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Israel Burns Alive An 11 Month Old Palestinian Baby In Gaza Air Strike

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as to the issue of "war crime" and "collective punishment" In order for
a bombing to be legal----the TARGET must be a legal military target----that is
active military personnel DURING conflict -----weapons dumps and sites
used for military purposes-----like buildings from which shots are fired or
bombs launched Can any of the supporters of islamo nazi actions eg
Sherrie----tell us just what the TARGETS of the kassam missiles are?

As to "collective punishment" can any of the supporters of the actions
of islamo nazi terrorists eg Sherri----tell us how bombing the brains
out of children living in israeli cities is NOT COLLECTIVE PUNISHMENT?

You are not only a RED NECK and all that implies(Dickhead,Racist,Ignorant Bastard,Bastard Only,Gun Toteing,Drug Taking,Drunken Republican Loser)BUT THICK WITH IT.

Your Avie,has Che Gavara in the cross-hairs,Your ignorant prose of TRASH KORANIMALS/LIBERALS......only reinforces what a Troll YOU ARE.


SQUEAL BOY,SQUEAL BOY,Welcome to my world son,:cool:YAWN

I love it when I make you rage, punk...:rolleyes:

Well I NEVER RAGE as you put it,in my country CAPITALS ARE FOR EMPHASIS...typical of you to think it's RAGING.......Hey Ho What a Dumb ASS:clap2:
theliq is an idiot! shut your fuck up!

what a worm .... a clown .... stupid moron!

You may think you have grown a pair of BALLS with your obsequesness to the Zionist Nazi Collaborators

But I am made of STERNER STUFF......back to your kennel Curr:D

I am the Magnificent and always speak the truth,trouble with Cetin like YOU is that when faced with the truth,you are in denial....Keep looking in the Mirror What Do YOU see,I'll tell YOU.........NOTHING,NO ONE because that is what you are NOTHING AT ALL.:badgrin:but keep SPEWING YOUR BULLSHIT
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Whoah, there loinboy, quit getting your knickers in a bunch. As you know there is a maritime blockade in place...
The blockade is illegal and immoral. It is also a war crime. It's called "collective punishment". You cannot punish an entire population of people who've committed no crime.

to prevent the smuggling of weapons -
That's a bullshit claim. There are video's that show Israeli's at checkpoints, after determining Palestinian's had no weapons on them, they were still denied passage through the checkpoint. So the weapons claim doesn't wash.

Israel has no jurisdiction in Palestinian (or international) waters.

And you have no proof that they didn't. Boarding another vessel in international (or Palestinian) waters, is an act of piracy. You show just how evil your heart (and Israel) is, when you treat humanitarian aid, as a threat and attack the ship in international waters where you have absolutely no jurisdiction at all! That is so fucked, if I was President, I'd send in a ship the Israeli's couldn't board.

Similarly with the farmers and activists, there is a perimeter they may not stray beyond because of 'farmers' and their 'aid workers' and protesters throwing rocks, trying to breach the perimeter and provoking the patrols into action. Again, you have no idea if any of these actions occurred as your pals may have done the provoking then only filmed the consequences - that's a very typical pally wood productions tactic. You need to be more discerning regarding what you are happy to bring to this board as 'evidence' in support of pally propaganda..
The video shows people farming being shot at. And Israel has no right imposing any kind of restrictions on land that isn't theirs.

On a more positive note, Israel has relaxed the demarcation lines in both these examples since the hudna began last week, and Hamas has said thanks but we will be smuggling as many rockets in via whatever means we can avail ourselves of. Let's hope they don't demand the 'fishermen' and their rabid activist buddies get given that detail, eh?
Nighty night now.
Israel needs to get their ass back past the Green Line and stay the fuck there. The Palestinian's have every right to self-determination, which Israel is preventing.

You're so morally bankrupt, nothing Israel does crosses the line. You can see a video of people being shot at while fishing and farming and claim something entirely different.

You remind me of average German's refusing to believe the Holocaust when first told about it. They couldn't believe their government could be part of something so horrific. And they continued to believe it, until Eisenhower made them bury the dead. And just like them, your day will come when you face that reality that you can no longer deny what is obvious to the rest of the world.

