Israel defends itself?

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Well if stupid and biased is the criteria than Ol'GP goes to the head of the class.

He seems to think the Isreali's go out of their way to kill every Palestinian civilian they can kill while conveniently forgetting that Hama, a Hamas that was voted in by those same Palestinian idiots, uses those civilians as fodder.

Hamas doesn't care how many civilians die. In fact the more the merrier in their eyes.

As for land? Who the hell occupied Palestine before it was Palestine??

Kinda sorta think the Jews did.
Still stuck on Jew, are you?

Jews do much worse in Gaza than murder unarmed civilians looking for family members.

Jews murder four cousins on a Gaza beach in front of a hotel filled with international journalists.

Jews want all the land between the River and the sea because they're greedy, and they don't care how many "sub-human" Arabs they have to murder to get it.

'jew get it?:lol:
You missed the part where Israel withdrew from Gaza and handed it over to the Palestinians. Just one of those inconvenient facts that makes you look...sttooooopid.
While you still ignore "effective control."
Why is that?
Makes you and your people look like chicken shits?:badgrin:
Before I start in on this thread, let me preface it by mentioning a variation of an old saying:

"We won the battle, but lost the war."​

Struggles and armed conflicts aren't just fought on a battlefield. They're fought in the court of public opinion too. In case anyone needs a history lesson on that front, it would behoove them to recall the American Civil Rights struggle. It was news images of water cannons and German Shepherd police dogs being unleashed on peaceful Black demonstrators which ultimately turned American public opinion against the gov'ts of the American South in the early 1960s. Israel faces a similar PR disaster despite the fact that most of these kind of reports don't get much airtime in the USA.

In truth, the story below isn't even the one I was looking for. I saw a report this morning on CNN about a 3 year old Palestinian child who was wrapped in bandages in a hospital. Obviously, the story below is from last month.

A Palestinian child, 7 years old, Ali Abed al-Awour, passed away last night as a result of injuries caused by an Israeli airstrike last Wednesday.

Palestinian sources reported that the child was with his uncle, Muhammad Ahmad al-Awour, on a motorcycle, when the Israeli airplane striked in the al-Sudanyeh neighborhood, northern Gaza. The Israeli army claimed that the uncle was a leader of Hamas, responsible for firing rockets to southern Israel. However, al-Awour's family said he had gone out to get food for dinner when he was killed.

This attack caused the immediate death of the uncle, 30 years old, and two other people were injured. One of them was Ali al-Awour, who passed away yesterday in a hospital in Gaza.

7-year old dies in Gaza 3 days after being injured in an Israeli airstrike

The POINT is clear as long as you're not too obtuse to see it or too partisan to acknowledge it. When a militarily far more powerful foe launches a military assault on a weaker opponent in the name of self-defense, it better be careful regarding its targets and the scale of its assault, or it's going to look like plain old brutality.

While I know that there are a lot of Israel supporter who are unapologetic regarding these assaults, at some point you have to ask yourself if it's doing more harm than good to the cause if it creates widespread sympathy for the Palestinians in the court of world public opinion in the process.

But this thread is not meant so much to be about Israel versus the Palestinians and who's right, or who's MORE right. This thread is meant to be about what's in America's interest. You see, the Israelis are using weapons systems that WE supplied to them to launch these military campaigns. Think how that makes Arabs view us when they see dead children at the hands of weapons we supplied to the people who are using the weapons against them. Think that might create a terrorism problem for us in the process?

Israel has to be first and foremost concerned with her own citizens. It doesn't matter how "fair" you might think it is. The fact of the matter is, it is the responsibility of the Israeli government to defend its citizens.

If the Mexican government starting lobbing bombs at us, you would expect us to act. That is an act of war.
Well if stupid and biased is the criteria than Ol'GP goes to the head of the class.

He seems to think the Isreali's go out of their way to kill every Palestinian civilian they can kill while conveniently forgetting that Hama, a Hamas that was voted in by those same Palestinian idiots, uses those civilians as fodder.

Hamas doesn't care how many civilians die. In fact the more the merrier in their eyes.

As for land? Who the hell occupied Palestine before it was Palestine??

Kinda sorta think the Jews did.
Still stuck on Jew, are you?

Jews do much worse in Gaza than murder unarmed civilians looking for family members.

Jews murder four cousins on a Gaza beach in front of a hotel filled with international journalists.

Jews want all the land between the River and the sea because they're greedy, and they don't care how many "sub-human" Arabs they have to murder to get it.

