Israel defends itself?

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What has Israel done lately to make you think Jews want to live in peace?
Jews control the flow of goods and people in and out of Gaza.
Jews control the population register of Gaza.
Jews have proven time and time again they want all the land between the River and the sea, AND they are willing to kill as many civilians as necessary to get it.
Get it?

The world is to view Israel vis-a-vis Aza as opposed to vis-a-vis the rest of the world?
Are you THAT stupid?
Apparently so.

:eusa_boohoo:etc..., etc..., etc...
Why don't you explain how Israel can deny Palestinians the right to protect and govern themselves while simultaneously claiming the right to self-defense?

When has Israel ever done that, Adolph?
What has Israel done lately to make you think Jews want to live in peace?
Jews control the flow of goods and people in and out of Gaza.
Jews control the population register of Gaza.
Jews have proven time and time again they want all the land between the River and the sea, AND they are willing to kill as many civilians as necessary to get it.
Get it?

The world is to view Israel vis-a-vis Aza as opposed to vis-a-vis the rest of the world?
Are you THAT stupid?
Apparently so.

:eusa_boohoo:etc..., etc..., etc...
Why don't you explain how Israel can deny Palestinians the right to protect and govern themselves while simultaneously claiming the right to self-defense?

BENJAMIN NETANYAHU: Hamas is responsible for the death of civilians. We're not targeting a single civilian. We're responding to Hamas action and we're telling the civilians to leave. Hamas is telling them to stay. Why is it telling them to stay? Because it wants to pile up their own dead bodies. They not only want to kill our people, they want to sacrifice their own people.

BENJAMIN NETANYAHU: We still do not target schools. These schools, the [sic] of these schools were used to attack us. Our forces responded, but our initial investigation now doesn't show that it's our fire, it actually shows that it may have been Hamas rocket fire. That's still being investigated.

But the important thing to understand is that the reason we have civilians killed is not because Israel is targeting civilians but because Hamas is using civilians as human shields. We use missiles to protect our people. They use their people to protect their missiles.

NBC Meet the Press
July 27, 2014

DAVID GREGORY: Let me ask you about the price to Israel, this ongoing conflict. The staggering number of dead civilians on the Palestinian side in Gaza and the fact that just this week you had condemnation from around the world by the targeting of a U.N. school that killed children and those civilians who were fleeing a safe place to go in the fighting. Was this a mistake on the part of Israel even though the U.N. says this was clearly marked and that the Israeli forces knew the GPS coordinates of this school?

BENJAMIN NETANYAHU: Well, first of all, Hamas is responsible for the death of civilians. We're not targeting a single civilian. We're responding to Hamas action and we're telling the civilians to leave. Hamas is telling them to stay. Why is it telling them to stay? Because it wants to pile up their own dead bodies. They not only want to kill our people, they want to sacrifice their own people.

GREGORY: But where can they go? You say they should leave. Where can they reasonably go?

NETANYAHU: I'll get to it. I’ll tell you, there are plenty of places they can go to but Hamas is making sure that they don't go anywhere. Now, let me tell you about the school. Secretary General of the United Nations before this incident took place, said that, admitted that two U.N. schools in Gaza were used to stockpile rockets, and he condemned Hamas -- he condemned Hamas for allowing, turning these schools into military targets, legitimate military targets. Now we still do not target schools.

These schools, the [sic] of these schools were used to attack us. Our forces responded, but our initial investigation now doesn't show that it's our fire, it actually shows that it may have been Hamas rocket fire. That's still being investigated. But the important thing to understand is that the reason we have civilians killed is not because Israel is targeting civilians but because Hamas is using civilians as human shields. We use missiles to protect our people. They use their people to protect their missiles.
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The world is to view Israel vis-a-vis Aza as opposed to vis-a-vis the rest of the world?
Are you THAT stupid?
Apparently so.

:eusa_boohoo:etc..., etc..., etc...
Why don't you explain how Israel can deny Palestinians the right to protect and govern themselves while simultaneously claiming the right to self-defense?

When has Israel ever done that, Adolph?
Jews are doing that right now in Gaza.
Israel is the occupying power in Gaza; any response to Hamas rockets must be done in accordance with occupation law and not other laws of war. Put another way, Jews will have to stop killing children to advance their annexation of Palestine.
Why don't you explain how Israel can deny Palestinians the right to protect and govern themselves while simultaneously claiming the right to self-defense?