Seriously loins, why don't you try to calm down a bit. I'm sorry I can't say what you want me to say about these incidents but you only have yourself to blame for that, providing pally wood YouTube crap from known mendacious rabid antisemites and the like. In addition, I would be able to match any article by a 'legal expert' you could provide parroting the illegal international waters garbage who will say exactly the opposite. I don't know how old you are but you seem to be thinking like a child and as for believing pally wood videos would advance your 'case', well the less said the better. :eusa_shhh:
Whoah, there loinboy, quit getting your knickers in a bunch. As you know there is a maritime blockade in place...
The blockade is illegal and immoral. It is also a war crime. It's called "collective punishment". You cannot punish an entire population of people who've committed no crime.

That's a bullshit claim. There are video's that show Israeli's at checkpoints, after determining Palestinian's had no weapons on them, they were still denied passage through the checkpoint. So the weapons claim doesn't wash.

Israel has no jurisdiction in Palestinian (or international) waters.

And you have no proof that they didn't. Boarding another vessel in international (or Palestinian) waters, is an act of piracy. You show just how evil your heart (and Israel) is, when you treat humanitarian aid, as a threat and attack the ship in international waters where you have absolutely no jurisdiction at all! That is so fucked, if I was President, I'd send in a ship the Israeli's couldn't board.

The video shows people farming being shot at. And Israel has no right imposing any kind of restrictions on land that isn't theirs.

On a more positive note, Israel has relaxed the demarcation lines in both these examples since the hudna began last week, and Hamas has said thanks but we will be smuggling as many rockets in via whatever means we can avail ourselves of. Let's hope they don't demand the 'fishermen' and their rabid activist buddies get given that detail, eh?
Nighty night now.
Israel needs to get their ass back past the Green Line and stay the fuck there. The Palestinian's have every right to self-determination, which Israel is preventing.

You're so morally bankrupt, nothing Israel does crosses the line. You can see a video of people being shot at while fishing and farming and claim something entirely different.

You remind me of average German's refusing to believe the Holocaust when first told about it. They couldn't believe their government could be part of something so horrific. And they continued to believe it, until Eisenhower made them bury the dead. And just like them, your day will come when you face that reality that you can no longer deny what is obvious to the rest of the world.

Seriously loins, why don't you try to calm down a bit. I'm sorry I can't say what you want me to say about these incidents but you only have yourself to blame for that, providing pally wood YouTube crap from known mendacious rabid antisemites and the like. In addition, I would be able to match any article by a 'legal expert' you could provide parroting the illegal international waters garbage who will say exactly the opposite. I don't know how old you are but you seem to be thinking like a child and as for believing pally wood videos would advance your 'case', well the less said the better. :eusa_shhh:

Why can't you comment on the facts,why don't you Zionists be honest for a change and say YES we are doing everything we can to exterminate the Palestinians........What's wrong with being HONEST.

To try to demean Lion, with your cheap one liners MERELY DEMEANS YOURSELF Anjelica,If you are older that he,don't you realize by your purile commentry, you make a bigger fool of yourself
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OK Loinboy, thank you for going to the trouble of finding some youtube vids. I was hoping for something more substantial, but never mind, lets look at the first two re the fishing vessels first.
Why? You're just going to continue to make excuses for Israeli behavior.

Why are they shooting Palestinian fisherman in Gazan territorial waters?

Is say's a lot, when all your apprehension and concern, is on the fishing boats and whether they're doing what you see them doing and no comments on the fact that the Israeli's are clearly shooting at someone who is not doing anything hostile.

It would be better if you would make the admission, "Yeah, shooting at fisherman is pretty fucked! But hey, shit happens!" At the very least, it would show that you made some comment on Israeli actions, but when you can't even comment on something so obviously wrong, is tacit approval that what they're doing is okay.

That's all conjecture on your part. You can clearly see in the video, which boat is fishing and which boat is shooting.

There is nothing in those videos that indicate any aggression by the fishing boats. And those "alleged" activists, are trying to communicate with the Israeli boat that they are "un-armed" and not in Israeli territorial waters. They're asking the question you should be asking, "Why are the Israeli's firing at fishing boats?" But you don't seem bothered by that. The elephant in the room, is you thinking the IDF is not doing anything wrong.

