Israel defends itself?

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You're a moron. Targeting the military of a hostile power is not terrorism. According to the definition of the term, targeting civilians is terrorism. That makes Hamas a terrorist organization, not the U.S. government or Israel.

How many civilians did the US military kill in Afghanistan and Iraq, Einstein?
Are you ignorant enough to imagine they were all collaterally damaged?

So you think American soldiers deliberately kill civilians? Is that really what you're trying to say?

You think they kill tens of thousands by accident?:cuckoo:
How many civilians did the US military kill in Afghanistan and Iraq, Einstein?
Are you ignorant enough to imagine they were all collaterally damaged?

So you think American soldiers deliberately kill civilians? Is that really what you're trying to say?

You think they kill tens of thousands by accident?:cuckoo:

There werent tens of thousands killed.
Of course the killing of Palestinian women and children are not an accident. Hamas deliberately puts them where they know Israel will shoot.
So you think American soldiers deliberately kill civilians? Is that really what you're trying to say?

You think they kill tens of thousands by accident?:cuckoo:

There werent tens of thousands killed.
Of course the killing of Palestinian women and children are not an accident. Hamas deliberately puts them where they know Israel will shoot.
I was responding to Bripat's allegation of US military induced civilian deaths in the ME.
I'm sure Israel will catch up.
Some civilians in Gaza refuse to leave when Jews tell them to.
Hamas encourages others to do the same.
That doesn't change the disproportionate level of killing Israel regularly inflicts on Gaza.
You think they kill tens of thousands by accident?:cuckoo:

There werent tens of thousands killed.
Of course the killing of Palestinian women and children are not an accident. Hamas deliberately puts them where they know Israel will shoot.
I was responding to Bripat's allegation of US military induced civilian deaths in the ME.
I'm sure Israel will catch up.
Some civilians in Gaza refuse to leave when Jews tell them to.
Hamas encourages others to do the same.
That doesn't change the disproportionate level of killing Israel regularly inflicts on Gaza.

You think they should trade punch for punch and for every missed punch they should miss in turn because it would be unfair for them to hit back.
WTF you think this is a game!
This won't be over until every Hamas member is dead or the ones left alive finally agree to let Israel live in peace.
Calling Netanyahu a "chicken hawk" proves that you're a dolt. He is the farthest thing from a chicken hawk. According to Wikipedia:

His record makes John Kerry's record look like a walk in the park.
How many women did he kill?

Your hero Kerry admitted to committing atrocities in Vietnam. Netanyahu did all his killing on an actual battlefield in the middle of the Sinai desert.

How does his heroism compare to William McGonagle
Jew-first, much?

What difference does it make, numb nuts? He's obviously not a chicken hawk. That's all that matters.

What is "Jew-first, much" supposed to mean? It sounds like something a raving anti-Semitism would say.
Jew-first refers to someone who values Israel's interests over those of the US.
Sound like anyone you know?
Wipe Hamas off the face of the Earth. Ceasefires are just opportunities for Hamas to rest and reload. End the terrorism.

Here's the nasty sucks, but here is the truth of all this nonsense..

The world, at some point, is going to have to wipe these animals off the face of the earth. They will never quit. You fight (and win) a war in one fashion and one fashion ONLY (and it especially applies to these radical extremists) and that is by KILLING the enemy and destroying their will to fight.

If it means obliterating a large portion of the muslim world to achieve peace - do it. If this attitude is NOT adopted - our great grandchildren will one day all be Muslim. They will have no choice or freedom in the matter. And, they will have US (their grandparents) to thank for it.
There werent tens of thousands killed.
Of course the killing of Palestinian women and children are not an accident. Hamas deliberately puts them where they know Israel will shoot.
I was responding to Bripat's allegation of US military induced civilian deaths in the ME.
I'm sure Israel will catch up.
Some civilians in Gaza refuse to leave when Jews tell them to.
Hamas encourages others to do the same.
That doesn't change the disproportionate level of killing Israel regularly inflicts on Gaza.

