Israel defends itself?

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The POINT is clear as long as you're not too obtuse to see it or too partisan to acknowledge it. When a militarily far more powerful foe launches a military assault on a weaker opponent in the name of self-defense, it better be careful regarding its targets and the scale of its assault, or it's going to look like plain old brutality.
Hamas terrorists hide behind children, so that people like you have exactly the reaction you have.

After the 3 Irsaeli teens were killed, one of things the Israeli security forces did was to go the homes of some SUSPECTS in the killing, take the families out of the homes, and then blow the houses up.

That's how Israel operates.

You would have rathered they not remove the families?
Even neo-Nazis like her can be made to look good.



btw, thanks for reminding us you have no intelligent response, such as, maybe, at least a word or two of disagreement with her belief in genocide.

Stupid posts beget stupid responses. Ayelet is not making policy...just making notoriety...for which she thanks you.

She's in the Israeli parliament you idiot. She advocates genocide. That you don't disagree with her is about all we need to know about you.

btw, when's the last time you saw the American mainstream media talk about her and her beliefs, and the extremists in Israel who agree with her?
Another item the corporate press in the US keeps under wraps regarding IDF policies affecting civilian casualties:

"The Dahiya doctrine is a military strategy put forth by the Israeli general Gadi Eizenkot that pertains to asymmetric warfare in an urban setting, in which the army deliberately targets civilian infrastructure, as a means of inducing suffering for the civilian population, thereby establishing deterrence.[1]

"The doctrine is named after a southern suburb in Beirut with large apartment buildings which were flattened by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) during the 2006 Lebanon War.[2] Israel has been accused of implementing the strategy during the Gaza War."

Dahiya doctrine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

About thirteen IDF troops have died already in Gaza, and we could be looking at weeks of conflict ahead.

In the past, when Israel began taking significant numbers of casualties, public opinion in that country turned against the conflict generating the dead and wounded.

This time could be different; Jews might decide it's time to transfer all Arabs beyond the land between the River and the sea.

Then what?
Its the same story every time. Hamas fires rockets into Israel then shields themselves with women and children. Same shit over and over again. Israel haters are the only ones buying the palestinian shtick, and that's because they want to buy it.
Cowards like Hamas should be rooted out and pushed into the sea.

I am proposing a few steps to improve Hamas image:

1- The CEO of CBS, CNN, NBC and ABC should be of Palestinian origin or Palestinian Firsters

2- The Federal Government should provide them 100 BBBBBBBBBbillion dollars in federal aid

3- the federal government should provide them the latest in military technology

I believe that will even things out. Once HAmas get their message accross you will agree that their position is correct.

Hamas along with every other satan worshiping terrorist group need wiped off the face of the EARTH.

Think maybe that kind of attitude actually BREEDS terrorism?

At any rate, at this point, I guess Israel has nothing to fear from the women and children they killed. Their families? That's another matter since I think most people can understand wanting revenge if and when your wife and children have been killed by a sophistocated military machine which is exactly what Israel used in the attack on Gaza.
Its the same story every time. Hamas fires rockets into Israel then shields themselves with women and children. Same shit over and over again. Israel haters are the only ones buying the palestinian shtick, and that's because they want to buy it.

Jews deliberately target children and other civilians as was proven yet again last Wednesday.

Why do some find that hard to admit?

"GAZA CITY — The four Bakr boys were young cousins, the children of Gaza fishermen who had ordered them to stay indoors — and especially away from the beach. But cooped up for nine days during Israeli bombardments, the children defied their parents and went out Wednesday afternoon, the eldest shooing away his little brother, telling him it was too dangerous.

"As they played on and around a jetty in the late-afternoon sun, a blast hit a nearby shack. One boy was killed instantly. The others ran.

"There was a second blast, and three more bodies littered the sand.

"One was charred, missing a leg, and another lay motionless, his curly head intact, his legs splayed at unnatural angles."

Do you understand Jews make a habit of targeting Palestinian children?
The only reason we're discussing this is because this time Jews murdered children in front of a beachfront hotel filled with western journalists.
Pull your head out of your ass; it's covered with Jew Shit.
The POINT is clear as long as you're not too obtuse to see it or too partisan to acknowledge it. When a militarily far more powerful foe launches a military assault on a weaker opponent in the name of self-defense, it better be careful regarding its targets and the scale of its assault, or it's going to look like plain old brutality.
Hamas terrorists hide behind children, so that people like you have exactly the reaction you have.

