Israel defends itself?

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You're either naive or just plain foolish if you believe that. ANY country that launches a widespread offensive against civilian targets is not looking to avoid casualties. Israel is specifically looking to CAUSE casualties. They probably think of it as some kind of a deterrent. My contention is that it only serves the opposite purpose. It's a provocation for further violence directed at Israel and Israelis.

If Israel wanted to do what you say they want to do, gaza would be rubble by now...stop the stupidity.....please.

Are you daft? Just because the Israelis aren't killing as many Palestinians as they could doesn't mean that the lesser number is unintentional.

Is hamas lesser number unintentional ?
Oh, please. We are talking about today. Unless you feel the French of today should still be fighting the German's of today?

What difference does it make when the terrorism began? Does murder have a statute of limitations?

Why is it irrelevant to you how the zionists carved out the Jewish state?


Jews were there before Mohammed invented Allah.

That doesn't matter to Contumacious.
Oh, please. We are talking about today. Unless you feel the French of today should still be fighting the German's of today?

What difference does it make when the terrorism began? Does murder have a statute of limitations?

Why is it irrelevant to you how the zionists carved out the Jewish state?


Jews were there before Mohammed invented Allah.

If ancient ancestral claims were valid, the Indians would get America back.
You're either naive or just plain foolish if you believe that. ANY country that launches a widespread offensive against civilian targets is not looking to avoid casualties. Israel is specifically looking to CAUSE casualties. They probably think of it as some kind of a deterrent. My contention is that it only serves the opposite purpose. It's a provocation for further violence directed at Israel and Israelis.

If Israel wanted to do what you say they want to do, gaza would be rubble by now...stop the stupidity.....please.

Are you daft? Just because the Israelis aren't killing as many Palestinians as they could doesn't mean that the lesser number is unintentional.

Israeli lawmaker’s call for genocide of Palestinians gets thousands of Facebook likes

Israeli lawmaker's call for genocide of Palestinians gets thousands of Facebook likes | The Electronic Intifada
Who gives a shit?

Wouldn't it have been better if the 1922 Zionist Congress had decided to create a Jewish State in the North pole or some other area which was UNpopulated?


Michael Chabon's "The Yiddish Policeman's Union" postulates an Israeli state being temporarily established on the Alaskan panhandle.

The Fourth Zionist Congress decided to establish a national home for Jews in Argentina.


No doubt Josef Mengele would not have been pleased at that development.
You're either naive or just plain foolish if you believe that. ANY country that launches a widespread offensive against civilian targets is not looking to avoid casualties. Israel is specifically looking to CAUSE casualties. They probably think of it as some kind of a deterrent. My contention is that it only serves the opposite purpose. It's a provocation for further violence directed at Israel and Israelis.

If Israel wanted to do what you say they want to do, gaza would be rubble by now...stop the stupidity.....please.

Are you daft? Just because the Israelis aren't killing as many Palestinians as they could doesn't mean that the lesser number is unintentional.

Yo daffy...the Israelis are hitting hard targets...the few deaths are incidental...go back to your knitting.
If Israel wanted to do what you say they want to do, gaza would be rubble by now...stop the stupidity.....please.

Are you daft? Just because the Israelis aren't killing as many Palestinians as they could doesn't mean that the lesser number is unintentional.

Israeli lawmaker’s call for genocide of Palestinians gets thousands of Facebook likes

Israeli lawmaker's call for genocide of Palestinians gets thousands of Facebook likes | The Electronic Intifada

People might want to familiarize themselves with the philosophy of Meir Kahane who only advocated the forced deportation of all non Jews from land controlled by Israel and what happened to him.
If Israel wanted to do what you say they want to do, gaza would be rubble by now...stop the stupidity.....please.

Are you daft? Just because the Israelis aren't killing as many Palestinians as they could doesn't mean that the lesser number is unintentional.

Yo daffy...the Israelis are hitting hard targets...the few deaths are incidental...go back to your knitting.

Hard targets in Gaza? That IS daft!
According to this morning's news reports the war in Gaza seems to be a draw:

There was one Israeli killed and 300 Palestinians killed so it's about equal.
If Israel wanted to do what you say they want to do, gaza would be rubble by now...stop the stupidity.....please.

Are you daft? Just because the Israelis aren't killing as many Palestinians as they could doesn't mean that the lesser number is unintentional.

Israeli lawmaker’s call for genocide of Palestinians gets thousands of Facebook likes

Israeli lawmaker's call for genocide of Palestinians gets thousands of Facebook likes | The Electronic Intifada

Ayelet is soooooooo hot...
Are you daft? Just because the Israelis aren't killing as many Palestinians as they could doesn't mean that the lesser number is unintentional.

Yo daffy...the Israelis are hitting hard targets...the few deaths are incidental...go back to your knitting.

Hard targets in Gaza? That IS daft!

After the killing of the 3 Israeli teens, Israeli security forces, among other things, went to the homes of two suspects, evicted the families, and blew up the houses.

That is part of what caused Hamas to begin a retaliation.
Are you daft? Just because the Israelis aren't killing as many Palestinians as they could doesn't mean that the lesser number is unintentional.

Israeli lawmaker’s call for genocide of Palestinians gets thousands of Facebook likes

Israeli lawmaker's call for genocide of Palestinians gets thousands of Facebook likes | The Electronic Intifada

Ayelet is soooooooo hot...

