Israel Blocks Palestinians From Easter Celebrations

I do not forget what Jesus says. Israel may occupy Palestine for another 45 years, but one thing I know for certain, it will end one day, and until that day comes not one day shall pass but that people of conscience in our world shall be speaking out against the Injustices and human rights abuses of the Occupation.And our voices are confirmation that my Saviour lives!
Nice to see that sherri understands that forbidding ANY Jews from praying at the Wall was a crime - as was refusing ANY Jews access to the Cave of the Patriarchs in Hebron.

Not just limiting the numbers - refusing access entirely.

It's also 'funny' how she's ignored the 25,000 or so graves having been desecrated in the Mount of Olives cemetery as 'inconsequential' - and ignored the Waqf's lies about the Temple not having been built on the Temple Mount.

Nope - no amount of Muslim people, administations or organizations' disrespect for any Jewish artifact or history means anything to sherri.

Either it only matters when something is a bar to Palestinian Christians, or when Jews are putting limits on something????

Problem is, sherri's whole basis for 'concern' is so thoroughly skewed, it's not worth trying to decipher the code......

The topic is restrictions on worship imposed by the Occupier At Easter on those ooccupied. Is it posible for you to deal with the issue? OR ARE you too mentally challenged to do that? Your questions are all about what the Occupier allows its own illegal settlers to do within the OPT, a completely different issue. None of those settlers are there legally even.And I think you are addressing events many of which happened long ago, as well, that have no relevance to the restrictions placed on worship of Palestinians living under Occupation today.
Why, Frau Sherri, you are always dragging in Jesus on so many threads when Jesus had nothing to do with the subject at hand. Why not spend a few minutes of your busy day and night bashing Israel and the Jews all over the Internet and participate in a forum once in a blue moon which discusses how your friends do not allow people of different beliefs to practice them in peace and what is happening to people of different religions. Hopefully these young Christian girls who were rescued will be able to celebrate Easter again in a joyous manner.

Young Christian Girls Trafficked into Forced Labor and Sex Slavery « Persecution News

BTW Sherri, this is the third post of yours I have answered today that you have edited after I copied the post and I saw where you accused others of changing your posts. People are not as stupid as you insist.
I am not aware of a Muslim Occupation in Palestine. ISRAEL occupies Palestine and subjects those she occupies to human rights abuses 24/7 for over 45 years now.. Do you expect me to blame the victims? NOW, if we lived when Jesus lived Jews were the victims of a Roman Occupation. Were the people subjecting the Romans to human rights abuses? No. It did not work that way. If I was discussing slavery, would you be asking me to criticize the slaves? if we were discussing the Holocaust, would you be asking me where I was criticizing the victims? You obviously can choose to take the side of the Occupier and oppressor, but you have no right to force me to.

I am not concerned with a mish mash of not very lucid mitigation, or explanations.

I asked you to me direct me to the threads on the topic I asked for......alas...

I expect intellectual honesty, which it appears you lack.

I expect people to have a conscience and care about human rights, you seem lacking in both.
Yes, people with a conscience are appalled out how the religious and other human rights of others are stopped by those who are harassing and murdering and destroying the houses of worship of others. And those who stay silent about this happening in many parts of the world are actually abetting those who do this to people. Maybe some think it is OK for their friends to step on the human rights and religious beliefs of others.

Tanzania police: 4 Saudis arrested after blast
I am not aware of a Muslim Occupation in Palestine. ISRAEL occupies Palestine and subjects those she occupies to human rights abuses 24/7 for over 45 years now.. Do you expect me to blame the victims? NOW, if we lived when Jesus lived Jews were the victims of a Roman Occupation. Were the people subjecting the Romans to human rights abuses? No. It did not work that way. If I was discussing slavery, would you be asking me to criticize the slaves? if we were discussing the Holocaust, would you be asking me where I was criticizing the victims? You obviously can choose to take the side of the Occupier and oppressor, but you have no right to force me to.

