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Israel Burns Alive An 11 Month Old Palestinian Baby In Gaza Air Strike

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For every blow the Arabs give Israel, they will get 100 blows back until they learn their lesson
When will Israel's murder of the children of Palestine end?

When Hamas stops attacking Israel whilst hiding behind the skirts of women and their children then Hamas will stop willfully getting Gazan children killed.

too happy to kvetch at you for being an incurable zionut-case

i just got my first smartphone today from the carphoney whorehouse
(the carphone warehouse in case you yanx think limey land a bit more exciting
than the dull grey wasteland it really is,
excepting for anjel and me))

so boys new toys are far more important today than borin old jews and rabid arabs!

smart phoney samsung galaxy aces R US!!


the phone is free with a 24 month deal costing only ten quid a month,
250 mins, 5000 texts and 500MB datai........................enough for this kvetchy bear!

also talk talk upgraded us to unlimited downloading, caller display, 0845 and 0870 nos free
plus a you view box for the tv, a new modem, 3 times the speed, and free international calls as well as free uk calls 24/7

and what we pay...25 quid a month all in will not change because we paid a years rental in advance

carphone whorehouse and talk talk is all one company
..a third division is e2save where you get so much cash back that it costs nothing at all for up to 250 mins

and i have got abrand new USB keyboard instead of my laptop one which had no m's, backspace ...

yipeeeeee yipeeeeee yi

happy days,,,,,,,xxxxxxxxx

fuck israllistine and palsreal fpr today.......

love to y'all....nothing at all to kvetch about today!!!!
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  • Thanks
Reactions: Jos
When will Israel's murder of the children of Palestine end?

When Hamas stops attacking Israel whilst hiding behind the skirts of women and their children then Hamas will stop willfully getting Gazan children killed.

too happy to kvetch at you for being an incurable zionut-case

i just got my first smartphone today from the carphoney whorehouse
(the carphone warehouse in case you yanx think limey land a bit more exciting
than the dull grey wasteland it really is,
excepting for anjel and me))

so boys new toys are far more important today than borin old jews and rabid arabs!

smart phoney samsung galaxy aces R US!!


the phone is free with a 24 month deal costing only ten quid a month,
250 mins, 5000 texts and 500MB datai........................enough for this kvetchy bear!

also talk talk upgraded us to unlimited downloading, caller display, 0845 and 0870 nos free
plus a you view box for the tv, a new modem, 3 times the speed, and free international calls as well as free uk calls 24/7

and what we pay...25 quid a month all in will not change because we paid a years rental in advance

carphone whorehouse and talk talk is all one company
..a third division is e2save where you get so much cash back that it costs nothing at all for up to 250 mins

and i have got abrand new USB keyboard instead of my laptop one which had no m's, backspace ...

yipeeeeee yipeeeeee yi

happy days,,,,,,,xxxxxxxxx

fuck israllistine and palsreal fpr today.......

love to y'all....nothing at all to kvetch about today!!!!

I am truly thrilled for you, Kvetchy.
I have an IPhone with a crappy deal I seem to be locked into, can't be bothered to sort it out right now.
You are so much nicer when you aren't Kvetching.
Oh happy days:eusa_angel:
UN report: Gaza blockade legal, Israel doesn't owe Turkey apology for Marmara.
UN investigative committee, headed by Geoffrey Palmer, expected to present report to the UN Secretary General's office Thursday.

The UN report on last year's Gaza flotilla clash found that Israel's blockade of the Gaza Strip is legal and that Jerusalem owes no apology to Turkey for the Mavi Marmara raid, diplomatic sources said.

The UN investigative committee, headed by Geoffrey Palmer, is expected to present its report to the UN Secretary General's office today, but it is not clear if it will be released, since Secretary General Ban Ki-moon is not in New York.

The draft report was sent to both Israel and Turkey. Diplomatic sources in Jerusalem who saw the draft report said it sharply criticizes Turkey for not doing enough to prevent the flotilla from setting sail and for conducting a tendentious investigation into the events.

