Israel Blocks Palestinians From Easter Celebrations

There are a lot of Christian organizations which are keeping track of what is happening to their brethren in the Muslim world. However, you are not even on one other forum condemning what is happening to your fellow Christians in the Muslim world. Apparently it is more important to you to bash Israel and the Jews and turn a blind eye to what is happening to Christians and others like Buddhists, Hindus, and even Muslims of different sects.

How many countries are there in the world? How many have Christians? ARE you posting about Christians in every single country in the world? IF not, you are a hypocrite for asking me these questions. I spent over six hours today and tonight at my church and the sermon this morning was about having a personal relationship with Christ and how that meant following where Christ leads an individual believer. Christ gives me the passions I have and the love for people He calls me to love. And I follow where He leads me. I find myself thinking about Arthur and Peggy Gish, he worked with CPT in Palestine, she worked and still works for CPT in Iraq. They were married but spent months each year apart from one another with the people God gave them a love and passion for. THEY did not even start working internationally with CPT until their three children were raised. AND Arthur Gish died a few years ago in what I find to be a suspicious tractor accident that I will always question whether Israel was behind. But I bring the Gishes up to not discuss his suspicious death but to point out individuals are led to care about people in certain places by Jesus. AND WHO ARE YOU TO QUESTION WHERE JESUS LEADS ME OR ANYONE ELSE? YOU have no right .
Frau Sherri, the big hypocrite who cannot even spend a few minutes out of her busy week bashing the Jews and Israel all over the Internet on one other forum condemning what her friends are doing to Christians, as well as Hindus, Buddhists, Atheists, and even Muslims of different sects. It isn't Jesus leading you anyplace. It is your pal, Mr. Lucifer, who is pushing you along. You can be reminded of whomever you want to, but I think to many people, whenever they hear of a suicide or car bombing by your friends or your friends blowing up houses of worship, we are reminded of how many innocent people have been killed by your friends in the name of their religion.

I do not hate and condemn people, and it does not matter how many times you hatefully call me Frau Sherri and hypocrite and tell me I should go out and hate and condemn the ones you do and who you call your enemy, I am not going to do it, I refuse to descend to and embrace your hate. Jesus came to save and not condemn and His followers seek to follow His example and His teachings. And He says love your enemy. "You have heard the law that says Love your neighbor and hate your enemy. But I say, love your enemies! Pray for those who persecute you! In that way, you will be acting as true children of your Father in heaven. For he gives his sunlight to both the evil and the good and he sends rain on the just and the unjust alike. If you love only those who love you, what reward is there for that? Even corrupt tax collectors do that much. If you are kind only to your friends, how are you different from anyone else? Even pagans do that. But you are to be perfect, even as your Father in heaven is perfect. Matthew 6:43-48 There is a difference between hating and condemning, specifically what you call me to do in your post, and criticising bad acts, like I do when I criticize human rights abuses and violations of intl law that Israel carries out in her Occupation of Palestine.
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. AND Arthur Gish died a few years ago in what I find to be a suspicious tractor accident that I will always question whether Israel was behind. But I bring the Gishes up to not discuss his suspicious death but to point out individuals are led to care about people in certain places by Jesus. AND WHO ARE YOU TO QUESTION WHERE JESUS LEADS ME OR ANYONE ELSE? YOU have no right .

Sherri---the Jesus who is Yeshua ben Yosef--from nazareth---adhered to an
ethical code --which would term your statement a sin akin to murder. If that
is the "Jesus" to which you refer------a statement suggesting that someone
is guilty of murder without clear proof-----is a libel ----and fascinatingly---
the words attributed to Jesus mark him as a person who would
have considered ----your statement-----a very very serious sin
TANTAMOUNT to MURDER ----that you claim
THAT Jesus leads you to the filth that you commit----is really weird...
Libels are at the base of all lynchings, pogroms and genocides ---
you have a talent for them

from sherri
I do not hate and condemn people, hate and condemn the ones you do and who you call your enemy, I am not going to do it, I refuse to descend to and embrace your hate. Jesus came to save and not condemn and His followers seek to follow His example and His teachings. And He says love your enemy. "You have heard the law that says Love your neighbor and hate your enemy. But I say, love your enemies! Pray for those who persecute

try again sherri----you openly rejoice when Israelis die in accidents or
and endorse the slitting of the throats of jewish infants-----

btw----regarding that quotation from Matthew----you are quoting
a translation------which is obviously ---badly done. If you
heard it in a church sermon----ask the speaker---about
that Matthew claimed there was such a "LAW"----Matthew
was a jew-----and there is certainly no "LAW" in jewish law that
one must hate one's enemies----do you think Matthew was citing
the roman legal or ethical system or perhaps he was quoting
the ISA whose laws created the INQUISITION AND SHARIAH?

