Israel blocks terrorist Omar, Tlaib from entering country

Not true.
The US has the highest crimes of rape, sexual harassment and assault against women. Heck you voted in for a pussy grabber who sleeps who hires prostitutes, have also no problem with judges accused of rape, and politicians who were known as sex offenders.

Difference is they are crimes in the US and par for the course in Islam. Pussy grabber? LOL not what he said at all. Is English your second language? If I draw a Cartoon of your illiterate prophet will you declare Jihad on me? Je Suis Charlie.
English is my fourth language and you get what I speak is better than the first whore and Henry Kissinger's English.
Je suis musulmane et je suis fiere de l etre... t as un problem avec va mon petit?

Tu es Tres Bete.


Je Parle Francais aussi. Vache!

Moi aussi

Tres Bien. That dirty terrorist thinks he impresses me with his linguistics. He doesn’t. He probably applauded the Charlie Hedbo murders.
Nope wrong, against all killings. But you do suck in French it is very evident you took it like most in H.S and know a word or two...if you did speak French you wouldnt be as dumb as you are showing us. French educated are usually very informed about world affairs and btw most are pro Palestinian cause. Call them anti semitic as well.
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Israel blocks Omar, Tlaib from entering country amid pressure from Trump

Israel is now defending American democracy better than the USA can

Israeli officials have decided to block U.S. Reps. Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., and Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., from entering the country as part of a planned visit, a reversal that comes amid pressure from President Trump and concerns about their support for Israel boycotts.

The country's deputy foreign minister announced the decision Thursday, despite prior assurances that the congresswomen would be allowed in.

Oh the Irony,one terrorist nation blocking some ALLEGED terrorist. LOL
Either you support freedom of speech, or you don't.

Freedom of speech is one thing, freedom of hate speech and freedom of BS is totally different.

No it isn't. If we had freedom from BS we could have got rid of Trump.

You need to pay attention slick, I said freedom of BS not freedom from BS, you fricken libs have proved that.

Actually, they're right, Mexico has more of a right to ban Trump, than Israel does this people.

Damn, who is they and wtf is this people?

Trump's just as, if not more engaged in so called "Hate Speech" than Tlaib, and Omar are.
But, because Republicans are cuckoo for Kosher, they don't think straight.
Difference is they are crimes in the US and par for the course in Islam. Pussy grabber? LOL not what he said at all. Is English your second language? If I draw a Cartoon of your illiterate prophet will you declare Jihad on me? Je Suis Charlie.
English is my fourth language and you get what I speak is better than the first whore and Henry Kissinger's English.
Je suis musulmane et je suis fiere de l etre... t as un problem avec va mon petit?

Tu es Tres Bete.


Je Parle Francais aussi. Vache!

Moi aussi

Tres Bien. That dirty terrorist thinks he impresses me with his linguistics. He doesn’t. He probably applauded the Charlie Hedbo murders.
Nope wrong, against all killings. But you do suck in French it is very e identity you took it like most in H.S and know a word or two...if you did speak French you wouldnt be as dumb as you are showing us. French educated are usually very informed about world affairs and btw most are pro Palestinian cause. Call them anti semitic as well.

Duh the French are notorious antisemites and Islamist lovers. Well they were until your boys killed some comedians. Sad. Over a cartoon. Luckily no one gives a flying rats ass what the weak nation of France thinks.
Not true.
The US has the highest crimes of rape, sexual harassment and assault against women. Heck you voted in for a pussy grabber who sleeps who hires prostitutes, have also no problem with judges accused of rape, and politicians who were known as sex offenders.

Difference is they are crimes in the US and par for the course in Islam. Pussy grabber? LOL not what he said at all. Is English your second language? If I draw a Cartoon of your illiterate prophet will you declare Jihad on me? Je Suis Charlie.
English is my fourth language and you get what I speak is better than the first whore and Henry Kissinger's English.
Je suis musulmane et je suis fiere de l etre... t as un problem avec va mon petit?

Tu es Tres Bete.


Je Parle Francais aussi. Vache!
We say tu est bete...or tu es trop bete.
Stop using Google translate.