I am not concerned with a mish mash of not very lucid mitigation, or explanations.

I asked you to me direct me to the threads on the topic I asked for......alas...

I expect intellectual honesty, which it appears you lack.

I expect people to have a conscience and care about human rights, you seem lacking in both.

do you know what critical thinking is? I suspect not, you have failed conscience is not the question, I am not making value judgments, you are.

you're lacking intellectual honesty is, you cannot demand rights for one, or complain of lack of such for one, on a selective don't complain or start threads ( or remark) on arab/persian abuse becasue you lack the honesty that would tell you that abuse is abuse, skin color, creed, race, religion, matters not, its all wrong.

Values are not sliding scale, at least in my view........

and do me a favor, get off your high horse, you don't own 'outrage' or don't even know me or what or how I feel about this issue, do you?
"Standing there in that hope-filled and hopeless crowd, I cried. *I cried because the tear gas burned in my eyes and nose and throat. *But my true tears were for these two peoples, Arab and Jew. *My tears were for the Palestinians, who live day after day in an unjust and ignored occupation. *My tears were for the Israeli soldiers—boys and girls, really—just out of high school, scared, unsure and turned into pawns in a political minefield. *My tears were for my country, the United States of America, for funding this subjugation of a people and not even talking about it honestly. *My tears were for the Israeli settler I had met a few days earlier, who couldn’t understand why I couldn’t understand that the Palestinians brought this all upon themselves. *My tears were for the old Palestinian woman who grabbed my hand, looked in my blurry eyes and said: “When the Jews came home, they made us homeless.” *And finally, my tears were for myself, so full of anger, and desperate to feel hope . . . and forgiveness.*" Words of an American Minister, after he travelled to Palestine and saw for himself what living with Occupation was for both the occupied and the occupiers. A Report From Palestine - Unitarian Universalist Church of Reading
Poor girl, she cried. Can you imagine all the Christians, Hindus and Buddhists (and let us not forget Muslims of different sects) who are crying over the bodies of their children and other dead relatives as a result of actions by your friends, Frau Sherri. Do you think this woman has cried for them too?
"During Easter 2013, parishioners from ancient communities, including Jenin,*Gaza*and Birzeit, had to cancel their planned pilgrimage to Jerusalem due to the lack of Israeli permits. The descendants of the pastors who worshipped Jesus Christ, the people of Beit Sahour, managed to have one busload of pilgrims join in the Palm Sunday procession although the total number of Christians in that city is around 9,000. Many of those who received permits from Bethlehem or Ramallah did not make use of them because only one or two members of the family were granted access to Jerusalem. Easter is a time for family. It certainly cannot be celebrated without one’s spouse or children.During the Good Friday procession, we witnessed how, barely a few meters in front of the Holy Sepulchre, Palestinian Christians were beaten by Israeli police, who were allowing foreign priests to make their way into the church, but not Palestinian Christians. At the same time, Israeli authorities were allowing groups of tourists, brought by Israeli tour operators, to access the church from the other side. Again, this can only be understood through the discriminatory eyes of one who thinks that Christianity in East Jerusalem is a source of income rather than one of spirituality. The latter is what the “eternal and undivided capital of the Jewish people” means for the Palestinian people, Christians and Muslims.The images of Holy Fire Saturday, during which priests, officials and community members were repressed, beaten and prevented from celebrating the Holy Fire inside Jerusalem’s Old City, succinctly reflects the situation under which we live. The occupation imposes a context of war on celebrations aimed at spreading peace, hope and justice.No just and lasting solution to the situation in Israel and Palestine can be achieved without honoring the rights of everyone. Holy Land Christians are an integral part of the Palestinian people whose rights have been denied for decades. As a Palestinian Jerusalemite, as a priest and as head of a congregation outside the Holy City, I am a witness to the injustices that we have been suffering for decades. It is time to say enough is enough. It is time for a strong and clear approach that will ensure freedom of worship for everyone,*Christians, Muslims and Jews, as well as freedom and dignity for the Palestinian people." Read more:*Palestinian Christians Struggle With Israeli Occupation - Al-Monitor: the Pulse of the Middle East
I am not concerned with a mish mash of not very lucid mitigation, or explanations.

