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Israel Burns Alive An 11 Month Old Palestinian Baby In Gaza Air Strike

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The GERMANS ALL KNEW IT,AS ALL THE ISRAELIS ALL KNOW IT...... Lion,always remember my friend "You have to have MORALS before they can be BANKRUPTED" just sayin.steve

UN report: Gaza blockade legal, Israel doesn't owe Turkey apology for Marmara.
UN investigative committee, headed by Geoffrey Palmer, expected to present report to the UN Secretary General's office Thursday.

The UN report on last year's Gaza flotilla clash found that Israel's blockade of the Gaza Strip is legal and that Jerusalem owes no apology to Turkey for the Mavi Marmara raid, diplomatic sources said.

The UN investigative committee, headed by Geoffrey Palmer, is expected to present its report to the UN Secretary General's office today, but it is not clear if it will be released, since Secretary General Ban Ki-moon is not in New York.

The draft report was sent to both Israel and Turkey. Diplomatic sources in Jerusalem who saw the draft report said it sharply criticizes Turkey for not doing enough to prevent the flotilla from setting sail and for conducting a tendentious investigation into the events.

In contrast, the report said that the Turkel Committee, which led Israel's official flotilla probe, had conducted a professional and independent investigation.

There is some criticism for Israel, however. The report says Israeli commandos used excessive force against the Mavi Marmara's passengers, though Israel had insisted the soldiers had been attacked and were acting in self-defense.

Nine Turkish nationals were killed by IDF soldiers during the clash that broke out when the troops intercepted the Marmara.

And while international law does allow for ships to be intercepted far from a country's territorial waters under these circumstances, Israel would have been better off waiting until the flotilla was closer to the blockade line and was 20 miles from shore, the report said.

But Palmer did not demand that Israel apologize to Turkey, suggesting that it express sorrow over the casualties instead. Nor did the report demand that Israel pay any compensation. Should it choose to, it could put money into a special humanitarian fund set up for this purpose, Palmer added.

Meanwhile, efforts in New York to reach a reconciliation with Turkey remained deadlocked, as neither side is willing to budge on the issue of an Israeli apology.

Officials on both sides were reportedly eager to reach a compromise before the report is released, believing that once the report lays blame, it will be harder for the two countries to come to terms.

But Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan instructed the Turkish negotiators not to back down on the demand for an official Israeli apology. Vice Prime Minister Moshe Ya'alon told Turkish Foreign Ministry Undersecretary Feridun Sinirlioglu that Israel would not apologize, but would express sorrow over the results.

Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman said, "An apology is not a compromise, as far as I'm concerned it's a humiliation and it's forsaking IDF soldiers. We regret the killing of people from all organizations, kinds and countries. There are things we're ready to discuss and there are things we won't.

"I'm not willing to see Israel's national honor being injured; it has real, not abstract meaning in the Middle East," he said.

The Arabs all know it that their brethern terrorists are shooting deliberately on civilians in order to murder as much Jews as they can, as their Nazi Germany supportere taught them in the WWII !!!!!
Like I said, the zionists knew that, and they went and took land by force anyways. And keep taking more land by force. You reap what you sow.

Knew what? the Zionists are fighting against Islamic aggression. They are the front runners of the civilized world against those who want to Islamise all Europe and the Americas. I can see them through my window in Brussles how they are floating the streets looking for violence and "easy money". We all should prevent Isrlam from occupying others lands!!!!!
Like I said, the zionists knew that, and they went and took land by force anyways. And keep taking more land by force. You reap what you sow.

Knew what? the Zionists are fighting against Islamic aggression. They are the front runners of the civilized world against those who want to Islamise all Europe and the Americas. I can see them through my window in Brussles how they are floating the streets looking for violence and "easy money". We all should prevent Isrlam from occupying others lands!!!!!

You mean the zionists are CAUSING islamic aggression. White people in general support Israel, and that gave us 9/11...

As for what's outside your window, I have a question for you: why did you let so many of them in your country in the first place?
These children were killed by Israel on January 3, 2009, none of them were participating in the hostilities when killed. Year in and year out, in this over 40 year Occupation in Palestine, children have been killed my Israel. Israel and Occupation and Child Killings, Synonyms For One another!

This list is false and decieving
Even anti-Israel Goldstone’s commity admited that most of this kind of information is false and decieveing. Many of the names above were killed by Hamas fire and rockets and some were terrrorists that walked without uniform. Atleast 3 names were dying in ‘Shiffa’ hospital from diseases that had nothing to do with the war.

This Propaganda line is geting old, with each new list of children killed I place up here, you keep parroting the same old propaganda lines. You even say there are three in every list dying from diseases in Shiffa Hospital! You must be a graduate of the latest Hasbara training academy!

