Israel Blocks Palestinians From Easter Celebrations

Israel blocks Palestinians from Easter celebrations . GAZA CITY (Ma’an) -- "Israeli authorities on Friday prevented dozens of Christians from crossing to the West Bank through Gaza's Beit Hanoun crossing, a Palestinian liaison official said.The Israeli side allowed only 25 Christians out of 100 to enter to the West Bank to celebrate Easter. They banned dozens who gathered outside the crossing, saying only 25 per day would be allowed to cross.*The liaison official said departures would resume Sunday after the regular Saturday closure.*About 230 Palestinian Christians have already departed the Gaza Strip since Israel granted 500 permits for worshipers hoping to enter the West Bank to mark Orthodox Easter celebrations.*" Israel blocks Palestinians from Easter celebrations | Maan News Agency

The Israelis didn't ban easter did you even read that bullshit you posted? like the other countries in the region allow Easter celebrations:eusa_hand:

They prevented Palestinians from freely worshipping in Jerusalem for Easter. That is what Israel did, and that is what I posted. They did this in the initial Easter ceremonies, and in the Orthodox Christian Easter ceremonies.
annika-----don't go away-----no one else in the world has your
capacity for meticulous scholarship

Unfortunately, I had to delete my post. Sherri posted about the Come and See website and I mistakenly responded with a description of the Come and Hear website.
My apologies to all!

I do not think I posted about the Easter restrictions from their site.
Israel blocks Palestinians from Easter celebrations . GAZA CITY (Ma’an) -- "Israeli authorities on Friday prevented dozens of Christians from crossing to the West Bank through Gaza's Beit Hanoun crossing, a Palestinian liaison official said.The Israeli side allowed only 25 Christians out of 100 to enter to the West Bank to celebrate Easter. They banned dozens who gathered outside the crossing, saying only 25 per day would be allowed to cross.*The liaison official said departures would resume Sunday after the regular Saturday closure.*About 230 Palestinian Christians have already departed the Gaza Strip since Israel granted 500 permits for worshipers hoping to enter the West Bank to mark Orthodox Easter celebrations.*" Israel blocks Palestinians from Easter celebrations | Maan News Agency

The Israelis didn't ban easter did you even read that bullshit you posted? like the other countries in the region allow Easter celebrations:eusa_hand:

They prevented Palestinians from freely worshipping in Jerusalem for Easter. That is what
Israel did, and that is what I posted. They did this in the initial Easter ceremonies, and in the Orthodox Christian Easter ceremonies.

To each society its own customs-----Israel reacts to the combination of
Security -----which----naturally involves some restriction of free
transport of bombs-------Isa lovers respond to easter with ----bombings
of churches and INDIGNANT objection to any measure designed to
restrict the transport of said bombs-------and ----even worse---the
Nice to see that sherri understands that forbidding ANY Jews from praying at the Wall was a crime - as was refusing ANY Jews access to the Cave of the Patriarchs in Hebron.

Not just limiting the numbers - refusing access entirely.

It's also 'funny' how she's ignored the 25,000 or so graves having been desecrated in the Mount of Olives cemetery as 'inconsequential' - and ignored the Waqf's lies about the Temple not having been built on the Temple Mount.

Nope - no amount of Muslim people, administations or organizations' disrespect for any Jewish artifact or history means anything to sherri.

Either it only matters when something is a bar to Palestinian Christians, or when Jews are putting limits on something????

Problem is, sherri's whole basis for 'concern' is so thoroughly skewed, it's not worth trying to decipher the code......
Nice to see that sherri understands that forbidding ANY Jews from praying at the Wall was a crime - as was refusing ANY Jews access to the Cave of the Patriarchs in Hebron.

Not just limiting the numbers - refusing access entirely.

It's also 'funny' how she's ignored the 25,000 or so graves having been desecrated in the Mount of Olives cemetery as 'inconsequential' - and ignored the Waqf's lies about the Temple not having been built on the Temple Mount.

Nope - no amount of Muslim people, administations or organizations' disrespect for any Jewish artifact or history means anything to sherri.

Either it only matters when something is a bar to Palestinian Christians, or when Jews are putting limits on something????

