Israel Burns Alive An 11 Month Old Palestinian Baby In Gaza Air Strike

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angel said:

Allah had a wife and daughters - he was the moongod al illah,

true, as far as we know

until momad appropriated him, did away with his family and declared it shirk to acknowledge them in the future.

that is just story, written by proph Mos'followers at least a hundred years later

not proper His-story or Her-story

That simply does not exist for the 100 years after Proph Mo at all

The early arab invaders of syria, etc did not even call themselves muslims
only "true believers"

I aint in provoking mode here....really serious

watch "The Untold story of Islam"...a Uk Channel 4 documentary on early Islam by a proper historian

you can find it on you tube...its an hour long but well worthwhie

several real historical experts appear on this film

after watching this you will no longer believe all the oral tradition stuff like that it was Mo that wrote the koran, sharia law etc etc

this was all created in syriia, baghdad eyc 100 yeras later

i challenge you to watch it and then comment again

here's the link:

Islam: The Untold Story - Islam: The Untold Story - YouTube

Here we go again. Please stop assuming you think you know what I think I know, Kvetchy. And I've seen that prog already when it was aired. I didn't learn anything I wasn't already aware of, whether or not I agree with it. I know it is believed that Mo didn't write anything down, as it is believed the man was allegedly illiterate. I'm not going to bother arguing about the vile creature with you either, since you already mentioned in another thread you hold him in high esteem. Odd since he was a theiving enslaving warmonger and you claim to
despise theiving warmongers at least.
Down boy :funnyface:

then you did not watch that film with an open mind

but i will abide by yesterday's fatwa i issued to myself
about my interactions with you
and not argue with you

i know what happens if I try!

what i mean by that
is that i do not want to inflict hurt on you or suffer it myself
and both happened yesterday, did they not

i care far more for the real you
than which of our fantasies about mohammed is right

so mo, whether saint, as in my fantasy
or pervert, as in yours
is innocent of any of our projections
or prejudices

i care about you far more than about being right about Mo
when i said clearly to you and all here

that my esteem for mo is only my own intuition
and my guru osho's view
backed by nothing more than that

not worth a hissyfit at all!!
wrong mamzer dear-------I know muslims are a minority in India ------and, in fact, LESS EDUCATED THAN THE AVERAGE HINDU in INDIA -----the attack in MUMBAI WAS BY PAKISTANI MUSLIMS. They did not arrive as rebellious indian poor oppressed muslims------the were FUNDED and ASSISTED The first muslim I knew well was from New Dehli -----shiite
quite right sweetie

i dont know delhi...only been there once

but i do know mumbai well
Ha Ha Ha! You sick fuck. When you tried hours to convince people israel didn't break the truce, you deflect and lie, and come up with a lame excuse.

And justify the violence. But it's good even an Israeli terrorist admitted his country started the violence and also killed two children under 5 with this attack.

It's always sad when a terrorist is delivered to his 72 raisins.
Especially when he's responsible for launching attacks from civilians areas.

Funny part is nobody tells them those 72 virgins are men and are virgins because they are totally unfuckable.:D

I heard they all look like Helen Thomas.
Here we go again. Please stop assuming you think you know what I think I know, Kvetchy. And I've seen that prog already when it was aired. I didn't learn anything I wasn't already aware of, whether or not I agree with it. I know it is believed that Mo didn't write anything down, as it is believed the man was allegedly illiterate. I'm not going to bother arguing about the vile creature with you either, since you already mentioned in another thread you hold him in high esteem. Odd since he was a theiving enslaving warmonger and you claim to
despise theiving warmongers at least.
Down boy :funnyface:

then you did not watch that film with an open mind

but i will abide by yesterday's fatwa i issued to myself
about my interactions with you
and not argue with you

i know what happens if I try!

I too have issued myself a fatwah, Kvetchy, which I unintentionally reneged on in my last post. There are posters here for whom the terrible events of the last week are all too real and close to home and I don't think it is decent of me to add criticising their religion into the mix and I have said I won't do that now. It makes me feel bad :sad:

that sounds really great

i still cant thank your posts but i can candyslice's

what the heaven is going on, eh??

love and peace; there aint enough to go round here is there

Here we go again. Please stop assuming you think you know what I think I know, Kvetchy. And I've seen that prog already when it was aired. I didn't learn anything I wasn't already aware of, whether or not I agree with it. I know it is believed that Mo didn't write anything down, as it is believed the man was allegedly illiterate. I'm not going to bother arguing about the vile creature with you either, since you already mentioned in another thread you hold him in high esteem. Odd since he was a theiving enslaving warmonger and you claim to
despise theiving warmongers at least.
Down boy :funnyface:

then you did not watch that film with an open mind

but i will abide by yesterday's fatwa i issued to myself
about my interactions with you
and not argue with you

i know what happens if I try!

what i mean by that
is that i do not want to inflict hurt on you or suffer it myself
and both happened yesterday, did they not

i care far more for the real you
than which of our fantasies about mohammed is right

so mo, whether saint, as in my fantasy
or pervert, as in yours
is innocent of any of our projections
or prejudices

i care about you far more than about being right about Mo
when i said clearly to you and all here

that my esteem for mo is only my own intuition
and my guru osho's view
backed by nothing more than that

not worth a hissyfit at all!!