That has nothing to do with people asking why they are being shot at?

All your attention is on the people shooting the video, not the people shooting the bullets.

Its even worse than your insistence the other day that 'eyewitnesses' always tell the truth, have no agenda and accurately relay everything that they saw and experienced.
Anyway, thanks, but can't you do any better?
I will now look at the 'farmer' video.
I didn't say they "always" tell the truth, I'm saying you can't claim they're lying without some evidence to the contrary. If you're going to object to something, you have to show your objection has merit. Simply thinking something different, doesn't wash. If you objected to something in a court of law, the judge would ask you prove what that objection is based on. And if you couldn't, he'd consider it frivolous and throw it out of court.

Poor old Anjelica has become an apologist for the Zionists,I thought she was better than that.There you go,they just can't help themselves,just a play on words to justify supporting the indefenceable.

As for your comment about the Law.......there are so many times that one should NEVER use the words LAW and JUSTICE in the SAME SENTENCE. theking:cool:

Hello, Theliq, thank you for your concern but I am neither poor nor old, and I am not exactly an apologist for Zionists, but rather one of them actual filthy Zionists. I'm sorry that causes you dissapointment that I'm not 'better than that' but there you have it. And just for the record, Nowhere did I 'play on words to justify supporting the indefenceable' (sic), I merely pointed out that a couple of minutes video conducted in one case by antisemitic nutters which shows nothing of what preceded the 'events' does not constitute evidence of anything. in fact it was silly of Loins to use them as evidence for his allegations - quite disappointing, in fact. So there we are, we are all three of us 'dissapointed'. I hope the day/evening brings better things your way. G-d bless.
The blockade is illegal and immoral. It is also a war crime. It's called "collective punishment". You cannot punish an entire population of people who've committed no crime.

That's a bullshit claim. There are video's that show Israeli's at checkpoints, after determining Palestinian's had no weapons on them, they were still denied passage through the checkpoint. So the weapons claim doesn't wash.

Israel has no jurisdiction in Palestinian (or international) waters.

And you have no proof that they didn't. Boarding another vessel in international (or Palestinian) waters, is an act of piracy. You show just how evil your heart (and Israel) is, when you treat humanitarian aid, as a threat and attack the ship in international waters where you have absolutely no jurisdiction at all! That is so fucked, if I was President, I'd send in a ship the Israeli's couldn't board.

The video shows people farming being shot at. And Israel has no right imposing any kind of restrictions on land that isn't theirs.

Israel needs to get their ass back past the Green Line and stay the fuck there. The Palestinian's have every right to self-determination, which Israel is preventing.

You're so morally bankrupt, nothing Israel does crosses the line. You can see a video of people being shot at while fishing and farming and claim something entirely different.

You remind me of average German's refusing to believe the Holocaust when first told about it. They couldn't believe their government could be part of something so horrific. And they continued to believe it, until Eisenhower made them bury the dead. And just like them, your day will come when you face that reality that you can no longer deny what is obvious to the rest of the world.

Seriously loins, why don't you try to calm down a bit. I'm sorry I can't say what you want me to say about these incidents but you only have yourself to blame for that, providing pally wood YouTube crap from known mendacious rabid antisemites and the like. In addition, I would be able to match any article by a 'legal expert' you could provide parroting the illegal international waters garbage who will say exactly the opposite. I don't know how old you are but you seem to be thinking like a child and as for believing pally wood videos would advance your 'case', well the less said the better. :eusa_shhh:

Why can't you comment on the facts,why don't you Zionists be honest for a change and say YES we are doing everything we can to exterminate the Palestinians........What's wrong with being HONEST.

To try to demean Lion, with your cheap one liners MERELY DEMEANS YOURSELF Anjelica,If you are older that he,don't you realize by your purile commentry, you make a bigger fool of yourself

Why can't you understand the videos provide no facts but are rather carefully edited bits of garbage which are of absolutely no use whatsoever as proof of anything either way? I'm a Zionist and I'm not doing anything I can to 'exterminate' the Palestinians, and neither is Israel. Don't you think they could do that in a heartbeat if they wanted to? Now enough of this already.
As for my 'cheap one liners', haven't you noticed I am waaaaaaaaay too verbose? I'm sure there are plenty of posters who'd be quite pleased if I would only post one liners :lol: Anyway, it's been such fun, Theliq, you are a one. G-d bless and have a good one.
Seriously loins, why don't you try to calm down a bit. I'm sorry I can't say what you want me to say about these incidents but you only have yourself to blame for that,
Let me get this straight, you're blaming me, for an opinion, you have? You choose to think (jump to a ridiculous conclusion), that I wan't you to say a certain "something" and that's somehow my fault, you've decided to think this?

