equal access to water and social and welfare services. They have also been denied all rights to their own property (lands, houses, corporations, shares, bank accounts, bank safes, etc.) that they owned until confiscated by the Jewish state. This theft was made 'legal' by the Absentees Property Law of 1950.

Class 'D' citizenship : Non Jews/Arabs.

"Taxpayers, but without voting rights. Comprises some 3,000,000 persons. Are also denied the right to utilize or buy property anywhere in pre-1967 Israel. Have no access to social and welfare services. Many (mostly those who once lived in pre-1967 Israel) have had all their property confiscated by the Jewish state without compensation and have been forced to live in ghettos spread throughout two areas that today resemble concentration camps.

Information From 'Israel: An Apartheid State' (Zed Books, London and New Jersey, 1987) Uri Davis

Israeli Apartheid.

This is on the same level as claiming Jews use the blood of Christian children to make passover matzos. You should be ashamed of yourself for posting such trash.
"The system preserving this apartheid is more ruthless than that seen in South Africa, where the black were a labor force and could therefore also make a living. It is equipped with the lie of being 'temporary.' Occasionally, Israel's indifference comes up with allegations against the Palestinians.

Abba Eban captured the allegation by coining a phrase repeated by the doves of all parties, who never really went to battle over Israel's future and allowed the 'settlement project' to spread. After all, occupation makes Israelis richer. Why oppose it?"

You should be ashamed of supporting kosher racists.

Israel's apartheid is worse than South Africa's - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News
"After the 1948 Arab–Israeli War (known to Israelis as the 'War of Independence' and to Palestinians as Al-Nakba, or 'The Catastrophe') and the 1948 Palestinian exodus, many Palestinians who either fled or were expelled from their towns and villages, whether they had had altogether ventured beyond what became Israel (largely into the neighbouring Arab countries of Lebanon, Syria, Jordan and Egypt) or were internally displaced, tried for many year since then to return to the places they had left.

"The Israeli Government enacted the Prevention of Infiltration Law in order to forbid and impede, what under the law receives the name of 'infiltration', into Israel."

Prevention of Infiltration Law - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Those who stole the land wrote laws designed to prevent Palestinians from returning to claim property their families had legally possessed for generations.

All countries try to prevent people from crossing their borders without explicit permission. Israel is no different, and after the War of Independence, Israel had better reason than most countries to enforce such laws, however, Arabs who applied to the Israeli courts had their petitions considered on an individual basis just as they would have been if they had claimed a right to enter the US or any European country.
You're forgetting Israel declared independence without specifying any borders.
How many classes of citizenship currently exist in Israel?

"Class 'A' citizenship : Jews.

Privileged access to the material resources of the State and the social as well as the welfare services of the State. Are able to utilize the 93 per cent of pre-1967 Israel, controlled by the Land Agency. Note that no-one can actually purchase the Agency land and that it is leased to Jews only.

"Class 'B' citizenship : Non Jews/Arabs.

"Taxpayers and citizens with voting rights. Are denied the right to utilize the 93 per cent of pre-1967 Israel controlled by the Land Agency. They are also denied equal access to water and social and welfare services. Are generally not permitted to serve in the military which means they are automatically denied the many social and welfare services available to those who complete compulsory (for Jews) military service.

Class 'C' citizenship : Non Jews/Arabs.

"Taxpayers and citizens with voting rights, but classified as 'absentees'. Comprises some 200,000 persons. Are denied the right to utilize property in 93 per cent of pre-1967 Israel. They are also denied equal access to water and social and welfare services. They have also been denied all rights to their own property (lands, houses, corporations, shares, bank accounts, bank safes, etc.) that they owned until confiscated by the Jewish state. This theft was made 'legal' by the Absentees Property Law of 1950.

Class 'D' citizenship : Non Jews/Arabs.

"Taxpayers, but without voting rights. Comprises some 3,000,000 persons. Are also denied the right to utilize or buy property anywhere in pre-1967 Israel. Have no access to social and welfare services. Many (mostly those who once lived in pre-1967 Israel) have had all their property confiscated by the Jewish state without compensation and have been forced to live in ghettos spread throughout two areas that today resemble concentration camps.

