Israel Clearing the Rats from Gaza

Wondering where they're hiding the hostages. I hope all of them survive this and they live to see these animals killed
If they don't, then they'll be in Heaven which is Good. HAMAS will be in hell which is even better than Good for their kind of barbarism.

Keep going ISRAEL, and end this scourge once and for all.

Soon the rockets will be silenced, and a lasting peace will be restored to GAZA, but it will be under a new leadership called the Israeli government and the IDF.
Doesn't have to be Hollywood.

View attachment 858390

Wow. Jesus knows these types of deceivers.

And the beast Prime Minister of Israel, tried to claim Hitler got the idea of the holocaust from a Muslim. Israel lies all the time. They lied about killing a Palestinian American journalist and they got caught in that one.

You’re talking about a country where there’s 500,000 Jewish settlers in the West Bank who have more rights than Palestinians of the West Bank. And who are they in the Israeli government to try to fool us honest Americans. It’s disgraceful. If people want to support jewish supremacy let them I would never even imagine doing that as a Christian. To these Christians in this thread and others supporting Jewish supremacy…. please change your ways.

There are those jews around the world and in Israel who want change for the better.

At least Israel should be honest with the world they’re not a western democracy at present, it’s a Jewish theocracy. Be honest.
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It’s appalling that a small portion of American Christians and apparently Atheists support these types of people seen below mocking children in Gaza w/o water

The whole civilized world tho won’t be fooled by the Israeli propaganda machine
You think you’re fooling anyone as to your antisemitism by calling them ”Israeli lies” rather than “Jewish lies”?

And why in the world, other than your Jew-hate, would you believe anything HAMAS has to say? Didn’t you say what savage barbarians they are?
He believes everything Hamas says because they are inbreds who kill their wives and daughters for "honor", kill anybody they even suspect of being gay and want to kill Jews "until they hide behind rocks and trees.

They are his type of people.
Instead of writing about unconfirmed muck , why not substitute
Here is some likely garbage from that UK rag The Sun .

What do you really expect Palestinians to do when they are starving , thirsty , and ill?

What a rubbish OP from someone who is such an over-the -top racist that it is thoroughly distasteful .

It’s hamas that is starving them. Try forming a rational thought without your feelings dominating it.
Wow 😯

Very telling … America doesn’t do that.
American doesn’t do WHAT, you antisemite? Go house to house to find every little Jewish child and chop his head off, set him on fire, or bake him the oven?

Oh right.….that’s YOUR side.

And if you question why you’re being called out for antisemitism, there’s your answer: You use Bibi’s CORRECT comment that many Gazans have been killed by HAMAS, and ignore the barbaric atrocities the Muslim terrorists perpetuated on innocent Jews, torturing them to death.
Bible prophesy tells us that at the end of the Church Age Jews will be all alone in the world

Only God is on their side

But thats enough to save the Jewish remnant from unbelieving libs

Actually, the Bible says all the Jews will be wiped out except for the ones who embrace Jesus.... so the Evangelicals are being really kind of cynical in their support of Zionism.

But since the Jews know Jesus never existed and won't be coming back, this is where they've put one over on the goyim, big time.

You think you’re fooling anyone as to your antisemitism by calling them ”Israeli lies” rather than “Jewish lies”?

And why in the world, other than your Jew-hate, would you believe anything HAMAS has to say? Didn’t you say what savage barbarians they are?
Poor Lisa, she was really hoping this attack would validate her oppression fantasies....
But the real world sees who the bad guys are here.

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