There is a difference between hating and condemning, specifically what you call me to do in your post, and criticising bad acts, like I do when I criticize human rights abuses and
violations of intl law that Israel carries out in her Occupation of Palestine.

try again sherri----you express hatred very openly --in fact in your support of
murder ----there is another ethical principle---to which the person
Jesus of nazareth adhered. -----which can be described simply as
tolerating evil-------sometimes it is expressed a bit poetically----
Like it is sin to stand idly beside the flood of your neighbor----in these
dictums all kinds of disasters that befall people----wherever you encounter
them-----and to WHOMEVER they happen---stranger, enemy, friends---
ANYONE. Your selective attention Israel----is a very good
example of your Gross sin of neglect
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Sherri---the Jesus who is Yeshua ben Yosef--from nazareth---adhered to an
ethical code --which would term your statement a sin akin to murder. If that
is the "Jesus" to which you refer------a statement suggesting that someone
is guilty of murder without clear proof-----is a libel ----and fascinatingly---
the words attributed to Jesus mark him as a person who would
have considered ----your statement-----a very very serious sin
TANTAMOUNT to MURDER ----that you claim
THAT Jesus leads you to the filth that you commit----is really weird...
Libels are at the base of all lynchings, pogroms and genocides ---
you have a talent for them

from sherri
I do not hate and condemn people, hate and condemn the ones you do and who you call your enemy, I am not going to do it, I refuse to descend to and embrace your hate. Jesus came to save and not condemn and His followers seek to follow His example and His teachings. And He says love your enemy. "You have heard the law that says Love your neighbor and hate your enemy. But I say, love your enemies! Pray for those who persecute

try again sherri----you openly rejoice when Israelis die in accidents or
and endorse the slitting of the throats of jewish infants-----

btw----regarding that quotation from Matthew----you are quoting
a translation------which is obviously ---badly done. If you
heard it in a church sermon----ask the speaker---about
that Matthew claimed there was such a "LAW"----Matthew
was a jew-----and there is certainly no "LAW" in jewish law that
one must hate one's enemies----do you think Matthew was citing
the roman legal or ethical system or perhaps he was quoting
the ISA whose laws created the INQUISITION AND SHARIAH?

There is a difference between hating and condemning, specifically what you call me to do in your post, and criticising bad acts, like I do when I criticize human rights abuses and
violations of intl law that Israel carries out in her Occupation of Palestine.

try again sherri----you express hatred very openly --in fact in your support of
murder ----there is another ethical principle---to which the person
Jesus of nazareth adhered. -----which can be described simply as
tolerating evil-------sometimes it is expressed a bit poetically----
Like it is sin to stand idly beside the flood of your neighbor----in these
dictums all kinds of disasters that befall people----wherever you encounter
them-----and to WHOMEVER they happen---stranger, enemy, friends---
ANYONE. Your selective attention Israel----is a very good
example of your Gross sin of neglect

YOU altered my post and then you say my statement as altered by you is a sin according to Jesus. Are you for real? You reject Jesus as Messiah but claim to understand His words which you then falsely claim are mistranslated. TRY again to know Jesus, the fire of hell awaits you if you make the wrong choice.
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try again sherri----you express hatred very openly --in fact in your support of
murder ----there is another ethical principle---to which the person
Jesus of nazareth adhered. -----which can be described simply as
tolerating evil-------sometimes it is expressed a bit poetically----
Like it is sin to stand idly beside the flood of your neighbor----in these
dictums all kinds of disasters that befall people----wherever you encounter
them-----and to WHOMEVER they happen---stranger, enemy, friends---
ANYONE. Your selective attention Israel----is a very good
example of your Gross sin of neglect

YOU altered my post and then you say my statement as altered by you is a sin according to Jesus. Are you for real? You reject Jesus as Messiah but claim to understand His words which you then falsely claim are mistranslated. TRY again to know Jesus, the fire of hell
awaits you if you make the wrong choice.