In contrast, the report said that the Turkel Committee, which led Israel's official flotilla probe, had conducted a professional and independent investigation.
The Palmer Report's goal was not about the legality of the blockade, their goal was to repair Israeli-Turkey relations.
"...ultimate goal has been described as “positively affect[ing] the relationship between Turkey and Israel, as well as the overall situation in the Middle East”.
In addition...

...the Panel did not see any exhibits or meet any witnesses, but has based its findings on information provided by the two delegations in the dispute. It had intended to operate by consensus, but in the event only two of the nine findings and seven of the twelve recommendations were agreed unanimously. The report repeatedly makes it clear that the Panel was not a court. The result is effectively an opinion of the leadership, with the qualified partisan support from their colleagues.
Basically, it's just a fluff piece.

The UNHRC FFM report, did convene to address the legality of the blockade and did find that it is illegal.

the Turkel Commission’s report for which the Panel notes that original material was not provided. It also observes that Turkel has completely ignored the report of the UNHRC FFM (to which it formed an opposing opinion on the legality of the blockade).

The Panel’s conclusions that the blockade is legal are based on false points and therefore suspect. In observing that the UNHRC FFM reached an opposing conclusion it observes that the FFM did not receive information from Israel. (Unlike the Panel however the FFM did read the Turkel protocols available to it.) However it does not allow for the fact that it has accepted false information from Israel in reaching its own conclusions. The FFM was equipped with a large support team so that its own very senior lawyers who are experienced in international criminal law were supplemented by experts in the law of the sea and international humanitarian law. In addition it met with a number of non-governmental organizations, had assistance from law firms in three countries, and was thoroughly briefed on the situation in Gaza by the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs. The UN Panel did not have the services of anyone with expertise in international criminal or maritime law and did not conduct interviews of its own. That it should now criticise its more senior and better equipped counterparts in the UNHRC is an indication of the unreal world in which it has functioned.
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that the blockade affects the entire 1.5 million population of Gaza. And that is, "collective punishment".

There is some criticism for Israel, however. The report says Israeli commandos used excessive force against the Mavi Marmara's passengers, though Israel had insisted the soldiers had been attacked and were acting in self-defense.

Nine Turkish nationals were killed by IDF soldiers during the clash that broke out when the troops intercepted the Marmara.

And while international law does allow for ships to be intercepted far from a country's territorial waters under these circumstances, Israel would have been better off waiting until the flotilla was closer to the blockade line and was 20 miles from shore, the report said.
You cannot intercept a ship flying under the flag of a sovereign nation in international waters, unless you're being fired upon. Otherwise, it is considered an act of piracy.

But Palmer did not demand that Israel apologize to Turkey, suggesting that it express sorrow over the casualties instead. Nor did the report demand that Israel pay any compensation. Should it choose to, it could put money into a special humanitarian fund set up for this purpose, Palmer added.

Meanwhile, efforts in New York to reach a reconciliation with Turkey remained deadlocked, as neither side is willing to budge on the issue of an Israeli apology.

Officials on both sides were reportedly eager to reach a compromise before the report is released, believing that once the report lays blame, it will be harder for the two countries to come to terms.

But Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan instructed the Turkish negotiators not to back down on the demand for an official Israeli apology. Vice Prime Minister Moshe Ya'alon told Turkish Foreign Ministry Undersecretary Feridun Sinirlioglu that Israel would not apologize, but would express sorrow over the results.

Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman said, "An apology is not a compromise, as far as I'm concerned it's a humiliation and it's forsaking IDF soldiers. We regret the killing of people from all organizations, kinds and countries. There are things we're ready to discuss and there are things we won't.

"I'm not willing to see Israel's national honor being injured; it has real, not abstract meaning in the Middle East," he said.

The Arabs all know it that their brethern terrorists are shooting deliberately on civilians in order to murder as much Jews as they can, as their Nazi Germany supportere taught them in the WWII !!!!!
If Israel wants to keep boarding humanitarian vessels in international waters, my solution is to send in a vessel they can't board!

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For every blow the Arabs give Israel, they will get 100 blows back until they learn their lesson
When will Israel's murder of the children of Palestine end?

When Hamas stops attacking Israel whilst hiding behind the skirts of women and their children then Hamas will stop willfully getting Gazan children killed.