'jew get it?:lol:

Your laughable.

If the Isreali's wanted Gaza gotta wonder why they demolished their settlements and gave the land back? Land they could have kept. Land they gave up.

Kinda looks like the Isreali's want peace. Can't say the same for Hamas and Palestine.

Say. Isn't Hamas the outfit that want to kill every Jew they can? In fact they want to wipe them off the planet.

Yup Hamas and the Paestinians want peace and the Jews want war.

Muslim. Get it.
Before I start in on this thread, let me preface it by mentioning a variation of an old saying:

"We won the battle, but lost the war."​

Struggles and armed conflicts aren't just fought on a battlefield. They're fought in the court of public opinion too. In case anyone needs a history lesson on that front, it would behoove them to recall the American Civil Rights struggle. It was news images of water cannons and German Shepherd police dogs being unleashed on peaceful Black demonstrators which ultimately turned American public opinion against the gov'ts of the American South in the early 1960s. Israel faces a similar PR disaster despite the fact that most of these kind of reports don't get much airtime in the USA.

In truth, the story below isn't even the one I was looking for. I saw a report this morning on CNN about a 3 year old Palestinian child who was wrapped in bandages in a hospital. Obviously, the story below is from last month.

A Palestinian child, 7 years old, Ali Abed al-Awour, passed away last night as a result of injuries caused by an Israeli airstrike last Wednesday.

Palestinian sources reported that the child was with his uncle, Muhammad Ahmad al-Awour, on a motorcycle, when the Israeli airplane striked in the al-Sudanyeh neighborhood, northern Gaza. The Israeli army claimed that the uncle was a leader of Hamas, responsible for firing rockets to southern Israel. However, al-Awour's family said he had gone out to get food for dinner when he was killed.

This attack caused the immediate death of the uncle, 30 years old, and two other people were injured. One of them was Ali al-Awour, who passed away yesterday in a hospital in Gaza.

7-year old dies in Gaza 3 days after being injured in an Israeli airstrike

The POINT is clear as long as you're not too obtuse to see it or too partisan to acknowledge it. When a militarily far more powerful foe launches a military assault on a weaker opponent in the name of self-defense, it better be careful regarding its targets and the scale of its assault, or it's going to look like plain old brutality.

While I know that there are a lot of Israel supporter who are unapologetic regarding these assaults, at some point you have to ask yourself if it's doing more harm than good to the cause if it creates widespread sympathy for the Palestinians in the court of world public opinion in the process.

But this thread is not meant so much to be about Israel versus the Palestinians and who's right, or who's MORE right. This thread is meant to be about what's in America's interest. You see, the Israelis are using weapons systems that WE supplied to them to launch these military campaigns. Think how that makes Arabs view us when they see dead children at the hands of weapons we supplied to the people who are using the weapons against them. Think that might create a terrorism problem for us in the process?

Israel has to be first and foremost concerned with her own citizens. It doesn't matter how "fair" you might think it is. The fact of the matter is, it is the responsibility of the Israeli government to defend its citizens.

If the Mexican government starting lobbing bombs at us, you would expect us to act. That is an act of war.
The US and Mexico and Israel are sovereign states; Gaza is not. Gaza is a dependent territory and Israel its occupying power. Israel has made it very clear it intends to control all the land between the River and the sea for the primary benefit of Jews. That is not only unfair since there are equal numbers of Jews and Arabs living on that land it is also in violation of international law for Israel to claim the right of self defense against a population it occupies. Surely, Hitler would not have been given that justification in Poland?
Well if stupid and biased is the criteria than Ol'GP goes to the head of the class.

He seems to think the Isreali's go out of their way to kill every Palestinian civilian they can kill while conveniently forgetting that Hama, a Hamas that was voted in by those same Palestinian idiots, uses those civilians as fodder.

Hamas doesn't care how many civilians die. In fact the more the merrier in their eyes.

As for land? Who the hell occupied Palestine before it was Palestine??

Kinda sorta think the Jews did.
Still stuck on Jew, are you?

Jews do much worse in Gaza than murder unarmed civilians looking for family members.

Jews murder four cousins on a Gaza beach in front of a hotel filled with international journalists.

Jews want all the land between the River and the sea because they're greedy, and they don't care how many "sub-human" Arabs they have to murder to get it.

'jew get it?:lol:

Your laughable.