When has Israel ever done that, Adolph?
Jews are doing that right now in Gaza.
Israel is the occupying power in Gaza; any response to Hamas rockets must be done in accordance with occupation law and not other laws of war. Put another way, Jews will have to stop killing children to advance their annexation of Palestine.

How are they occupying anything? I think being there for 3700 years means they don't occupy the play, they own the place.

Hamas needs to stop sacrificing their children for the sake of a little PR.
The world is to view Israel vis-a-vis Aza as opposed to vis-a-vis the rest of the world?
Are you THAT stupid?
Apparently so.

:eusa_boohoo:etc..., etc..., etc...
Why don't you explain how Israel can deny Palestinians the right to protect and govern themselves while simultaneously claiming the right to self-defense?

BENJAMIN NETANYAHU: We still do not target schools. These schools, the [sic] of these schools were used to attack us. Our forces responded, but our initial investigation now doesn't show that it's our fire, it actually shows that it may have been Hamas rocket fire. That's still being investigated.

But the important thing to understand is that the reason we have civilians killed is not because Israel is targeting civilians but because Hamas is using civilians as human shields. We use missiles to protect our people. They use their people to protect their missiles.

NBC Meet the Press
July 27, 2014

DAVID GREGORY: Let me ask you about the price to Israel, this ongoing conflict. The staggering number of dead civilians on the Palestinian side in Gaza and the fact that just this week you had condemnation from around the world by the targeting of a U.N. school that killed children and those civilians who were fleeing a safe place to go in the fighting. Was this a mistake on the part of Israel even though the U.N. says this was clearly marked and that the Israeli forces knew the GPS coordinates of this school?

BENJAMIN NETANYAHU: Well, first of all, Hamas is responsible for the death of civilians. We're not targeting a single civilian. We're responding to Hamas action and we're telling the civilians to leave. Hamas is telling them to stay. Why is it telling them to stay? Because it wants to pile up their own dead bodies. They not only want to kill our people, they want to sacrifice their own people.

GREGORY: But where can they go? You say they should leave. Where can they reasonably go?

NETANYAHU: I'll get to it. I’ll tell you, there are plenty of places they can go to but Hamas is making sure that they don't go anywhere. Now, let me tell you about the school. Secretary General of the United Nations before this incident took place, said that, admitted that two U.N. schools in Gaza were used to stockpile rockets, and he condemned Hamas -- he condemned Hamas for allowing, turning these schools into military targets, legitimate military targets. Now we still do not target schools.

These schools, the [sic] of these schools were used to attack us. Our forces responded, but our initial investigation now doesn't show that it's our fire, it actually shows that it may have been Hamas rocket fire. That's still being investigated. But the important thing to understand is that the reason we have civilians killed is not because Israel is targeting civilians but because Hamas is using civilians as human shields. We use missiles to protect our people. They use their people to protect their missiles.

"We're not targeting a single civilian"
Fuck you and Bibi

"These haunting image capture four Palestinian boys running for their lives moments before they were killed by an Israeli bomb.

"The children - two aged 10 and the others 9 and 11 - were playing football on a beach when shells started to drop around them.

"Panicked, they began to sprint for safety.

"But this grainy CCTV image caught the moment just before they were killed by a bomb."

Harrowing images capture Palestinian boys fleeing beach moments before they were killed by Israeli shell - Mirror Online
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Why don't you explain how Israel can deny Palestinians the right to protect and govern themselves while simultaneously claiming the right to self-defense?

When has Israel ever done that, Adolph?
Jews are doing that right now in Gaza.
Israel is the occupying power in Gaza; any response to Hamas rockets must be done in accordance with occupation law and not other laws of war. Put another way, Jews will have to stop killing children to advance their annexation of Palestine.

They're not occupying anything, moron. They are invading to halt Hamas' rockets from raining down on Israel. Prior to that Hamas had the run of the place. Israel withdrew from Gaza. That's history you seem to have forgotten conveniently, Heinrich./
When has Israel ever done that, Adolph?
Jews are doing that right now in Gaza.
Israel is the occupying power in Gaza; any response to Hamas rockets must be done in accordance with occupation law and not other laws of war. Put another way, Jews will have to stop killing children to advance their annexation of Palestine.