Indeed, when they stop using the tunnels to transport weapons they will stop putting people in harms way.
For every blow the Arabs give Israel, they will get 100 blows back until they learn their lesson
When will Israel's murder of the children of Palestine end?

When Hamas stops attacking Israel whilst hiding behind the skirts of women and their children then Hamas will stop willfully getting Gazan children killed.

Your hate and bigotry and LIES are certainly on display once again, Israel is killing the children, not Palestinians! The Chosen People do not get a free pass to murder the children!
When will Israel's murder of the children of Palestine end?

When Hamas stops attacking Israel whilst hiding behind the skirts of women and their children then Hamas will stop willfully getting Gazan children killed.

Indeed, when they stop using the tunnels to transport weapons they will stop putting people in harms way.
FACT: Israel is murdering the children of Palestine and the world is fed up with these massacres of children!
When Hamas stops attacking Israel whilst hiding behind the skirts of women and their children then Hamas will stop willfully getting Gazan children killed.

Indeed, when they stop using the tunnels to transport weapons they will stop putting people in harms way.
FACT: Israel is murdering the children of Palestine and the world is fed up with these massacres of children!

Sherri: 'We are the world' was just a song. You speak for yourself - you certainly do not speak for millions of others.

"And frankly, if they gave a damn about Gamma - they'd be over there fighting."
Someone might recognize that quote from an exercise in 'international relations' which sought to give students the chance to reproduce the UN.......

Is anyone else weary of reading about how the self-declared Christian humanitarian pacifist yearns to be part of the 'resistance' to the oh-so-vile 'Zionist Occupiers'?

At least the rest of us have no such pretensions. Just about every single "Palestinian supporter" on this site seems far more dedicated to getting their jollies talking smack about 'the Joooooooooooooos' under the pretext of "supporting Palestinians" than ever actually DOING anything to help a single one of 'em.
This list is false and decieving
Even anti-Israel Goldstone’s commity admited that most of this kind of information is false and decieveing. Many of the names above were killed by Hamas fire and rockets and some were terrrorists that walked without uniform. Atleast 3 names were dying in ‘Shiffa’ hospital from diseases that had nothing to do with the war.

This Propaganda line is geting old, with each new list of children killed I place up here, you keep parroting the same old propaganda lines. You even say there are three in every list dying from diseases in Shiffa Hospital! You must be a graduate of the latest Hasbara training academy!

Stop the Zionist lies!

Btselm was founded by Knesset members and their organization compiles this data.
Sherri, give us one good reason why you are an Islamic terrorist supporter if (as you claim) you are a Christian. Why are you not a Zionist if you are Christian? Jesus was a Zionist Jew. He was born, lived and died a Zionist Jew. People then created a religion after his teaching. (for he was a Rabbi) His teachings were of the Torah. Supposedly you follow his teaching. I think not. Therefore you cannot be a Christian if you are not a Zionist. Does that seem logical to you? Or not?
Any comment,rebuttals or denial from you or do you refuse to answer simple questions?
Indeed, when they stop using the tunnels to transport weapons they will stop putting people in harms way.
Why can't they have weapons?

Do they not have a right to defend themselves against foreign aggression?

If they want to smuggle in weapons and they want to fire them at their neighbour they have to take responsibility for the inevitable consequences, including the deaths of the innocent people they willfully place in harms way so they can later abuse them even further by using their lifeless bodies as propaganda props.
Then people should be outraged at the filthy muslims that made this happen. If this child's relatives and neighbors did not insist on firing rockets and mortars into Israeli civilian neighborhoods, often times placing these launchers in areas heavily populated by children hopeing that their own kids will be killed so they can use the dead bodies of their kids for propoganda purposes, and sending suicide bombers in market palces and onto buses in Israel to murder innocent Israeli civilians this poor child would still be alive. Only a moron or a muslim would blame the Israelis for this child's injuries.

Buddy, the zionists have pretty much instigated the whole mess. It would be up to them to make the first real step towards a lasting peace settlement. But as we all know, the Israelis don't want peace, they want more land, because let's face it, when have they EVER offered a real deal to the Pals? I'll tell you: never.


