Israel defends itself?

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Actually I may have heard this on NPR too. Hamas is not paying people with the money but instead buying weapons. No one is saying either side is completely innocent.

Actually, that's exactly what the jooos are saying.

Palestinian organizations finance schools and health clinics and offer plenty of other ways to support the population based on need. This is one of the ways that they maintain support among the population.

No. Any miniscule amount they spend on the people is to keep the people voting for Hamas.

Those idiots voted Hamas into power and they are now paying the price for letting those dirtbags run things.

Perhaps. I suggest the timing of this is fishy. The GOP are clearly in bed with the chicken hawk Israeli's like Netenyahoo. Remember Joe Lieberman? Even our Democratic Jews toed the line with Iraq.

I think the GOP are behind this. Like the Iranian Hostage crisis during the Reagan/Carter years. The GOP told Iran to hold the hostages until after the election. How/Why Bush was the VP. He was the head of the CIA, right?

Last election the GOP tried to make that Georgia v Russia thing an issue. This election year it's Russia v Ukraine. Remember Bush looked into Putin's soul and saw a good man? :eusa_liar:

Same with the illegal kids at the border. Curious why now? Why this year? Did the GOP make a deal with the drug cartels to push all those kids to our borders to stir up the base?
Read my signature from the hamas charter.

Put pieces of smelly shit like Philips on ignore. He deserves zero respect from anyone.

What mystifies me is how Jewish Americans vote in democrats at such an alarming rate. Make no mistake, Israelis know the American conservatives are their biggest advocates. The prophets warned and warned for centuries of the wolves in sheep's clothing. This is just another example of that imo. Related to those who danced around a golden calf. On and on.

The Jewish Americans (at least 70% of them that vote for the anti-Semite left) betray the land of their people.

Not true?

Look at who is against Israel on these threads. Same fucking assholes that listen to BSNBC. The same groups that listen to

The same types that believe the way a slut like Rihanna believes.


I hear in Israel it is like here in America. Probably a lot more "liberal" people than there are hard line conservatives but who turns out to vote? Who owns the corporations and the media and the government? The rich do. And who do they play like fools? The religious middle class conservatives.
Wipe Hamas off the face of the Earth. Ceasefires are just opportunities for Hamas to rest and reload. End the terrorism.
Sieg Heil, Rabbi.
Did you support the US terrorism in Iraq, Afghanistan, Korea, Vietnam, etic, etc, too?
We end the terrorism when we stop "choosing" between Republican OR Democrat in the voting booth.

Fuck you, you miserable stupid jew hater. Hamas is the terrorist org here. And idiot stooges like you are just the kind of morons who support them.
"Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities."
How many atrocities have you PERSONALLY committed, Rabbi?
Are you PROUD?
Sieg Heil, Rabbi.
Did you support the US terrorism in Iraq, Afghanistan, Korea, Vietnam, etic, etc, too?
We end the terrorism when we stop "choosing" between Republican OR Democrat in the voting booth.

Fuck you, you miserable stupid jew hater. Hamas is the terrorist org here. And idiot stooges like you are just the kind of morons who support them.
"Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities."
How many atrocities have you PERSONALLY committed, Rabbi?
Are you PROUD?

I've responded to your posts. If that doesnt count as an atrocity, nothing does.
Hamas is a terrorist organization. Even the US State Department says so.
Sieg Heil, Rabbi.
Did you support the US terrorism in Iraq, Afghanistan, Korea, Vietnam, etic, etc, too?
We end the terrorism when we stop "choosing" between Republican OR Democrat in the voting booth.

Fuck you, you miserable stupid jew hater. Hamas is the terrorist org here. And idiot stooges like you are just the kind of morons who support them.
"Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities."
How many atrocities have you PERSONALLY committed, Rabbi?
Are you PROUD?

How lame.
Did you just literally run out of things to post?
What you fail to understand is the effect of the Holocaust. The systematic, bureaucratic, state-sponsored persecution and murder of approximately six million Jews by the Nazi regime. Hamas's goal is just about the same.

Hamas started this War by launching Missiles at Israeli cities and they will not stop!

Iran and other Terrorist Countries are sending the missiles to Hamas.

Hamas better not start screwing with Egypt. They have no use for Hamas.