If the Isreali's wanted Gaza gotta wonder why they demolished their settlements and gave the land back? Land they could have kept. Land they gave up.

Kinda looks like the Isreali's want peace. Can't say the same for Hamas and Palestine.

Say. Isn't Hamas the outfit that want to kill every Jew they can? In fact they want to wipe them off the planet.

Yup Hamas and the Paestinians want peace and the Jews want war.

Muslim. Get it.

Isn't Hamas the outfit that want to kill every Jew they can?

yes they are

an offshoot of the Muslim brotherhood of Egypt

the same brotherhood who fought with hitler during WWII
Well if stupid and biased is the criteria than Ol'GP goes to the head of the class.

He seems to think the Isreali's go out of their way to kill every Palestinian civilian they can kill while conveniently forgetting that Hama, a Hamas that was voted in by those same Palestinian idiots, uses those civilians as fodder.

Hamas doesn't care how many civilians die. In fact the more the merrier in their eyes.

As for land? Who the hell occupied Palestine before it was Palestine??

Kinda sorta think the Jews did.
Still stuck on Jew, are you?

Jews do much worse in Gaza than murder unarmed civilians looking for family members.

Jews murder four cousins on a Gaza beach in front of a hotel filled with international journalists.

Jews want all the land between the River and the sea because they're greedy, and they don't care how many "sub-human" Arabs they have to murder to get it.

'jew get it?:lol:

Your laughable.

If the Isreali's wanted Gaza gotta wonder why they demolished their settlements and gave the land back? Land they could have kept. Land they gave up.

Kinda looks like the Isreali's want peace. Can't say the same for Hamas and Palestine.

Say. Isn't Hamas the outfit that want to kill every Jew they can? In fact they want to wipe them off the planet.

Yup Hamas and the Paestinians want peace and the Jews want war.

Muslim. Get it.

It says so in the Hamas Charter.

Palestine Center - The Charter of the Hamas
Well if stupid and biased is the criteria than Ol'GP goes to the head of the class.

He seems to think the Isreali's go out of their way to kill every Palestinian civilian they can kill while conveniently forgetting that Hama, a Hamas that was voted in by those same Palestinian idiots, uses those civilians as fodder.

Hamas doesn't care how many civilians die. In fact the more the merrier in their eyes.

As for land? Who the hell occupied Palestine before it was Palestine??

Kinda sorta think the Jews did.
Still stuck on Jew, are you?

Jews do much worse in Gaza than murder unarmed civilians looking for family members.

Jews murder four cousins on a Gaza beach in front of a hotel filled with international journalists.

Jews want all the land between the River and the sea because they're greedy, and they don't care how many "sub-human" Arabs they have to murder to get it.

'jew get it?:lol:

Your laughable.

If the Isreali's wanted Gaza gotta wonder why they demolished their settlements and gave the land back? Land they could have kept. Land they gave up.

Kinda looks like the Isreali's want peace. Can't say the same for Hamas and Palestine.

Say. Isn't Hamas the outfit that want to kill every Jew they can? In fact they want to wipe them off the planet.

Yup Hamas and the Paestinians want peace and the Jews want war.

Muslim. Get it.
Israel demolished their Gaza settlements because it couldn't afford the expense of 20,000 of its troops guarding 8000 illegal squatters.

If Israel kinda wanted peace why did it build a fence around Gaza and maintain control of Gaza's population registry?

Under international law, Israel is the occupying power for Gaza. It can not simultaneously deny Gazans the right to self-govern and claim the right of self defense over those it occupies.

Think Hitler and Poland if you find that history more to your liking.
Still stuck on Jew, are you?

Jews do much worse in Gaza than murder unarmed civilians looking for family members.

Jews murder four cousins on a Gaza beach in front of a hotel filled with international journalists.

Jews want all the land between the River and the sea because they're greedy, and they don't care how many "sub-human" Arabs they have to murder to get it.

'jew get it?:lol:

Your laughable.

If the Isreali's wanted Gaza gotta wonder why they demolished their settlements and gave the land back? Land they could have kept. Land they gave up.

Kinda looks like the Isreali's want peace. Can't say the same for Hamas and Palestine.

Say. Isn't Hamas the outfit that want to kill every Jew they can? In fact they want to wipe them off the planet.

Yup Hamas and the Paestinians want peace and the Jews want war.

Muslim. Get it.
Israel demolished their Gaza settlements because it couldn't afford the expense of 20,000 of its troops guarding 8000 illegal squatters.