Information From 'Israel: An Apartheid State' (Zed Books, London and New Jersey, 1987) Uri Davis

Israeli Apartheid.

This is on the same level as claiming Jews use the blood of Christian children to make passover matzos. You should be ashamed of yourself for posting such trash.
"The system preserving this apartheid is more ruthless than that seen in South Africa, where the black were a labor force and could therefore also make a living. It is equipped with the lie of being 'temporary.' Occasionally, Israel's indifference comes up with allegations against the Palestinians.

Abba Eban captured the allegation by coining a phrase repeated by the doves of all parties, who never really went to battle over Israel's future and allowed the 'settlement project' to spread. After all, occupation makes Israelis richer. Why oppose it?"

You should be ashamed of supporting kosher racists.

Israel's apartheid is worse than South Africa's - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Since you've changed the subject, I take it you've conceded that your post about Arab Israelis not being able to rent land in Israel was a lie, but that you lack the character to acknowledge it explicitly. Had you understood the article you quoted here, you would have realized that it is just a rant against pursuing a two state solution with the Arabs in the disputed territories and in favor of a single state west of the Jordan River and that it says nothing about the condition of Arab Israelis as opposed to Jewish Israelis.

Posting this article, a severe, though rambling and nearly incoherent, criticism of Israeli governments past and present, that was published in one of the most popular Israeli newspapers is, in effect, high praise for the freedom, democracy and diversity of opinion enjoyed by all Israelis, Arab or Jewish, and the fact that the author, a self professed anti Zionist poet, novelist and writer of short stories, could publish this and other articles like it without suffering adverse consequences from the state or the Israeli street makes clear to all reasonable people why there cannot be a single state for the foreseeable future, since the Arabs in the territories have made clear by political assassinations of their critics that they are not prepared to allow such freedom of thought, speech or action as Arab and Jewish citizens of Israel now enjoy.
Any civilians attacking Israel?
Since September 2000 125 Israeli children have been killed by Palestinians while 1,417 Palestinian children have been killed by Israelis. Overall, 1092 Israelis and at least 6,537 Palestinians have been killed since that time.

If Americans Knew - what every American needs to know about Israel/Palestine

All of the casualties, both Israeli and Palestinian Arab, are the responsibility of the Arab terrorists and the regimes that supported them since all of the Israeli military actions that resulted in casualties were aimed at protecting Israeli citizens from terrorist hate crimes, and the Palestinian Arab casualties, always greatly exaggerated by the Arabs, placing their bases and firing positions in residential neighborhoods, in effect, using Palestinian Arab civilians as human shields.
"After the 1948 Arab–Israeli War (known to Israelis as the 'War of Independence' and to Palestinians as Al-Nakba, or 'The Catastrophe') and the 1948 Palestinian exodus, many Palestinians who either fled or were expelled from their towns and villages, whether they had had altogether ventured beyond what became Israel (largely into the neighbouring Arab countries of Lebanon, Syria, Jordan and Egypt) or were internally displaced, tried for many year since then to return to the places they had left.

"The Israeli Government enacted the Prevention of Infiltration Law in order to forbid and impede, what under the law receives the name of 'infiltration', into Israel."

Prevention of Infiltration Law - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Those who stole the land wrote laws designed to prevent Palestinians from returning to claim property their families had legally possessed for generations.

All countries try to prevent people from crossing their borders without explicit permission. Israel is no different, and after the War of Independence, Israel had better reason than most countries to enforce such laws, however, Arabs who applied to the Israeli courts had their petitions considered on an individual basis just as they would have been if they had claimed a right to enter the US or any European country.
You're forgetting Israel declared independence without specifying any borders.

Not true. Israel declared independence within the borders defined by the UN Partition resolution and after the War of Independence Israel's provisional borders were defined by the armistice agreements which were registered at the UN and were well known by everyone.
All countries try to prevent people from crossing their borders without explicit permission. Israel is no different, and after the War of Independence, Israel had better reason than most countries to enforce such laws, however, Arabs who applied to the Israeli courts had their petitions considered on an individual basis just as they would have been if they had claimed a right to enter the US or any European country.
You're forgetting Israel declared independence without specifying any borders.