You're of course a freaking dumbass who either has no freaking idea of what's going on over there or you're a camel humping, little boy loving, follower of the pedophilic scumbag mohammed yourself either way, your assertion is ridiculous and based upon nothing but anti-semitism and bigotry. These camel humping scumbags have been firing rockets and mortars into Israel for years, they have been sending suicide bombers into Israel to murder innocent Jews for decades and when Israel responds with military force, you and other muslim loving scumbags like you cry foul. Why should Israel give the arabs ANY freaking land? The arabs have millions of acres more land than the Jews and the Israelis need this land as a buffer zone against another attack by the muslim hordes that have attacked the peace loving people of Israel numerous times. I guess you're one of those dumbasses that think the US should give CA., AZ. and TX back to the wetbacks too huh?
When Hamas stops attacking Israel whilst hiding behind the skirts of women and their children then Hamas will stop willfully getting Gazan children killed.

Indeed, when they stop using the tunnels to transport weapons they will stop putting people in harms way.
FACT: Israel is murdering the children of Palestine and the world is fed up with these massacres of children!

Indeed, when they stop using the tunnels to transport weapons they will stop putting people in harms way.
Why can't they have weapons?

Do they not have a right to defend themselves against foreign aggression?

There are no justifications, there are no defenses, there are only your collective irrational rationalizations. "The underground facilities have ... been crucial to arming Hamas and other militant groups."

"Israeli airstrikes have heavily targeted the network of tunnels, which smugglers use to bring in various items — including food, fuel, construction materials and weapons — to Gaza's 1.6 million residents. The tunnels were developed as a way for Palestinians in Gaza to sidestep Egyptian and Israeli restrictions.

Though technically illegal, the tunnels have until recently been tolerated to varying degrees on the Egyptian side of the border."
The blockade is illegal and immoral. It is also a war crime. It's called "collective punishment". You cannot punish an entire population of people who've committed no crime.

That's a bullshit claim. There are video's that show Israeli's at checkpoints, after determining Palestinian's had no weapons on them, they were still denied passage through the checkpoint. So the weapons claim doesn't wash.

Israel has no jurisdiction in Palestinian (or international) waters.

And you have no proof that they didn't. Boarding another vessel in international (or Palestinian) waters, is an act of piracy. You show just how evil your heart (and Israel) is, when you treat humanitarian aid, as a threat and attack the ship in international waters where you have absolutely no jurisdiction at all! That is so fucked, if I was President, I'd send in a ship the Israeli's couldn't board.

The video shows people farming being shot at. And Israel has no right imposing any kind of restrictions on land that isn't theirs.

Israel needs to get their ass back past the Green Line and stay the fuck there. The Palestinian's have every right to self-determination, which Israel is preventing.

You're so morally bankrupt, nothing Israel does crosses the line. You can see a video of people being shot at while fishing and farming and claim something entirely different.

You remind me of average German's refusing to believe the Holocaust when first told about it. They couldn't believe their government could be part of something so horrific. And they continued to believe it, until Eisenhower made them bury the dead. And just like them, your day will come when you face that reality that you can no longer deny what is obvious to the rest of the world.

Seriously loins, why don't you try to calm down a bit. I'm sorry I can't say what you want me to say about these incidents but you only have yourself to blame for that, providing pally wood YouTube crap from known mendacious rabid antisemites and the like. In addition, I would be able to match any article by a 'legal expert' you could provide parroting the illegal international waters garbage who will say exactly the opposite. I don't know how old you are but you seem to be thinking like a child and as for believing pally wood videos would advance your 'case', well the less said the better. :eusa_shhh:


You say you question whether there is a God, what I read from your words is a person who acts as if their God is Israel, and you defend every act Israel engages in, no matter how gruesome it is.

The Israeli unlawful attacks on farmers and fisherman has been documented for years, you can go to websites like Reliefweb that monitor such human rights abuses worldwide and find literally thousands of reports of such attacks day in and day out, year in and year out, of this decades long Occupation of Palestine.