If Israel kinda wanted peace why did it build a fence around Gaza and maintain control of Gaza's population registry?

Under international law, Israel is the occupying power for Gaza. It can not simultaneously deny Gazans the right to self-govern and claim the right of self defense over those it occupies.

Think Hitler and Poland if you find that history more to your liking.

Jesus your still laughable.

Isreali is a tiny nation surrounded by enemies. Enemies who want them all dead.

Of course they build fences and maintain control. Common sense 101.

If you lived in Isreal you'd be applauding the Isreali's Govt for doing so.

Oh and they gave up the land in a try for peace. They had to forcibly remove many of the Jews living there. It was not a popular decision among many Isreali's.
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Still stuck on Jew, are you?

Jews do much worse in Gaza than murder unarmed civilians looking for family members.

Jews murder four cousins on a Gaza beach in front of a hotel filled with international journalists.

Jews want all the land between the River and the sea because they're greedy, and they don't care how many "sub-human" Arabs they have to murder to get it.

'jew get it?:lol:

Your laughable.

If the Isreali's wanted Gaza gotta wonder why they demolished their settlements and gave the land back? Land they could have kept. Land they gave up.

Kinda looks like the Isreali's want peace. Can't say the same for Hamas and Palestine.

Say. Isn't Hamas the outfit that want to kill every Jew they can? In fact they want to wipe them off the planet.

Yup Hamas and the Paestinians want peace and the Jews want war.

Muslim. Get it.
Israel demolished their Gaza settlements because it couldn't afford the expense of 20,000 of its troops guarding 8000 illegal squatters.

If Israel kinda wanted peace why did it build a fence around Gaza and maintain control of Gaza's population registry?

Under international law, Israel is the occupying power for Gaza. It can not simultaneously deny Gazans the right to self-govern and claim the right of self defense over those it occupies.

Think Hitler and Poland if you find that history more to your liking.

Seriously? Der . . . maybe because it's a country run by a terrorist organization who is constantly lobbing bombs at Israel.

If you don't think that they want to actually hurt Israeli citizens, that is delusional. If they got their hands on some bigger and better weaponry, they would most certainly not hesitate to use it. I guess it's easy to say otherwise when you sit in the comfort of your home from behind your computer screen and don't have to worry about the bomb sirens going off while your kids are at school, etc.
Still stuck on Jew, are you?

Jews do much worse in Gaza than murder unarmed civilians looking for family members.

Jews murder four cousins on a Gaza beach in front of a hotel filled with international journalists.

Jews want all the land between the River and the sea because they're greedy, and they don't care how many "sub-human" Arabs they have to murder to get it.

'jew get it?:lol:

Your laughable.

If the Isreali's wanted Gaza gotta wonder why they demolished their settlements and gave the land back? Land they could have kept. Land they gave up.

Kinda looks like the Isreali's want peace. Can't say the same for Hamas and Palestine.

Say. Isn't Hamas the outfit that want to kill every Jew they can? In fact they want to wipe them off the planet.

Yup Hamas and the Paestinians want peace and the Jews want war.

Muslim. Get it.
Israel demolished their Gaza settlements because it couldn't afford the expense of 20,000 of its troops guarding 8000 illegal squatters.

If Israel kinda wanted peace why did it build a fence around Gaza and maintain control of Gaza's population registry?

Under international law, Israel is the occupying power for Gaza. It can not simultaneously deny Gazans the right to self-govern and claim the right of self defense over those it occupies.

Think Hitler and Poland if you find that history more to your liking.

Didnt the Palestinians including those in Gaza stage a free and fair election in 2007 or so? Isnt that how Hamas got into power?
So you've lied. Yet again. Are you copying your idol Goering, who spoke approvingly of the Big Lie strategy?
Not enough, according to you, Heinrich.
Why dont you goose step back to Stormfront where they appreciate your stupidity?
Maybe you should march over to Gaza and kill a few more babies, Moshe?

Maybe the palestinians should fight like men instead of like pussies, hiding behind women and children?

Fight with what, the weapons we won't allow to be sold to them? Sticks and stones versus tanks and bombers.
Maybe you should march over to Gaza and kill a few more babies, Moshe?

Maybe the palestinians should fight like men instead of like pussies, hiding behind women and children?

Fight with what, the weapons we won't allow to be sold to them? Sticks and stones versus tanks and bombers.