Not true. Israel declared independence within the borders defined by the UN Partition resolution and after the War of Independence Israel's provisional borders were defined by the armistice agreements which were registered at the UN and were well known by everyone.

Israel lied about the partition borders. Israel blew past them like they were not even there before the start of the 1948 war.

There was no such thing as provisional borders

2. The Armistice Demarcation Line is not to be construed in any sense as a political or territorial boundary,

The Avalon Project : Egyptian-Israeli General Armistice Agreement, February 24, 1949

Provisional borders were never mentioned.
Any civilians attacking Israel?

Israel is a foreign, military occupation.

Palestine has no military. All Palestinians are civilians.


All Palestinians, even the ones shooting, rocketing and killing Israeli children, are civilians.

All Israelis, even the children, are military targets.

How convenient. :cuckoo:

That is not mentioned in the forth Geneva Convention. However occupation settlers are not considered protected persons i.e. civilians.
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Do you find it coincidental that Sir Ronald Storrs remarked on "Arab hostilism" about the same time the Royal Navy was converting from coal to oil?

Arabs were hostile for hundreds of years before oil was discovered.
I'm sure they will be hundreds of years after their oil is exhausted.
Are you referring to the Arab Crusades on Europe?

I'm referring to hostile Arabs everywhere.
How many sovereign nations have Arabs occupied lately?

One in four Iraqis has been killed, displaced, maimed or incarcerated since 2003.

Maybe you should worry more about hostile Americans.
Any civilians attacking Israel?
Since September 2000 125 Israeli children have been killed by Palestinians while 1,417 Palestinian children have been killed by Israelis. Overall, 1092 Israelis and at least 6,537 Palestinians have been killed since that time.

If Americans Knew - what every American needs to know about Israel/Palestine

All of the casualties, both Israeli and Palestinian Arab, are the responsibility of the Arab terrorists and the regimes that supported them since all of the Israeli military actions that resulted in casualties were aimed at protecting Israeli citizens from terrorist hate crimes, and the Palestinian Arab casualties, always greatly exaggerated by the Arabs, placing their bases and firing positions in residential neighborhoods, in effect, using Palestinian Arab civilians as human shields.
All casualties are the result of Zionists and western corporate interests inflicting a Jewish state on a population that was two-thirds non-Jew in 1948. Israeli apartheid is currently swirling the same drain South Africa was in the 1980s, and racist apologists like you won't change today's outcome anymore than you did four decades ago.
You're forgetting Israel declared independence without specifying any borders.

Not true. Israel declared independence within the borders defined by the UN Partition resolution and after the War of Independence Israel's provisional borders were defined by the armistice agreements which were registered at the UN and were well known by everyone.

Israel lied about the partition borders. Israel blew past them like they were not even there before the start of the 1948 war.

There was no such thing as provisional borders

2. The Armistice Demarcation Line is not to be construed in any sense as a political or territorial boundary,

The Avalon Project : Egyptian-Israeli General Armistice Agreement, February 24, 1949

Provisional borders were never mentioned.

Israel did declare independence within the borders defined by the Partition resolution, but the Arab states had announced their intention to blow past their own borders and capture all the land west of the Jordan River, including the new state of Israel. The territory the Arabs had rejected as a new Arab state had no legal political status once the UN abandoned it, so it was neither legal nor illegal for Israel or the Arab states to move into it, and Israeli forces moved to stop the land grab by the Arab states before they reached Israel's borders as defined by the Partition resolution. The outcome of the War of Independence was that Egypt captured and held some of the unincorporated remnants of the former UN protectorate, Jordan captured and held some of the unincorporated remnants of the protectorate, Syria captured and held some of the unincorporated remnants of the protectorate and Israel captured some of the unincorporated remnants of the protectorate, and Syria, Jordan and Israel expanded their borders to include these lands within their national borders.

You may find the issue of Israel's borders confusing, but it is clear from the number of times the Palestinian Authority, the UN, the Arab League, the Europeans and the US have referred to Israel's pre 1967 borders that the rest of the world understands that the armistice agreements that ended Israel's War of Independence defined Israel's provisional borders before the Six Day War. Israel's present borders, including the Golan Heights and Jerusalem, are now provisional pending a final peace treaty with the Arab states.

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