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Israel attacks civilians

99% of Palis that the Israeli heroes kill are not civilians, since they support the muzzie terror movement and cheered during 911. Those who sympathise with terrorists ARE terrorists, and deserve to be united with their 72 virgins asap.

God bless India, Israel and USA in the global war on the muzzie terrorist bastards. I wish the muzzie terrorists the very best of luck in hooking up with their virgins in hell.

Never forget 911. Never forget Mumbai.
Last edited:
Just a bump of relevant information.

Concise Timeline of Recent Israeli-Palestinian History

Nov 2, 1917 British issued the Balfour Declaration, viewed by Jews and Arabs as promising a “National Home” for the Jews in Palestine.
1936-1939 Arab Revolt led by Haj Amin Al-Husseini. Over 5,000 Arabs were killed according to some sources, mostly by British. Several hundred Jews were killed by Arabs. Husseini fled to Iraq and then to Nazi Germany. May 15, 1948 Israel War of Independence (1948 War). Declaration of Israel as the Jewish State; British leave Palestine; Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Jordan, Saudi Arabia declared war on Israel. Egyptian, Syrian and Jordanian invasion began. See 1948 Israel War of Independence (1948 Arab-Israeli war) Timeline (Chronology) and Israel War of Independence
April 3, 1949 Armistice - Israel and Arab states agree to armistice. Israel gained about 50% more territory than was originally allotted to it by the UN Partition Plan.
Oct. 29, 1956
Suez Campaign. In retaliation for a series of escalating border raids as well as the closure of the straits of Tiran and Suez canal to Israeli shipping, and to prevent Egyptian use of newly acquired Soviet arms in a war, Israel invades the Sinai peninsula and occupies it for several months, with French and British collaboration.
May, 1964
PLO (Palestine Liberation Organization) founded with the aim of destroying Israel. The Palestinian National Charter (1968) officially called for liquidation of Israel.
May, 1967 Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser closes the straits of Tiran to Israeli shipping and dismisses UN peacekeeping force. Negotiations with US to reopen the Straits of Tiran fail. June 5-10,1967 6-day war. Israel destroys the Egyptian air force on the ground, conquers and occupies Sinai and Gaza, then conquers the West Bank from Jordan, and Golan Heights from Syria. UN resolution 242 called for Israeli withdrawal, establishment of peace. 1967 Six Day War Timeline (chronology)
Oct. 6, 1973
Yom Kippur War (October War). In a surprise attack on the Jewish day of atonement, Egypt retook the Suez canal and a narrow zone on the other side. Syria reconquered the Golan Heights. Following massive US and Soviet resupplying of the sides, Israel succeeded in pushing back the Syrians and threatening Damascus. In Sinai, the IDF crossed the Suez Canal and cut off the Egyptian Third Army.
March 26, 1979
Peace treaty signed between Egypt and Israel. June 7, 1981 Israel destroys Iraqi Osirak nuclear reactor in daring raid. Oct. 6, 1981 Egyptian President Anwar Sadat is assassinated while on the reviewing stand of a victory parade.
June 6
, 1982 Massive Israeli invasion of Lebanon to fight PLO.
Sept. 13, 1993
Oslo Declaration of Principles - Israel and PLO agree to mutual recognition. Sept 28,
Oslo Interim Agreement signed. Palestinian Authority to be established. Nov. 4, 1995 Israeli PM Yitzhak Rabin assassinated by right-wing Israeli fanatic Yigal Amir. Rabin is replaced by Shimon Peres
June, 1996
Right-Wing Likud leader Benjamin Netanyahu elected Prime Minister in Israel, replacing Shimon Peres.
Sept, 1996
"Al-Aksa tunnel riots - Arab sources spread the false rumor that a gate opened in an underground tunnel tourist attraction by the Israeli government, endangered the foundations of the Al-Aqsa mosque. This caused several days of rioting and numerous casualties.
Jan 18, 1997
Israel and Palestinians reach agreement on Israeli redeployment in the West-Bank city of Hebron
Oct. 1998 Wye River Plantation talks result in an agreement for Israeli redeployment and release of political prisoners and renewed Palestinian commitment to correct its violations of the Oslo accords including excess police force, illegal arms and incitement in public media and education.
May 17, 1999
Israel elects Labor party leader and Former General Ehud Barak as Prime Minister in a landslide. Barak promises rapid progress toward peace.
March, 2000
Israeli-Syrian peace negotiations fail when Hafez Assad rejects an Israeli offer relayed by US President Clinton in Geneva.
Sept. 28, 2000 Palestinians initiated riots after Israeli opposition leader Ariel Sharon visited the Temple Mount, which is also the location of the Haram as Sharif holy to Muslims. Start of Second Intifada See Second Intifada Timeline Second Intifada
Feb 6, 2001 Right-wing Likud leader Ariel Sharon elected Prime Minister in Israel replacing Ehud Barak and promising "peace and security."
Sept. 11, 2001 Terror attacks on World Trade Center in NYC and the Pentagon carried out by fanatic Islamic Al-Qaida group headed by Osama Bin Laden initiate US war on terror. Israel and Palestinians agree to a cease fire, but it is not implemented.
March-April 2002
Israel conducts operation Defensive Shield in the West Bank, following a large number of Palestinian suicide attacks on civilian targets. Saudi peace initiative adopted at Beirut summit. Jan 28, 2003 Elections in Israel give wide margin (40 seats) to right wing Likud party, returning PM Ariel Sharon for another term.
March 19,2003
US begins invasion of Iraq by a strike against a building where Saddam Hussein and other leaders are meeting. Baghdad falls, April 9.
July 9, 2004
International court of Justice (ICJ) rules that the Israeli security barrier violates international law and must be torn down.
Nov 11, 2004
Palestinian Authority President Yasser Arafat dies.
Jan 9, 2005
Mahmoud Abbas elected President of the Palestinian National Authority.
Jan 10, 2005 Ariel Sharon forms unity government with Labor and United Torah Judaism parties in Israel.
April 2005
Ariel Sharon visits US President George Bush at his Texas ranch. Syrian Army leaves Lebanon, officially ending Syrian occupation.
May 26, 2005 Mahmud Abbas visits US President George Bush at the White House, an important symbolic gesture signaling US backing for Abbas and Palestinian aspirations. Israel releases 400 Palestinian prisoners including some with blood on their hands. Britain confirms "low level" negotiations with Hamas.
June, 2005 Violence flares in Gaza. US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice visits Palestinian and Israeli leaders to ensure coordination of Israeli withdrawal from Gaza. Israeli PM Ariel Sharon and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas meet in Jerusalem June 21. Sharon announces that Palestinians have promised to coordinate regarding Gaza withdrawal. PM Abbas postpones Palestinian legislative elections in order to change the election law, amidst growing concern that Hamas will trounce Abbas's Fatah party in the elections. Lebanese elections give a decisive majority to the opposition to Syria, led by Saad Hariri, son of slain leader Rafiq Hariri. Aug. 15, 2005 Disengagement - Israeli evacuation of Gaza settlements and four West Bank settlements began on August 15 and was completed August 24.

