Israel Burns Alive An 11 Month Old Palestinian Baby In Gaza Air Strike

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i see that israel, like the USA considers Arab journalsits as a legitimate target of war
like the yanx did al jazeera

two houses containing jounalists and one BBC photo journalist...all zapped

and NOT by accident, either

do i get an anti-christ award from the zionuts for that purely factual observation??
I think in her (Sherri's) case, it's severe cerebral/rectal prolapse, aggrevated by an ongoing coprolithization of the cerebrum and cerebellum ......
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good article on how israel broke the truce...not a pallywood source target of the

Israeli missile strike this Wednesday, November 14, was later identified as Ahmad “Abu Mohammed” Al-Jabari. Al-Jabari was a leader of the Iz al-Din Al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of Hamas. (Mohammed Al-Hums, his assistant, was also in the car, and died, too.) But Al-Jabari was more than just a military man. Al-Jabari was one of Israel’s closest allies within Hamas and he had just completed brokering a truce with Israel three hours before his murder.

Al-Jabari, born in 1960, was Israel’s man inside Hamas to contact about putting ceasefires in place. Al-Jabari was considered a moderate who carried significant influence. Ha’aretz, Israel’s leading English language newspaper, recently reported that Israeli peace activist Gershon Baskin, a mediator between Israel and Hamas who worked with Al-Jabari in negotiating the release of a captured Israeli soldier named Gilad Shalit, stated that Al-Jabari’s assassination came just hours after Al-Jabari had received the draft of a permanent truce agreement with Israel. The draft of the agreement received by Al-Jabari included mechanisms for maintaining the ceasefire. “Al-Jabari was interested in a long-term ceasefire; he was not interested in these repeated rounds of attacks with Israel,” Gershon Baskin said.

If Baskin’s claim is accurate—and no compelling evidence has emerged to suggest otherwise—Israel assassinated the very man it was indirectly working with to obtain peace, after an agreement had been achieved yet before it could be implemented.

He was near or at the top of Israels most wanted list for his involvement in suicide bombings and other attacks, so who knows, maybe they were utilising him until they could get at him?
news nosh from israeli press

The international pressure is on to agree on a ceasefire. Netanyahu told foreign leaders that Israel will accept a comprehensive ceasefire if the rocket fire stops. And if it doesn't, Israel will invade Gaza.

Ynet, however, wrote that the Daily Beast reported that Netanyahu told Obama on Friday that Israel was not planning a ground operation.

Saturday night Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi said a ceasefire is close. Meanwhile, the Tunisian foreign minister visited Gaza and more delegations will be coming from Egypt.

Ynet reports that Israeli mayors from the south oppose a ceasefire. They want Hamas to suffer a severe blow before accepting a truce, believing that this will stop the rocket fire once and for all.
Here is Rosie on form again, Kvetchie. Nearly dropped my tea all over the keyboard for this one :lol::

I expect she is killing Gentile babies and children and civilians in the killing firlds of Gaza, that is what Zionists in Israel do!

Are you busy packing your bags to go assist her in her baby killing mission in the Gaza killing fields?

Way off base statement Sherri. Even for your hate filled mind.


I really must remind you the thread is about Zionists killing babies, and that happened, and it is a continuing event, Zionsists killing babies/kids in Gaza, in one attack on one house alone, today, four more children were killed by Zionists.

My discussing the Zionist killing of babies/kids may be something some do not desire, but the Hate lies in the killing, not in my talking about it.

And Lipush is a Zionist, and killing babies in Gaza is what Zionists do!

So, there you go, it seems only natural to draw certain inferences like I did.

i see that israel, like the USA considers Arab journalsits as a legitimate target of war
like the yanx did al jazeera

two houses containing jounalists and one BBC photo journalist...all zapped

and NOT by accident, either

do i get an anti-christ award from the zionuts for that purely factual observation??

Im sure even you will admit there is a problem with impartiality from 'reporters' inside Gaza - they are often more akin to propagandists fighting for Hamas in the war of propaganda and misinformation. They also know they are in a war zone and might be killed. I believe Israel also issued a statement on this matter. I think I will quit now as I'm on the IPad and typing on this drives me nuts :doubt:

poor old ASS



ZIONIST TERRORIZING (and killing/murdering/butchering)TERRORIST.....It SAYS IT ALL,I'm theliq.......I speak the truth always,fighting against denialist
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good article on how israel broke the truce...not a pallywood source target of the

Israeli missile strike this Wednesday, November 14, was later identified as Ahmad “Abu Mohammed” Al-Jabari. Al-Jabari was a leader of the Iz al-Din Al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of Hamas. (Mohammed Al-Hums, his assistant, was also in the car, and died, too.) But Al-Jabari was more than just a military man. Al-Jabari was one of Israel’s closest allies within Hamas and he had just completed brokering a truce with Israel three hours before his murder.