After the 3 Irsaeli teens were killed, one of things the Israeli security forces did was to go the homes of some SUSPECTS in the killing, take the families out of the homes, and then blow the houses up.

That's how Israel operates.

That's how things work when you make war on a country with a capable military. Perhaps these Hamas scum should quit murdering innocent people.
Before I start in on this thread, let me preface it by mentioning a variation of an old saying:

"We won the battle, but lost the war."​

Struggles and armed conflicts aren't just fought on a battlefield. They're fought in the court of public opinion too. In case anyone needs a history lesson on that front, it would behoove them to recall the American Civil Rights struggle. It was news images of water cannons and German Shepherd police dogs being unleashed on peaceful Black demonstrators which ultimately turned American public opinion against the gov'ts of the American South in the early 1960s. Israel faces a similar PR disaster despite the fact that most of these kind of reports don't get much airtime in the USA.

In truth, the story below isn't even the one I was looking for. I saw a report this morning on CNN about a 3 year old Palestinian child who was wrapped in bandages in a hospital. Obviously, the story below is from last month.

The POINT is clear as long as you're not too obtuse to see it or too partisan to acknowledge it. When a militarily far more powerful foe launches a military assault on a weaker opponent in the name of self-defense, it better be careful regarding its targets and the scale of its assault, or it's going to look like plain old brutality.

While I know that there are a lot of Israel supporter who are unapologetic regarding these assaults, at some point you have to ask yourself if it's doing more harm than good to the cause if it creates widespread sympathy for the Palestinians in the court of world public opinion in the process.

But this thread is not meant so much to be about Israel versus the Palestinians and who's right, or who's MORE right. This thread is meant to be about what's in America's interest. You see, the Israelis are using weapons systems that WE supplied to them to launch these military campaigns. Think how that makes Arabs view us when they see dead children at the hands of weapons we supplied to the people who are using the weapons against them. Think that might create a terrorism problem for us in the process?

Think about this. Do you love your child more than you hate your neighbor? You should think about that.

Think about this! The exact same argument can be made in reverse regarding the Israelis. Do they love their children more than they hate the Palestinians?

No one can live peacefully with a neighbor who vows to kill you, and will do so at any opportunity. Israel isn't digging tunnels into Gaza so they can kill Palestinians. Israel isn't launching random rocket attacks against Gaza. None of those 10,000 plus missiles that the Palestinians have amassed, are defensive weapons.

However, the main element of this discussion, is the killing of children. Israel has given ample warning of where they intended to strike, and where they intended to assualt. The Palestinians who did not take their children out of those areas, are the only ones to blame for their children getting hurt.

Think about this. Do you love your child more than you hate your neighbor? You should think about that.

Think about this! The exact same argument can be made in reverse regarding the Israelis. Do they love their children more than they hate the Palestinians?

No one can live peacefully with a neighbor who vows to kill you, and will do so at any opportunity. Israel isn't digging tunnels into Gaza so they can kill Palestinians. Israel isn't launching random rocket attacks against Gaza. None of those 10,000 plus missiles that the Palestinians have amassed, are defensive weapons.

However, the main element of this discussion, is the killing of children. Israel has given ample warning of where they intended to strike, and where they intended to assualt. The Palestinians who did not take their children out of those areas, are the only ones to blame for their children getting hurt.

Yeah, Israel doesn't dig tunnels. Know why? Because they have sophistocated military planes and helicopters that control the skies.

Maybe you might benefit from doing some research. Look up how many Israelis have been killed (and wounded) from years of rocket launches. The number is surprising low mostly because those rockets aren't very sophistocated to begin with. I'm not defending it. I'm just saying that there's a lightyear's worth of difference between the weapons both sides use.

As far as Israel's so-called warnings are concerned, I'd like to see one or hear one. Regardless, it's the height of insanity to try to blame the Palestinians for the deaths of their own children simply because they just so happened to be where the bombs or artillery landed.
However, the main element of this discussion, is the killing of children. Israel has given ample warning of where they intended to strike, and where they intended to assualt. The Palestinians who did not take their children out of those areas, are the only ones to blame for their children getting hurt.