And it's been Palestinian fanaticism ever since...

Just a bump of relevant information.

Concise Timeline of Recent Israeli-Palestinian History

If you quote a page you should provide a link , Otherwise people might think you wrote it
this is the work of The Israeli Ami Isseroff
Middle East Israel - Palestinian Conflict TimeLine

Thanks for allowing me the bump.

Links are all there... Who compiled does not matter. The links to their support are all there.
Last edited:
99% of Palis that the Israeli heroes kill are not civilians, since they support the muzzie terror movement and cheered during 911. Those who sympathise with terrorists ARE terrorists, and deserve to be united with their 72 virgins asap.

God bless India, Israel and USA in the global war on the muzzie terrorist bastards. I wish the muzzie terrorists the very best of luck in hooking up with their virgins in hell.

Never forget 911. Never forget Mumbai.

Israelis are integral, necessary and active participants in an illegal and brutal occupation.

They cannot be considered "civilians" either.
Just a bump of relevant information.

Concise Timeline of Recent Israeli-Palestinian History

Nov 2, 1917 British issued the Balfour Declaration, viewed by Jews and Arabs as promising a “National Home” for the Jews in Palestine.
1936-1939 Arab Revolt led by Haj Amin Al-Husseini. Over 5,000 Arabs were killed according to some sources, mostly by British. Several hundred Jews were killed by Arabs. Husseini fled to Iraq and then to Nazi Germany. May 15, 1948 Israel War of Independence (1948 War). Declaration of Israel as the Jewish State; British leave Palestine; Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Jordan, Saudi Arabia declared war on Israel. Egyptian, Syrian and Jordanian invasion began. See 1948 Israel War of Independence (1948 Arab-Israeli war) Timeline (Chronology) and Israel War of Independence
April 3, 1949 Armistice - Israel and Arab states agree to armistice. Israel gained about 50% more territory than was originally allotted to it by the UN Partition Plan.
Oct. 29, 1956
Suez Campaign. In retaliation for a series of escalating border raids as well as the closure of the straits of Tiran and Suez canal to Israeli shipping, and to prevent Egyptian use of newly acquired Soviet arms in a war, Israel invades the Sinai peninsula and occupies it for several months, with French and British collaboration.
May, 1964
PLO (Palestine Liberation Organization) founded with the aim of destroying Israel. The Palestinian National Charter (1968) officially called for liquidation of Israel.
May, 1967 Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser closes the straits of Tiran to Israeli shipping and dismisses UN peacekeeping force. Negotiations with US to reopen the Straits of Tiran fail. June 5-10,1967 6-day war. Israel destroys the Egyptian air force on the ground, conquers and occupies Sinai and Gaza, then conquers the West Bank from Jordan, and Golan Heights from Syria. UN resolution 242 called for Israeli withdrawal, establishment of peace. 1967 Six Day War Timeline (chronology)
Oct. 6, 1973
Yom Kippur War (October War). In a surprise attack on the Jewish day of atonement, Egypt retook the Suez canal and a narrow zone on the other side. Syria reconquered the Golan Heights. Following massive US and Soviet resupplying of the sides, Israel succeeded in pushing back the Syrians and threatening Damascus. In Sinai, the IDF crossed the Suez Canal and cut off the Egyptian Third Army.
March 26, 1979
Peace treaty signed between Egypt and Israel. June 7, 1981 Israel destroys Iraqi Osirak nuclear reactor in daring raid. Oct. 6, 1981 Egyptian President Anwar Sadat is assassinated while on the reviewing stand of a victory parade.
June 6
, 1982 Massive Israeli invasion of Lebanon to fight PLO.
Sept. 13, 1993
Oslo Declaration of Principles - Israel and PLO agree to mutual recognition. Sept 28,
