Israel defends itself?

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My side wants Jews to stop stealing their land and water and using their children for gunnery practice.
Your side maims, murders, incarcerates, and displaces millions of Muslim civilians across the Middle East and calls itself the "good guys.":cuckoo:
What are you missing?

Well, I don't see anything suggesting Hamas has any intention of peace so long as there's a Jewish state in any part of the former Palestine, but that doesn't detract from the fact that Israel's stealing of land and water is ongoing even in the west bank where before the current hostilities there was relative calm.

How do you steal something that belongs to you?
Gaza belongs to Jews?
Got a deed?
What has Israel done lately to make you think Jews want to live in peace?
Jews control the flow of goods and people in and out of Gaza.
Jews control the population register of Gaza.
Jews have proven time and time again they want all the land between the River and the sea, AND they are willing to kill as many civilians as necessary to get it.
Get it?

It is natural that the government of Israel controls the flow of goods across their borders. If I were in charge of Israel I would seal the border with Gaza and not allow anything through. It is not Israels job to flow things to Gaza. If Gaza wants something from israel they better learn to ask nicely. Starting with the persecution of anyone who fires a rocket into israel.
Do you understand the simple fact that Israel illegally occupies Palestine, including Gaza?
Jews are doing this for a very simple reason; they intend to eventually annex all the land they are currently killing civilians upon.
Gaza is not a distinct sovereign state.
Gaza is a colony over which Israel controls airspace, coastal waters, electromagnetic sphere, population registry, and the control of all goods and people in and out of Gaza.
Jews have no right to claim self-defense while they are illegally occupying another population.

I agree.
Hamas had nothing to do with the Holocaust.
That was Hitler.
Israel started this war in 1948 when 650,000 Jews inflicted their nation-state upon 1.3 million Arabs and others.
Iran does support and practice terrorism, but the Mad Mullahs can not even imagine committing acts of terror on the scale as the US invasion of Iraq or the Israeli occupation of Palestine.
Egypt is ruled by another collection or rich, corrupt generals and will do exactly what the terrorists in Tel Aviv or DC tell them to do.

Are you really stupid enough to believe that Iran does not support terrorist groups.
Iran terrorizes and kills their own people. Your thinking is delusional.
Read this link from the NY Times
Did I say Hamas had something to do with the Holocaust? No I did not. All these terrorist groups want to wipe Israel from the face of the earth. I see antisemitism is alive and well in America.
Some more updated Iranian News for your education: Iran: 10 prisoners, including 4 women, hanged in Birjand; prisoner sentenced to stoning in Qaemshahr for your education
There is no such thing as an ethnic Palestinian. Do some research about the non semites that invaded the area by ship from Crete.
You wouldn't recognize an anti-Semite if one fired a Hellfire Missile up your ignorant ass.

You want to know about Palestine and Palestinians?
Read the Balfour Declaration, Moron.
(or move to Crete)

You still think Iran is not a terrorist state?

The Balfour Declaration does not speak to the issue of non Jewish groups attacking Israel.

Again, read the History of the so called Palestinians. I guess you can't fix stupid, Stupid! I will no longer respond to your juvenile and delusional posts.
I heard Netanyahu say that they weren't targeting a single civilian. That statement could be considered to be technically true in the sense that they're not singling OUT a specific civilian, but it's utter BS that they're not aiming at places where they damn well know there are civilians, including women and children. In fact, I don't even buy into their argument that civilian deaths are collateral damage because they have been consistently inflicting deaths among the civilian population from the very beginning and have showed no intention of changing tactics or strategy.

Dumbshit. Why does Hamas locate their rockets, etc in civilian areas? Israel has been careful to avoid civilian casualties. Hamas launched rockets specifically at civilian targets. What about this will not penetrate your two working brain cells?

Israel's rhetorical claim that they've been careful to avoid civilian casualties is not supported by the evidence which shows that these large numbers of civilian deaths are overwhelmingly a result of air assaults and artillery fired from a great distance.
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Well, I don't see anything suggesting Hamas has any intention of peace so long as there's a Jewish state in any part of the former Palestine, but that doesn't detract from the fact that Israel's stealing of land and water is ongoing even in the west bank where before the current hostilities there was relative calm.

How do you steal something that belongs to you?

the bible says so. go with it bizzaro.

What have they "stolen" that doesn't belong to them?
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I heard Netanyahu say that they weren't targeting a single civilian. That statement could be considered to be technically true in the sense that they're not singling OUT a specific civilian, but it's utter BS that they're not aiming at places where they damn well know there are civilians, including women and children. In fact, I don't even buy into their argument that civilian deaths are collateral damage because they have been consistently inflicting deaths among the civilian population from the very beginning and have showed no intention of changing tactics or strategy.

Dumbshit. Why does Hamas locate their rockets, etc in civilian areas? Israel has been careful to avoid civilian casualties. Hamas launched rockets specifically at civilian targets. What about this will not penetrate your two working brain cells?

Israel's rhetorical claim that they've been careful to avoid civilian casualties is not supported by the evidence which shows that these large numbers of civilian deaths are overwhelmingly a result of air assaults and artillery fired from a great distance.