Well then maybe they should cease and desist with their attacks? Are you saying they're just stupid then? No, what it is, is that they will never ever stop, not until Israel annihilates them. THEN, maybe they'll stop and there might be peace for once. Israel is a little speck of a country surrounded by hostile countries. Yes, they have every right to use every weapon at their disposal to defend themselves and to prevent any kind of big damage to their country either monetarily or to its people.
Still stuck on Jew, are you?

Jews do much worse in Gaza than murder unarmed civilians looking for family members.

Jews murder four cousins on a Gaza beach in front of a hotel filled with international journalists.

Jews want all the land between the River and the sea because they're greedy, and they don't care how many "sub-human" Arabs they have to murder to get it.

'jew get it?:lol:

Your laughable.

If the Isreali's wanted Gaza gotta wonder why they demolished their settlements and gave the land back? Land they could have kept. Land they gave up.

Kinda looks like the Isreali's want peace. Can't say the same for Hamas and Palestine.

Say. Isn't Hamas the outfit that want to kill every Jew they can? In fact they want to wipe them off the planet.

Yup Hamas and the Paestinians want peace and the Jews want war.

Muslim. Get it.
Israel demolished their Gaza settlements because it couldn't afford the expense of 20,000 of its troops guarding 8000 illegal squatters.

If Israel kinda wanted peace why did it build a fence around Gaza and maintain control of Gaza's population registry?

Under international law, Israel is the occupying power for Gaza. It can not simultaneously deny Gazans the right to self-govern and claim the right of self defense over those it occupies.

Think Hitler and Poland if you find that history more to your liking.

Telling lies again today George??

From the Koran: Every Christian should read.

Posted on 9/16/2001, 2:27:05 AM by freedom_from_socialism

From the Quran

2:120: “Never will the Jews nor the Christians be pleased with you till you follow their religion. Say: "Verily, Islâmic Guidance is the only Guidance. And if you were to follow their desires after what you have received of Knowledge, then you would have against Allâh neither any protector nor helper.”

3:56: “As to those who disbelieve, I will punish them with a severe torment in this world and in the Hereafter, and they will have no helpers."

3:85: “And whoever seeks a religion other than Islâm, it will never be accepted of him, and in the Hereafter he will be one of the losers.”

3:118: “O you who believe! Take not as your helpers or friends those outside your religion since they will not fail to do their best to corrupt you. They desire to harm you severely. Hatred has already appeared from their mouths, but what their breasts conceal is far worse. Indeed We have made plain to you the verses if you understand.”

3:178: “And let not the disbelievers think that Our postponing of their punishment is good for them. We postpone the punishment only so that they may increase in sinfulness. And for them is a disgracing torment.”

5:14: “And from those who call themselves Christians, We took their covenant, but they have abandoned a good part of the Message that was sent to them. So We planted amongst them enmity and hatred till the Day of Resurrection, and Allâh will inform them of what they used to do.”

5:51: “O you who believe! Take not the Jews and the Christians as friends, they are but friends to one another. And if any amongst you takes them as friends, then surely he is one of them. Verily, Allâh guides not those people who are the wrong*doers.”

5:73: “Surely, disbelievers are those who said: "Allâh is the third of the three (in a Trinity)." But there is no god but Allâh. And if they cease not from what they say, verily, a painful torment will befall the disbelievers among them.”

8:39: “And fight them until there is no more disbelief in Islam and the religion will all be for Allâh Alone...”

9:23: “O you who believe! Take not for supporters your fathers and your brothers if they prefer disbelief to Belief. And whoever of you does so, then he is one of the wrong-doers.”

9:29: “Fight against those who (1) believe not in Allâh, (2) nor in the Last Day, (3) nor forbid that which has been forbidden by Allâh and His Messenger (4) and those who acknowledge not Islam as the religion of truth among the people of the Scripture, until they pay the Jizyah [religious tax] with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued.”

9:34: “O you who believe! Verily, there are many of the Jewish rabbis and the Christian monks who devour the wealth of mankind in falsehood, and hinder men from the Way of Allâh. And those who hoard up gold and silver, and spend it not in the Way of Allâh -- announce unto them a painful torment.”

9:123: “O you who believe! Fight those of the disbelievers who are close to you, and let them find harshness in you, and know that Allâh is with those who are the pious.”