You think they should trade punch for punch and for every missed punch they should miss in turn because it would be unfair for them to hit back.
WTF you think this is a game!
This won't be over until every Hamas member is dead or the ones left alive finally agree to let Israel live in peace.
What has Israel done lately to make you think Jews want to live in peace?
Jews control the flow of goods and people in and out of Gaza.
Jews control the population register of Gaza.
Jews have proven time and time again they want all the land between the River and the sea, AND they are willing to kill as many civilians as necessary to get it.
Get it?
I was responding to Bripat's allegation of US military induced civilian deaths in the ME.
I'm sure Israel will catch up.
Some civilians in Gaza refuse to leave when Jews tell them to.
Hamas encourages others to do the same.
That doesn't change the disproportionate level of killing Israel regularly inflicts on Gaza.

You think they should trade punch for punch and for every missed punch they should miss in turn because it would be unfair for them to hit back.
WTF you think this is a game!
This won't be over until every Hamas member is dead or the ones left alive finally agree to let Israel live in peace.
What has Israel done lately to make you think Jews want to live in peace?
Jews control the flow of goods and people in and out of Gaza.
Jews control the population register of Gaza.
Jews have proven time and time again they want all the land between the River and the sea, AND they are willing to kill as many civilians as necessary to get it.
Get it?

It is natural that the government of Israel controls the flow of goods across their borders. If I were in charge of Israel I would seal the border with Gaza and not allow anything through. It is not Israels job to flow things to Gaza. If Gaza wants something from israel they better learn to ask nicely. Starting with the persecution of anyone who fires a rocket into israel.
I was responding to Bripat's allegation of US military induced civilian deaths in the ME.
I'm sure Israel will catch up.
Some civilians in Gaza refuse to leave when Jews tell them to.
Hamas encourages others to do the same.
That doesn't change the disproportionate level of killing Israel regularly inflicts on Gaza.

You think they should trade punch for punch and for every missed punch they should miss in turn because it would be unfair for them to hit back.
WTF you think this is a game!
This won't be over until every Hamas member is dead or the ones left alive finally agree to let Israel live in peace.
What has Israel done lately to make you think Jews want to live in peace?
Jews control the flow of goods and people in and out of Gaza.
Jews control the population register of Gaza.
Jews have proven time and time again they want all the land between the River and the sea, AND they are willing to kill as many civilians as necessary to get it.
Get it?

The world is to view Israel vis-a-vis Aza as opposed to vis-a-vis the rest of the world?
Are you THAT stupid?
Apparently so.

:eusa_boohoo:etc..., etc..., etc...
Wipe Hamas off the face of the Earth. Ceasefires are just opportunities for Hamas to rest and reload. End the terrorism.

Here's the nasty sucks, but here is the truth of all this nonsense..

The world, at some point, is going to have to wipe these animals off the face of the earth. They will never quit. You fight (and win) a war in one fashion and one fashion ONLY (and it especially applies to these radical extremists) and that is by KILLING the enemy and destroying their will to fight.

If it means obliterating a large portion of the muslim world to achieve peace - do it. If this attitude is NOT adopted - our great grandchildren will one day all be Muslim. They will have no choice or freedom in the matter. And, they will have US (their grandparents) to thank for it.

Radical Muslims like that understand force. If you try to be nice, they assume you are weak. They respect power and force. You are correct that if we dont eradicate them we will be dealing with them until they eradicate us.
Cliché? More demagoguery? How Trite. What didn't you understand about the term Islamofascism, sociopath?

Behold, once again, just how morally and intellectually bankrupt statists are!

Where did I ever say anything about Europeans, Arabs, Asians, Persians, Africans and so on being animals as such, sociopath? I'm not even talking about all Muslims necessarily regardless of their genetics, sociopath.

I'm a classical liberal, a proponent of natural law. We're talkin' the universal inalienable rights of humanity under God here. I measure folks by the color of their ideology and the color of their behavior. Don't go thinking you can project the banal obsessions of your dialectic materialism on me, sociopath. You'll have your pants down around your ankles and my boot up your ass, metaphorically speaking, you understand, before you can say, "I'm a Marxist goon."

I'm talking about a certain shade of ideology and those who embrace it. I'm talking about ideological barbarians like you, sociopath. Murderous thugs. Statists. I'm talking about the defense of civilization against its historical enemies, sociopath.

Pagans. Jacobins. Marxists. Fascists. Theocrats. Let's talk about the Jesuits of the Medieval Roman Catholic Church. Let's talk about Islamofascists.