You are so sweet (sometimes) Kvetchy, and I agree.

then you did not watch that film with an open mind

but i will abide by yesterday's fatwa i issued to myself
about my interactions with you
and not argue with you

i know what happens if I try!

I too have issued myself a fatwah, Kvetchy, which I unintentionally reneged on in my last post. There are posters here for whom the terrible events of the last week are all too real and close to home and I don't think it is decent of me to add criticising their religion into the mix and I have said I won't do that now. It makes me feel bad :sad:

that sounds really great

i still cant thank your posts but i can candyslice's

what the heaven is going on, eh??

love and peace; there aint enough to go round here is there


Some of my buttons disappear too sometimes :eusa_shifty:
mamzer dear-----the conflict between muslims and hindus ----is why PAKISTAN was invented The first muslim I knew well was a SHIITE HE DESPISED HINDUS offered me to share in the DRINKING OF THEIR BLOOD SOME DAY--------naturally ----silly dinwit that I was------I asked why his family had not moved to PAKISTAN in 1948 I do know that the people who invented pakistan did not do so because they considered their future in HINDU INDIA to be rosy FOR REASON
I do not believe mo was ALL THE ILLITERATE sorry-----arabs had writing then-----he was rich------unless he was BRAIN DAMAGED-----he would have learned to read at least a bit Even SEVERELY DYSLEXIC people pick up a bit of reading ability----- the ILLITERATE STORY does not make sense-------bad speller maybe-------very bad speller--- bad writer----but completely no writing and reading? I do not believe it its an way of ratonalizing the fact that there was no koran during his life time and it appeared more than 100 years after he died -------"HERE IS MUHAMMED'S KORAN IN HIS WORDS HEARD IN THE CAVE----HE WOULD HAVE WRITTEN IT HIMSELF----BUT HE DID NOT KNOW HOW TO WRITE SO PEOPLE MEMORIZED IT AND NO ONE THOUGHT OF WRITING IT UNTIL NOW. WE MADE NO CHANGES----IT IS EXACTLY AS MY GRANDFATHER HEARD IT"
yeah, RIGHT!!!!!
sweetie i agree

but i cant thank you for your post either

i think khadija his first rich and older wife was very very important

without her; definitely no islam
I too have issued myself a fatwah, Kvetchy, which I unintentionally reneged on in my last post. There are posters here for whom the terrible events of the last week are all too real and close to home and I don't think it is decent of me to add criticising their religion into the mix and I have said I won't do that now. It makes me feel bad :sad:

that sounds really great

i still cant thank your posts but i can candyslice's

what the heaven is going on, eh??

love and peace; there aint enough to go round here is there


Some of my buttons disappear too sometimes :eusa_shifty:

i still cant thank you or rosie either

and i refreshed the page several times

but thanx for both your last posts

i wanna get writing about gaza now
I do not believe mo was ALL THE ILLITERATE sorry-----arabs had writing then-----he was rich------unless he was BRAIN DAMAGED-----he would have learned to read at least a bit Even SEVERELY DYSLEXIC people pick up a bit of reading ability----- the ILLITERATE STORY does not make sense-------bad speller maybe-------very bad speller--- bad writer----but completely no writing and reading? I do not believe it its an way of ratonalizing the fact that there was no koran during his life time and it appeared more than 100 years after he died -------"HERE IS MUHAMMED'S KORAN IN HIS WORDS HEARD IN THE CAVE----HE WOULD HAVE WRITTEN IT HIMSELF----BUT HE DID NOT KNOW HOW TO WRITE SO PEOPLE MEMORIZED IT AND NO ONE THOUGHT OF WRITING IT UNTIL NOW. WE MADE NO CHANGES----IT IS EXACTLY AS MY GRANDFATHER HEARD IT"
yeah, RIGHT!!!!!

