Israel attacks civilians

QALQILIA, (PIC)-- The Israeli occupation authority (IOA) bulldozers leveled land in Kafr Kaddoum village to the east of Qalqilia city on Sunday evening, local sources said.

Coordinator of the anti-settlement activity in the village Murad Eshtaiwi told Quds Press that the IOA bulldozers escorted by Israeli occupation forces (IOF) damaged land north of the village to annex them to the nearby Kadumim settlement.

He said that citizens rushed to the scene and obstructed work of the bulldozers, adding that officers present at the scene told them that the bulldozers would resume work on Monday morning.

He said that citizens vowed to be present on Monday morning to prevent confiscating their land which the IOA claim is Israeli property.

IOA bulldozers level land in Qalqilia
AL-KHALIL, (PIC)-- Israeli occupation forces (IOF) violently dispersed Palestinians and foreign activists while trying to plant olive trees in Beit Ummar village in Al-Khalil on Saturday.

Yousef Abu Mariya, the coordinator of Beit Ummar’s popular committee, said that the soldiers quelled the local and foreign activists while trying to plant trees in a land previously bulldozed by those soldiers near the Karmi Tzur settlement.

He said that the soldiers fired stun grenades and tear gas at the activists and even beat them.

Abu Mariya said that the soldiers arrested anti settlement activist Nasser Abu Farha and two French activists.

IOF soldiers arrest Palestinian, two French activists

Let's discuss our differences, peacefully.
I'll make pancakes!
BETHLEHEM, (PIC)-- The Israeli occupation authority (IOA) has confiscated 431 dunums of cultivated land in Nahalin village to the west of Bethlehem.

Osama Shakarne, the head of the municipal council in the village, said that the civil administration, affiliated with the Israeli army, informed the inhabitants that their land would be expropriated.

He said that the land, to the west of Nahalin, is cultivated with olives, grapes, and almonds and is near to a settlement.

Shakarne said that the land is owned by most of the families in Nahalin, adding that the land seizure would deprive the inhabitants of farming since many other dunums were earlier seized for building the racist, separation wall.

IOA confiscates 431 dunums of cultivated land in Nahalin village
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Even ignorant racist imaginations should be able to fathom how the fear of territorial displacement and dispossession drove a majority of Arabs to oppose a Jewish state; particularly since Palestinian Arabs had seen the Jewish population of Palestine triple since the end of WWI.
Let's dispense with this arab agitprop drivel and recall the memorable words of Winnie Churchill "So far from being persecuted, the Arabs have crowded into the country and multiplied until their population has increased more than even all world Jewry could lift up the Jewish population." Cool.
Winnie's another in a long line of racists who will say anything he's paid to say.
Not unlike Davy:

"In a meeting of the Jewish leadership in 1938, Ben Gurion shared his assumption that ‘after we build up a strong force following the establishment of the state – we will abolish the partition of the country and we will expand to the whole Land of Israel.’”

Mission Accomplished?

Sample « Israeli Apartheid: A Beginner's Guide
Let's dispense with this arab agitprop drivel and recall the memorable words of Winnie Churchill "So far from being persecuted, the Arabs have crowded into the country and multiplied until their population has increased more than even all world Jewry could lift up the Jewish population." Cool.[/size][/font]

In which book did "winnie" write this?
Let's dispense with this arab agitprop drivel and recall the memorable words of Winnie Churchill "So far from being persecuted, the Arabs have crowded into the country and multiplied until their population has increased more than even all world Jewry could lift up the Jewish population." Cool.
Winnie's another in a long line of racists who will say anything he's paid to say.
Hilarious drivel! Ah! Palistanians are major immigrants, anyway.
"In a meeting of the Jewish leadership in 1938, Ben Gurion shared his assumption that ‘after we build up a strong force following the establishment of the state – we will abolish the partition of the country and we will expand to the whole Land of Israel.’” Mission Accomplished?
Not yet - we don't know who made that up, of course.
Let's dispense with this arab agitprop drivel and recall the memorable words of Winnie Churchill "So far from being persecuted, the Arabs have crowded into the country and multiplied until their population has increased more than even all world Jewry could lift up the Jewish population." Cool.[/size][/font]
In which book did "winnie" write this?
Gilbert. Amayreh wouldn't mention it, of course, he's such psycho!
Is English a second language for you?