These are your decisions, your choices, what you want to think...........OWN THEM!

providing pally wood YouTube crap from known mendacious rabid antisemites and the like.
Ad hominems are not valid rebuttals.

In addition, I would be able to match any article by a 'legal expert' you could provide parroting the illegal international waters garbage who will say exactly the opposite.
If you could have, you would have; but you didn't, because you can't!

I don't know how old you are but you seem to be thinking like a child and as for believing pally wood videos would advance your 'case', well the less said the better. :eusa_shhh:
All I did, was satisfy the burden of proof that comes with making a claim. I provided my evidence. Done deal. At this point, the burden of proof shifts to the objector of the claim. In order to prove your objection has merit, the burden of proof is on you now, to provide evidence to the contrary. And since you didn't, the scorecard reads: Loinboy - 1; AnjelicaT - 0
Why can't you understand the videos provide no facts but are rather carefully edited bits of garbage which are of absolutely no use whatsoever as proof of anything either way?
Where's your proof they are "carefully edited bits of garbage"?

There is no getting around the fact that it is the IDF that is doing the shooting and the Palestinian boat is doing the fishing.

I'm a Zionist and I'm not doing anything I can to 'exterminate' the Palestinians, and neither is Israel.
Oh please, you've already demonstrated you could care less about them. You've shown no concern for the Pals human rights; you think you can do whatever you want, on their land.

Don't you think they could do that in a heartbeat if they wanted to? Now enough of this already.
Empty rhetoric.

As for my 'cheap one liners', haven't you noticed I am waaaaaaaaay too verbose? I'm sure there are plenty of posters who'd be quite pleased if I would only post one liners :lol: Anyway, it's been such fun, Theliq, you are a one. G-d bless and have a good one.
Then people should be outraged at the filthy muslims that made this happen. If this child's relatives and neighbors did not insist on firing rockets and mortars into Israeli civilian neighborhoods, often times placing these launchers in areas heavily populated by children hopeing that their own kids will be killed so they can use the dead bodies of their kids for propoganda purposes, and sending suicide bombers in market palces and onto buses in Israel to murder innocent Israeli civilians this poor child would still be alive. Only a moron or a muslim would blame the Israelis for this child's injuries.
Then people should be outraged at the filthy muslims that made this happen. If this child's relatives and neighbors did not insist on firing rockets and mortars into Israeli civilian neighborhoods, often times placing these launchers in areas heavily populated by children hopeing that their own kids will be killed so they can use the dead bodies of their kids for propoganda purposes, and sending suicide bombers in market palces and onto buses in Israel to murder innocent Israeli civilians this poor child would still be alive. Only a moron or a muslim would blame the Israelis for this child's injuries.

Buddy, the zionists have pretty much instigated the whole mess. It would be up to them to make the first real step towards a lasting peace settlement. But as we all know, the Israelis don't want peace, they want more land, because let's face it, when have they EVER offered a real deal to the Pals? I'll tell you: never.

Whoah, there loinboy, quit getting your knickers in a bunch. As you know there is a maritime blockade in place...
The blockade is illegal and immoral. It is also a war crime. It's called "collective punishment". You cannot punish an entire population of people who've committed no crime.

That's a bullshit claim. There are video's that show Israeli's at checkpoints, after determining Palestinian's had no weapons on them, they were still denied passage through the checkpoint. So the weapons claim doesn't wash.

Israel has no jurisdiction in Palestinian (or international) waters.

And you have no proof that they didn't. Boarding another vessel in international (or Palestinian) waters, is an act of piracy. You show just how evil your heart (and Israel) is, when you treat humanitarian aid, as a threat and attack the ship in international waters where you have absolutely no jurisdiction at all! That is so fucked, if I was President, I'd send in a ship the Israeli's couldn't board.

