Israel attacks civilians

Israel kills all those people and you blame Hamas. Typical propaganda ploy. The Palestinians took a beating but Israel lost that war.

It seems anything you can't argue against you check off as propaganda...

I don't need to blame anyone , it's a clear fact that Palestinian civilians who died in that war died as a direct result of Hamas conduct.

A direct result of Israel's attack. Of the 1400 people killed only a few hundred were militants.

I don't know if you didn't read what i have wrote or you just in plain denial so once again for the cheap seats :

So you much like the Hamas are advocating war knowing full well that it would mean loss of needless civilian life, but you don't care about civilian life all you care about is your stupid and arrogant ego.
Yes by all means lets launch rockets on Israel's cities and see what happens.
What happens when you lunch rockets on any country is this country would try and stop you, and if it isn't successful it will try harder.

You and the Hamas don't care at all about that, you don't care about the lives lost because of you, you don't care about the property damage,
all you care about is to show everyone how 'macho' you are "Let's show them we can
launch another rocket", And you do and more innocent lives are lost as a result of your conduct.

What are a few dead civilians to you and to the Hamas, you always say :"We love death more than the Zionists love life" and after all those civilians are dying for the 'cause' - indeed your 'cause' not theirs.

Eventually when the fighting is over , you come on the TV and tell everyone to look around them,
look at the dead(who if not for you would be living still),look at the ruined houses (that if not for you would be standing still),and you tell them that Israel is to blame for all this, also in the face of that destruction you tell them something else, you have the audacity to tell them that this –

this is how victory looks like , and that you have brought that victory to them.

Indeed that is a victory for you it doesn't matter how many civilians were killed or houses ruined you would still consider this a victory. In fact if no civilians were killed for you this would mean defeat as you wouldn't be able to go around the world telling stories about Israeli attacks that killed your people
(attacks that you yourself have provoked) asking for donation and support to the poor Palestinians , many of whom are lying in their grave because of your conduct.

So you think killing a lot of civilians and destroying a lot of civilian infrastructure is winning?

That is sad, so sad.

It's funny how you trying to put words in my mouth ...
A cheap tactic, showing that you don't have any actual counter claim.

I'm saying that Hamas is a leadership that through it's actions knowingly and willingly brings death and destruction to it's people, and after all is said and done they go on about the victory they achieved for their people when in fact all they did is bring needles suffering.

I know it's a hard concept for you to understand but Israeli attacks was caused by Hamas's desire to show Israel who's the man.

Every last one of that 1400 people you are talking about would be alive today if not for the
intentional actions of Hamas ,who knew exactly what prolonged attacks on Israel would cause.

If they did care even a tiny little bit about the lives of Palestinian citizens instead of how to inflate their egos they would have never provoked an Israeli attack.

And your comment about :
Israel kills all those people and you blame Hamas. Typical propaganda ploy. The Palestinians took a beating but Israel lost that war.

I'm not here telling you how Israel won the war ...
but I'm failing to grasp , if Israel lost , what did the Palestinians win ?
And had the Palestinians lost how would that look like ?

This whole war was a needles conflict that could have been easily avoided if Hamas would have cared about Palestinians lives...

The whole war looked like that :

[ame=""]Black Knight Holy Grail - YouTube[/ame]

You being the black Knight saying you want to keep fighting and you never loose because you are invincible.
[ame=]Who Broke The Cease Fire - Hamas or Israel 2008 - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]killing on air ( watch israeli anchors crying on killing civilian Palestinians on air ) - shocking - YouTube[/ame]

And this was the family of a Palestinian Doctor who worked at an Israeli Hospital
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Doesn't the blame belong with the western imperialists in London and DC who encouraged Zionists to inflict a Jewish state upon a population that was two-thirds non-Jewish in 1948?

It does not, this is a simple cause and effect scenario.
If you see a guy walking down the street (no matter what this guy previously did to you) and you decide to punch him. You come close to him punch him in his stomach he then punches you in the face and breaks your nose.

The cause of your broken nose is your desision to punch the guy.
Uri Avnery:

"A friend of mine in Warsaw told me about a Polish journalist who visited Israel for the first time. On his return he reported with great excitement: 'You know what I’ve discovered? In Israel, too, there are Jews...'"