Al-Jabari, born in 1960, was Israel’s man inside Hamas to contact about putting ceasefires in place. Al-Jabari was considered a moderate who carried significant influence. Ha’aretz, Israel’s leading English language newspaper, recently reported that Israeli peace activist Gershon Baskin, a mediator between Israel and Hamas who worked with Al-Jabari in negotiating the release of a captured Israeli soldier named Gilad Shalit, stated that Al-Jabari’s assassination came just hours after Al-Jabari had received the draft of a permanent truce agreement with Israel. The draft of the agreement received by Al-Jabari included mechanisms for maintaining the ceasefire. “Al-Jabari was interested in a long-term ceasefire; he was not interested in these repeated rounds of attacks with Israel,” Gershon Baskin said.

If Baskin’s claim is accurate—and no compelling evidence has emerged to suggest otherwise—Israel assassinated the very man it was indirectly working with to obtain peace, after an agreement had been achieved yet before it could be implemented.

He was near or at the top of Israels most wanted list for his involvement in suicide bombings and other attacks, so who knows, maybe they were utilising him until they could get at him?

there's a great quote from israeli defence minister ehud barak about that

something like: "in the middle east, there's never a 2nd chance for the weak"

i.e. al jabari couldn't fully deliver the rocket firers to IDF drones
because some hamas factions were also joining in
so he was expendable and was zapped

but i think it was deliberate truce breakin by israel
exactly like they did before the last election with cast lead

history often repeats itself, sadly
just like with us all

if we dont learn key lessons, they get repeated

not like us, sweetie
we learned, didn't we, eh??

HAMAS has declared that Israel is not in control of Gaza. So Israel cannot possibly be 'occupying' Gaza.

SEcond, the blockade is LEGAL - and it exists *because* HAMAS which controls Gaza, refuses or was unable to stop the rockets.

It cannot be a 'truce' or a 'ceasefire' while rockets are being shot off.
Why does Sherri pick on Lipush? Has Lipush EVER expressed the kind of psychotic hatred which coruscates over Sherri's words like a slick of poisonous oil?

"You don't look like a human"........"You lust for the blood of others".......

This is Sherri who has insisted the Spirit of GOD is within her?

She may be full to the gills with spirit, maybe Schnapps as opposed to that of
I expect she is killing Gentile babies and children and civilians in the killing firlds of Gaza, that is what Zionists in Israel do!

Are you busy packing your bags to go assist her in her baby killing mission in the Gaza killing fields?

Way off base statement Sherri. Even for your hate filled mind.


I really must remind you the thread is about Zionists killing babies, and that happened, and it is a continuing event, Zionsists killing babies/kids in Gaza, in one attack on one house alone, today, four more children were killed by Zionists.

My discussing the Zionist killing of babies/kids may be something some do not desire, but the Hate lies in the killing, not in my talking about it.

And Lipush is a Zionist, and killing babies in Gaza is what Zionists do!

So, there you go, it seems only natural to draw certain inferences like I did.

No sherri, drawing such inferences is only natural for evil fools such as yourself.
I think in her (Sherri's) case, it's severe cerebral/rectal prolapse, aggrevated by an ongoing coprolithization of the cerebrum and cerebellum ......


Sherri, what you have been doing is not 'discussing' but taunting, hurling obscenities, and defecating verbally upon anyone who doesn't share your views.

All the while prancing about pretending to be a 'pacifist' and a 'humanitarian' - oh, and claiming also to be a Christian. You are actually none of the above.

You do not appear to care, either, just who/what you politically 'get into bed with' - having failed to note classic Nazi racist trash posts from various posters, including the notorious EOTS and 'theliq' who currently appears to be channelling Cailen Cambeul, who is sadly still alive.
good article on how israel broke the truce...not a pallywood source target of the

Israeli missile strike this Wednesday, November 14, was later identified as Ahmad “Abu Mohammed” Al-Jabari. Al-Jabari was a leader of the Iz al-Din Al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of Hamas. (Mohammed Al-Hums, his assistant, was also in the car, and died, too.) But Al-Jabari was more than just a military man. Al-Jabari was one of Israel’s closest allies within Hamas and he had just completed brokering a truce with Israel three hours before his murder.