Stop the Zionist lies!

Btselm was founded by Knesset members and their organization compiles this data.
what does all of that have to do with israel's killing of children in gaza?

and what do you have to do with the killing in gaza either?

All you are doing is helping the zionuts with your self righteous stupidity


I am a human being who sees an Injustice, the Occupation of Palestine, and I choose to not be silent in the face of the Injustice, and try to do all I can find to do to take a stand against it and to expose it for what it us, bring it into the Light!

This is not simply a fight between two peoples with the solution for each side to stop hating and put down their arms and sing Kumbaya! I think you see it that way!

This statement by an American Rabbi says it way better than I can, this Rabbi who I think I learned about through Emily Hauser's blog and a post she wrote about Martin Luther King, and whose words are so filled with so much goodness and wisdom:

"When will we be ready to accept that this is not a “balanced” conflict or even a “war” by any reasonable definition – and that it never was? When will we face the painful truth that this is not a story about one side versus the other but about one side oppressing the other? Frankly, all the well-meaning liberal comments about “praying for peace on both sides” and leave me cold. Worse, I find them insidious because they simply serve to support the myth that this is a conflict between two equal parties. It is not. And peace will not come until we admit this – until we admit that there is an essential injustice at the heart of this tragedy and that try as it might, Israel will never be able to make it go away through the sheer force of its increasingly massive military might.

Beyond the rage, I’m heartened that this time around there is a growing community of conscience that is speaking out publicly and in no uncertain terms to protest Israel’s latest outrage in Gaza. I am so deeply grateful for my friends and colleagues at Jewish Voice for Peace, who is alone in the Jewish world in condemning this latest assault. I urge you to read JVP’s courageous statement, which I know gives voice to increasing numbers of Jews and non-Jews, young and old, religious and secular, who are coming together through the courage of their conscience."

Outrage in Gaza Redux « Shalom Rav

If Sherri were truly interested in the injustices done in this world, she would be on several message boards condemning what the Muslims are doing to others which certainly greatly outnumber anything she can bring up what the Israelis are doing. One would think that being a Shiite Muslim, she would be condemning what the Sunnis have done to the Shiites. Just today I was reading that for the 4th time in 5 days the Shiites were set upon in Pakistan. Doesn't Sherri care about the women and children who happened to be Shiites and were killed and wounded? Is her entire focus only on Israel because the Jews are involved, and there are no Jews involved in the killing of Shiites by Sunnis in Pakistan? I guess since there are no Jews involved there either the "good Christian" woman is not concerned with the Christians being murdered in Nigeria. There are message boards all over the Internet so which one is Sherri posting on condemning the Muslim atrocities? It almost seems like Sherri is conducting her own Jihad against the Jews and is closing her eyes to Muslim atrocities.
Saudi Cleric Issues Fatwa Declaring Jihad Against The Jews Everywhere Is A Supreme Duty For All Muslims… | Weasel Zippers
These children were killed by Israel on January 3, 2009, none of them were participating in the hostilities when killed. Year in and year out, in this over 40 year Occupation in Palestine, children have been killed my Israel. Israel and Occupation and Child Killings, Synonyms For One another!

This list is false and decieving
Even anti-Israel Goldstone’s commity admited that most of this kind of information is false and decieveing. Many of the names above were killed by Hamas fire and rockets and some were terrrorists that walked without uniform. Atleast 3 names were dying in ‘Shiffa’ hospital from diseases that had nothing to do with the war.

This Propaganda line is geting old, with each new list of children killed I place up here, you keep parroting the same old propaganda lines. You even say there are three in every list dying from diseases in Shiffa Hospital! You must be a graduate of the latest Hasbara training academy!

Stop the Zionist lies!

Btselm was founded by Knesset members and their organization compiles this data.

For every blow the Arabs give Israel, they will get 100 blows back until they learn their lesson
This list is false and decieving
Even anti-Israel Goldstone’s commity admited that most of this kind of information is false and decieveing. Many of the names above were killed by Hamas fire and rockets and some were terrrorists that walked without uniform. Atleast 3 names were dying in ‘Shiffa’ hospital from diseases that had nothing to do with the war.

This Propaganda line is geting old, with each new list of children killed I place up here, you keep parroting the same old propaganda lines. You even say there are three in every list dying from diseases in Shiffa Hospital! You must be a graduate of the latest Hasbara training academy!

Stop the Zionist lies!

Btselm was founded by Knesset members and their organization compiles this data.

For every blow the Arabs give Israel, they will get 100 blows back until they learn their lesson
When will Israel's murder of the children of Palestine end?
You mean the zionists are CAUSING islamic aggression. White people in general support Israel, and that gave us 9/11...