I asked you to me direct me to the threads on the topic I asked for......alas...

I expect intellectual honesty, which it appears you lack.

I expect people to have a conscience and care about human rights, you seem lacking in both.

do you know what critical thinking is? I suspect not, you have failed conscience is not the question, I am not making value judgments, you are.

you're lacking intellectual honesty is, you cannot demand rights for one, or complain of lack of such for one, on a selective don't complain or start threads ( or remark) on arab/persian abuse becasue you lack the honesty that would tell you that abuse is abuse, skin color, creed, race, religion, matters not, its all wrong.

Values are not sliding scale, at least in my view........

and do me a favor, get off your high horse, you don't own 'outrage' or don't even know me or what or how I feel about this issue, do you?

There is an Occupation in Palestine that has gone on for 45 years and there are human rights abuses perpetrated by the Occupiers against those occupied. PEOPLE of conscience oppose occupations that deprive human beings of basic human rights. And I am here addressing the abuses of the Occupation. You are free to support human rights abuses or oppose them, your choice.
I expect people to have a conscience and care about human rights, you seem lacking in both.

do you know what critical thinking is? I suspect not, you have failed conscience is not the question, I am not making value judgments, you are.

you're lacking intellectual honesty is, you cannot demand rights for one, or complain of lack of such for one, on a selective don't complain or start threads ( or remark) on arab/persian abuse becasue you lack the honesty that would tell you that abuse is abuse, skin color, creed, race, religion, matters not, its all wrong.

Values are not sliding scale, at least in my view........

and do me a favor, get off your high horse, you don't own 'outrage' or don't even know me or what or how I feel about this issue, do you?

There is an Occupation in Palestine that has gone on for 45 years and there are human rights abuses perpetrated by the Occupiers against those occupied. PEOPLE of conscience oppose occupations that deprive human beings of basic human rights. And I am here addressing the abuses of the Occupation. You are free to support human rights abuses or oppose them, your choice.

Is it just me or does Sherri never adress a comment that was made torwards her post ?its almost like she does't even read them.
"During Easter 2013, parishioners from ancient communities, including Jenin,*Gaza*and Birzeit, had to cancel their planned pilgrimage to Jerusalem due to the lack of Israeli permits. The descendants of the pastors who worshipped Jesus Christ, the people of Beit Sahour, managed to have one busload of pilgrims join in the Palm Sunday procession although the total number of Christians in that city is around 9,000. Many of those who received permits from Bethlehem or Ramallah did not make use of them because only one or two members of the family were granted access to Jerusalem. Easter is a time for family. It certainly cannot be celebrated without one’s spouse or children.During the Good Friday procession, we witnessed how, barely a few meters in front of the Holy Sepulchre, Palestinian Christians were beaten by Israeli police, who were allowing foreign priests to make their way into the church, but not Palestinian Christians. At the same time, Israeli authorities were allowing groups of tourists, brought by Israeli tour operators, to access the church from the other side. Again, this can only be understood through the discriminatory eyes of one who thinks that Christianity in East Jerusalem is a source of income rather than one of spirituality. The latter is what the “eternal and undivided capital of the Jewish people” means for the Palestinian people, Christians and Muslims.The images of Holy Fire Saturday, during which priests, officials and community members were repressed, beaten and prevented from celebrating the Holy Fire inside Jerusalem’s Old City, succinctly reflects the situation under which we live. The occupation imposes a context of war on celebrations aimed at spreading peace, hope and justice.No just and lasting solution to the situation in Israel and Palestine can be achieved without honoring the rights of everyone. Holy Land Christians are an integral part of the Palestinian people whose rights have been denied for decades. As a Palestinian Jerusalemite, as a priest and as head of a congregation outside the Holy City, I am a witness to the injustices that we have been suffering for decades. It is time to say enough is enough. It is time for a strong and clear approach that will ensure freedom of worship for everyone,*Christians, Muslims and Jews, as well as freedom and dignity for the Palestinian people." Read more:*Palestinian Christians Struggle With Israeli Occupation - Al-Monitor: the Pulse of the Middle East