In 1948 the total population of Mandate Palestine included 600,000 Jews and 1.2 million Arabs and others opposed to turning over half the land in Palestine to one third of the population. If you're still confused, maybe remedial reading comprehension classes would be useful.

You may imagine that 1,200,000 Arabs shared your irrational hatred of Israel, but the evidence is that most of the Arabs had no strong objections to a Jewish state, but were frightened by the Arab leaders and the Arab Liberation Army into fleeing from their homes. One of the reasons the Israelis did so well in the war was that only a few thousands of the 1,200,000 Arabs in the territory chose to fight. So there is no basis for believing the Arabs in the territories shared the opinions of the Arab leaders regarding a Jewish state or that they shared your irrational hatred of Israel.

I understand you have trouble thinking for yourself, but any reasonable person understands that the UN did not create the Jewish state of Israel; it proposed a Jewish state and an Arab state and then left the outcome up to the people living west of the Jordan River. Once the British left and no other country was willing and able to take responsibility for the protectorate, the Jews would have created the state of Israel regardless of what the UN did. The Jews were highly motivated to create Israel, but the Arabs, despite the ability of their leaders to rouse them to anti Jewish frenzies from time to time, showed no sustained ambition to create another Arab state or to resist the creation of a Jewish state.
What's your (imaginary) evidence that "most Arabs had no strong objections to a Jewish state?" Zionists were never secretive about their plans for Greater Israel. The UN proposal to turn over half the land of Palestine to a minority which owned less that seven percent of the land and made up one-third of the population confirmed Arab suspicions of an impending Nakba.

Even ignorant racist imaginations should be able to fathom how the fear of territorial displacement and dispossession drove a majority of Arabs to oppose a Jewish state; particularly since Palestinian Arabs had seen the Jewish population of Palestine triple since the end of WWI.

I understand you're little more than a shill for Israel; however, any reasonable person understands the Jewish state would not exist today without the UN and western imperial interests driving its creation.

In fact, the UN proposed Jewish state contained more than half of the total population of the Mandate, 500,000 Jews and 400,000 Arabs.

There is no evidence to support the claim that the Arabs left because of a strong opposition to a Jewish state or because they were strongly motivated to see an Arab state in all of the land west of the Jordan River, but there is substantial evidence to suggest that most of the Arabs were herded out of Israel by Arab leaders and the Arab Liberation Army before what Abdul Rahman Azzam, the secretary general of the Arab League, promised would be "a war of extermination and momentous massacre which will be spoken of like the Tartar massacre[10] or the Crusader wars."

Azzam's Genocidal Threat :: Middle East Quarterly

The Arabs left despite the fact that at the outset of the war Jewish leaders recognized that most Arabs in their new state were not hostile and assured them they were in no danger. Haifa is an important example of this.

In the largest and best-known example, tens of thousands of Arabs were ordered or bullied into leaving the city of Haifa (on April 21-22) on the instructions of the Arab Higher Committee, the effective "government" of the Palestinian Arabs, despite strenuous Jewish efforts to persuade them to stay. Only days earlier, Tiberias's 6,000- strong Arab community had been similarly forced out by its own leaders, against local Jewish wishes. In Jaffa, Palestine's largest Arab city, the municipality organized the transfer of thousands of residents by land and sea; in Jerusalem, the Arab Higher Committee ordered the transfer of women and children, and local gang leaders pushed out residents of several neighborhoods.

Abbas's Fable :: Middle East Forum


10/PS District Police Headquarters
(C.I.D.) P.O.B. 700 Haifa

SECRET 26th April, 1948
A/A.I.C. C.I.D.