Sherri is lying ---again --- I certainly did not "alter" her post----as to
INTERPRETING I commented on words presumably written
by MATTHEW (a jew) and attributed to Jesus (a jew) ---spoken
in aramaic----I addressed the apparent assertion that there is
whose "law" is that. I certainly hope it is a mistranslation----
if it is not just a mistranslation-----it is a gross error------there is
no such law in jewish law. You want to save the reputation of
the translation ------and tell us where to find this "hate your enemies,
law, Sherri???

as to interpreting the words attributed to Jesus----I have a whole
lot better chance of getting it right than do you. You have no
concept of the language ----in fact----lets face it----you do not
even know arabic although I have no doubt
you get your idiot information from some "palestnian"
-----there is no way of understanding the bible
without at the very least a bit of understanding of at least ONE
semitic language

btw your comment is rude and disgusting as are you----

Sherri -----you are tripping over your own keyboard

Lets try again sherri-----where do you imagine this "LAW"

(psssst---fellow posters---sherri is trying to deflect from the
fact that she never actually read the bible--)

regarding "HATING ENEMIES" comes from?
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YOU altered my post and then you say my statement as altered by you is a sin according to Jesus. Are you for real? You reject Jesus as Messiah but claim to understand His words which you then falsely claim are mistranslated. TRY again to know Jesus, the fire of hell
awaits you if you make the wrong choice.

Sherri is lying ---again I certainly did not "alter" her post----as to
INTERPRETING I commented on words presumably written
by MATTHEW (a jew) and attributed to Jesus (a jew) ---spoken
in aramaic----I addressed the apparent assertion that there is
whose "law" is that. I certainly hope it is a mistranslation----
if it is not just a mistranslation-----it is a gross error------there is
no such law in jewish law.

as to interpreting the words attributed to Jesus----I have a whole
lot better chance of getting it right than do you. You have no
concept of the language ----in fact----lets face it----you do not
even know arabic -----there is no way of understanding the bible
without at the very least a bit of understanding of at least ONE
semitic language

btw your comment is rude and disgusting as are you----
---uhm were jesus to pop out of "heaven" I could
---have a simple conversation with him----and he would
probably not deign to drink a cup of tea from your cups

Sherri -----you are tripping over your own keyboard

Lets try again sherri-----where do you imagine this "LAW"
regarding "HATING ENEMIES" comes from?

What you set out as my words as a quote has been changed from the way I wrote my post and I have no idea in this world what statement in it I allegedly made you call sin . As for Jesus, the Christian Bible records His words and I trust Jesus words there and what He says about what Jewish teachings were when He lived in Palestine over an illiterate poster on a discussion board who rejects Him as Messiah in the year 2013.
Sherri is lying ---again I certainly did not "alter" her post----as to
INTERPRETING I commented on words presumably written
by MATTHEW (a jew) and attributed to Jesus (a jew) ---spoken
in aramaic----I addressed the apparent assertion that there is
whose "law" is that. I certainly hope it is a mistranslation----
if it is not just a mistranslation-----it is a gross error------there is
no such law in jewish law.

as to interpreting the words attributed to Jesus----I have a whole
lot better chance of getting it right than do you. You have no
concept of the language ----in fact----lets face it----you do not
even know arabic -----there is no way of understanding the bible
without at the very least a bit of understanding of at least ONE
semitic language

btw your comment is rude and disgusting as are you----
---uhm were jesus to pop out of "heaven" I could
--have a simple conversation with him----and he would
probably not deign to drink a cup of tea from your cups

Sherri -----you are tripping over your own keyboard

Lets try again sherri-----where do you imagine this "LAW"
regarding "HATING ENEMIES" comes from?

What you set out as my words as a quote has been changed from the way I wrote my post and I have no idea in this world what statement in it I allegedly made you call sin . As for J
esus, the Christian Bible records His words and I trust Jesus words there and what He says about what Jewish teachings were when He lived in Palestine over an illiterate poster on a
discussion board who rejects Him as Messiah in the year 2013.