I am typing on my phone in English and it auto corrects anything. You understood me and you mean “we write”? Je Suis Charlie. You know what that means? Oui?

Vous etes gros. How about that? Not sure my grammar is right but you get the gist.
Hahaha just drop it , you dont speak French. The muslims you hate I'm one of them...I spoke 3 languages fluently in third grade....I'm 42 and started learning English at the age of 20 and none can detect my accent. When you do better than talk down to me, till then fermes ta gueule petit con.
English is my fourth language and you get what I speak is better than the first whore and Henry Kissinger's English.
Je suis musulmane et je suis fiere de l etre... t as un problem avec va mon petit?

Tu es Tres Bete.


Je Parle Francais aussi. Vache!

Moi aussi

Tres Bien. That dirty terrorist thinks he impresses me with his linguistics. He doesn’t. He probably applauded the Charlie Hedbo murders.
Nope wrong, against all killings. But you do suck in French it is very e identity you took it like most in H.S and know a word or two...if you did speak French you wouldnt be as dumb as you are showing us. French educated are usually very informed about world affairs and btw most are pro Palestinian cause. Call them anti semitic as well.

Duh the French are notorious antisemites and Islamist lovers. Well they were until your boys killed some comedians. Sad. Over a cartoon. Luckily no one gives a flying rats ass what the weak nation of France thinks.
Those French helped America gain its independence otherwise you would still have a queen...but you are an ungrateful bastard.
Freedom of speech is one thing, freedom of hate speech and freedom of BS is totally different.

No it isn't. If we had freedom from BS we could have got rid of Trump.

You need to pay attention slick, I said freedom of BS not freedom from BS, you fricken libs have proved that.

Actually, they're right, Mexico has more of a right to ban Trump, than Israel does this people.

Damn, who is they and wtf is this people?

Trump's just as, if not more engaged in so called "Hate Speech" than Tlaib, and Omar are.
But, because Republicans are cuckoo for Kosher, they don't think straight.

Speaking of not thinking straight, we were talking about freedom of speech, you jumped to Mexico and now you're on to hate speech. I won't say you're a fricken wacko....but you are.
Difference is they are crimes in the US and par for the course in Islam. Pussy grabber? LOL not what he said at all. Is English your second language? If I draw a Cartoon of your illiterate prophet will you declare Jihad on me? Je Suis Charlie.
English is my fourth language and you get what I speak is better than the first whore and Henry Kissinger's English.
Je suis musulmane et je suis fiere de l etre... t as un problem avec va mon petit?

Tu es Tres Bete.


Je Parle Francais aussi. Vache!
We say tu est bete...or tu es trop bete.
Stop using Google translate.

I am typing on my phone in English and it auto corrects anything. You understood me and you mean “we write”? Je Suis Charlie. You know what that means? Oui?

Vous etes gros. How about that? Not sure my grammar is right but you get the gist.
Hahaha just drop it , you dont speak French. The muslims you hate I'm one of them...I spoke 3 languages fluently in third grade....I'm 42 and started learning English at the age of 20 and none can detect my accent. When you do better than talk down to me, till then fermes ta gueule petit con.

LMAO. I speak well enough. Oh I know you’re one of them. We are far from civil. I am Tres Mal in French but I speak two language fluently as well.
Good for them, Those two like Issa up there are hell bent to destroy Israel.
What is truly comical is that they both thought Israel was going to let them in and wonder around in the west bank.
Furthermore the democrats that are speaking out condemning Israel are total self centered trash, it is the Israeli government's decision and should be respected.
Have you asked yourself why only if in the world see Israel as a non criminal state? That's because they fucking are , remember apartheid That's what Israel is....
Speaking of the west bank, that's a Palestinian land controlled by Israeli occupiers that ingested it with illegal settlements.
Talib for example she is more indigenous to the holy land than most Israelis. But because Israel has been cleansing that land her parents and million other Palestinians we re pushed out...bad news for Israel and unlike American natives...that piece of land is in every muslims mind, it was recovered once and it will once again.
And I'm not for the destruction of anything, Palestinians need to get their freedom and lands back, settlers and invaders need to go back to where they came from.
settlers and invaders need to go back to where they came from.
that sounds like the right talking about our illegals here....
Tu es Tres Bete.