If Christians from outside countries make the effort and spend their hard-earned money to come to Israel for the holiday, they also have to be accomodated. Why is this called "only a source of income"?
I expect people to have a conscience and care about human rights, you seem lacking in both.

do you know what critical thinking is? I suspect not, you have failed conscience is not the question, I am not making value judgments, you are.

you're lacking intellectual honesty is, you cannot demand rights for one, or complain of lack of such for one, on a selective don't complain or start threads ( or remark) on arab/persian abuse becasue you lack the honesty that would tell you that abuse is abuse, skin color, creed, race, religion, matters not, its all wrong.

Values are not sliding scale, at least in my view........

and do me a favor, get off your high horse, you don't own 'outrage' or don't even know me or what or how I feel about this issue, do you?

There is an Occupation in Palestine that has gone on for 45 years and there are human rights abuses perpetrated by the Occupiers against those occupied. PEOPLE of conscience oppose occupations that deprive human beings of basic human rights. And I am here addressing the abuses of the Occupation. You are free to support human rights abuses or oppose them, your choice.

There is a stated program of annhilation against a whole people---to wit--
jews----by a very large number of people who for convenience I will call
"isa-respecters" The isa-respecters---in the course of their history have
murdered HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS in the name of isa---------mostly not jews---
in fact far more hindus than jews---and likely more zoroastrians and an
equal number of american indians, and subsaharan blacks. They have also
murdered each other in sectarian conflicts. Right now---the jews who have
congregated in Israel----are attempting BY ALL means to protect themselves
from the 1700 year ongong program of genocide wrought by isa-respecters.
The tiny areas of lands that jews "occupy" include strategic attack points
with lots of isa-respecters therein-----who have refused to repudiated their
genocidal agenda. The claim that the "occupied" people are deprived of
"basic" rights is simply untrue-----in fact persons unfortunately under the
control of the isa-respecters elsewhere are the people about whom people
of conscience need to worry------just in the past single 100 years----Isa-
respecters have murdered them---in numbers vastly exceeding 100
I expect people to have a conscience and care about human rights, you seem lacking in both.

do you know what critical thinking is? I suspect not, you have failed conscience is not the question, I am not making value judgments, you are.

you're lacking intellectual honesty is, you cannot demand rights for one, or complain of lack of such for one, on a selective don't complain or start threads ( or remark) on arab/persian abuse becasue you lack the honesty that would tell you that abuse is abuse, skin color, creed, race, religion, matters not, its all wrong.

Values are not sliding scale, at least in my view........

and do me a favor, get off your high horse, you don't own 'outrage' or don't even know me or what or how I feel about this issue, do you?

There is an Occupation in Palestine that has gone on for 45 years and there are human rights abuses perpetrated by the Occupiers against those occupied. PEOPLE of conscience oppose occupations that deprive human beings of basic human rights. And I am here addressing the abuses of the Occupation. You are free to support human rights abuses or oppose them, your choice.