Problem is, sherri's whole basis for 'concern' is so thoroughly skewed, it's not worth trying to decipher the code......

Marge-----puhleeeeze-----sherri is a meticulous practitioner of
ISA RESPECTING LAW and she FERVENTLY seeks to facilitate
the noble principles of isa-respecting law and is determined to
PURIFY the isa-respecting lands just as ISA RESPECTING
Osama and his TALIBAN friends sought to PURIFY
NO, My interest is the Occupation in Palestine, it is the social justice issue of our generation, that has subjected human beings to treatment worse than slaves for over 45 years now. IT is time for it to end

still waiting.....

FOR what? I answered the question, I do not post about Christians in Egypt and Syria because they are not part of Israel and Palestine.

fine, can you direct me then to threads where in you have remarked upon arabs/Palestinians mistreating Christians ( or jews ) in the geographical bubble you have constructed?
Nice to see that sherri understands that forbidding ANY Jews from praying at the Wall was a crime - as was refusing ANY Jews access to the Cave of the Patriarchs in Hebron.

Not just limiting the numbers - refusing access entirely.

It's also 'funny' how she's ignored the 25,000 or so graves having been desecrated in the Mount of Olives cemetery as 'inconsequential' - and ignored the Waqf's lies about the Temple not having been built on the Temple Mount.

Nope - no amount of Muslim people, administations or organizations' disrespect for any Jewish artifact or history means anything to sherri.

Either it only matters when something is a bar to Palestinian Christians, or when Jews are putting limits on something????

Problem is, sherri's whole basis for 'concern' is so thoroughly skewed, it's not worth trying to decipher the code......

Muslims also tried to attack Rachel's Tomb, which forced Israel to build that ugly fortress over the site. And they totally destroyed Joseph's Tomb.
Nice to see that sherri understands that forbidding ANY Jews from praying at the Wall was a crime - as was refusing ANY Jews access to the Cave of the Patriarchs in Hebron.

Not just limiting the numbers - refusing access entirely.

It's also 'funny' how she's ignored the 25,000 or so graves having been desecrated in the Mount of Olives cemetery as 'inconsequential' - and ignored the Waqf's lies about the Temple not having been built on the Temple Mount.

Nope - no amount of Muslim people, administations or organizations' disrespect for any Jewish artifact or history means anything to sherri.

Either it only matters when something is a bar to Palestinian Christians, or when Jews are putting limits on something????

Problem is, sherri's whole basis for 'concern' is so thoroughly skewed, it's not worth trying to decipher the code......

The topic is restrictions on worship imposed by the Occupier At Easter on those ooccupied. Is it posible for you to deal with the issue? OR ARE you too mentally challenged to do that? Your questions are all about what the Occupier allows its own illegal settlers to do within the OPT, a completely different issue. None of those settlers are there legally even.And I think you are addressing events many of which happened long ago, as well, that have no relevance to the restrictions placed on worship of Palestinians living under Occupation today.
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still waiting.....

FOR what? I answered the question, I do not post about Christians in Egypt and Syria because they are not part of Israel and Palestine.

fine, can you direct me then to threads where in you have remarked upon arabs/Palestinians mistreating Christians ( or jews ) in the geographical bubble you have constructed?

I am not aware of a Muslim Occupation in Palestine. ISRAEL occupies Palestine and subjects those she occupies to human rights abuses 24/7 for over 45 years now.. Do you expect me to blame the victims? NOW, if we lived when Jesus lived Jews were the victims of a Roman Occupation. Were the people subjecting the Romans to human rights abuses? No. It did not work that way. If I was discussing slavery, would you be asking me to criticize the slaves? if we were discussing the Holocaust, would you be asking me where I was criticizing the victims? You obviously can choose to take the side of the Occupier and oppressor, but you have no right to force me to.
Poor sherrikins - so little comprehension of the local history, she doesn't appear to understand that Muslim majority Arab cultures barred Jews completely from worshipping at many of the holiest sites in the Holy Land.

Evidently in sherriland one can only discuss Israelis as "Occupiers" and therefore inherently evil. Never-mind that that bears no resemblance to actual recent history nor current situations.