Like the bombing at the hospital today:

Gaza's Al-Shifa Hospital Compound, Nearby Park Hit In Attack (UPDATED)

Israel is blaming the attack on Hamas but reporters on the ground who were broadcasting live from near the site said that the explosion did NOT come from within Gaza.
How do you steal something that belongs to you?

the bible says so. go with it bizzaro.
This "claim" is why there can never be a two-state solution or peace. This "claim" is why Israel needs to be pushed into the sea.

I'm so sorry we ruined your life by introducing morals to the world.
Yeah, the Roman Empire, now THEY had it right.

Not to mention the Muslims, the Beheading and Child Molester Champions of history.
the bible says so. go with it bizzaro.
This "claim" is why there can never be a two-state solution or peace. This "claim" is why Israel needs to be pushed into the sea.

It's hard to believe that anyone would openly support genocide.
Israel is a nation, and I support the death of all humans. Were I to pick out a race, that would hardly be a big deal but I am unbiased, all of humanity can take a bath, the sooner the better.

And as for openly supporting genocide, learn human history. It's filled with such things, even in the Bible where the Jews were commanded by God to do just that.
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This "claim" is why there can never be a two-state solution or peace. This "claim" is why Israel needs to be pushed into the sea.

It's hard to believe that anyone would openly support genocide.

It's highly likey that PaintMyHouse and IndoFred suffered traumatic childhoods at the hands of their emotionally disturbed Jewish parents.

No Jews in my little whitey group of ******-owning Christians, not a one, it wasn't allowed.
the bible says so. go with it bizzaro.
This "claim" is why there can never be a two-state solution or peace. This "claim" is why Israel needs to be pushed into the sea.

It's hard to believe that anyone would openly support genocide.

Look who you're dealing with here. We've got three of the most brain dead joo hating posters on this site. If brains were dynamite they wouldn't have enough among them to blow their nose.
This "claim" is why there can never be a two-state solution or peace. This "claim" is why Israel needs to be pushed into the sea.

It's hard to believe that anyone would openly support genocide.
Israel is a nation, and I support the death of all humans. Were I to pick out a race, that would hardly be a big deal but I am unbiased, all of humanity can take a bath, the sooner the better.

And as for openly supporting genocide, learn human history. It's filled with such things, even in the Bible where the Jews were commanded by God to do just that.

I think the point is that we should stop using the bible, or any other religious text, to support having title to land or killing every one in a tribe over 13, except for the girls, whom will be used for breeding.
the bible says so. go with it bizzaro.
This "claim" is why there can never be a two-state solution or peace. This "claim" is why Israel needs to be pushed into the sea.

I'm so sorry we ruined your life by introducing morals to the world.
Yeah, the Roman Empire, now THEY had it right.

Not to mention the Muslims, the Beheading and Child Molester Champions of history.
Introduced Morals? You jest, and what you have, which isn't much, and the same with your "beliefs", you stole from others. Carry on...
It's hard to believe that anyone would openly support genocide.
Israel is a nation, and I support the death of all humans. Were I to pick out a race, that would hardly be a big deal but I am unbiased, all of humanity can take a bath, the sooner the better.

And as for openly supporting genocide, learn human history. It's filled with such things, even in the Bible where the Jews were commanded by God to do just that.

I think the point is that we should stop using the bible, or any other religious text, to support having title to land or killing every one in a tribe over 13, except for the girls, whom will be used for breeding.
I think we should let the Children of God slaughter each other, and get it over with. In all honestly, that's all they're good for...
This "claim" is why there can never be a two-state solution or peace. This "claim" is why Israel needs to be pushed into the sea.

It's hard to believe that anyone would openly support genocide.

Look who you're dealing with here. We've got three of the most brain dead joo hating posters on this site. If brains were dynamite they wouldn't have enough among them to blow their nose.
The opinions of Zionists matter not at all.
So now what gives Israel the title to land is not a 1967 conquest, nor a quasi historical tract containing religious teachings, but now being the very fountain of human morality. Ego much?
Israel is a nation, and I support the death of all humans. Were I to pick out a race, that would hardly be a big deal but I am unbiased, all of humanity can take a bath, the sooner the better.

And as for openly supporting genocide, learn human history. It's filled with such things, even in the Bible where the Jews were commanded by God to do just that.

I think the point is that we should stop using the bible, or any other religious text, to support having title to land or killing every one in a tribe over 13, except for the girls, whom will be used for breeding.
I think we should let the Children of God slaughter each other, and get it over with. In all honestly, that's all they're good for...

I thought Reagan should have used the neutron bomb, but even that was simplistic. He washed his hands of the whole thing, and that was probably wise (-:
This "claim" is why there can never be a two-state solution or peace. This "claim" is why Israel needs to be pushed into the sea.

I'm so sorry we ruined your life by introducing morals to the world.
Yeah, the Roman Empire, now THEY had it right.

Not to mention the Muslims, the Beheading and Child Molester Champions of history.
Introduced Morals? You jest, and what you have, which isn't much, and the same with your "beliefs", you stole from others. Carry on...

Prove couldn't even find a book older than the Passover Sedar.
I've heard lots of bullshit about ancient books hidden in the bowels of the earth.

Now prove it.
So now what gives Israel the title to land is not a 1967 conquest, nor a quasi historical tract containing religious teachings, but now being the very fountain of human morality. Ego much?

Jews have the Torah.
Non-Jews have the Noahide Laws.
Muslims have child sacrifice and swords.
Anying else you'd like to know?
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