They're not occupying anything, moron. They are invading to halt Hamas' rockets from raining down on Israel. Prior to that Hamas had the run of the place. Israel withdrew from Gaza. That's history you seem to have forgotten conveniently, Heinrich./
They're killing women and kids in order to annex more of Palestine, Bitch.
It's a Jew thing:D
Jews are doing that right now in Gaza.
Israel is the occupying power in Gaza; any response to Hamas rockets must be done in accordance with occupation law and not other laws of war. Put another way, Jews will have to stop killing children to advance their annexation of Palestine.

They're not occupying anything, moron. They are invading to halt Hamas' rockets from raining down on Israel. Prior to that Hamas had the run of the place. Israel withdrew from Gaza. That's history you seem to have forgotten conveniently, Heinrich./
They're killing women and kids in order to annex more of Palestine, Bitch.
It's a Jew thing:D

Dumbshit. They gave up Gaza. They dont want Gaza. They do want to disarm and destroy Hamas, which is shoving women and children in the way of bullets and missiles.
Why do you side with people who put so little value on human life?
They're not occupying anything, moron. They are invading to halt Hamas' rockets from raining down on Israel. Prior to that Hamas had the run of the place. Israel withdrew from Gaza. That's history you seem to have forgotten conveniently, Heinrich./
They're killing women and kids in order to annex more of Palestine, Bitch.
It's a Jew thing:D

Dumbshit. They gave up Gaza. They dont want Gaza. They do want to disarm and destroy Hamas, which is shoving women and children in the way of bullets and missiles.
Why do you side with people who put so little value on human life?
My side isn't trying to annex illegal colonies in Palestine.
Why do you side with racist fascists?
Why don't you explain how Israel can deny Palestinians the right to protect and govern themselves while simultaneously claiming the right to self-defense?

NBC Meet the Press
July 27, 2014

DAVID GREGORY: Let me ask you about the price to Israel, this ongoing conflict. The staggering number of dead civilians on the Palestinian side in Gaza and the fact that just this week you had condemnation from around the world by the targeting of a U.N. school that killed children and those civilians who were fleeing a safe place to go in the fighting. Was this a mistake on the part of Israel even though the U.N. says this was clearly marked and that the Israeli forces knew the GPS coordinates of this school?

BENJAMIN NETANYAHU: Well, first of all, Hamas is responsible for the death of civilians. We're not targeting a single civilian. We're responding to Hamas action and we're telling the civilians to leave. Hamas is telling them to stay. Why is it telling them to stay? Because it wants to pile up their own dead bodies. They not only want to kill our people, they want to sacrifice their own people.

GREGORY: But where can they go? You say they should leave. Where can they reasonably go?

NETANYAHU: I'll get to it. I’ll tell you, there are plenty of places they can go to but Hamas is making sure that they don't go anywhere. Now, let me tell you about the school. Secretary General of the United Nations before this incident took place, said that, admitted that two U.N. schools in Gaza were used to stockpile rockets, and he condemned Hamas -- he condemned Hamas for allowing, turning these schools into military targets, legitimate military targets. Now we still do not target schools.

These schools, the [sic] of these schools were used to attack us. Our forces responded, but our initial investigation now doesn't show that it's our fire, it actually shows that it may have been Hamas rocket fire. That's still being investigated. But the important thing to understand is that the reason we have civilians killed is not because Israel is targeting civilians but because Hamas is using civilians as human shields. We use missiles to protect our people. They use their people to protect their missiles.

"We're not targeting a single civilian"
Fuck you and Bibi

"These haunting image capture four Palestinian boys running for their lives moments before they were killed by an Israeli bomb.

"The children - two aged 10 and the others 9 and 11 - were playing football on a beach when shells started to drop around them.

"Panicked, they began to sprint for safety.

"But this grainy CCTV image caught the moment just before they were killed by a bomb."