Subject:- General Situation - Haifa District

The situation in Haifa remains unchanged. Every effort is being made by the Jews to persuade the Arab populace to stay and carry on with their normal lives, to get their shops and businesses open and to be assured that their lives and interests will be safe. On the other side the evacuation goes on and a large road convoy escorted by Military and containing a large percentage of Christians left Haifa for Beirut yesterday. An estimated number of 700 has been given for this convoy and evacuation by sea goes on steadily. At the same time the convoy and evacuation of women, children and older inhabitants from Tireh and surrounding villages has become a problem and these are taking refuge in a disused army camp near Tireh. They are being carried out to Transjordan and Military lorries have been loaned to get this section clear. At the moment it looks as if the greater part of very healthy crops which will soon require attention are going to be abandoned and lost.

Tireh was attacked again yesterday morning but managed to repulse the attack. There have been no other incidents reported.

A.J. Bidmead

Copy to - District Commissioner, Haifa
Superintendent of Police, Haifa

This letter was among documents in British Police files taken over by the Haganah when the British evacuated Haifa in May 1948. See S. Katz, Battleground, Bantam Books 1973.

British Police Memo - Israel & Judaism Studies

All the evidence shows that while the Arab leaders contemplated a war of extermination against the Jews and persuaded or forced Arab families to abandon their political rights and property, the Jews tried to persuade peaceful Arabs to remain as equal citizens of the new state.
If a cult of self-proclaimed "chosen" people killed your family and stole your land, would you be slow witted and ignorant enough to forgive them?

David Ben-Gurion made it clear in 1938 that a "partial Jewish state" was a tactical concession in the Jews' historic efforts to redeem the land in its entirety.

"In a meeting of the Jewish leadership in 1938, Ben Gurion shared his assumption that ‘after we build up a strong force following the establishment of the state – we will abolish the partition of the country and we will expand to the whole Land of Israel.'”

Mission Accomplished?

Sample « Israeli Apartheid: A Beginner's Guide

As I said before these tracts are designed to seduce the slow witted and ignorant, and now you're proving I'm right again.
You're proving your irrational arrogance and knee-jerk support for ethnic cleansing.
What do you imagine Ben-Gurion meant by the whole Land of Israel?
Do you have a map?

Everyone knows that he never said it. There was no talk of partition in 1938.
I don't but you seem to have a lot of trouble with it.

Do you have a link? I would like to see who is feeding you that load of crap.

A link to what specifically?

OK, let's try this again.

...capture all the land west of the Jordan River, including the new state of Israel.

Where was this new state of Israel that the Arabs tried to capture in 1948? Do you have a map?

The official motives for their intervention were set out in a statement[92] of 15 May 1948 :

the only solution of the Palestine problem is the establishment of a unitary Palestinian State, in accordance with democratic principles, whereby its inhabitants will enjoy complete equality before the law, [and whereby] minorities will be assured of all the guarantees recognised in democratic constitutional countries ....

1948 Arab

A truly bizarre statement coming from Arab dictators whose subjects enjoyed no democratic rights and few political or civil rights of any sort and where minorities and dissenters were vigorously persecuted then as they are today.

While the Arab nations squeezed out these lies to justify their aggression, Jordan and Syria had from the first intended to annex portions of the Mandate they captured.

n 1946–47, Abdullah said that he had no intention to "resist or impede the partition of Palestine and creation of a Jewish state."[28] Hostile towards Palestinian nationalism, Abdullah wished to annex as much of Palestine as possible.[29] Ideally, Abdullah would have liked to annex all of Palestine, but he was prepared to compromise.[29][30] He supported the partition, intending that the West Bank area of the British Mandate allocated for Palestine be annexed to Jordan.[31] Abdullah had secret meetings with the Jewish Agency (at which the future Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir was among the delegates) that reached an agreement of Jewish non-interference with Jordanian annexation of the West Bank (although Abdullah failed in his goal of acquiring an outlet to the Mediterranean Sea through the Negev desert) and of Jordanian agreement not to attack the area of the Jewish state contained in the United Nations partition resolution (in which Jerusalem was given neither to the Arab nor the Jewish state, but was to be an internationally administered area).