Je Parle Francais aussi. Vache!

Moi aussi

Tres Bien. That dirty terrorist thinks he impresses me with his linguistics. He doesn’t. He probably applauded the Charlie Hedbo murders.
Nope wrong, against all killings. But you do suck in French it is very e identity you took it like most in H.S and know a word or two...if you did speak French you wouldnt be as dumb as you are showing us. French educated are usually very informed about world affairs and btw most are pro Palestinian cause. Call them anti semitic as well.

Duh the French are notorious antisemites and Islamist lovers. Well they were until your boys killed some comedians. Sad. Over a cartoon. Luckily no one gives a flying rats ass what the weak nation of France thinks.
Those French helped America gain its independence otherwise you would still have a queen...but you are an ungrateful bastard.

Those aren’t the same French. These French surrendered to Germany and we returned the favor. Plus I am 2nd generation American. And a proud one. You’re just a brainwashed zombie.
No it isn't. If we had freedom from BS we could have got rid of Trump.

You need to pay attention slick, I said freedom of BS not freedom from BS, you fricken libs have proved that.

Actually, they're right, Mexico has more of a right to ban Trump, than Israel does this people.

Damn, who is they and wtf is this people?

Trump's just as, if not more engaged in so called "Hate Speech" than Tlaib, and Omar are.
But, because Republicans are cuckoo for Kosher, they don't think straight.

Speaking of not thinking straight, we were talking about freedom of speech, you jumped to Mexico and now you're on to hate speech. I won't say you're a fricken wacko....but you are.

You're Western European, a kind of screeching Chimp, of course, you small brained Monkey filth can't think outside the box, such dumb filth would have their brains overheat.
Talib belongs to that land more than most Israeli invaders.
I agree about her. She should return to the occupied terririories forthwith. The Somali skank can go too.
The first whore and her family that benefited from chained migration too, if you are fair.
The Somali and the other skank are not the first anything, although I'll give you whore, incestuous at that, but then you're a muzzie too I guess.
We should deport the first whore and her family, cant even speak English properly following your patriotic standards.
sometimes you dont either....should you be deported?...
Good for them, Those two like Issa up there are hell bent to destroy Israel.
What is truly comical is that they both thought Israel was going to let them in and wonder around in the west bank.
Furthermore the democrats that are speaking out condemning Israel are total self centered trash, it is the Israeli government's decision and should be respected.
Have you asked yourself why only if in the world see Israel as a non criminal state? That's because they fucking are , remember apartheid That's what Israel is....
Speaking of the west bank, that's a Palestinian land controlled by Israeli occupiers that ingested it with illegal settlements.
Talib for example she is more indigenous to the holy land than most Israelis. But because Israel has been cleansing that land her parents and million other Palestinians we re pushed out...bad news for Israel and unlike American natives...that piece of land is in every muslims mind, it was recovered once and it will once again.
And I'm not for the destruction of anything, Palestinians need to get their freedom and lands back, settlers and invaders need to go back to where they came from.

Boo boo. 1.8bn Muslims and 16 mil Jews. Every mostly Islamic country is a humanitarian disaster. If you want Israel so badly then take it or STFU. Je Suis Charlie.
Good for them, Those two like Issa up there are hell bent to destroy Israel.
What is truly comical is that they both thought Israel was going to let them in and wonder around in the west bank.
Furthermore the democrats that are speaking out condemning Israel are total self centered trash, it is the Israeli government's decision and should be respected.
Have you asked yourself why only if in the world see Israel as a non criminal state? That's because they fucking are , remember apartheid That's what Israel is....
Speaking of the west bank, that's a Palestinian land controlled by Israeli occupiers that ingested it with illegal settlements.
Talib for example she is more indigenous to the holy land than most Israelis. But because Israel has been cleansing that land her parents and million other Palestinians we re pushed out...bad news for Israel and unlike American natives...that piece of land is in every muslims mind, it was recovered once and it will once again.
And I'm not for the destruction of anything, Palestinians need to get their freedom and lands back, settlers and invaders need to go back to where they came from.
settlers and invaders need to go back to where they came from.
that sounds like the right talking about our illegals here....
Big difference...invaders killed and occupied a land...illegals found a job and a welcoming smile from Americans employers, and they didnt occupy no one's house after killing them.
BS, yeah you're a muzzie
And proud. :5_1_12024:

Why? Scum and a scourge
Because I'm not a dumb racist redneck like you :p

You don't know me, cease pretending you do.