Even neo-Nazis like her can be made to look good.



btw, thanks for reminding us you have no intelligent response, such as, maybe, at least a word or two of disagreement with her belief in genocide.
Yo daffy...the Israelis are hitting hard targets...the few deaths are incidental...go back to your knitting.

Hard targets in Gaza? That IS daft!

After the killing of the 3 Israeli teens, Israeli security forces, among other things, went to the homes of two suspects, evicted the families, and blew up the houses.

That is part of what caused Hamas to begin a retaliation.

That's been Israeli SOP for years. Once they supposedly "identify" a suspect, even if it's someone who's just living with someone else, they destroy the home. Previously, I heard they bulldozed those homes.
By all means let's be fair. The Israelis should shut down their iron dome system so their dead can equal the raghead dead.

Your post is nonsensical.

To begin with the Iron Dome system is TRULY a defensive weapons, unlike the weapon systems used to attack Gaza. Secondly, Iron Dome can NOT be used AS an offensive weapon. So, it's not even relevant to this thread.

Which leads me to the following question: Why do conservatives post so much irrelevant BS?

My final point is this: Your post is not only silly, it's racist, as well.


Tell me, has Hamas stopped firing Rockets into Israel?

Has Hamas accepted or honored any of the cease fires?

Spare me your fucking crocodile tears until they do.
Israeli lawmaker’s call for genocide of Palestinians gets thousands of Facebook likes

Israeli lawmaker's call for genocide of Palestinians gets thousands of Facebook likes | The Electronic Intifada

Ayelet is soooooooo hot...

Even neo-Nazis like her can be made to look good.



btw, thanks for reminding us you have no intelligent response, such as, maybe, at least a word or two of disagreement with her belief in genocide.

Stupid posts beget stupid responses. Ayelet is not making policy...just making notoriety...for which she thanks you.
By all means let's be fair. The Israelis should shut down their iron dome system so their dead can equal the raghead dead.

Your post is nonsensical.

To begin with the Iron Dome system is TRULY a defensive weapons, unlike the weapon systems used to attack Gaza. Secondly, Iron Dome can NOT be used AS an offensive weapon. So, it's not even relevant to this thread.

Which leads me to the following question: Why do conservatives post so much irrelevant BS?

My final point is this: Your post is not only silly, it's racist, as well.


Tell me, has Hamas stopped firing Rockets into Israel?

Has Hamas accepted or honored any of the cease fires?

Spare me your fucking crocodile tears until they do.

Most people make some kind of an effort to fight back when they're getting beaten up. With that said, frankly I don't know why you think the Palestinians should just accept this large scale land assault lying down. But it's not as if their rockets are accurate, you know. Why the hell do you think they fire so many? Most of them end up falling in fields or other places where they do little damage. Israeli munitions are another matter. They tend to hit what they aim at.
Hamas sees itself as the representative of the Palestinian people — and, in a sense, they're not totally wrong. Prodded by the George W. Bush administration, the Palestinian Authority held popular elections across the West Bank and Gaza for the Palestinian legislature in 2006. Hamas won a slight majority.

However, Hamas refused to recognize Israel or respect past Palestinian agreements with Israel while in government. Hamas fought a pretty bloody civil war with the more moderate Fatah party over this and de facto seceded from the PA to govern Gaza independently from the West Bank-based leadership.

Today, Hamas and Fatah are closer to reconciling than they've ever been. They signed a agreement to both support an interim government in April, and have agreed to hold national elections in Gaza and the West Bank sometime in the next five months. However, Hamas and Fatah disagree deeply about the current conflict. Hamas has been firing rockets at Israel, while Fatah urges a halt to hostilities. It's not clear whether the joint government can survive the current round of fighting.

MORE: 11 crucial facts to understand the Israel-Gaza crisis - Vox

One more mess to thank Bush for - Hamas.
Your post is nonsensical.

To begin with the Iron Dome system is TRULY a defensive weapons, unlike the weapon systems used to attack Gaza. Secondly, Iron Dome can NOT be used AS an offensive weapon. So, it's not even relevant to this thread.

Which leads me to the following question: Why do conservatives post so much irrelevant BS?

My final point is this: Your post is not only silly, it's racist, as well.

Forgive me ...I did not know that defense is not an integral part of warfare. So Israel should limit its use of offensive weapons and depend on defense? Talk about nonsensical.

When a country responds out of all proportion to what they consider a provocation (the murder of 3 teens) and end up killing hundreds of civilians in the subsequent assault, the assault is not about defense. It's not even about retribution because that's usually somewhat proportional. It's something else entirely. But it's NOT about defense.

Moral equivalence arguments are fringe.:gay: Sentiment ^^ is embraced by few.

These type bozo's don't get that this is not about 3 fucking stoopid. Its about finally saying, "Enough of this shit!!!". The hopelessly duped think that Israel should just sit there like sitting ducks and be OK with missiles being lobbed into their country all the time. Also the thinking of nutty-asses who sit home and prepare to defend their families with wiffle ball bats, the thinking being, "Well, I cant and wont use deadly force because maybe these intruders will just want to come in here and take some stuff and leave!!". The question becomes, should they even be allowed to be parents?

Its called "faulty thinking".

Its not an intelligence thing here mind you.......its a thought processing thing. Huge difference. The connect the dots abilities of far left people are constrained due to brain fuck up. We see it all the time in here and for sure, the thinking is far from the mean ( just 14% of Americans support the Palestinians ). Indeed......and how fucked up is this?......these people revel in being part of the fringe.:eusa_dance::2up::2up:
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