1948 Arab

King Farouk of Egypt was anxious to prevent Abdullah from being seen as the main champion of the Arab world in Palestine, which he feared might damage his own leadership aspirations of the Arab world.[29] In addition, Farouk wished to annex all of southern Palestine to Egypt.[29] Nuri as-Said, the strongman of Iraq, had ambitions for bringing the entire Fertile Crescent under Iraqi leadership.[29] Both Syria and Lebanon wished to take certain areas of northern Palestine.[29] One result of the ambitions of the various Arab leaders was a distrust of all the Palestinian leaders who wished to set up a Palestinian state, and a mutual distrust of each other.[29] Co-operation was to be very poor during the war between the various Palestinian factions and the Arab armies.[29]

1948 Arab

So despite their public statements, the Arab invasions of the New state of Israel was not for the purpose of protecting or benefiting the Arabs living there, but simply for the purpose extending their own borders at the expense of the national aspirations of both the Jews and the Arabs living there.
Let's dispense with this arab agitprop drivel and recall the memorable words of Winnie Churchill "So far from being persecuted, the Arabs have crowded into the country and multiplied until their population has increased more than even all world Jewry could lift up the Jewish population." Cool.[/size][/font]

In which book did "winnie" write this?
In the book of drivel.
Of course.
Glubb Pusha, the British general who commanded the Jordanian (and Iraqi) army, called the 1948 war the phony war.

Lebanon had almost no army. Basically it just defended its border.

Syria went into Palestine a short wary for a few days then went back over its border.

Jordan was the only real power in the region. However, Jordan was promised $3M a year for 5 years and the West Bank if it would not attack Israel. It didn't.

Egypt set up some defenses around some Palestinian population centers and managed to keep Israel from taking the Gaza strip.

Then an armistice was called by a UN Security Council resolution. Nobody surrendered. Nobody lost that war. Nobody, including Palestine, lost any land in that war.
You may imagine that 1,200,000 Arabs shared your irrational hatred of Israel, but the evidence is that most of the Arabs had no strong objections to a Jewish state, but were frightened by the Arab leaders and the Arab Liberation Army into fleeing from their homes. One of the reasons the Israelis did so well in the war was that only a few thousands of the 1,200,000 Arabs in the territory chose to fight. So there is no basis for believing the Arabs in the territories shared the opinions of the Arab leaders regarding a Jewish state or that they shared your irrational hatred of Israel.

I understand you have trouble thinking for yourself, but any reasonable person understands that the UN did not create the Jewish state of Israel; it proposed a Jewish state and an Arab state and then left the outcome up to the people living west of the Jordan River. Once the British left and no other country was willing and able to take responsibility for the protectorate, the Jews would have created the state of Israel regardless of what the UN did. The Jews were highly motivated to create Israel, but the Arabs, despite the ability of their leaders to rouse them to anti Jewish frenzies from time to time, showed no sustained ambition to create another Arab state or to resist the creation of a Jewish state.
What's your (imaginary) evidence that "most Arabs had no strong objections to a Jewish state?" Zionists were never secretive about their plans for Greater Israel. The UN proposal to turn over half the land of Palestine to a minority which owned less that seven percent of the land and made up one-third of the population confirmed Arab suspicions of an impending Nakba.

Even ignorant racist imaginations should be able to fathom how the fear of territorial displacement and dispossession drove a majority of Arabs to oppose a Jewish state; particularly since Palestinian Arabs had seen the Jewish population of Palestine triple since the end of WWI.

I understand you're little more than a shill for Israel; however, any reasonable person understands the Jewish state would not exist today without the UN and western imperial interests driving its creation.

In fact, the UN proposed Jewish state contained more than half of the total population of the Mandate, 500,000 Jews and 400,000 Arabs.

