Israel Clearing the Rats from Gaza


Deputy Speaker of the Knesset, member of the Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee, MK Nissim Vatori @nissimv (Likud) in this morning's interview with Gadi Ness: "We need to put them (the Palestinians) on ships and transfer them to where they will be better off, we want them in Scotland so we will give them".
Here's what going to happen.

The IDF will flop around Gaza for a few months committing attrocities
The Palestinians will hate the Zionists even more.
The world will lose any sympathy for Israel.

All Israel is doing now is creating a whole brand new crop of Palestinians who will see the violence being used against them and decide they will use violence against Israel. Israel is simply creating new terrorists.

Way to bum fuck BiBi.

Deputy Speaker of the Knesset, member of the Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee, MK Nissim Vatori @nissimv (Likud) in this morning's interview with Gadi Ness: "We need to put them (the Palestinians) on ships and transfer them to where they will be better off, we want them in Scotland so we will give them".

The Israeli version of the Final Solution to the Palestinian. Ethnic Cleanzing
Crapy job then. Gaza could be dust in 4 hours if Israel wanted to exterminate the vermin living there.

I realize you are supporting Israel, but the Palestinian's lived there before Israel created. The Palestinian's have as much a right to a homeland as the Israelies. What Israel is doing is nothing short of Ethnic Cleanzing.

Deputy Speaker of the Knesset, member of the Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee, MK Nissim Vatori @nissimv (Likud) in this morning's interview with Gadi Ness: "We need to put them (the Palestinians) on ships and transfer them to where they will be better off, we want them in Scotland so we will give them".

This is a bad thing? Definitely for Scotland
What kind of diet are those people on ? 😂

They sure don't look like fat lazy ace Americans these days... 😂
uhm-----exercise---they are into exercise-----the starving palestinian chicks
cover their-----uhm "ample" bodies. We do have lots of palestinian
ESCAPEES from the impenetrable opened air PRISON-----right here in ----
somehow FAR FROM GAZA. It is a MIRACLE that they can ESCAPE the

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