Quran, 9:29: “Fight against those who (1) believe not in Allâh, (2) nor in the Last Day, (3) nor forbid that which has been forbidden by Allâh and His Messenger (4) and those who acknowledge not Islam as the religion of truth among the people of the Scripture, until they pay the Jizyah [religious tax] with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued.”.
From the Koran: Every Christian should read.

That is the Koran's slant on things, you know the bible(play book) these folks are working out of right??

Now just kindly show me the same sentiment from the Jewish community, fairly easy task ...took me all of 30 seconds to find those Islamic references to killing out of non believers!!

Now you can holla lok at the poor babies and women ... but we both know it is purely a political ploy to gin up Islamic support and an stir anti Jewish sentiment.

You can tell all the lies you want, bunch of brain washed, purse toting men .......
Maybe the palestinians should fight like men instead of like pussies, hiding behind women and children?

Fight with what, the weapons we won't allow to be sold to them? Sticks and stones versus tanks and bombers.

Well then maybe they should cease and desist with their attacks? Are you saying they're just stupid then? No, what it is, is that they will never ever stop, not until Israel annihilates them. THEN, maybe they'll stop and there might be peace for once. Israel is a little speck of a country surrounded by hostile countries. Yes, they have every right to use every weapon at their disposal to defend themselves and to prevent any kind of big damage to their country either monetarily or to its people.
There will be peace when the squatter nation is pushed into the sea, and back into the history books where it belongs.
Maybe the palestinians should fight like men instead of like pussies, hiding behind women and children?

Fight with what, the weapons we won't allow to be sold to them? Sticks and stones versus tanks and bombers.

Well then maybe they should cease and desist with their attacks? Are you saying they're just stupid then? No, what it is, is that they will never ever stop, not until Israel annihilates them. THEN, maybe they'll stop and there might be peace for once. Israel is a little speck of a country surrounded by hostile countries. Yes, they have every right to use every weapon at their disposal to defend themselves and to prevent any kind of big damage to their country either monetarily or to its people.

Chris, one of the downsides of a board like this where almost anything goes is that the joo-haters come out from under their rocks and post nonsense. The more they post, the more absurd, ill informed, and stupid they sound.
Hamas has 10,000 rockets in inventory, or did before they tried to shoot them all off. They have AK47s and 74s. They have bombs of all kinds. Does anyone think Israeli soldiers are getting killed with forks? Hamas took all the western and arab aid they got--billions of dollars worth--and instead of investing in infrastructuve and economy they invested in tunnels and rockets. That is where their priorities lie. So anyone defending them has an agenda, and that agenda is always and everywhere the destruction of the Jewish people.
Jews want all the land between the River and the sea because they're greedy, and they don't care how many "sub-human" Arabs they have to murder to get it.
'jew get it?:lol:

Israel demolished their Gaza settlements because it couldn't afford the expense of 20,000 of its troops guarding 8000 illegal squatters.

If Israel kinda wanted peace why did it build a fence around Gaza and maintain control of.

Talking from both sides of your mouth again, GP ... a typically Muslim trait. If Israel couldn't afford the expense of guarding a few square miles of Gaza, how will they manage to control all the land between the river and the sea? :cool:
Fight with what, the weapons we won't allow to be sold to them? Sticks and stones versus tanks and bombers.

Well then maybe they should cease and desist with their attacks? Are you saying they're just stupid then? No, what it is, is that they will never ever stop, not until Israel annihilates them. THEN, maybe they'll stop and there might be peace for once. Israel is a little speck of a country surrounded by hostile countries. Yes, they have every right to use every weapon at their disposal to defend themselves and to prevent any kind of big damage to their country either monetarily or to its people.
There will be peace when the squatter nation is pushed into the sea, and back into the history books where it belongs.
I thought you supported Hamas and the Palestinians.
Fight with what, the weapons we won't allow to be sold to them? Sticks and stones versus tanks and bombers.

Well then maybe they should cease and desist with their attacks? Are you saying they're just stupid then? No, what it is, is that they will never ever stop, not until Israel annihilates them. THEN, maybe they'll stop and there might be peace for once. Israel is a little speck of a country surrounded by hostile countries. Yes, they have every right to use every weapon at their disposal to defend themselves and to prevent any kind of big damage to their country either monetarily or to its people.
There will be peace when the squatter nation is pushed into the sea, and back into the history books where it belongs.

So by your sentiment any time a land is conquered it still belongs to the original owners??
Damn don't let Rock here you say that shit, he will insist you stick by your fruity moral's and give him and his fellow Native American Indians the land back we currently live in!!
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