The video shows people farming being shot at. And Israel has no right imposing any kind of restrictions on land that isn't theirs.

On a more positive note, Israel has relaxed the demarcation lines in both these examples since the hudna began last week, and Hamas has said thanks but we will be smuggling as many rockets in via whatever means we can avail ourselves of. Let's hope they don't demand the 'fishermen' and their rabid activist buddies get given that detail, eh?
Nighty night now.
Israel needs to get their ass back past the Green Line and stay the fuck there. The Palestinian's have every right to self-determination, which Israel is preventing.

You're so morally bankrupt, nothing Israel does crosses the line. You can see a video of people being shot at while fishing and farming and claim something entirely different.

You remind me of average German's refusing to believe the Holocaust when first told about it. They couldn't believe their government could be part of something so horrific. And they continued to believe it, until Eisenhower made them bury the dead. And just like them, your day will come when you face that reality that you can no longer deny what is obvious to the rest of the world.

Seriously loins, why don't you try to calm down a bit. I'm sorry I can't say what you want me to say about these incidents but you only have yourself to blame for that, providing pally wood YouTube crap from known mendacious rabid antisemites and the like. In addition, I would be able to match any article by a 'legal expert' you could provide parroting the illegal international waters garbage who will say exactly the opposite. I don't know how old you are but you seem to be thinking like a child and as for believing pally wood videos would advance your 'case', well the less said the better. :eusa_shhh:


You say you question whether there is a God, what I read from your words is a person who acts as if their God is Israel, and you defend every act Israel engages in, no matter how gruesome it is.

The Israeli unlawful attacks on farmers and fisherman has been documented for years, you can go to websites like Reliefweb that monitor such human rights abuses worldwide and find literally thousands of reports of such attacks day in and day out, year in and year out, of this decades long Occupation of Palestine.

How does a human being support and keep supporting such Depravity, of Israel, as you do, all this deliberate taking of the life of the innocent in this Occupation, by Israel, over 1000 children murdered since the First Intifada started, over 8000 killed, mostly civilians?

Hate in your Heart is behind all of it.

There is nothing but Hate in defending child murders, there is Hate in deliberate killings of defenseless children and civilians and in defending such killings!

Do yourself a favor, let it go, none of us have to defend murders like of this baby below, killed by Israel in an attack that was unlawful under international law, an attack that also killed his 19 year old aunt, who was 6 months pregnant, and his uncle, and the attack injured his 4 year old brother, as well.

Be Human!

You can do it!


as to the issue of "war crime" and "collective punishment" In order for
a bombing to be legal----the TARGET must be a legal military target----that is
active military personnel DURING conflict -----weapons dumps and sites
used for military purposes-----like buildings from which shots are fired or
bombs launched Can any of the supporters of islamo nazi actions eg
Sherrie----tell us just what the TARGETS of the kassam missiles are?

As to "collective punishment" can any of the supporters of the actions
of islamo nazi terrorists eg Sherri----tell us how bombing the brains
out of children living in israeli cities is NOT COLLECTIVE PUNISHMENT?

Stop with the lies, Israel Occupies, and Israel carries out acts of collective punishment against the civilain population, and Israel kills babies and children!

Face the truth about what Israel is, an Occupier and a baby killer!
Why? You're just going to continue to make excuses for Israeli behavior.

Why are they shooting Palestinian fisherman in Gazan territorial waters?

Is say's a lot, when all your apprehension and concern, is on the fishing boats and whether they're doing what you see them doing and no comments on the fact that the Israeli's are clearly shooting at someone who is not doing anything hostile.

It would be better if you would make the admission, "Yeah, shooting at fisherman is pretty fucked! But hey, shit happens!" At the very least, it would show that you made some comment on Israeli actions, but when you can't even comment on something so obviously wrong, is tacit approval that what they're doing is okay.

That's all conjecture on your part. You can clearly see in the video, which boat is fishing and which boat is shooting.

There is nothing in those videos that indicate any aggression by the fishing boats. And those "alleged" activists, are trying to communicate with the Israeli boat that they are "un-armed" and not in Israeli territorial waters. They're asking the question you should be asking, "Why are the Israeli's firing at fishing boats?" But you don't seem bothered by that. The elephant in the room, is you thinking the IDF is not doing anything wrong.