Kerry is quite gullible believing anything Hamas and Iran tell him.
Hamas had nothing to do with the Holocaust.
That was Hitler.
Israel started this war in 1948 when 650,000 Jews inflicted their nation-state upon 1.3 million Arabs and others.
Iran does support and practice terrorism, but the Mad Mullahs can not even imagine committing acts of terror on the scale as the US invasion of Iraq or the Israeli occupation of Palestine.
Egypt is ruled by another collection or rich, corrupt generals and will do exactly what the terrorists in Tel Aviv or DC tell them to do.

Are you really stupid enough to believe that Iran does not support terrorist groups.
Iran terrorizes and kills their own people. Your thinking is delusional.
Read this link from the NY Times
Did I say Hamas had something to do with the Holocaust? No I did not. All these terrorist groups want to wipe Israel from the face of the earth. I see antisemitism is alive and well in America.
Some more updated Iranian News for your education: Iran: 10 prisoners, including 4 women, hanged in Birjand; prisoner sentenced to stoning in Qaemshahr for your education
There is no such thing as an ethnic Palestinian. Do some research about the non semites that invaded the area by ship from Crete.
You wouldn't recognize an anti-Semite if one fired a Hellfire Missile up your ignorant ass.

You want to know about Palestine and Palestinians?
Read the Balfour Declaration, Moron.
(or move to Crete)
Fuck you, you miserable stupid jew hater. Hamas is the terrorist org here. And idiot stooges like you are just the kind of morons who support them.
"Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities."
How many atrocities have you PERSONALLY committed, Rabbi?
Are you PROUD?

I've responded to your posts. If that doesnt count as an atrocity, nothing does.
Hamas is a terrorist organization. Even the US State Department says so.
I'm guessing you're blind enough to believe the US Government is not committing acts of terrorism, right? Hamas hasn't murdered millions of innocent human beings on the opposite side of the planet from Gaza, has it? Killer Jews in Israel are useful idiots for those in this country who get rich from killing other people's children. Does that last sentence sound like anyone you know?
"Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities."
How many atrocities have you PERSONALLY committed, Rabbi?
Are you PROUD?

I've responded to your posts. If that doesnt count as an atrocity, nothing does.
Hamas is a terrorist organization. Even the US State Department says so.
I'm guessing you're blind enough to believe the US Government is not committing acts of terrorism, right? Hamas hasn't murdered millions of innocent human beings on the opposite side of the planet from Gaza, has it? Killer Jews in Israel are useful idiots for those in this country who get rich from killing other people's children. Does that last sentence sound like anyone you know?

Ah, shove it up your ass.
Palestinian organizations finance schools and health clinics and offer plenty of other ways to support the population based on need. This is one of the ways that they maintain support among the population.

No. Any miniscule amount they spend on the people is to keep the people voting for Hamas.

Those idiots voted Hamas into power and they are now paying the price for letting those dirtbags run things.

Perhaps. I suggest the timing of this is fishy. The GOP are clearly in bed with the chicken hawk Israeli's like Netenyahoo. Remember Joe Lieberman? Even our Democratic Jews toed the line with Iraq.

I think the GOP are behind this. Like the Iranian Hostage crisis during the Reagan/Carter years. The GOP told Iran to hold the hostages until after the election. How/Why Bush was the VP. He was the head of the CIA, right?

Last election the GOP tried to make that Georgia v Russia thing an issue. This election year it's Russia v Ukraine. Remember Bush looked into Putin's soul and saw a good man? :eusa_liar:

Same with the illegal kids at the border. Curious why now? Why this year? Did the GOP make a deal with the drug cartels to push all those kids to our borders to stir up the base?

Calling Netanyahu a "chicken hawk" proves that you're a dolt. He is the farthest thing from a chicken hawk. According to Wikipedia:

Netanyahu joined the Israel Defense Forces during the Six-Day War in 1967, and became a team leader in the Sayeret Matkal special forces unit. He took part in many missions, including Operation Inferno (1968), Operation Gift (1968) and Operation Isotope (1972), during which he was shot in the shoulder. He fought on the front lines in the War of Attrition and the Yom Kippur War in 1973, taking part in special forces raids along the Suez Canal, and then leading a commando assault deep into Syrian territory.[3] He achieved the rank of captain before being discharged.