The sin you comitted ----is one very much defined in the time of Jesus----
it is LIBEL------you implied that a person was MURDERED ----and named
the group you wish to implicate I can understand why a person with
a background of gross illiteracy-----has a problem understanding the
fact that the period of time and place in question is well documented . ---
it just happens you never read the material
Jesus and his fellow pharisees at that time had so a remarkable
insight into your filth---and the dangers of LIBEL ----that they declared a
libel a sin as serious as murder-----which,, indeed ,,, it is--
--libel is at the base of very pogrom,, lynching, and genocide
enacted by your kith and kin over the past 1700 years
How many countries are there in the world? How many have Christians? ARE you posting about Christians in every single country in the world? IF not, you are a hypocrite for asking me these questions. I spent over six hours today and tonight at my church and the sermon this morning was about having a personal relationship with Christ and how that meant following where Christ leads an individual believer. Christ gives me the passions I have and the love for people He calls me to love. And I follow where He leads me. I find myself thinking about Arthur and Peggy Gish, he worked with CPT in Palestine, she worked and still works for CPT in Iraq. They were married but spent months each year apart from one another with the people God gave them a love and passion for. THEY did not even start working internationally with CPT until their three children were raised. AND Arthur Gish died a few years ago in what I find to be a suspicious tractor accident that I will always question whether Israel was behind. But I bring the Gishes up to not discuss his suspicious death but to point out individuals are led to care about people in certain places by Jesus. AND WHO ARE YOU TO QUESTION WHERE JESUS LEADS ME OR ANYONE ELSE? YOU have no right .
Frau Sherri, the big hypocrite who cannot even spend a few minutes out of her busy week bashing the Jews and Israel all over the Internet on one other forum condemning what her friends are doing to Christians, as well as Hindus, Buddhists, Atheists, and even Muslims of different sects. It isn't Jesus leading you anyplace. It is your pal, Mr. Lucifer, who is pushing you along. You can be reminded of whomever you want to, but I think to many people, whenever they hear of a suicide or car bombing by your friends or your friends blowing up houses of worship, we are reminded of how many innocent people have been killed by your friends in the name of their religion.

I do not hate and condemn people, and it does not matter how many times you hatefully call me Frau Sherri and hypocrite and tell me I should go out and hate and condemn the ones you do and who you call your enemy, I am not going to do it, I refuse to descend to and embrace your hate. Jesus came to save and not condemn and His followers seek to follow His example and His teachings. And He says love your enemy. "You have heard the law that says Love your neighbor and hate your enemy. But I say, love your enemies! Pray for those who persecute you! In that way, you will be acting as true children of your Father in heaven. For he gives his sunlight to both the evil and the good and he sends rain on the just and the unjust alike. If you love only those who love you, what reward is there for that? Even corrupt tax collectors do that much. If you are kind only to your friends, how are you different from anyone else? Even pagans do that. But you are to be perfect, even as your Father in heaven is perfect. Matthew 6:43-48 There is a difference between hating and condemning, specifically what you call me to do in your post, and criticising bad acts, like I do when I criticize human rights abuses and violations of intl law that Israel carries out in her Occupation of Palestine.
Where's the 'hate' in my posts?
Frau Sherri, the big hypocrite who cannot even spend a few minutes out of her busy week bashing the Jews and Israel all over the Internet on one other forum condemning what her friends are doing to Christians, as well as Hindus, Buddhists, Atheists, and even Muslims of different sects. It isn't JesusFrau Sherri, theFrau Sherri, the big hypocrite who cannot even spend a few minutes out of her busy week bashing the Jews and Israel all over the Internet on one other forum condemning what her friends are doing to Christians, as well as Hindus, Buddhists, Atheists, and even Muslims of different sectsbig hypocrite who cannot even spend a few minutes out of her busy week bashing the Jews and Israel all over the Internet on one other forum condemning what her friends are doing to Christians, as well as Hindus, Buddhists, Atheists, and even Muslims of different sectsleading you anyplace. It is your pal, Mr. Lucifer, who is pushing you along. You can be reminded of whomever you want to, but I think to many people, whenever they hear of a suicide or car bombing by your friends or your friends blowing up houses of worship, we are reminded of how many innocent people have been killed by your friends in the name of their religion.