That has nothing to do with people asking why they are being shot at?

All your attention is on the people shooting the video, not the people shooting the bullets.

I didn't say they "always" tell the truth, I'm saying you can't claim they're lying without some evidence to the contrary. If you're going to object to something, you have to show your objection has merit. Simply thinking something different, doesn't wash. If you objected to something in a court of law, the judge would ask you prove what that objection is based on. And if you couldn't, he'd consider it frivolous and throw it out of court.

Poor old Anjelica has become an apologist for the Zionists,I thought she was better than that.There you go,they just can't help themselves,just a play on words to justify supporting the indefenceable.

As for your comment about the Law.......there are so many times that one should NEVER use the words LAW and JUSTICE in the SAME SENTENCE. theking:cool:

Hello, Theliq, thank you for your concern but I am neither poor nor old, and I am not exactly an apologist for Zionists, but rather one of them actual filthy Zionists. I'm sorry that causes you dissapointment that I'm not 'better than that' but there you have it. And just for the record, Nowhere did I 'play on words to justify supporting the indefenceable' (sic), I merely pointed out that a couple of minutes video conducted in one case by antisemitic nutters which shows nothing of what preceded the 'events' does not constitute evidence of anything. in fact it was silly of Loins to use them as evidence for his allegations - quite disappointing, in fact. So there we are, we are all three of us 'dissapointed'. I hope the day/evening brings better things your way. G-d bless.

Well thanks for your HONESTY,that goes a long way with me,How and Why you would be a ZIONIST,I could never comprehend but what goes around will come around I find in life.
These children were killed by Israel on January 3, 2009, none of them were participating in the hostilities when killed. Year in and year out, in this over 40 year Occupation in Palestine, children have been killed my Israel. Israel and Occupation and Child Killings, Synonyms For One another!

Sharif 'Abd al-Mu'ti Suliman Ermelat was a 15 year-old resident of Rafah, killed on 03.01.2009 in Rafah, by a shell. He was killed while sitting in a tent near his house. Ten of his relatives were wounded.

Rajeh Nahed Rajeh Ziyadah was a 17 year-old resident of Beit Lahiya, North Gaza district, killed on 03.01.2009 in Jabalya R.C., North Gaza district, by a missile. He was killed in the bombing of al-Maqadmeh mosque, in which the army contended ammunition and weapons were stored. 15 persons were killed in the bombing, among them five members of the Hamas military wing and one person from the Islamic Jihad military wing.

Lu'ai Yihya Salman Abu Halimah was a 17 year-old resident of Beit Lahiya, North Gaza district, killed on 03.01.2009 in Beit Lahiya, North Gaza district. He was killed while playing with friends outside his house. His friends were wounded.

Ahmad Ass'ad Dib Tbeil was a 15 year-old resident of Beit Lahiya, North Gaza district, killed on 03.01.2009 in Jabalya R.C., North Gaza district, by a missile. He was killed in the bombing of al-Maqadmeh mosque, in which the army contended ammunition and weapons were stored. 15 persons were killed in the bombing, among them five members of the Hamas military wing and one person from the Islamic Jihad military wing.

Shahd Hussein Nazmi Sultan was a 6 year-old resident of Jabalya, North Gaza district, killed on 03.01.2009 in Jabalya, North Gaza district, by a missile. She was killed while at home with her family.

Mahmoud Salah Ahmad al-Ghul was a 17 year-old resident of Gaza city, killed on 03.01.2009 in Beit Lahiya, North Gaza district, by a missile. A student, he was killed on his family's farm.

Hassan Nassim 'Amer Hiju was a 15 year-old resident of Beit Lahiya, North Gaza district, killed on 03.01.2009 in Jabalya R.C., North Gaza district, by a missile. Killed in the bombing of al-Maqadmeh mosque, in which the army contended ammunition and weapons were stored. 15 persons were killed in the bombing, among them five members of the Hamas military wing and one person from the Islamic Jihad military wing.

Hani Muhammad Musa a-Silawi was a 6 year-old resident of Jabalya R.C., North Gaza district, killed on 03.01.2009 in Jabalya R.C., North Gaza district, by a missile. Killed in the bombing of al-Maqadmeh mosque, in which the army contended ammunition and weapons were stored. 15 persons were killed in the bombing, among them five members of the Hamas military wing and one person from the Islamic Jihad military wing.