"This distinction between Israelis and Jews would not have surprised any of us 50 years ago. Before the foundation of the State of Israel, none of us spoke about a 'Jewish state'.

"In our demonstrations we chanted: 'Free Immigration! Hebrew State!' In almost all media quotations from those days, there appear the two words “Hebrew state”, almost never 'Jewish state'."

The Original Sin of the Israeli State » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

I don't know if you read the article you have posted but it is basically about how 'orthodox Jews are bad(In Israel)'
In my opinion religion is bad , extreme religion is worst , and orthodox Jews are not an exception to that rule.

You article is talking about the mistake of letting orthodox Jews become what they are today , a bunch of racist good for nothing slobs ...
Well I agree , and I think that most of the Israeli population agrees also.
We're in agreement about the destructive side effects of religion, and I apologize for the license I took with the concept of "original sin." Avnery also writes about the distinction between Israelis and Jews. This raises the current distinction in Israel of citizenship and nationality. Why is it a Jew born anywhere on the planet can move to Israel and instantly attain political rights that are superior to Arabs who have lived continuously in Palestine for generations?
Doesn't the blame belong with the western imperialists in London and DC who encouraged Zionists to inflict a Jewish state upon a population that was two-thirds non-Jewish in 1948?

It does not, this is a simple cause and effect scenario.
If you see a guy walking down the street (no matter what this guy previously did to you) and you decide to punch him. You come close to him punch him in his stomach he then punches you in the face and breaks your nose.

The cause of your broken nose is your desision to punch the guy.
Uri Avnery:

"A friend of mine in Warsaw told me about a Polish journalist who visited Israel for the first time. On his return he reported with great excitement: 'You know what I’ve discovered? In Israel, too, there are Jews...'"

"This distinction between Israelis and Jews would not have surprised any of us 50 years ago. Before the foundation of the State of Israel, none of us spoke about a 'Jewish state'.

"In our demonstrations we chanted: 'Free Immigration! Hebrew State!' In almost all media quotations from those days, there appear the two words “Hebrew state”, almost never 'Jewish state'."

The Original Sin of the Israeli State » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

I don't know if you read the article you have posted but it is basically about how 'orthodox Jews are bad(In Israel)'
In my opinion religion is bad , extreme religion is worst , and orthodox Jews are not an exception to that rule.

You article is talking about the mistake of letting orthodox Jews become what they are today , a bunch of racist good for nothing slobs ...
Well I agree , and I think that most of the Israeli population agrees also.
We're in agreement about the destructive side effects of religion, and I apologize for the license I took with the concept of "original sin." Avnery also writes about the distinction between Israelis and Jews. This raises the current distinction in Israel of citizenship and nationality. Why is it a Jew born anywhere on the planet can move to Israel and instantly attain political rights that are superior to Arabs who have lived continuously in Palestine for generations?

You are talking about the Law of return.
First of all this law is undemocratic and favors the Jews this is true and a cause for debate within Israel,however it was essential to Israels survival.

Israel is a Jewish state ,meaning a country for the Jewish people and the reason behind this law is to encourage Jews to immigrate to Israel.
(Arabs who were at the end of 1949 inside the green line granted automatic citizenship.)
On a side note: Jews who immigrated from other places in the world do not get superior rights to the Arabs or anyone else who is a citizen of Israel.
It does not, this is a simple cause and effect scenario.
If you see a guy walking down the street (no matter what this guy previously did to you) and you decide to punch him. You come close to him punch him in his stomach he then punches you in the face and breaks your nose.

The cause of your broken nose is your desision to punch the guy.

I don't know if you read the article you have posted but it is basically about how 'orthodox Jews are bad(In Israel)'
In my opinion religion is bad , extreme religion is worst , and orthodox Jews are not an exception to that rule.

You article is talking about the mistake of letting orthodox Jews become what they are today , a bunch of racist good for nothing slobs ...
Well I agree , and I think that most of the Israeli population agrees also.
We're in agreement about the destructive side effects of religion, and I apologize for the license I took with the concept of "original sin." Avnery also writes about the distinction between Israelis and Jews. This raises the current distinction in Israel of citizenship and nationality. Why is it a Jew born anywhere on the planet can move to Israel and instantly attain political rights that are superior to Arabs who have lived continuously in Palestine for generations?