I do not hate and condemn people, and it does not matter how many times you hatefully call me Frau Sherri and hypocrite and tell me I should go out and hate and condemn the ones you do and who you call your enemy, I am not going to do it, I refuse to descend to and embrace your hate. Jesus came to save and not condemn and His followers seek to follow His example and His teachings. And He says love your enemy. "You have heard the law that says Love your neighbor and hate your enemy. But I say, love your enemies! Pray for those who persecute you! In that way, you will be acting as true children of your Father in heaven. For he gives his sunlight to both the evil and the good and he sends rain on the just and the unjust alike. If you love only those who love you, what reward is there for that? Even corrupt tax collectors do that much. If you are kind only to your friends, how are you different from anyone else? Even pagans do that. But you are to be perfect, even as your Father in heaven is perfect. Matthew 6:43-48 There is a difference between hating and condemning, specifically what you call me to do in your post, and criticising bad acts, like I do when I criticize human rights abuses and violations of intl law that Israel carries out in her Occupation of Palestine.
Where's the 'hate' in my posts?

These words, "Frau Sherri, the big hypocrite who cannot even spend a few minutes out of her busy week bashing the Jews and Israel all over the internet on one other forum condeming what her friends are doing to Christians ......." You ask me to condemn others. I do not know if you have ever noticed or not but I never say I condemn another and there is a reason for that , a specific reason I do not use the word condemn. JESUS says He came to save and not to condemn. AND Jesus said I give you a new command, love one another as I have loved you. AND He said love your enemy. SO, do not ask me to hate or condemn those you hate and condemn. I AM not commanded to hate and condemn them, that is not Jesus teachings. Keep your hate and condemnation, I want no part of it! John 3:17 For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.
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I do not hate and condemn people, and it does not matter how many times you hatefully call me Frau Sherri and hypocrite and tell me I should go out and hate and condemn the ones you do and who you call your enemy, I am not going to do it, I refuse to descend to and embrace your hate. Jesus came to save and not condemn and His followers seek to follow His example and His teachings. And He says love your enemy. "You have heard the law that says Love your neighbor and hate your enemy. But I say, love your enemies! Pray for those who persecute you! In that way, you will be acting as true children of your Father in heaven. For he gives his sunlight to both the evil and the good and he sends rain on the just and the unjust alike. If you love only those who love you, what reward is there for that? Even corrupt tax collectors do that much. If you are kind only to your friends, how are you different from anyone else? Even pagans do that. But you are to be perfect, even as your Father in heaven is perfect. Matthew 6:43-48 There is a difference between hating and condemning, specifically what you call me to do in your post, and criticising bad acts, like I do when I criticize human rights abuses and violations of intl law that Israel carries out in her Occupation of Palestine.
Where's the 'hate' in my posts?

These words, "Frau Sherri, the big hypocrite who cannot even spend a few minutes out of her busy week bashing the Jews and Israel all over the internet on one other forum condeming what her friends are doing to Christians ......." You ask me to condemn others. I do not know if you have ever noticed or not but I never say I condemn another and there is a reason for that , a specific reason I do not use the word condemn. JESUS says He came to save and not to condemn. AND Jesus said I give you a new command, love one another as I have loved you. AND He said love your enemy. SO, do not ask me to hate or condemn those you hate and condemn. I AM not commanded to hate and condemn them, that is not Jesus teachings. Keep your hate and condemnation, I want no part of it!
Condemnation is not hatred, Ms. Webster.
"Read up on it."
Where's the 'hate' in my posts?