His record makes John Kerry's record look like a walk in the park.
"Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities."
How many atrocities have you PERSONALLY committed, Rabbi?
Are you PROUD?

I've responded to your posts. If that doesnt count as an atrocity, nothing does.
Hamas is a terrorist organization. Even the US State Department says so.
I'm guessing you're blind enough to believe the US Government is not committing acts of terrorism, right? Hamas hasn't murdered millions of innocent human beings on the opposite side of the planet from Gaza, has it? Killer Jews in Israel are useful idiots for those in this country who get rich from killing other people's children. Does that last sentence sound like anyone you know?

You're a moron. Targeting the military of a hostile power is not terrorism. According to the definition of the term, targeting civilians is terrorism. That makes Hamas a terrorist organization, not the U.S. government or Israel.

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No. Any miniscule amount they spend on the people is to keep the people voting for Hamas.

Those idiots voted Hamas into power and they are now paying the price for letting those dirtbags run things.

Perhaps. I suggest the timing of this is fishy. The GOP are clearly in bed with the chicken hawk Israeli's like Netenyahoo. Remember Joe Lieberman? Even our Democratic Jews toed the line with Iraq.

I think the GOP are behind this. Like the Iranian Hostage crisis during the Reagan/Carter years. The GOP told Iran to hold the hostages until after the election. How/Why Bush was the VP. He was the head of the CIA, right?

Last election the GOP tried to make that Georgia v Russia thing an issue. This election year it's Russia v Ukraine. Remember Bush looked into Putin's soul and saw a good man? :eusa_liar:

Same with the illegal kids at the border. Curious why now? Why this year? Did the GOP make a deal with the drug cartels to push all those kids to our borders to stir up the base?

Calling Netanyahu a "chicken hawk" proves that you're a dolt. He is the farthest thing from a chicken hawk. According to Wikipedia:

Netanyahu joined the Israel Defense Forces during the Six-Day War in 1967, and became a team leader in the Sayeret Matkal special forces unit. He took part in many missions, including Operation Inferno (1968), Operation Gift (1968) and Operation Isotope (1972), during which he was shot in the shoulder. He fought on the front lines in the War of Attrition and the Yom Kippur War in 1973, taking part in special forces raids along the Suez Canal, and then leading a commando assault deep into Syrian territory.[3] He achieved the rank of captain before being discharged.

His record makes John Kerry's record look like a walk in the park.
How many women did he kill?
How does his heroism compare to William McGonagle
Jew-first, much?
Jew First? Maybe.
Radical Muslim Last? Definitely!
I know more than my share of Jews who are assholes but they don't slaughter people.
I've responded to your posts. If that doesnt count as an atrocity, nothing does.
Hamas is a terrorist organization. Even the US State Department says so.
I'm guessing you're blind enough to believe the US Government is not committing acts of terrorism, right? Hamas hasn't murdered millions of innocent human beings on the opposite side of the planet from Gaza, has it? Killer Jews in Israel are useful idiots for those in this country who get rich from killing other people's children. Does that last sentence sound like anyone you know?

You're a moron. Targeting the military of a hostile power is not terrorism. According to the definition of the term, targeting civilians is terrorism. That makes Hamas a terrorist organization, not the U.S. government or Israel.

How many civilians did the US military kill in Afghanistan and Iraq, Einstein?
Are you ignorant enough to imagine they were all collaterally damaged?
Jew First? Maybe.
Radical Muslim Last? Definitely!
I know more than my share of Jews who are assholes but they don't slaughter people.
They are slaughtering people in Gaza, as we speak.

Four cousins murdered while playing on a Gaza beach, remember?

What was that I posted before about emotionally disturbed parents allowing their kids to play where they've been warned not to play?
You're really are an idiot and have no value for human life except for it's provided propaganda.
It's posters like you that make me want the IDF to exterminate these assholes.
But I do realize there are probably hundreds of thousands of Gazans who want to lead normal lives.
By all means let's be fair. The Israelis should shut down their iron dome system so their dead can equal the raghead dead.

Your post is nonsensical.

To begin with the Iron Dome system is TRULY a defensive weapons, unlike the weapon systems used to attack Gaza. Secondly, Iron Dome can NOT be used AS an offensive weapon. So, it's not even relevant to this thread.