Israel stuffed your two mouthpieces...good on Israel. Now sit and whine like the little bitch you are
Not me...but you are the Israeli cowards have been killing civilians and stealing lands for decades. And since you are the criminal racist bastatd you are, you have to side with the occupying surprise there.
Keep sending that money to Israel, you are their bitch.

It is called an alliance and it is working as losers like you who kill over cartoons cry about it.
Talib belongs to that land more than most Israeli invaders.
I agree about her. She should return to the occupied terririories forthwith. The Somali skank can go too.
The first whore and her family that benefited from chained migration too, if you are fair.
The Somali and the other skank are not the first anything, although I'll give you whore, incestuous at that, but then you're a muzzie too I guess.
We should deport the first whore and her family, cant even speak English properly following your patriotic standards.
sometimes you dont either....should you be deported?...
If you deport her first, why
Good for them, Those two like Issa up there are hell bent to destroy Israel.
What is truly comical is that they both thought Israel was going to let them in and wonder around in the west bank.
Furthermore the democrats that are speaking out condemning Israel are total self centered trash, it is the Israeli government's decision and should be respected.
Have you asked yourself why only if in the world see Israel as a non criminal state? That's because they fucking are , remember apartheid That's what Israel is....
Speaking of the west bank, that's a Palestinian land controlled by Israeli occupiers that ingested it with illegal settlements.
Talib for example she is more indigenous to the holy land than most Israelis. But because Israel has been cleansing that land her parents and million other Palestinians we re pushed out...bad news for Israel and unlike American natives...that piece of land is in every muslims mind, it was recovered once and it will once again.
And I'm not for the destruction of anything, Palestinians need to get their freedom and lands back, settlers and invaders need to go back to where they came from.
settlers and invaders need to go back to where they came from.
that sounds like the right talking about our illegals here....
Big difference...invaders killed and occupied a land...illegals found a job and a welcoming smile from Americans employers, and they didnt occupy no one's house after killing them.

Tell that to Los Angeles. Israel conquered the land it is theirs. Not any different than what shaped America. Learn history, dumbass.
Good for them, Those two like Issa up there are hell bent to destroy Israel.
What is truly comical is that they both thought Israel was going to let them in and wonder around in the west bank.
Furthermore the democrats that are speaking out condemning Israel are total self centered trash, it is the Israeli government's decision and should be respected.
Have you asked yourself why only if in the world see Israel as a non criminal state? That's because they fucking are , remember apartheid That's what Israel is....
Speaking of the west bank, that's a Palestinian land controlled by Israeli occupiers that ingested it with illegal settlements.
Talib for example she is more indigenous to the holy land than most Israelis. But because Israel has been cleansing that land her parents and million other Palestinians we re pushed out...bad news for Israel and unlike American natives...that piece of land is in every muslims mind, it was recovered once and it will once again.
And I'm not for the destruction of anything, Palestinians need to get their freedom and lands back, settlers and invaders need to go back to where they came from.

Boo boo. 1.8bn Muslims and 16 mil Jews. Every mostly Islamic country is a humanitarian disaster. If you want Israel so badly then take it or STFU. Je Suis Charlie.
First we will need to stop bailing the lazy Israelis out, they need to esen their money. America and Americans first
And proud. :5_1_12024:

Why? Scum and a scourge
Because I'm not a dumb racist redneck like you :p

You don't know me, cease pretending you do.

Israel stuffed your two mouthpieces...good on Israel. Now sit and whine like the little bitch you are
Not me...but you are the Israeli cowards have been killing civilians and stealing lands for decades. And since you are the criminal racist bastatd you are, you have to side with the occupying surprise there.
Keep sending that money to Israel, you are their bitch.

It is called an alliance and it is working as losers like you who kill over cartoons cry about it.
Why did you invade Iraq again ?

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