Jews are pigs. Jews are apes. Infidels are dogs to be enslaved or slaughtered. Conversion by the sword. Women are chattel.

Yeah. I know the history and the dynamics of dehumanization, Marxist. Let's talk about Stalin, Mao, Kim Il Sung and sons, Pol Pot. . . . What are we talkin' here? About 100 to 150 million dead? And their excuse, Marxist? Let's talk about the dehumanization of theists, Marxist, Christians in particular, Marxist. Dehumanization? How many tens of millions of babies has your political ideology ripped from the womb and tossed into dumpsters, Marxist?

(But I ask you, members of the board, given the horrific tyranny and atrocity that Marxism truly is in history, what kind of person continues to laud it? Seriously? Who are these people? What are these people?)

Feeling left out? Is that the real problem, here? Are you of European descent like me? No problem. You're a friggin' animal too, Marxist. Got the gist of it now, sociopath?

So you just ignored the context, the preface of that sentiment, eh, sociopath?

Let's review.

M.D. Rawlings: "The plight of children in the Islamic world is heart-wrenchingly tragic, innocence violated by the religion from hell. Vulnerable minds poisoned with hate. Islamofascist mothers strapping bombs to them. Islamofascist fathers hiding behind them."

Who does such things to children, let alone to their very own children, but animals, sociopath?

Look up the term generic. Pull your head out of your ass, you statist degenerate. Wake up and smell the history.

You don't give a damn about the horrific tragedy that is the plight of the Palestinian people, as you don't give damn about the reality of it, the true insanity of it all. You're a Band Aid, not a cure. They're misery is music to your ears. What would you do without them? They're just another hook to hang the sermonizing bullshit that is the Marxist historical dialectic of the perpetual struggle between the oppressor and the oppressed.

You leftists are some sick-ass, morally obtuse puppies:

(But I ask you, members of the board, given the horrific tyranny and atrocity that Marxism truly is in history, what kind of person continues to laud it? Seriously? Who are these people? What are these people?)

These are the people who have grown up in modern public education - taught by union loving communist who have lauded Stalin and Marx since THEIR days at University.

They have been taught to despise America and everything she stands for. Basically, they are useless, worthless, useful idiots who have never experienced communism or Marxism but will tell you how "wonderful" it is.

It's a crock of crap. Just like they are. I worked in the USSR (Moscow) and I SAW, FIRSTHAND, how those "comrades" lived. I'll take America any day of the week for the rest of my life.

To each according to his need, from each according to his ability is a pretty likeable quote.

I suppose . . . for sadomasochists with a fetish for slavery.
(But I ask you, members of the board, given the horrific tyranny and atrocity that Marxism truly is in history, what kind of person continues to laud it? Seriously? Who are these people? What are these people?)

These are the people who have grown up in modern public education - taught by union loving communist who have lauded Stalin and Marx since THEIR days at University.

They have been taught to despise America and everything she stands for. Basically, they are useless, worthless, useful idiots who have never experienced communism or Marxism but will tell you how "wonderful" it is.

It's a crock of crap. Just like they are. I worked in the USSR (Moscow) and I SAW, FIRSTHAND, how those "comrades" lived. I'll take America any day of the week for the rest of my life.


Excerpt from another post hitting on this very thing:

In Theories of Surplus Value Marx conceded that the middleclass was actually growing under capitalism, not disappearing as he had previously held in The Communist Manifesto and Das Kapital, and more honest Marxist theorists have since conceded that the working class is not a culturally homogeneous, but a culturally heterogeneous component of production comprised of competing interests, and one that has become increasingly economically mobile under capitalism from generation to generation. Strike (1) those fallacious critiques of capitalism, the guts of dialectic materialism, insofar as they pertain to the allegedly historical antagonism between the oppressed proletariat and the exploitative bourgeoisie, (2) the abject stupidity of "from each according to his ability to each according to his need" and (3) the conceptualization of surplus value as an injustice or a problem to be solved, if not by bargaining than by compulsory wealth redistribution: what more must the world endure at the hands of this debacle before we toss it into the ash heap of history and move on?

Marxists disregard the rise in wages over time under capitalism as industries reinvest surplus value and grow. They gloss over the destructive results of over-bargaining industries into stagnation and bankruptcy.

Take a close look at Detroit.