How does a human being support and keep supporting such Depravity, of Israel, as you do, all this deliberate taking of the life of the innocent in this Occupation, by Israel, over 1000 children murdered since the First Intifada started, over 8000 killed, mostly civilians?

Hate in your Heart is behind all of it.

There is nothing but Hate in defending child murders, there is Hate in deliberate killings of defenseless children and civilians and in defending such killings!

Do yourself a favor, let it go, none of us have to defend murders like of this baby below, killed by Israel in an attack that was unlawful under international law, an attack that also killed his 19 year old aunt, who was 6 months pregnant, and his uncle, and the attack injured his 4 year old brother, as well.

Be Human!

You can do it!



Another lying dumbass heard from.
When will Israel's murder of the children of Palestine end?

When Hamas stops attacking Israel whilst hiding behind the skirts of women and their children then Hamas will stop willfully getting Gazan children killed.

Your hate and bigotry and LIES are certainly on display once again, Israel is killing the children, not Palestinians! The Chosen People do not get a free pass to murder the children!

I beg to differ, antichrist. You were practically wetting yourself with glee just the other day at the idea of Hamas stocking up on more weapons even though you know they use them only for one reason, to attack their neighbour, provoke a response and deliberately get their own innocent people and children, whom they hide behind, killed. Your hatred for Jews burns so bright you are happy for innocent children to be sacrificed to it, you then salivate at the mouth whilst abusing these poor children and their families further by plastering gory pics of them all over the net. You are a disgrace to humanity and you should stop pretending you have anything to do with Jesus as you are tainting Christians with your feigned belief in Him.
There, thats much more accurate :eusa_angel:.
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as to the issue of "war crime" and "collective punishment" In order for
a bombing to be legal----the TARGET must be a legal military target----that is
active military personnel DURING conflict -----weapons dumps and sites
used for military purposes-----like buildings from which shots are fired or
bombs launched Can any of the supporters of islamo nazi actions eg
Sherrie----tell us just what the TARGETS of the kassam missiles are?

As to "collective punishment" can any of the supporters of the actions
of islamo nazi terrorists eg Sherri----tell us how bombing the brains
out of children living in israeli cities is NOT COLLECTIVE PUNISHMENT?

Stop with the lies, Israel Occupies, and Israel carries out acts of collective punishment against the civilain population, and Israel kills babies and children!

Face the truth about what Israel is, an Occupier and a baby killer!

The IDF and IAF ACCIDENTLY kill woman and children because the brave warriors of islam hide behind their woman's skirts and their children's baby carriages hoping to scrifice their woman and children to garner sympathy from the dumbasses in this world who even though they are clueless as to what's going on over there feel the need to bloviate on the fact that these children are dead, never mentioning they're dead because of the murderous, terroristic, aggressiveness of their fathers, uncles, brothers, etc. Screw em, and if a muslim kid is accidently killed by the IDF or the IAF that means one less murdering scumbag to kill Jews and Americans in 15yrs.
Yes, of course, its always a mistake when Jews kill innocent people. Israel gets away with everything, and their scum supporters want that.

Btw, kind of like the mistake when Israel bombed a RedCross aid truck and killed their driver? Or that one mistake where the UN gave Israel coordinates not to bomb their school which sheltered civilians but Israel went anyway and killed 40 civilians most of whom were children?

Really? Are we to believe those were accidents? Or when the IDF shot a Mother and her daughters even though they were holding white flags?

Is it really always an "accident" if Israel does it, but if other international countries kill civilians they get held accountable for it. But Israel always has its way.

When will Israel's murder of the children of Palestine end?

When Hamas stops attacking Israel whilst hiding behind the skirts of women and their children then Hamas will stop willfully getting Gazan children killed.

Your hate and bigotry and LIES are certainly on display once again, Israel is killing the children, not Palestinians! The Chosen People do not get a free pass to murder the children!

It seems to have escaped SherriTrashmouth's notice that decent people do not refer to Jews as 'The Chosen People': only Nazi-licking shitsuckers talk that way.
I see that some damfool Nazi-sucker has gone off on a fantasy about how the US 'should' attack Israel, complete with doctored pic a la Pallywood.......
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