Oslo Interim Agreement signed. Palestinian Authority to be established. Nov. 4, 1995 Israeli PM Yitzhak Rabin assassinated by right-wing Israeli fanatic Yigal Amir. Rabin is replaced by Shimon Peres
June, 1996
Right-Wing Likud leader Benjamin Netanyahu elected Prime Minister in Israel, replacing Shimon Peres.
Sept, 1996
"Al-Aksa tunnel riots - Arab sources spread the false rumor that a gate opened in an underground tunnel tourist attraction by the Israeli government, endangered the foundations of the Al-Aqsa mosque. This caused several days of rioting and numerous casualties.
Jan 18, 1997
Israel and Palestinians reach agreement on Israeli redeployment in the West-Bank city of Hebron
Oct. 1998 Wye River Plantation talks result in an agreement for Israeli redeployment and release of political prisoners and renewed Palestinian commitment to correct its violations of the Oslo accords including excess police force, illegal arms and incitement in public media and education.
May 17, 1999
Israel elects Labor party leader and Former General Ehud Barak as Prime Minister in a landslide. Barak promises rapid progress toward peace.
March, 2000
Israeli-Syrian peace negotiations fail when Hafez Assad rejects an Israeli offer relayed by US President Clinton in Geneva.
Sept. 28, 2000 Palestinians initiated riots after Israeli opposition leader Ariel Sharon visited the Temple Mount, which is also the location of the Haram as Sharif holy to Muslims. Start of Second Intifada See Second Intifada Timeline Second Intifada
Feb 6, 2001 Right-wing Likud leader Ariel Sharon elected Prime Minister in Israel replacing Ehud Barak and promising "peace and security."
Sept. 11, 2001 Terror attacks on World Trade Center in NYC and the Pentagon carried out by fanatic Islamic Al-Qaida group headed by Osama Bin Laden initiate US war on terror. Israel and Palestinians agree to a cease fire, but it is not implemented.
March-April 2002
Israel conducts operation Defensive Shield in the West Bank, following a large number of Palestinian suicide attacks on civilian targets. Saudi peace initiative adopted at Beirut summit. Jan 28, 2003 Elections in Israel give wide margin (40 seats) to right wing Likud party, returning PM Ariel Sharon for another term.
March 19,2003
US begins invasion of Iraq by a strike against a building where Saddam Hussein and other leaders are meeting. Baghdad falls, April 9.
July 9, 2004
International court of Justice (ICJ) rules that the Israeli security barrier violates international law and must be torn down.
Nov 11, 2004
Palestinian Authority President Yasser Arafat dies.
Jan 9, 2005
Mahmoud Abbas elected President of the Palestinian National Authority.
Jan 10, 2005 Ariel Sharon forms unity government with Labor and United Torah Judaism parties in Israel.
April 2005
Ariel Sharon visits US President George Bush at his Texas ranch. Syrian Army leaves Lebanon, officially ending Syrian occupation.
May 26, 2005 Mahmud Abbas visits US President George Bush at the White House, an important symbolic gesture signaling US backing for Abbas and Palestinian aspirations. Israel releases 400 Palestinian prisoners including some with blood on their hands. Britain confirms "low level" negotiations with Hamas.
June, 2005 Violence flares in Gaza. US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice visits Palestinian and Israeli leaders to ensure coordination of Israeli withdrawal from Gaza. Israeli PM Ariel Sharon and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas meet in Jerusalem June 21. Sharon announces that Palestinians have promised to coordinate regarding Gaza withdrawal. PM Abbas postpones Palestinian legislative elections in order to change the election law, amidst growing concern that Hamas will trounce Abbas's Fatah party in the elections. Lebanese elections give a decisive majority to the opposition to Syria, led by Saad Hariri, son of slain leader Rafiq Hariri. Aug. 15, 2005 Disengagement - Israeli evacuation of Gaza settlements and four West Bank settlements began on August 15 and was completed August 24.