It does seem sort of convenient for him to be viewed as illiterate. And then there is the confusion over whether Jibriel told him to recite or to read in the cave? Mohammed is supposed to have said three times that he cannot read, yet some muslims say Gabriel told him to recite rather than read because he could not read. Maybe Bcoz will feel like telling us what he thinks, if we are not rude to him about islam and muhammed?
I do not believe mo was ALL THE ILLITERATE sorry-----arabs had writing then-----he was rich------unless he was BRAIN DAMAGED-----he would have learned to read at least a bit Even SEVERELY DYSLEXIC people pick up a bit of reading ability----- the ILLITERATE STORY does not make sense-------bad speller maybe-------very bad speller--- bad writer----but completely no writing and reading? I do not believe it its an way of ratonalizing the fact that there was no koran during his life time and it appeared more than 100 years after he died -------"HERE IS MUHAMMED'S KORAN IN HIS WORDS HEARD IN THE CAVE----HE WOULD HAVE WRITTEN IT HIMSELF----BUT HE DID NOT KNOW HOW TO WRITE SO PEOPLE MEMORIZED IT AND NO ONE THOUGHT OF WRITING IT UNTIL NOW. WE MADE NO CHANGES----IT IS EXACTLY AS MY GRANDFATHER HEARD IT"
yeah, RIGHT!!!!!
sweetie i agree

but i cant thank you for your post either

i think khadija his first rich and older wife was very very important

without her; definitely no islam

Makes sense-----I never gave her much thought-----now that I think of it-----things may have been a LOT BETTER if she had lived longer Helena---was the mother of CONSTANTINE-----she was the christian in the family-----CONSTANTINE WAS ----a mamzer in the negative sense of "mamzer" as applied to -----bad adult not just smart mouth and humorous-----A REAL BASTARD as in bastardo. Kadji may have been a LEADER TYPE as I believe Helena was-----but she left it in the hands of a maniac

men cannot be left to their own devices

is there any suggestion that KADJI could write? rich woman-----arabic DID have an alphabet by then-------what did she do all day-------watch TV soap operas

Why do you tell lies like that?

I really feel sorry for you, I see you as much in a prison as those in Gaza, as those imprisoned in concentration camps in Nazi Germany, as those imprisoned as Japanese in camps in the US during WWII.

You are imprisoned by a victim mentality that poisons you against nonJews, you cannot write a post that is not poisoned with hate and negativity for nonJews.

Are you so accustomed to living with your hate and poisoned mind you do not want to leave the place you are?

There is another way to live, but you have to want to be free of your bondage.

sherri you are totally wrong about rosie

rosie and i have totally different views about israel and many things

but i feel closer to her than to anyone else here

at first we insulted each other...big time

look under people's words and find that of god in everyone

that's the quaker christiantity i was taught and still follow

you do not, dear

you dont begin to

you wouldn't know where to start,....

not here, anyway

you must have some ability if you are married to an ex muslim atheist
to distinguish the state of a human heart from the views they have or how they express them

you say your wounded from iran against god

rosie talks all the time about her and her husband's lives.................

and so do I and others............we all have deep wounds of one kind or another

how about sharing yours??

what is wrong with you????

cant you figure people out without all that holy crap about saving rosie from her bondage of hate
and stoopid holy cow dung like that, thinking you are so so so superior and holier than anyone

do you not know how offensive that is

did you like it when jeremiah did that to you??

if jesus can't save you god alone knows who can.............

And what is my name doing inside your post? - Jeremiah

have you forgotten

you posed as sherri's saviour

to try and convert her to your un-christian "zionism"

quotin scripture as ignorantly as sherri does to others here

she didn't like that

nor does anyone like self rigteous prigs like either of you

jeremiah of old would tell netenyahoo exactly what he said to nthe wicked kings of old israel

the same disaster awaits the new israel as happened to the old one

because of its wicked ways

that's the REAL Jeremiah

you are an ignorant self righteous ignorant phoney unworthy of such a fine name

satisfied now??
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Jeremiah was a KVETCH----a prophet of doom and gloom----sometimes I call hubby JEREMIAH and-----tell him to go to bed
I want Day of Judgement. That's it. God if you order the Day to be near, and the day the Palestinians will be victors over Israel, do it.

Life is for you, we are going back to you. Make it happen God, it's time we see justice.

You are the Great and the Most Powerful.
Your 72 virgin donkeys are waiting for you, Ahmed.

God will punish you, you are afraid of the Day of Judgement.

All the Zionists are gonna have trouble that day.

God knows true justice, he will make justice happen.
In that case, Baghdad Bob, I know you are looking forward to God punishing all those Muslims who have harassed and murdered innocent others and destroyed their houses of worship in the name of Islam. Of course, God will not be happy with those Muslims who kept quiet and didn't speak up against those Muslims who were and still are harming others. Millions and millions of Muslims will certainly be facing a lot of trouble if there is some kind of Judgment Day. Wouldn't that be sweet justice, Bob?
mamzer-----a better spelling of the expression you used is OY VEY----I believe it is a yiddish version of the hebrew OY VAVOY or OY VAVOI (same thing) in the KJV it is translated as "WOE"-----which is probably just the same word that crept into english usage. I believe that even in Hebrew it is just a kind of expletive-------now go to sleep----you are tired-----candy has a right to know WHAT TO EXPECT and Indian women do yank at their hair and do little screams when bad things happen------must you EMULATE?