These words, "Frau Sherri, the big hypocrite who cannot even spend a few minutes out of her busy week bashing the Jews and Israel all over the internet on one other forum condeming what her friends are doing to Christians ......." You ask me to condemn others. I do not know if you have ever noticed or not but I never say I condemn another and there is a reason for that , a specific reason I do not use the word condemn. JESUS says He came to save and not to condemn. AND Jesus said I give you a new command, love one another as I have loved you. AND He said love your enemy. SO, do not ask me to hate or condemn those you hate and condemn. I AM not commanded to hate and condemn them, that is not Jesus teachings. Keep your hate and condemnation, I want no part of it!
Condemnation is not hatred, Ms. Webster.
"Read up on it."
~~Tinhead[/QUOTE. Jesus says otherwise, speaking against both condemnation and hatred. John 3:17 For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. And He said there are two commands; to love God and to love our neighbor. And He said love your enemies. And He said I give you a new command, love one another as I have loved you. And noone did He hate and nowhere did He hate. He taught love, not hate. AND later, the Apostle Paul tells us God is love. Conclusion, Jesus speaks against condemnation and hate. But he confronts Injustice with truth. See Matthew 23
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try again sherri----you express hatred very openly --in fact in your support of
murder ----there is another ethical principle---to which the person
Jesus of nazareth adhered. -----which can be described simply as
tolerating evil-------sometimes it is expressed a bit poetically----
Like it is sin to stand idly beside the flood of your neighbor----in these
dictums all kinds of disasters that befall people----wherever you encounter
them-----and to WHOMEVER they happen---stranger, enemy, friends---
ANYONE. Your selective attention Israel----is a very good
example of your Gross sin of neglect

YOU altered my post and then you say my statement as altered by you is a sin according to Jesus. Are you for real? You reject Jesus as Messiah but claim to understand His words which you then falsely claim are mistranslated. TRY again to know Jesus, the fire of hell awaits you if you make the wrong choice.

Oh, Rosie - is the l'il sherrithing pretending you changed her post? She's tried that on a few other people in the past - she zips in and edits her post, then accuses another of changing the words....

I think everyone's pretty much got her number by now, Rosie. I'm certain that GOD has - which is kinda sad for the l'il sherrithing, but those have been the sherrithing's choices.
YOU altered my post and then you say my statement as altered by you is a sin according to Jesus. Are you for real? You reject Jesus as Messiah but claim to understand His words which you then falsely claim are mistranslated. TRY again to know Jesus, the fire of hell awaits you if you make the wrong choice.

Oh, Rosie - is the l'il sherrithing pretending you changed her post? She's tried that on a few other people in the past - she zips in and edits her post, then accuses another of changing the words....

I think everyone's pretty much got her number by now, Rosie. I'm certain that GOD has - which is kinda sad for the l'il sherrithing, but those have been the sherrithing's choices.

Long ago----on the POLITICS OF ISRAEL board-----there was
a "person" who claimed to be a "revert" having been
brought up -----I think an anglican------??? <<not sure----
who played that game INCESSANTLY It got so tangled
that I started copying posts to word pad-------but nothing helped--
she lied and lied and lied -------isa is pleased with both of them
Israel blocks Palestinians from Easter celebrations . GAZA CITY (Ma’an) -- "Israeli authorities on Friday prevented dozens of Christians from crossing to the West Bank through Gaza's Beit Hanoun crossing, a Palestinian liaison official said.The Israeli side allowed only 25 Christians out of 100 to enter to the West Bank to celebrate Easter. They banned dozens who gathered outside the crossing, saying only 25 per day would be allowed to cross.*The liaison official said departures would resume Sunday after the regular Saturday closure.*About 230 Palestinian Christians have already departed the Gaza Strip since Israel granted 500 permits for worshipers hoping to enter the West Bank to mark Orthodox Easter celebrations.*" Israel blocks Palestinians from Easter celebrations | Maan News Agency

The Israelis didn't ban easter did you even read that bullshit you posted? like the other countries in the region allow Easter celebrations:eusa_hand:
annika-----don't go away-----no one else in the world has your
capacity for meticulous scholarship
annika-----don't go away-----no one else in the world has your
capacity for meticulous scholarship

Unfortunately, I had to delete my post. Sherri posted about the Come and See website and I mistakenly responded with a description of the Come and Hear website.
My apologies to all!
annika-----don't go away-----no one else in the world has your
capacity for meticulous scholarship

Unfortunately, I had to delete my post. Sherri posted about the Come and See website and I mistakenly responded with a description of the Come and Hear website.
My apologies to all!

oh gee-----its ok I got to read your stuff on "come and hear" I know that one---
and you did an excellent job "come and see"??? new one for me------I will
check it out
anyone want to hear some "christian mocking" find a muslim
and say you are a jew

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