There is no evidence to support the claim that the Arabs left because of a strong opposition to a Jewish state or because they were strongly motivated to see an Arab state in all of the land west of the Jordan River, but there is substantial evidence to suggest that most of the Arabs were herded out of Israel by Arab leaders and the Arab Liberation Army before what Abdul Rahman Azzam, the secretary general of the Arab League, promised would be "a war of extermination and momentous massacre which will be spoken of like the Tartar massacre[10] or the Crusader wars."

Azzam's Genocidal Threat :: Middle East Quarterly

The Arabs left despite the fact that at the outset of the war Jewish leaders recognized that most Arabs in their new state were not hostile and assured them they were in no danger. Haifa is an important example of this.

In the largest and best-known example, tens of thousands of Arabs were ordered or bullied into leaving the city of Haifa (on April 21-22) on the instructions of the Arab Higher Committee, the effective "government" of the Palestinian Arabs, despite strenuous Jewish efforts to persuade them to stay. Only days earlier, Tiberias's 6,000- strong Arab community had been similarly forced out by its own leaders, against local Jewish wishes. In Jaffa, Palestine's largest Arab city, the municipality organized the transfer of thousands of residents by land and sea; in Jerusalem, the Arab Higher Committee ordered the transfer of women and children, and local gang leaders pushed out residents of several neighborhoods.

Abbas's Fable :: Middle East Forum


10/PS District Police Headquarters
(C.I.D.) P.O.B. 700 Haifa

SECRET 26th April, 1948
A/A.I.C. C.I.D.

Subject:- General Situation - Haifa District

The situation in Haifa remains unchanged. Every effort is being made by the Jews to persuade the Arab populace to stay and carry on with their normal lives, to get their shops and businesses open and to be assured that their lives and interests will be safe. On the other side the evacuation goes on and a large road convoy escorted by Military and containing a large percentage of Christians left Haifa for Beirut yesterday. An estimated number of 700 has been given for this convoy and evacuation by sea goes on steadily. At the same time the convoy and evacuation of women, children and older inhabitants from Tireh and surrounding villages has become a problem and these are taking refuge in a disused army camp near Tireh. They are being carried out to Transjordan and Military lorries have been loaned to get this section clear. At the moment it looks as if the greater part of very healthy crops which will soon require attention are going to be abandoned and lost.

Tireh was attacked again yesterday morning but managed to repulse the attack. There have been no other incidents reported.

A.J. Bidmead

Copy to - District Commissioner, Haifa
Superintendent of Police, Haifa

This letter was among documents in British Police files taken over by the Haganah when the British evacuated Haifa in May 1948. See S. Katz, Battleground, Bantam Books 1973.

British Police Memo - Israel & Judaism Studies

All the evidence shows that while the Arab leaders contemplated a war of extermination against the Jews and persuaded or forced Arab families to abandon their political rights and property, the Jews tried to persuade peaceful Arabs to remain as equal citizens of the new state.
So what if the proposed Jewish state contained 400,000 Arabs at its inception?
They would have held no rights of nationality which, by definition, apply only to the "chosen."
The next 500,000 Jews from bum-fuck Brooklyn would have had political rights superior to Muslims and Christians whose families had lived in Palestine for generations.

Abdul Rahman Azzam also predicted an invading Muslim horde from outside Palestine that would be larger than Palestine's Arab population. His arrogance and error was matched only by his hyperbole.

All the evidence shows conclusively that Zionist terrorists killed anyone who didn't leave the proposed Jewish state when they were told:

"The Zionist groups of Irgun and Lehi reverted to their 1937–1939 strategy of indiscriminate attacks by placing bombs and throwing grenades into crowded places such as bus stops, shopping centres and markets. Their attacks on British forces reduced British troops' ability and willingness to protect Jewish traffic..."