Marx moralistically imagined surplus value to be the unpaid surplus labor of the working class. But surplus value is in fact the stuff of reinvestment and growth, the startup costs of producing new products and services, future wage increases, more jobs of varying expertise and levels of compensation despite increased automation, improved living standards, strategic surpluses, which are essentially production costs, as they must be maintained and replaced. The latter are not distributable profit. And don't forget about the public infrastructure and the all those public services, for good or bad. Don't forget about all that governmentally funded research, the scientific, medical and technological advances thereof. Don't forget about the exploration of space and the oceans, and the scientific, medical and technological advances thereof. All these things in addition to the strictly business concerns of the private sector were paid for by capitalist systems . . . way beyond what any communist system could ever dream of. . . .

. . . That's the complex reality and the magic of capitalism, but in the stagnant, make believe world of Marxism, that zero-sum-game fantasy, surplus value is merely the accumulation and centralization of transferable capital and power. Hence, the supposed fatal flaw or irresolvable contradiction of capitalism, namely, the falling profits-unemployment crisis of over-accumulation.

Nonsense. Aside from the cyclical corrections against over-production, the only entities known to sane men to cause or exacerbate economic downturns is the overbearing governments of corrupt and tyrannical factions.

In recent history, this supposed Achilles' heel of capitalism is in fact the wrecking ball of economic collectivism: the punitive taxation, regulation or nationalization of the means of production. Businesses that don't continuously innovate and grow, stagnant, shrink and die. Businesses besieged by overbearing governments go elsewhere and take their jobs with them . . . or die.

Privately owned surplus value is the economic lifeblood of the developed world. It's not a horded and withheld commodity. It's not a limited commodity either. . . .

"Wait a minute! Stop right there, Mister! Material resources are finite," the unimaginative rube of the zero-sum-game mentality hysterically exclaims.

. . . Human ingenuity—the essence of technological innovation, ever-increasing efficiency—is not finite! Privately owned surplus value is readily attainable for all the world, but for the meddling of corrupt and oppressive regimes. It is this factor that alludes the Marxist . . . or does he simply turn a blind eye on the obvious resolution of the supposed contradiction of capitalism? Pretend not to see it?

I'm not kidding. In every rendition of the supposed problem of over-accumulated capital I've ever read, the Marxist author invariably claims that this critique has never been satisfactorily answered by free-market theorists. The factor of human ingenuity and its effects on production capital have been understood for at least two centuries. Marxism is sheer political ideology posing as an economic science propagated by rank sociopaths. If this supposed flaw of capitalism were real, capitalism would have universally collapsed long before now. In the meantime, the only economic paradigm that has collapsed every time it's been tried is communism precisely because it stifles the very factor its theorists obtusely disregard: human incentive and ingenuity.

A funny thing happened along the way that leads to the formulation of the Marxist's psychological make up: the supply of material resources is finite, but the Marxist's penchant for self-delusion is boundless.

Forty years ago: Global cooling! Today: Global Warming! And moreover, Over-population! Diminishing Resources! It's all a bunch of hooey, the stuff of tyrants and bootlicking Chicken Littles.

In any event, what is the Marxist to do when in fact the working class is a culturally heterogeneous component of production whose standard of living has dramatically improved under capitalism?

Well, its constituents must be programmed from early childhood to disregard the discriminations of common logic and eschew the conventions of common morality. But not only that, they must be protected from the economic depredations of false consciousness. :lol: Hence, they must be made to think of themselves as the victims of those who own the means of production and all that surplus value.

Toss that fishing pole in the lake and hand 'em a pitchfork.

In other words, make 'em dumb as dirt. Manageable drones. Turn 'em into sexual degenerates bereft of familial affections/allegiances: the Marcusean polymorphous perversity of the Frankfurt School of Critical Theory. Hence, the intellectual and moral mediocrity and uniformity of relativism with a chip on its shoulder. This is cultural Marxism in a nutshell, more commonly known today as political correctness or multiculturalism. As economic Marxism is the deconstruction of the actualities of the factors of production and the expropriation of the means of production, cultural Marxism is the deconstruction of Western culture, of the influences of Christianity especially, and the expropriation of ideas and expression.