It's ever so simple to completely take one group's word for everything and cast whoever disagrees as completely depraved and "Satanic" as sherri does. Too bad it's not the least bit realistic, accurate or truthful.
DUH: There is a Muslim 'Occupation' of the Temple Mount. Muslims allowed to play and pray there, Jews strip-searched and forbidden to pray even quietly as individuals......
still waiting.....

FOR what? I answered the question, I do not post about Christians in Egypt and Syria because they are not part of Israel and Palestine.

fine, can you direct me then to threads where in you have remarked upon arabs/Palestinians mistreating Christians ( or jews ) in the geographical bubble you have constructed?
"Your patience shall be rewarded, my son."
~~Book of Tinhead 19:22,19:47
Poor sherrikins - so little comprehension of the local history, she doesn't appear to understand that Muslim majority Arab cultures barred Jews completely from worshipping at many of the holiest sites in the Holy Land.

Evidently in sherriland one can only discuss Israelis as "Occupiers" and therefore inherently evil. Never-mind that that bears no resemblance to actual recent history nor current situations.

It's ever so simple to completely take one group's word for everything and cast whoever disagrees as completely depraved and "Satanic" as sherri does. Too bad it's not the least bit realistic, accurate or truthful.

We are having this discussion in 2013 and I am discussing restrictions on worship of those occupied today that violate the basic human rights of those living under occupation in Occupied Palestine. Are you so mentally challenged you are not able to discuss this?
FOR what? I answered the question, I do not post about Christians in Egypt and Syria because they are not part of Israel and Palestine.

fine, can you direct me then to threads where in you have remarked upon arabs/Palestinians mistreating Christians ( or jews ) in the geographical bubble you have constructed?

I am not aware of a Muslim Occupation in Palestine. ISRAEL occupies Palestine and subjects those she occupies to human rights abuses 24/7 for over 45 years now.. Do you expect me to blame the victims? NOW, if we lived when Jesus lived Jews were the victims of a Roman Occupation. Were the people subjecting the Romans to human rights abuses? No. It did not work that way. If I was discussing slavery, would you be asking me to criticize the slaves? if we were discussing the Holocaust, would you be asking me where I was criticizing the victims? You obviously can choose to take the side of the Occupier and oppressor, but you have no right to force me to.

I am not concerned with a mish mash of not very lucid mitigation, or explanations.

I asked you to me direct me to the threads on the topic I asked for......alas...

I expect intellectual honesty, which it appears you lack.
FOR what? I answered the question, I do not post about Christians in Egypt and Syria because they are not part of Israel and Palestine.

fine, can you direct me then to threads where in you have remarked upon arabs/Palestinians mistreating Christians ( or jews ) in the geographical bubble you have constructed?
"Your patience shall be rewarded, my son."
~~Book of Tinhead 19:22,19:47

somehow, I doubt it....:doubt:
fine, can you direct me then to threads where in you have remarked upon arabs/Palestinians mistreating Christians ( or jews ) in the geographical bubble you have constructed?

I am not aware of a Muslim Occupation in Palestine. ISRAEL occupies Palestine and subjects those she occupies to human rights abuses 24/7 for over 45 years now.. Do you expect me to blame the victims? NOW, if we lived when Jesus lived Jews were the victims of a Roman Occupation. Were the people subjecting the Romans to human rights abuses? No. It did not work that way. If I was discussing slavery, would you be asking me to criticize the slaves? if we were discussing the Holocaust, would you be asking me where I was criticizing the victims? You obviously can choose to take the side of the Occupier and oppressor, but you have no right to force me to.

I am not concerned with a mish mash of not very lucid mitigation, or explanations.

I asked you to me direct me to the threads on the topic I asked for......alas...

I expect intellectual honesty, which it appears you lack.