Harrowing images capture Palestinian boys fleeing beach moments before they were killed by Israeli shell - Mirror Online

I heard Netanyahu say that they weren't targeting a single civilian. That statement could be considered to be technically true in the sense that they're not singling OUT a specific civilian, but it's utter BS that they're not aiming at places where they damn well know there are civilians, including women and children. In fact, I don't even buy into their argument that civilian deaths are collateral damage because they have been consistently inflicting deaths among the civilian population from the very beginning and have showed no intention of changing tactics or strategy.
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They're killing women and kids in order to annex more of Palestine, Bitch.
It's a Jew thing:D

Dumbshit. They gave up Gaza. They dont want Gaza. They do want to disarm and destroy Hamas, which is shoving women and children in the way of bullets and missiles.
Why do you side with people who put so little value on human life?
My side isn't trying to annex illegal colonies in Palestine.
Why do you side with racist fascists?

Of course they are, Heinrich. Your side wants to drive Israel into the sea. What part of that did you miss?
Your side executes Christians, Jews, anyone not a Muslim. What about that do you find admirable?
I heard Netanyahu say that they weren't targeting a single civilian. That statement could be considered to be technically true in the sense that they're not singling OUT a specific civilian, but it's utter BS that they're not aiming at places where they damn well know there are civilians, including women and children. In fact, I don't even buy into their argument that civilian deaths are collateral damage because they have been consistently inflicting deaths among the civilian population from the very beginning and have showed no intention of changing tactics or strategy.

Dumbshit. Why does Hamas locate their rockets, etc in civilian areas? Israel has been careful to avoid civilian casualties. Hamas launched rockets specifically at civilian targets. What about this will not penetrate your two working brain cells?
I heard Netanyahu say that they weren't targeting a single civilian. That statement could be considered to be technically true in the sense that they're not singling OUT a specific civilian, but it's utter BS that they're not aiming at places where they damn well know there are civilians, including women and children. In fact, I don't even buy into their argument that civilian deaths are collateral damage because they have been consistently inflicting deaths among the civilian population from the very beginning and have showed no intention of changing tactics or strategy.

Dumbshit. Why does Hamas locate their rockets, etc in civilian areas? Israel has been careful to avoid civilian casualties. Hamas launched rockets specifically at civilian targets. What about this will not penetrate your two working brain cells?
Israel has blown up more than 3000 buildings and murdered over 800 Gazans, 80% of whom were civilians.

There are 15,000 Hamas members in Gaza.

Do the math, and then explain

Why are Jews targeting civilians in Gaza like those four cousins on the beach two weeks ago?

Arabs will never submit to the Jew's terror tactics.
"We're not targeting a single civilian"
Fuck you and Bibi

"These haunting image capture four Palestinian boys running for their lives moments before they were killed by an Israeli bomb.

"The children - two aged 10 and the others 9 and 11 - were playing football on a beach when shells started to drop around them.

"Panicked, they began to sprint for safety.

"But this grainy CCTV image caught the moment just before they were killed by a bomb."

Harrowing images capture Palestinian boys fleeing beach moments before they were killed by Israeli shell - Mirror Online

I heard Netanyahu say that they weren't targeting a single civilian. That statement could be considered to be technically true in the sense that they're not singling OUT a specific civilian, but it's utter BS that they're not aiming at places where they damn well know there are civilians, including women and children. In fact, I don't even buy into their argument that civilian deaths are collateral damage because they have been consistently inflicting deaths among the civilian population from the very beginning and have showed no intention of changing tactics or strategy.
I think you just nailed one with the technicality you pointed out.
Good job...are you a lawyer by any chance.
When you have about 20 minutes to spare I strongly encourage you to listen to the following interview if you haven't already heard it. The young man, a grad student in California who comes from Gaza, has blood ties to the current pogrom in Gaza and its predecessor, Cast Lead:

"Five years ago Palestinian student Amer Shurrab lost his two brothers in Israel’s Operation Cast Lead.

"Last week, Shurrab learned four of his cousins in Gaza had been killed in Israel’s latest offensive. In January 2009, Amer’s father and brothers were fleeing their village when the vehicle they were driving in came under Israeli fire.

"Twenty-eight-year-old Kassab died in a hail of bullets trying to flee the vehicle.

"Amer’s other brother, 18-year-old Ibrahim, survived the initial attack, but Israeli troops refused to allow an ambulance to reach him until 20 hours later."

Amer provides a good description of the humiliation and worse inflicted upon Palestinians by the Israeli occupation.

The idea could not be more simple.

Jews want the land that Arabs are living on, and that hasn't changed in 80 years.