And it's been Palestinian fanaticism ever since...

Just a bump of relevant information.

If you quote a page you should provide a link , Otherwise people might think you wrote it.

Thanks for allowing me the bump.

Links are all there... Who compiled does not matter. The links to their support are all there.

Who compiled it does matter. as it was not you

It doesn't need to be me, the links prove out and thanks for the bump.
An Israeli airstrike has killed five Gaza militants in the deadliest attack against the coastal strip in months.

The Israeli military said the men were about to launch a rocket attack against southern Israeli communities when they were struck.

Palestinian officials confirmed the five dead were militants. There were no further details immediately available about their identities.

Israel has for years routinely targeted rocket launchers from Gaza. Such incidents, however, have been scaled back dramatically in the two years since the Israel-Hamas war in Gaza concluded.

Hamas controls the Gaza Strip, while the rival Palestinian Authority governs the West Bank.

CBC News - World - Israeli airstrike kills 5 Gaza militants

More civilians? Hard to call them that when we got there quick enough to get their weapons and drive back your other "civilians" who were attempting to take the ded militants weapons away.
An Israeli airstrike has killed five Gaza militants in the deadliest attack against the coastal strip in months.

The Israeli military said the men were about to launch a rocket attack against southern Israeli communities when they were struck.

Palestinian officials confirmed the five dead were militants. There were no further details immediately available about their identities.

Israel has for years routinely targeted rocket launchers from Gaza. Such incidents, however, have been scaled back dramatically in the two years since the Israel-Hamas war in Gaza concluded.

Hamas controls the Gaza Strip, while the rival Palestinian Authority governs the West Bank.

CBC News - World - Israeli airstrike kills 5 Gaza militants

More civilians? Hard to call them that when we got there quick enough to get their weapons and drive back your other "civilians" who were attempting to take the ded militants weapons away.

That is an AP article. AP articles are written in Israel.
Nothing like Muslims attacking their own is there?


You might be a Muslim if you look like this.... Leaving Islam?


"Saira Liaqat, 26, poses for the camera as she holds a portrait of herself before being burned, at her home in Lahore, Pakistan, Wednesday, July 9, 2008. When she was fifteen, Saira was married to a relative who would later attack her with acid after insistently demanding her to live with him, although the families had agreed she wouldn't join him until she finished school. Saira has undergone plastic surgery 9 times to try to recover from her scars."