fine, just understand that you're self imposed limitations appear as bias and dishonesty*shrugs* .
"During Easter 2013, parishioners from ancient communities, including Jenin,*Gaza*and Birzeit, had to cancel their planned pilgrimage to Jerusalem due to the lack of Israeli permits. The descendants of the pastors who worshipped Jesus Christ, the people of Beit Sahour, managed to have one busload of pilgrims join in the Palm Sunday procession although the total number of Christians in that city is around 9,000. Many of those who received permits from Bethlehem or Ramallah did not make use of them because only one or two members of the family were granted access to Jerusalem. Easter is a time for family. It certainly cannot be celebrated without one’s spouse or children.During the Good Friday procession, we witnessed how, barely a few meters in front of the Holy Sepulchre, Palestinian Christians were beaten by Israeli police, who were allowing foreign priests to make their way into the church, but not Palestinian Christians. At the same time, Israeli authorities were allowing groups of tourists, brought by Israeli tour operators, to access the church from the other side. Again, this can only be understood through the discriminatory eyes of one who thinks that Christianity in East Jerusalem is a source of income rather than one of spirituality. The latter is what the “eternal and undivided capital of the Jewish people” means for the Palestinian people, Christians and Muslims.The images of Holy Fire Saturday, during which priests, officials and community members were repressed, beaten and prevented from celebrating the Holy Fire inside Jerusalem’s Old City, succinctly reflects the situation under which we live. The occupation imposes a context of war on celebrations aimed at spreading peace, hope and justice.No just and lasting solution to the situation in Israel and Palestine can be achieved without honoring the rights of everyone. Holy Land Christians are an integral part of the Palestinian people whose rights have been denied for decades. As a Palestinian Jerusalemite, as a priest and as head of a congregation outside the Holy City, I am a witness to the injustices that we have been suffering for decades. It is time to say enough is enough. It is time for a strong and clear approach that will ensure freedom of worship for everyone,*Christians, Muslims and Jews, as well as freedom and dignity for the Palestinian people." Read more:*Palestinian Christians Struggle With Israeli Occupation - Al-Monitor: the Pulse of the Middle East

At the same time, Israeli authorities were allowing groups of tourists, brought by Israeli tour operators, to access the church from the other side. Again, this can only be understood through the discriminatory eyes of one who thinks that Christianity in East Jerusalem is a source of income rather than one of spirituality.

That is true. The Palestinians provide the attractions and Israel scoops up the money.
Nice to see that sherri understands that forbidding ANY Jews from praying at the Wall was a crime - as was refusing ANY Jews access to the Cave of the Patriarchs in Hebron.

Not just limiting the numbers - refusing access entirely.

It's also 'funny' how she's ignored the 25,000 or so graves having been desecrated in the Mount of Olives cemetery as 'inconsequential' - and ignored the Waqf's lies about the Temple not having been built on the Temple Mount.

Nope - no amount of Muslim people, administations or organizations' disrespect for any Jewish artifact or history means anything to sherri.

Either it only matters when something is a bar to Palestinian Christians, or when Jews are putting limits on something????

Problem is, sherri's whole basis for 'concern' is so thoroughly skewed, it's not worth trying to decipher the code......

The topic is restrictions on worship imposed by the Occupier At Easter on those ooccupied. Is it posible for you to deal with the issue? OR ARE you too mentally challenged to do that? Your questions are all about what the Occupier allows its own illegal settlers to do within the OPT, a completely different issue. None of those settlers are there legally even.And I think you are addressing events many of which happened long ago, as well, that have no relevance to the restrictions placed on worship of Palestinians living under Occupation today.
Why, Frau Sherri, you are always dragging in Jesus on so many threads when Jesus had nothing to do with the subject at hand. Why not spend a few minutes of your busy day and night bashing Israel and the Jews all over the Internet and participate in a forum once in a blue moon which discusses how your friends do not allow people of different beliefs to practice them in peace and what is happening to people of different religions. Hopefully these young Christian girls who were rescued will be able to celebrate Easter again in a joyous manner.

Young Christian Girls Trafficked into Forced Labor and Sex Slavery « Persecution News

BTW Sherri, this is the third post of yours I have answered today that you have edited after I copied the post and I saw where you accused others of changing your posts. People are not as stupid as you insist.

For the record---FELLOW POSTERS----if you ever get in the position of bieng cross
examined by a lump of scum lawyer who tries to narrow your responses to
parameters suitable only to fit HIS/HER agenda-----just keep quiet and look at
the judges-------judges are not stupid -----chances are he will say "STEP BACK

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