Which leads me to the following question: Why do conservatives post so much irrelevant BS?

My final point is this: Your post is not only silly, it's racist, as well.

The attacks started with Hamas and they are still at it. I don't blame Israel for better defending themselves against attacks.

Hamas refuses to cease fire, even after a supposed agreement to do so. They don't want to quit and they don't believe in protecting their civilians. Actually, I think they consider all of their people as combatants regardless of age or sex, so no special protections for women and children. It's long been a practice of radicals to use women and children as human shields.

Maybe you can answer why Hamas won't stop. They are nothing but terrorists and always have been. Israel wants to be left alone but Hamas won't retreat. If they would, things would stop. Considering how outnumbered Israel is in the region, I don't blame them for using this much force. They are trying to send a message, but the idiotic radicals either don't get it or don't care.
Jew First? Maybe.
Radical Muslim Last? Definitely!
I know more than my share of Jews who are assholes but they don't slaughter people.
They are slaughtering people in Gaza, as we speak.

Four cousins murdered while playing on a Gaza beach, remember?

What was that I posted before about emotionally disturbed parents allowing their kids to play where they've been warned not to play?
You're really are an idiot and have no value for human life except for it's provided propaganda.
It's posters like you that make me want the IDF to exterminate these assholes.
But I do realize there are probably hundreds of thousands of Gazans who want to lead normal lives.
The parents told the children NOT to play on the beach.
After nine days of indiscriminate shelling by Jews, the kids said "fuck it."
Why do you suppose those heroic Jews on the gunboat decided to use two shells, fired thirty seconds apart, to kill four children, three of whom were running for their lives??
Do you realize greedy Jews in Israel and the US want the land those hundreds of thousands or Gazans are living on AND that is why those four children died?
Perhaps. I suggest the timing of this is fishy. The GOP are clearly in bed with the chicken hawk Israeli's like Netenyahoo. Remember Joe Lieberman? Even our Democratic Jews toed the line with Iraq.

I think the GOP are behind this. Like the Iranian Hostage crisis during the Reagan/Carter years. The GOP told Iran to hold the hostages until after the election. How/Why Bush was the VP. He was the head of the CIA, right?

Last election the GOP tried to make that Georgia v Russia thing an issue. This election year it's Russia v Ukraine. Remember Bush looked into Putin's soul and saw a good man? :eusa_liar:

Same with the illegal kids at the border. Curious why now? Why this year? Did the GOP make a deal with the drug cartels to push all those kids to our borders to stir up the base?

Calling Netanyahu a "chicken hawk" proves that you're a dolt. He is the farthest thing from a chicken hawk. According to Wikipedia:

Netanyahu joined the Israel Defense Forces during the Six-Day War in 1967, and became a team leader in the Sayeret Matkal special forces unit. He took part in many missions, including Operation Inferno (1968), Operation Gift (1968) and Operation Isotope (1972), during which he was shot in the shoulder. He fought on the front lines in the War of Attrition and the Yom Kippur War in 1973, taking part in special forces raids along the Suez Canal, and then leading a commando assault deep into Syrian territory.[3] He achieved the rank of captain before being discharged.

His record makes John Kerry's record look like a walk in the park.
How many women did he kill?

Your hero Kerry admitted to committing atrocities in Vietnam. Netanyahu did all his killing on an actual battlefield in the middle of the Sinai desert.

How does his heroism compare to William McGonagle
Jew-first, much?

What difference does it make, numb nuts? He's obviously not a chicken hawk. That's all that matters.

What is "Jew-first, much" supposed to mean? It sounds like something a raving anti-Semitism would say.
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I'm guessing you're blind enough to believe the US Government is not committing acts of terrorism, right? Hamas hasn't murdered millions of innocent human beings on the opposite side of the planet from Gaza, has it? Killer Jews in Israel are useful idiots for those in this country who get rich from killing other people's children. Does that last sentence sound like anyone you know?

You're a moron. Targeting the military of a hostile power is not terrorism. According to the definition of the term, targeting civilians is terrorism. That makes Hamas a terrorist organization, not the U.S. government or Israel.

How many civilians did the US military kill in Afghanistan and Iraq, Einstein?
Are you ignorant enough to imagine they were all collaterally damaged?

So you think American soldiers deliberately kill civilians? Is that really what you're trying to say?

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