As for what's outside your window, I have a question for you: why did you let so many of them in your country in the first place?

You know what I mean cause I wrote it. Muslims don't want non-Muslims to have their national state at their Dahr el-Islam. Muslims have a problem that inflicts others. Muslims don't eccept the right of non-Muslims to be independence in what Muslims see as their spiritual and physical gift fron their Allah. For that matter even Spain, Greece and Yugoslavia considered as Islam lands, because they were onced occupied by Muslims. The rest of the world, Dahr El-Harb (place of sword, place of war) is all the rest of the world, including Europe and the Americas, that will be conquered by Muslims as the last move before their prophet Muhamad comes back to earth. In that case, all the non-Muslims are the enemies of Islam. Israel is just the front barrier that hold the Muslim war on us to succeed and prosper.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3D3I2f6TLYs]Islam: Global Jihad and World Conquest - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2AqvJ_O8Ii8]Islam: Muslims will Conquer and Rule Europe! - Shaykh Yusuf Al Qaradawi - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vUk5SPzLt7c]Islam will rule the world . - YouTube[/ame]
When will Israel's murder of the children of Palestine end?

Arab Muslims kill Israelis just because they are Jews.... Israel fight, aim and kill Arab terrorists. Arab civilians killed only because Arab terrorists are hiding behind kids and women!!!!! Arab terrorists afraid to fight the Israli soldier on battleground!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RTu-AUE9ycs]Hamas using Palestinians as human shields: We desire Death as you desire Life - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j1N1zhUm84w]The great Palestinian lie - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-UrUUsVzxAw]Brave Arab speaks out against Islam - YouTube[/ame]
for sherri-----when will the murder of HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS for the glory of ALLAH/ISA end? probably never------the murder spree started more than 1700 years ago with the imposition of filth by CONSTANTINE and then continued and enhanced by the ISA-RESPECTORS from arabia Both groups made GENOCIDE A RELIGIOUS OBLIGATION ----Many of the followers of contantine did repudiate that filth------but sherri STILL LOVES IT.
There will always be some clinging to the shit and lies the constitute sherri's "religion"
Lebanese Writer: Jordan and West Bank Should Become Palestinian State That Will Absorb the Refugees
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YcL31YqZaQQ]Lebanese Writer: Jordan and West Bank Should Become Palestinian State That Will Absorb the Refugees - YouTube[/ame]
Nabil Shaath: We'll Never Accept "Two-States for Two Peoples" Solution
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-CkImOGcHcw&feature=related]Nabil Shaath: We'll Never Accept "Two-States for Two Peoples" Solution - YouTube[/ame]
Is Israel Really An Apartheid State? of course Not! Only Israel haters lie and say Falsetinian proPALganda Shiite!!!!
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eupkfyd1ulc&feature=fvwrel]Is Israel An Apartheid State? - YouTube[/ame]
These children were killed by Israel on January 3, 2009, none of them were participating in the hostilities when killed. Year in and year out, in this over 40 year Occupation in Palestine, children have been killed my Israel. Israel and Occupation and Child Killings, Synonyms For One another!

This list is false and decieving
Even anti-Israel Goldstone’s commity admited that most of this kind of information is false and decieveing. Many of the names above were killed by Hamas fire and rockets and some were terrrorists that walked without uniform. Atleast 3 names were dying in ‘Shiffa’ hospital from diseases that had nothing to do with the war.

This Propaganda line is geting old, with each new list of children killed I place up here, you keep parroting the same old propaganda lines. You even say there are three in every list dying from diseases in Shiffa Hospital! You must be a graduate of the latest Hasbara training academy!

Stop the Zionist lies!

Btselm was founded by Knesset members and their organization compiles this data.
Sherri, give us one good reason why you are an Islamic terrorist supporter if (as you claim) you are a Christian. Why are you not a Zionist if you are Christian? Jesus was a Zionist Jew. He was born, lived and died a Zionist Jew. People then created a religion after his teaching. (for he was a Rabbi) His teachings were of the Torah. Supposedly you follow his teaching. I think not. Therefore you cannot be a Christian if you are not a Zionist. Does that seem logical to you? Or not?
This Propaganda line is geting old, with each new list of children killed I place up here, you keep parroting the same old propaganda lines. You even say there are three in every list dying from diseases in Shiffa Hospital! You must be a graduate of the latest Hasbara training academy!

Stop the Zionist lies!

Btselm was founded by Knesset members and their organization compiles this data.

For every blow the Arabs give Israel, they will get 100 blows back until they learn their lesson
When will Israel's murder of the children of Palestine end?

When Hamas stops attacking Israel whilst hiding behind the skirts of women and their children then Hamas will stop willfully getting Gazan children killed.
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