What Do Gazans Endure? A Palestinian Student Who Lost 2 Brothers, 4 Cousins Tells His Story | Democracy Now!
Dumbshit. They gave up Gaza. They dont want Gaza. They do want to disarm and destroy Hamas, which is shoving women and children in the way of bullets and missiles.
Why do you side with people who put so little value on human life?
My side isn't trying to annex illegal colonies in Palestine.
Why do you side with racist fascists?

Of course they are, Heinrich. Your side wants to drive Israel into the sea. What part of that did you miss?
Your side executes Christians, Jews, anyone not a Muslim. What about that do you find admirable?
My side wants Jews to stop stealing their land and water and using their children for gunnery practice.
Your side maims, murders, incarcerates, and displaces millions of Muslim civilians across the Middle East and calls itself the "good guys.":cuckoo:
What are you missing?
My side isn't trying to annex illegal colonies in Palestine.
Why do you side with racist fascists?

Of course they are, Heinrich. Your side wants to drive Israel into the sea. What part of that did you miss?
Your side executes Christians, Jews, anyone not a Muslim. What about that do you find admirable?
My side wants Jews to stop stealing their land and water and using their children for gunnery practice.
Your side maims, murders, incarcerates, and displaces millions of Muslim civilians across the Middle East and calls itself the "good guys.":cuckoo:
What are you missing?

Well, I don't see anything suggesting Hamas has any intention of peace so long as there's a Jewish state in any part of the former Palestine, but that doesn't detract from the fact that Israel's stealing of land and water is ongoing even in the west bank where before the current hostilities there was relative calm.
Of course they are, Heinrich. Your side wants to drive Israel into the sea. What part of that did you miss?
Your side executes Christians, Jews, anyone not a Muslim. What about that do you find admirable?
My side wants Jews to stop stealing their land and water and using their children for gunnery practice.
Your side maims, murders, incarcerates, and displaces millions of Muslim civilians across the Middle East and calls itself the "good guys.":cuckoo:
What are you missing?

Well, I don't see anything suggesting Hamas has any intention of peace so long as there's a Jewish state in any part of the former Palestine, but that doesn't detract from the fact that Israel's stealing of land and water is ongoing even in the west bank where before the current hostilities there was relative calm.

How do you steal something that belongs to you?
My side wants Jews to stop stealing their land and water and using their children for gunnery practice.
Your side maims, murders, incarcerates, and displaces millions of Muslim civilians across the Middle East and calls itself the "good guys.":cuckoo:
What are you missing?

Well, I don't see anything suggesting Hamas has any intention of peace so long as there's a Jewish state in any part of the former Palestine, but that doesn't detract from the fact that Israel's stealing of land and water is ongoing even in the west bank where before the current hostilities there was relative calm.

How do you steal something that belongs to you?

the bible says so. go with it bizzaro.
Well, I don't see anything suggesting Hamas has any intention of peace so long as there's a Jewish state in any part of the former Palestine, but that doesn't detract from the fact that Israel's stealing of land and water is ongoing even in the west bank where before the current hostilities there was relative calm.

How do you steal something that belongs to you?

the bible says so. go with it bizzaro.
This "claim" is why there can never be a two-state solution or peace. This "claim" is why Israel needs to be pushed into the sea.
Of course they are, Heinrich. Your side wants to drive Israel into the sea. What part of that did you miss?
Your side executes Christians, Jews, anyone not a Muslim. What about that do you find admirable?
My side wants Jews to stop stealing their land and water and using their children for gunnery practice.
Your side maims, murders, incarcerates, and displaces millions of Muslim civilians across the Middle East and calls itself the "good guys.":cuckoo:
What are you missing?

Well, I don't see anything suggesting Hamas has any intention of peace so long as there's a Jewish state in any part of the former Palestine, but that doesn't detract from the fact that Israel's stealing of land and water is ongoing even in the west bank where before the current hostilities there was relative calm.
Zionists have never concealed their belief that all the land between the River and the sea belongs to Jews. They've always discussed "transfer" and worse as ways of dealing with the millions of non-Jews living on that land. Today, racist Zionists in Israel talk openly of mass murder and forced transfer of all non-Jews from Greater Israel, and that isn't widely reported (to say the least) in the US press. US politicians back Israel to the hilt, and will probably continue to do so until the Jews commit the wrong moral outrage and the right time. Then we can all be "anti-Semites" and call for an end to the Jewish state in Palestine.
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