By 1948 "transfer" was operative element of Zionist terror:

"During the 'long seminar', a meeting of Ben-Gurion with his chief advisors in January 1948, the departure point was that it was desirable to 'transfer' as many Arabs as possible out of Jewish territory, and the discussion focused mainly on the implementation.[14]:63

"The experience gained in a number of attacks in February 1948, notably those on Qisarya and Sa'sa', was used in the development of a plan detailing how enemy population centers should be handled.[14]:82

"According to Pappé, plan Dalet was the master plan for the expulsion of the Palestinians."

1948 Palestinian exodus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Glubb Pusha, the British general who commanded the Jordanian (and Iraqi) army, called the 1948 war the phony war.

Lebanon had almost no army. Basically it just defended its border.

Syria went into Palestine a short wary for a few days then went back over its border.

Jordan was the only real power in the region. However, Jordan was promised $3M a year for 5 years and the West Bank if it would not attack Israel. It didn't.

Egypt set up some defenses around some Palestinian population centers and managed to keep Israel from taking the Gaza strip.

Then an armistice was called by a UN Security Council resolution. Nobody surrendered. Nobody lost that war. Nobody, including Palestine, lost any land in that war.
"During the 1948 Arab–Israeli War the Arab legion was considered the strongest Arab army involved in the war. Glubb led the Arab Legion across Jordan to occupy the West Bank.

"Despite some negotiation and understanding between the Jewish Agency and King Abdullah, severe fighting took place in Kfar Etzion, Jerusalem and Latrun. According to Avi Shlaim,

"Rumours that Abdullah was once again in contact with the Jewish leaders further damaged his standing in the Arab world.

"His many critics suggested that he was prepared to compromise the Arab claim to the whole of Palestine as long as he could acquire part of Palestine for himself.

"'The internecine struggles of the Arabs,' reported Glubb, 'are more in the minds of Arab politicians than the struggle against the Jews. Azzam Pasha, the mufti and the Syrian government would sooner see the Jews get the whole of Palestine than that King Abdullah should benefit.'"

John Bagot Glubb - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
As I said before these tracts are designed to seduce the slow witted and ignorant, and now you're proving I'm right again.
You're proving your irrational arrogance and knee-jerk support for ethnic cleansing.
What do you imagine Ben-Gurion meant by the whole Land of Israel?
Do you have a map?

Everyone knows that he never said it. There was no talk of partition in 1938.
Not everyone.

"In 1937, the Peel Commission proposed a partition between a small Jewish state, whose Arab population would have to be transferred, and an Arab state to be attached to Jordan.

"The proposal was rejected by the Arabs and by the Zionist Congress (by 300 votes to 158), but accepted by the latter as a basis for negotiations between the Zionist Executive and the British government"

British Mandate for Palestine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
So what if the proposed Jewish state contained 400,000 Arabs at its inception?
Seems like too many too, with the clear prospect of wanton arab settlement activity.
They would have held no rights of nationality which, by definition, apply only to the "chosen."
Baseless drivel.
The next 500,000 Jews from bum-fuck Brooklyn would have had political rights superior to Muslims and Christians whose families had lived in Palestine for generations.
Drivel. Anywhere jewish development started there would be arabs claiming their family donkey had been pissing there for generations, of course.
Abdul Rahman Azzam also predicted an invading Muslim horde from outside Palestine that would be larger than Palestine's Arab population. His arrogance and error was matched only by his hyperbole.
Cool evidence that arabs started that war, and have been dumbass too. Thanks are due, of course.
"According to Pappé, plan Dalet was the master plan for the expulsion of the Palestinians."
Pappe is full of shitt, so's wikipedia, so are those quoting both of the former, of course. In memorable words of Benny Morris "Plan D has given rise over the decades to a minor historiographic controversy, with Palestinian and pro-Palestinian historians charging that it was the Haganah's master plan for the expulsion of the country's Arabs. But a cursory examination of the actual text leads to a different conclusion. The plan calls for securing the emergent state's territory and borders and the border areas ... Nowhere does the document speak of a policy or desire to expel 'the Arab inhabitants' of Palestine or any of its constituent regions; nowhere is any brigade instructed to clear out 'the Arabs'."

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