Lol :thewave:
Rosie and Angel

at last..the thanks button has reappeared!!

rosie that was you at your very best and beautiful....almost poetic

and angel bows down to you like a guru!!!

i aint're worth it

wish you wouldn't waste your love and genius


mamzer-----a better spelling of the expression you used is OY VEY----I believe it is a yiddish version of the hebrew OY VAVOY or OY VAVOI (same thing) in the KJV it is translated as "WOE"-----which is probably just the same word that crept into english usage. I believe that even in Hebrew it is just a kind of expletive-------now go to sleep----you are tired-----candy has a right to know WHAT TO EXPECT and Indian women do yank at their hair and do little screams when bad things happen------must you EMULATE?

Lol :thewave:
Rosie and Angel

at last..the thanks button has reappeared!!

rosie that was you at your very best and beautiful....almost poetic

and angel bows down to you like a guru!!!

i aint're worth it

wish you wouldn't waste your love and genius


Jaysus, Kvetch, can't you find a Dear Abby column or a Dr. Phil column to cure your lovesick calf blues?
mamzer-----a better spelling of the expression you used is oy vey----i believe it is a yiddish version of the hebrew oy vavoy or oy vavoi (same thing) in the kjv it is translated as "woe"-----which is probably just the same word that crept into english usage. I believe that even in hebrew it is just a kind of expletive-------now go to sleep----you are tired-----candy has a right to know what to expect and indian women do yank at their hair and do little screams when bad things happen------must you emulate?
sweetie my friend that got yanked out of that lubavitch house was a russian with bipolar pussy riot energy

one of us, actually
i talked to her today on facebook

if it had been an indian woman the cops would and could have arrested that vile rabbi's wife and given her the beating she deserved

code red
edit alert
eedjit alert
code red
pullleeeeeze tell me you don't actually believe women should be beaten :dev2:
of course i dont
that's why i restrained my pussy riot sweetie
and stopped her going to the cops

otherwise she surely would have been
i know those cops
i have once been on the receiving end
but that's another story!

then you did not watch that film with an open mind

but i will abide by yesterday's fatwa i issued to myself
about my interactions with you
and not argue with you

i know what happens if I try!

I too have issued myself a fatwah, Kvetchy, which I unintentionally reneged on in my last post. There are posters here for whom the terrible events of the last week are all too real and close to home and I don't think it is decent of me to add criticising their religion into the mix and I have said I won't do that now. It makes me feel bad :sad:

that sounds really great

i still cant thank your posts but i can candyslice's

what the heaven is going on, eh??

love and peace; there aint enough to go round here is there


Radical extreamism isn't a religion. It's a relatively small cult of jug heads that can't seen to behave themselves in even the simplest societies.
I do not believe mo was ALL THE ILLITERATE sorry-----arabs had writing then-----he was rich------unless he was BRAIN DAMAGED-----he would have learned to read at least a bit Even SEVERELY DYSLEXIC people pick up a bit of reading ability----- the ILLITERATE STORY does not make sense-------bad speller maybe-------very bad speller--- bad writer----but completely no writing and reading? I do not believe it its an way of ratonalizing the fact that there was no koran during his life time and it appeared more than 100 years after he died -------"HERE IS MUHAMMED'S KORAN IN HIS WORDS HEARD IN THE CAVE----HE WOULD HAVE WRITTEN IT HIMSELF----BUT HE DID NOT KNOW HOW TO WRITE SO PEOPLE MEMORIZED IT AND NO ONE THOUGHT OF WRITING IT UNTIL NOW. WE MADE NO CHANGES----IT IS EXACTLY AS MY GRANDFATHER HEARD IT"
yeah, RIGHT!!!!!
sweetie i agree

but i cant thank you for your post either

i think khadija his first rich and older wife was very very important

without her; definitely no islam

Makes sense-----I never gave her much thought-----now that I think of it-----things may have been a LOT BETTER if she had lived longer Helena---was the mother of CONSTANTINE-----she was the christian in the family-----CONSTANTINE WAS ----a mamzer in the negative sense of "mamzer" as applied to -----bad adult not just smart mouth and humorous-----A REAL BASTARD as in bastardo. Kadji may have been a LEADER TYPE as I believe Helena was-----but she left it in the hands of a maniac

men cannot be left to their own devices

is there any suggestion that KADJI could write? rich woman-----arabic DID have an alphabet by then-------what did she do all day-------watch TV soap operas

She was the daughter of a successful and wealthy merchant and she allegedly inherited his skills, I suspect he could probably write being a merchant - so she could probably write?
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