(There is a special place in hell set aside for the likes of sociopaths like Herbert Marcuse, monsters who sexually molest and corrupt the minds of vulnerable innocence. What kind of person can look at the sweet, cherubic face of a little girl, for example, all pigtails and ribbons, and whisper filth in her ears? Such monsters will never understand anything about the rights of others except at the business end of a loaded gun pointed at their stupid heads. The very thought of this cretin makes my blood boil. Today's sex education programs in the government schools are predicated on Marcuse's model.)

Since the theory of Marxism is necessarily true by definition, i.e., that all of history is a struggle between the powerful and the oppressed progressively moving toward that overwhelming conclusion of a stateless Utopia, the uncooperative regressions of history must be due to the false signals or the misdirection of human culture obscuring the proletariat's view of its true interests. Marx was aware of the extant cultural hindrances, of course, but it was a group of German communists who in the 1920's established a think tank and, initially, based on the definitive observations of Marxist theorists Gyorgy Lukacs of Hungary ("Who will save us from Western civilization?") and Antonio Gramsci of Italy, contrived a systematic methodology for expropriating culture. Marcuse joined the group in 1932 with his Neo-Freudian theory of sexual liberation as a component of the proletariat's cultural revolution against the benighted tribal tradition of the biological family.

(By the way, the anthem of the 1960's free love movement "Make love, not war" is Marcuse, a hero to the likes of Bill Ayers, Kathy Boudin, Mark Rudd, Eleanor Raskin. . . .)

Comprehensively, this was revolution by another means, the subversion of thought and morality, and the suppression of opposing views. The enlightened would artificially expedite the actualization of the object of the historical dialectic. Oh, the irony! In the 1930's, the members of the Frankfort School of Critical Theory fled Nazi Germany for America and set up shop at Columbia University.

The origination and the history of cultural Marxism is well-documented. - M.D. Rawlings

What branch of service were/are you in, Flagg?

I was Army, served in Europe too.
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What you fail to understand is the effect of the Holocaust. The systematic, bureaucratic, state-sponsored persecution and murder of approximately six million Jews by the Nazi regime. Hamas's goal is just about the same.

Hamas started this War by launching Missiles at Israeli cities and they will not stop!

Iran and other Terrorist Countries are sending the missiles to Hamas.

Hamas better not start screwing with Egypt. They have no use for Hamas.

Kerry is quite gullible believing anything Hamas and Iran tell him.
Hamas had nothing to do with the Holocaust.
That was Hitler.
Israel started this war in 1948 when 650,000 Jews inflicted their nation-state upon 1.3 million Arabs and others.
Iran does support and practice terrorism, but the Mad Mullahs can not even imagine committing acts of terror on the scale as the US invasion of Iraq or the Israeli occupation of Palestine.
Egypt is ruled by another collection or rich, corrupt generals and will do exactly what the terrorists in Tel Aviv or DC tell them to do.

Exactly! The entire enterprise of an Israeli state is illegitimate. So all this moralizing about collateral damage, which is clearly unavoidable if Israel is to weed out launch emplacements, is white wash.

Thanks for confirming that. Sieg Heil!
What you fail to understand is the effect of the Holocaust. The systematic, bureaucratic, state-sponsored persecution and murder of approximately six million Jews by the Nazi regime. Hamas's goal is just about the same.

Hamas started this War by launching Missiles at Israeli cities and they will not stop!

Iran and other Terrorist Countries are sending the missiles to Hamas.

Hamas better not start screwing with Egypt. They have no use for Hamas.

Kerry is quite gullible believing anything Hamas and Iran tell him.
Hamas had nothing to do with the Holocaust.
That was Hitler.
Israel started this war in 1948 when 650,000 Jews inflicted their nation-state upon 1.3 million Arabs and others.
Iran does support and practice terrorism, but the Mad Mullahs can not even imagine committing acts of terror on the scale as the US invasion of Iraq or the Israeli occupation of Palestine.
Egypt is ruled by another collection or rich, corrupt generals and will do exactly what the terrorists in Tel Aviv or DC tell them to do.

Exactly! The entire enterprise of an Israeli state is illegitimate. So all this moralizing about collateral damage, which is clearly unavoidable if Israel is to weed out launch emplacements, is white wash.

Thanks for confirming that. Sieg Heil!
You got it, Golda.
Israel is not entitled to occupy all the land between the River and the sea.
Jews are not that special.
Go kill a few more kids.
You'll feel human (almost).:lol:
Jew First? Maybe.
Radical Muslim Last? Definitely!
I know more than my share of Jews who are assholes but they don't slaughter people.