You are talking about the Law of return.
First of all this law is undemocratic and favors the Jews this is true and a cause for debate within Israel,however it was essential to Israels survival.

Israel is a Jewish state ,meaning a country for the Jewish people and the reason behind this law is to encourage Jews to immigrate to Israel.
(Arabs who were at the end of 1949 inside the green line granted automatic citizenship.)
On a side note: Jews who immigrated from other places in the world do not get superior rights to the Arabs or anyone else who is a citizen of Israel.
"In Israel Citizenship and nationality are two different things.

"Citizenship (ezrahut) may be held by Arabs or Jews. Nationality (le'um), bestows much greater rights than citizenship, is for Jews alone.

"In 1972 the Supreme Court that non-Jews cannot qualify for nationality rights in the state of Israel because there is no Israeli nation separate from the Jewish people."

Would Jews immigrating from other countries gain the rights bestowed by nationality, rights denied to native born Arabs or Christians?

Is there no Israeli nation separate from the Jewish people?
We're in agreement about the destructive side effects of religion, and I apologize for the license I took with the concept of "original sin." Avnery also writes about the distinction between Israelis and Jews. This raises the current distinction in Israel of citizenship and nationality. Why is it a Jew born anywhere on the planet can move to Israel and instantly attain political rights that are superior to Arabs who have lived continuously in Palestine for generations?

You are talking about the Law of return.
First of all this law is undemocratic and favors the Jews this is true and a cause for debate within Israel,however it was essential to Israels survival.

Israel is a Jewish state ,meaning a country for the Jewish people and the reason behind this law is to encourage Jews to immigrate to Israel.
(Arabs who were at the end of 1949 inside the green line granted automatic citizenship.)
On a side note: Jews who immigrated from other places in the world do not get superior rights to the Arabs or anyone else who is a citizen of Israel.
"In Israel Citizenship and nationality are two different things.

"Citizenship (ezrahut) may be held by Arabs or Jews. Nationality (le'um), bestows much greater rights than citizenship, is for Jews alone.

"In 1972 the Supreme Court that non-Jews cannot qualify for nationality rights in the state of Israel because there is no Israeli nation separate from the Jewish people."

Would Jews immigrating from other countries gain the rights bestowed by nationality, rights denied to native born Arabs or Christians?

Is there no Israeli nation separate from the Jewish people?

Nonsense, all Israeli citizens have the same rights under the law.
It does not, this is a simple cause and effect scenario.
If you see a guy walking down the street (no matter what this guy previously did to you) and you decide to punch him. You come close to him punch him in his stomach he then punches you in the face and breaks your nose.

The cause of your broken nose is your desision to punch the guy.

I don't know if you read the article you have posted but it is basically about how 'orthodox Jews are bad(In Israel)'
In my opinion religion is bad , extreme religion is worst , and orthodox Jews are not an exception to that rule.

You article is talking about the mistake of letting orthodox Jews become what they are today , a bunch of racist good for nothing slobs ...
Well I agree , and I think that most of the Israeli population agrees also.
We're in agreement about the destructive side effects of religion, and I apologize for the license I took with the concept of "original sin." Avnery also writes about the distinction between Israelis and Jews. This raises the current distinction in Israel of citizenship and nationality. Why is it a Jew born anywhere on the planet can move to Israel and instantly attain political rights that are superior to Arabs who have lived continuously in Palestine for generations?

You are talking about the Law of return.
First of all this law is undemocratic and favors the Jews this is true and a cause for debate within Israel,however it was essential to Israels survival.

Israel is a Jewish state ,meaning a country for the Jewish people and the reason behind this law is to encourage Jews to immigrate to Israel.
(Arabs who were at the end of 1949 inside the green line granted automatic citizenship.)
On a side note: Jews who immigrated from other places in the world do not get superior rights to the Arabs or anyone else who is a citizen of Israel.

Since the Law or Return applies only to people who are not citizens of Israel, it is fair to say it discriminates among foreigners but it is in no sense undemocratic.

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