Muhammad Musa Isma'il a-Silawi was an 11 year-old resident of Jabalya R.C., North Gaza district, killed on 03.01.2009 in Jabalya R.C., North Gaza district, by a missile. Killed by mortar fire that hit the street next to UNRWA's al-Fakhura school, in the Jabalya refugee camp, where persons had gone for refuge having been forced to leave their houses. Earlier, militants had fired rockets from the area.

Ahmad Shaher Fa'iq Khdeir was a 12 year-old resident of Beit Lahiya, North Gaza district, killed on 03.01.2009 in Beit Lahiya, North Gaza district, by a shell fired from a tank. Killed while next to his house.

B'Tselem - Statistics - Fatalities

Then people should be
Buddy, the zionists have pretty much instigated the whole mess. It would be up to them to make the first real step towards a lasting peace settlement. But as we all know, the Israelis don't want peace, they want more land, because let's face it, when have they EVER offered a real deal to the Pals? I'll tell you: never.

Really? the Arabs never wanted to recognize the Right of the Jews to have their own national state in the land of Israel because they see all the Middle East as their Arabian Muslim holy land (the call it in Arabic: Dahr el-Islam, the house of Islam). This is the basic reason that wars go there. If the Jews would have lay their arms down then the Muslims would have kill them all; but if the Arabs wuold have done so, there would have peace there.
Israel needs to get their ass back past the Green Line and stay the fuck there. The Palestinian's have every right to self-determination, which Israel is preventing.

You're so morally bankrupt, nothing Israel does crosses the line. You can see a video of people being shot at while fishing and farming and claim something entirely different.

You remind me of average German's refusing to believe the Holocaust when first told about it. They couldn't believe their government could be part of something so horrific. And they continued to believe it, until Eisenhower made them bury the dead. And just like them, your day will come when you face that reality that you can no longer deny what is obvious to the rest of the world.

The conflict is not about the green line but the very existence of Israel. More than 80% of the Arabs called Palestinians deny the right of the Jews to have their own national state in the Islmic Dahr el-Islam area. As long as the Arabs will see Israel through these lences they will produce more terror in order to annihilate the non-Islamic state on the "pure Islamic Waqf land".

Muslims cooperated with the Nazi Germans and other Nazi's allies in WWII to fight against the allies and to search and find Jews in Hungary, Transilvania and Yugoslavia and send them on train to be annihilated in Awschwitz consentration camp. The name of ther leader was Haj Amin el-Housseni, an Nazi Palestinian Arab that collected tens of thausands of Arabs from Palestine, Syria, Egypt and Lebanon and put them in pro-Nazi Islamic Bosnia.

The Muslims still believe that they are right by bombing Israeli towns and cities and wish to kill as many as Jews, as their Nazi teachers told them.
These children were killed by Israel on January 3, 2009, none of them were participating in the hostilities when killed. Year in and year out, in this over 40 year Occupation in Palestine, children have been killed my Israel. Israel and Occupation and Child Killings, Synonyms For One another!

This list is false and decieving
Even anti-Israel Goldstone’s commity admited that most of this kind of information is false and decieveing. Many of the names above were killed by Hamas fire and rockets and some were terrrorists that walked without uniform. Atleast 3 names were dying in ‘Shiffa’ hospital from diseases that had nothing to do with the war.
Then people should be
Buddy, the zionists have pretty much instigated the whole mess. It would be up to them to make the first real step towards a lasting peace settlement. But as we all know, the Israelis don't want peace, they want more land, because let's face it, when have they EVER offered a real deal to the Pals? I'll tell you: never.

Really? the Arabs never wanted to recognize the Right of the Jews to have their own national state in the land of Israel because they see all the Middle East as their Arabian Muslim holy land (the call it in Arabic: Dahr el-Islam, the house of Islam). This is the basic reason that wars go there. If the Jews would have lay their arms down then the Muslims would have kill them all; but if the Arabs wuold have done so, there would have peace there.

Like I said, the zionists knew that, and they went and took land by force anyways. And keep taking more land by force. You reap what you sow.
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