Al-Jabari, born in 1960, was Israel’s man inside Hamas to contact about putting ceasefires in place. Al-Jabari was considered a moderate who carried significant influence. Ha’aretz, Israel’s leading English language newspaper, recently reported that Israeli peace activist Gershon Baskin, a mediator between Israel and Hamas who worked with Al-Jabari in negotiating the release of a captured Israeli soldier named Gilad Shalit, stated that Al-Jabari’s assassination came just hours after Al-Jabari had received the draft of a permanent truce agreement with Israel. The draft of the agreement received by Al-Jabari included mechanisms for maintaining the ceasefire. “Al-Jabari was interested in a long-term ceasefire; he was not interested in these repeated rounds of attacks with Israel,” Gershon Baskin said.

If Baskin’s claim is accurate—and no compelling evidence has emerged to suggest otherwise—Israel assassinated the very man it was indirectly working with to obtain peace, after an agreement had been achieved yet before it could be implemented.

He was near or at the top of Israels most wanted list for his involvement in suicide bombings and other attacks, so who knows, maybe they were utilising him until they could get at him?

there's a great quote from israeli defence minister ehud barak about that

something like: "in the middle east, there's never a 2nd chance for the weak"

i.e. al jabari couldn't fully deliver the rocket firers to IDF drones
because some hamas factions were also joining in
so he was expendable and was zapped

but i think it was deliberate truce breakin by israel
exactly like they did before the last election with cast lead

history often repeats itself, sadly
just like with us all

if we dont learn key lessons, they get repeated

not like us, sweetie
we learned, didn't we, eh??


Much of this is speculation and opinion, not fact, Kvetch, and as such I find it pointless adding my own speculations, particularly regarding motivation.
Sherri, what you have been doing is not 'discussing' but taunting, hurling obscenities, and defecating verbally upon anyone who doesn't share your views.

All the while prancing about pretending to be a 'pacifist' and a 'humanitarian' - oh, and claiming also to be a Christian. You are actually none of the above.

You do not appear to care, either, just who/what you politically 'get into bed with' - having failed to note classic Nazi racist trash posts from various posters, including the notorious EOTS and 'theliq' who currently appears to be channelling Cailen Cambeul, who is sadly still alive.

HAMAS has declared that Israel is not in control of Gaza. So Israel cannot possibly be 'occupying' Gaza.

SEcond, the blockade is LEGAL - and it exists *because* HAMAS which controls Gaza, refuses or was unable to stop the rockets.

It cannot be a 'truce' or a 'ceasefire' while rockets are being shot off.

That may or may not be true, however, there is more occupation than Gaza.
And if you don't like what I said about your post, Steve - I'm not going to apologize for noticing that the spewage in question is part of specific distortions put out by the 'Creativity Alliance' a 'GODless religion' which is based on racist filth.

BIK got a pass from me because he is young and under terrible stress right now. Nobody else posting that kind of Nazi style slop is going to: that filth has no place in any DISCUSSION of any sort.

And every time a 'Palestinian supporter' comes out with that insane racist filth - they are only pinging the 'Holocaust radar' of Jewish people everywhere. What do I mean by 'Holocaust radar'? It's when you just can't shake that feeling that this person or that just doesn't really see you as a human being.....

Those bad vibes emanate like a malignant aurora from a few posters here, Steve - to be sure, there are some who give off the exact duplicate in 'Muslim' flavor, too. I'm not comfortable around EITHER flavor myself.
Sherri, what you have been doing is not 'discussing' but taunting, hurling obscenities, and defecating verbally upon anyone who doesn't share your views.

All the while prancing about pretending to be a 'pacifist' and a 'humanitarian' - oh, and claiming also to be a Christian. You are actually none of the above.

You do not appear to care, either, just who/what you politically 'get into bed with' - having failed to note classic Nazi racist trash posts from various posters, including the notorious EOTS and 'theliq' who currently appears to be channelling Cailen Cambeul, who is sadly still alive.

'theliq' who currently appears to be channelling Cailen Cambeul

who he???

the liq appears to like "the Liquour" channeling of sorts....
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