I expect people to have a conscience and care about human rights, you seem lacking in both.
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FOR what? I answered the question, I do not post about Christians in Egypt and Syria because they are not part of Israel and Palestine.

fine, can you direct me then to threads where in you have remarked upon arabs/Palestinians mistreating Christians ( or jews ) in the geographical bubble you have constructed?
"Your patience shall be rewarded, my son."
~~Book of Tinhead 19:22,19:47

what do you call "mistreat" I suppose that you are
going to complain that even the shariah endorsement
of -----in the shariah adherent sudan ---- killing christian
men, raping their wives, and enslaving their children is in
your benighted kaffir eyes "MISTREATMENT" -----
you simply do not understand the BEAUTY OF ISA-ISM

you are a lost soul -----you will end up in ---uhm let me
get this word right JEHINOAM ask roudy what
that means
These words, "Frau Sherri, the big hypocrite who cannot even spend a few minutes out of her busy week bashing the Jews and Israel all over the internet on one other forum condeming what her friends are doing to Christians ......." You ask me to condemn others. I do not know if you have ever noticed or not but I never say I condemn another and there is a reason for that , a specific reason I do not use the word condemn. JESUS says He came to save and not to condemn. AND Jesus said I give you a new command, love one another as I have loved you. AND He said love your enemy. SO, do not ask me to hate or condemn those you hate and condemn. I AM not commanded to hate and condemn them, that is not Jesus teachings. Keep your hate and condemnation, I want no part of it!
Condemnation is not hatred, Ms. Webster.
"Read up on it."
~~Tinhead[/QUOTE. Jesus says otherwise, speaking against both condemnation and hatred. John 3:17 For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. And He said there are two commands; to love God and to love our neighbor. And He said love your enemies. And He said I give you a new command, love one another as I have loved you. And noone did He hate and nowhere did He hate. He taught love, not hate. AND later, the Apostle Paul tells us God is love. Conclusion, Jesus speaks against condemnation and hate. But he confronts Injustice with truth. See Matthew 23
Forget what John or Jesus said since they are not involved with what is happening nowadays. You are the one showing your hatred and condemnation of the Jews by just bashing Israel and the Jews all over the Internet and not spending a few minutes of your time even once a week on another forum condemning what your friends are doing. You are not fooling too many readers here with your dragging up the Bible.

Harrowing image of 'ethnic cleansing' in Syria where militia loyal to Assad are blamed for the deaths of women and children | Mail Online
"Standing there in that hope-filled and hopeless crowd, I cried. *I cried because the tear gas burned in my eyes and nose and throat. *But my true tears were for these two peoples, Arab and Jew. *My tears were for the Palestinians, who live day after day in an unjust and ignored occupation. *My tears were for the Israeli soldiers—boys and girls, really—just out of high school, scared, unsure and turned into pawns in a political minefield. *My tears were for my country, the United States of America, for funding this subjugation of a people and not even talking about it honestly. *My tears were for the Israeli settler I had met a few days earlier, who couldn’t understand why I couldn’t understand that the Palestinians brought this all upon themselves. *My tears were for the old Palestinian woman who grabbed my hand, looked in my blurry eyes and said: “When the Jews came home, they made us homeless.” *And finally, my tears were for myself, so full of anger, and desperate to feel hope . . . and forgiveness.*" Words of an American Minister, after he travelled to Palestine and saw for himself what living with Occupation was for both the occupied and the occupiers.
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"Standing there in that hope-filled and hopeless crowd, I cried. *I cried because the tear gas burned in my eyes and nose and throat. *But my true tears were for these two peoples, Arab and Jew. *My tears were for the Palestinians, who live day after day in an unjust and ignored occupation. *My tears were for the Israeli soldiers—boys and girls, really—just out of high school, scared, unsure and turned into pawns in a political minefield. *My tears were for my country, the United States of America, for funding this subjugation of a people and not even talking about it honestly. *My tears were for the Israeli settler I had met a few days earlier, who couldn’t understand why I couldn’t understand that the Palestinians brought this all upon themselves. *My tears were for the old Palestinian woman who grabbed my hand, looked in my blurry eyes and said: “When the Jews came home, they made us homeless.” *And finally, my tears were for myself, so full of anger, and desperate to feel hope . . . and forgiveness.*" Words of an American Minister, after he travelled to Palestine and saw for himself what living with Occupation was for both the occupied and the occupiers. A Report From Palestine - Unitarian Universalist Church of Reading
Did he cry tears as big as hoss turds while he was reading his drivel?

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