Who do you know? Are you here in America or in Israel? Because the way I see jews talk about arabs on this message boards, they don't even consider them people. They have called them animals. Do they slaughter animals?

If you see a jew here in America he is not violent just like you are not violent. What reason would he have? But put a uniform on him, put him with 9 other buddies, give them all guns and have them patrol where the "animals" live and see if they aren't capable of slaughter. Because from what I'm seeing they are capable.
Hamas had nothing to do with the Holocaust.
That was Hitler.
Israel started this war in 1948 when 650,000 Jews inflicted their nation-state upon 1.3 million Arabs and others.
Iran does support and practice terrorism, but the Mad Mullahs can not even imagine committing acts of terror on the scale as the US invasion of Iraq or the Israeli occupation of Palestine.
Egypt is ruled by another collection or rich, corrupt generals and will do exactly what the terrorists in Tel Aviv or DC tell them to do.

Exactly! The entire enterprise of an Israeli state is illegitimate. So all this moralizing about collateral damage, which is clearly unavoidable if Israel is to weed out launch emplacements, is white wash.

Thanks for confirming that. Sieg Heil!
You got it, Golda.
Israel is not entitled to occupy all the land between the River and the sea.
Jews are not that special.
Go kill a few more kids.
You'll feel human (almost).:lol:

Israel Matzav: Poll: 77% of Israeli Jews oppose cease fire under current circumtances
You think they should trade punch for punch and for every missed punch they should miss in turn because it would be unfair for them to hit back.
WTF you think this is a game!
This won't be over until every Hamas member is dead or the ones left alive finally agree to let Israel live in peace.
What has Israel done lately to make you think Jews want to live in peace?
Jews control the flow of goods and people in and out of Gaza.
Jews control the population register of Gaza.
Jews have proven time and time again they want all the land between the River and the sea, AND they are willing to kill as many civilians as necessary to get it.
Get it?

It is natural that the government of Israel controls the flow of goods across their borders. If I were in charge of Israel I would seal the border with Gaza and not allow anything through. It is not Israels job to flow things to Gaza. If Gaza wants something from israel they better learn to ask nicely. Starting with the persecution of anyone who fires a rocket into israel.
Do you understand the simple fact that Israel illegally occupies Palestine, including Gaza?
Jews are doing this for a very simple reason; they intend to eventually annex all the land they are currently killing civilians upon.
Gaza is not a distinct sovereign state.
Gaza is a colony over which Israel controls airspace, coastal waters, electromagnetic sphere, population registry, and the control of all goods and people in and out of Gaza.
Jews have no right to claim self-defense while they are illegally occupying another population.
What happens when you try to be nice to a psychopathic bully?
You stay alive just long enough to watch your family die.:lol:
Exactly! The entire enterprise of an Israeli state is illegitimate. So all this moralizing about collateral damage, which is clearly unavoidable if Israel is to weed out launch emplacements, is white wash.

Thanks for confirming that. Sieg Heil!
You got it, Golda.
Israel is not entitled to occupy all the land between the River and the sea.
Jews are not that special.
Go kill a few more kids.
You'll feel human (almost).:lol:

Israel Matzav: Poll: 77% of Israeli Jews oppose cease fire under current circumtances
You've just proven how racist Jews in Israel have become.
Let's dig deep and send a few more billion$ to the kosher bigots.
You think they should trade punch for punch and for every missed punch they should miss in turn because it would be unfair for them to hit back.
WTF you think this is a game!
This won't be over until every Hamas member is dead or the ones left alive finally agree to let Israel live in peace.
What has Israel done lately to make you think Jews want to live in peace?
Jews control the flow of goods and people in and out of Gaza.
Jews control the population register of Gaza.
Jews have proven time and time again they want all the land between the River and the sea, AND they are willing to kill as many civilians as necessary to get it.
Get it?

The world is to view Israel vis-a-vis Aza as opposed to vis-a-vis the rest of the world?
Are you THAT stupid?
Apparently so.

:eusa_boohoo:etc..., etc..., etc...
Why don't you explain how Israel can deny Palestinians the right to protect and govern themselves while simultaneously claiming the right to self-defense?
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