Terrorism that's personal (12 images) | Best news photos: All Eyes photo blog | tampabay.com & St. Petersburg Times
That is an AP article. AP articles are written in Israel.

So. Your apologist proxies are any different? At least we write and put our names to them rather than find apolgist proxies in the attempt to put a different face to ...
That is an AP article. AP articles are written in Israel.

So. Your apologist proxies are any different? At least we write and put our names to them rather than find apolgist proxies in the attempt to put a different face to ...

AP is a proven liar. They take Israeli press releases and print them without question even when they know the story is false.
Nothing like Muslims attacking their own is there?


You might be a Muslim if you look like this.... Leaving Islam?


"Saira Liaqat, 26, poses for the camera as she holds a portrait of herself before being burned, at her home in Lahore, Pakistan, Wednesday, July 9, 2008. When she was fifteen, Saira was married to a relative who would later attack her with acid after insistently demanding her to live with him, although the families had agreed she wouldn't join him until she finished school. Saira has undergone plastic surgery 9 times to try to recover from her scars."


Terrorism that's personal (12 images) | Best news photos: All Eyes photo blog | tampabay.com & St. Petersburg Times

Wrong country. This is an Israel/Palestine board.
Nothing like Muslims attacking their own is there?


You might be a Muslim if you look like this.... Leaving Islam?


"Saira Liaqat, 26, poses for the camera as she holds a portrait of herself before being burned, at her home in Lahore, Pakistan, Wednesday, July 9, 2008. When she was fifteen, Saira was married to a relative who would later attack her with acid after insistently demanding her to live with him, although the families had agreed she wouldn't join him until she finished school. Saira has undergone plastic surgery 9 times to try to recover from her scars."


Terrorism that's personal (12 images) | Best news photos: All Eyes photo blog | tampabay.com & St. Petersburg Times

Wrong country. This is an Israel/Palestine board.
This is an extension of what Arabian Muslims do to their own and by proof of this is extended the proof of Arabian complicity in using their young as self ignition devices and shields in the protection of their in use warring machine and which the Muslim Brotherhood sanction.

Want to see the Palestinian connection? Hmm?

And so it fits.
Those idiots are just tools to be used by the Arab propagandist they are a waste of time Ropey. To try and engage in an intelligent debate with them is pointless.:cuckoo:
Those idiots are just tools to be used by the Arab propagandist they are a waste of time Ropey. To try and engage in an intelligent debate with them is pointless.:cuckoo:

Even so, one can try to have them see both sides of the divide. Seeing one side will render a person one-eyed and slanted in view.

Which is where they are. Others read though. When I post the other extremes I hope to have them move closer to the middle.

But with those obsessed, I understand you.... Rather like playing tennis with a very loose racket.

A lot of work, yielding little results.

Speaking only for myself, I think my obsession with Israel and Jews...
Obsession is an illness George
Which is where they are. Others read though. When I post the other extremes I hope to have them move closer to the middle.

But with those obsessed, I understand you.... Rather like playing tennis with a very loose racket.

A lot of work, yielding little results.

Yeah you're right the rebuttals are more information for people on the board that can actually think for themselves, that leaves Georgie and PTF out :razz:
The viscious Jewish terrorists who occupy Palestine must and will be defeated.

Europe stands united with the muzzy lot on the issue of Palestine -- though on most other issues the muzzy lot is the enemy.

The Jewish scoundrels will never be forgiven by the British for their criminality and terrorism against Britain in the 1940s.

God bless the United Kingdom in its quest to see a liberated Palestine.
NABLUS, (PIC)-- The Israeli occupation forces (IOF) violently raided the home of administrative prisoner Ayed Dudin in Dura town, Al-Khalil city, and terrorized his family in response to his refusal of an Israeli offer demanding him to accept his exile to the Gaza Strip in exchange for his freedom.

Ahrar center for prisoners' studies and human rights said that the troops violently broke into and ransacked the house of prisoner Dudin causing panic among the family inside and withdraw after informing his elder son Hamza to go to the Israeli intelligence headquarters in the city for interrogation.

The Israeli higher court told Dudin it would release him from administrative detention if he accepted to live away from his family in Gaza, but he rejected the offer and insisted on going home. The raid on his house was an attempt to pressure him in this regard.

IOF terrorize family of administrative detainee for his refusal of exile offer


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