Listen dumb ass, Israel isn't defending itself. It is merely doing what it intended to do in 1925. They came to Palestine determined to create a Jewish State and disappear/murder the Palestinian Arabs by any means necessary.

US Taxpayers are fucking financing the ethnic cleansing/genocide operation.

Think about this! The exact same argument can be made in reverse regarding the Israelis. Do they love their children more than they hate the Palestinians?

No one can live peacefully with a neighbor who vows to kill you, and will do so at any opportunity. Israel isn't digging tunnels into Gaza so they can kill Palestinians. Israel isn't launching random rocket attacks against Gaza. None of those 10,000 plus missiles that the Palestinians have amassed, are defensive weapons.

However, the main element of this discussion, is the killing of children. Israel has given ample warning of where they intended to strike, and where they intended to assualt. The Palestinians who did not take their children out of those areas, are the only ones to blame for their children getting hurt.

Yeah, Israel doesn't dig tunnels. Know why? Because they have sophistocated military planes and helicopters that control the skies.

Maybe you might benefit from doing some research. Look up how many Israelis have been killed (and wounded) from years of rocket launches. The number is surprising low mostly because those rockets aren't very sophistocated to begin with. I'm not defending it. I'm just saying that there's a lightyear's worth of difference between the weapons both sides use.

As far as Israel's so-called warnings are concerned, I'd like to see one or hear one. Regardless, it's the height of insanity to try to blame the Palestinians for the deaths of their own children simply because they just so happened to be where the bombs or artillery landed.

So it's OK to try to murder someone if you lack fighting skills.
Are you really that stupid or are you working at it?
Hamas terrorists hide behind children, so that people like you have exactly the reaction you have.

After the 3 Irsaeli teens were killed, one of things the Israeli security forces did was to go the homes of some SUSPECTS in the killing, take the families out of the homes, and then blow the houses up.

That's how Israel operates.

That's how things work when you make war on a country with a capable military. Perhaps these Hamas scum should quit murdering innocent people.

Really? Does American law enforcement involve blowing up the homes of the families of persons on the suspect list for a crime?

Should we have, say, blown up Tim McVeigh's mom's house as soon as he was arrested for the Oklahoma bombing?
That's how things work when you make war on a country with a capable military. Perhaps these Hamas scum should quit murdering innocent people.

Why is Hamas scum?

How can you come here claiming to be a conservative and complaining of UNconstitutional taxation yet support the genocide for which US taxpayers have paid over 100 BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBillion dollars?

How the fuck do you claim to be a conservative then support providing the Zionist motherfuckers with military hardware paid for by US taxpayers.

You are nothing more than a fucking hypocrite.

After the 3 Irsaeli teens were killed, one of things the Israeli security forces did was to go the homes of some SUSPECTS in the killing, take the families out of the homes, and then blow the houses up.

That's how Israel operates.

That's how things work when you make war on a country with a capable military. Perhaps these Hamas scum should quit murdering innocent people.

Really? Does American law enforcement involve blowing up the homes of the families of persons on the suspect list for a crime?

Should we have, say, blown up Tim McVeigh's mom's house as soon as he was arrested for the Oklahoma bombing?

It is the consequence of habitual behavior.
The US doesn't have too many neighborhoods where the residents have to be constantly watched to prevent abherrent behavior.
No one can live peacefully with a neighbor who vows to kill you, and will do so at any opportunity. Israel isn't digging tunnels into Gaza so they can kill Palestinians. Israel isn't launching random rocket attacks against Gaza. None of those 10,000 plus missiles that the Palestinians have amassed, are defensive weapons.

However, the main element of this discussion, is the killing of children. Israel has given ample warning of where they intended to strike, and where they intended to assualt. The Palestinians who did not take their children out of those areas, are the only ones to blame for their children getting hurt.

Yeah, Israel doesn't dig tunnels. Know why? Because they have sophistocated military planes and helicopters that control the skies.

Maybe you might benefit from doing some research. Look up how many Israelis have been killed (and wounded) from years of rocket launches. The number is surprising low mostly because those rockets aren't very sophistocated to begin with. I'm not defending it. I'm just saying that there's a lightyear's worth of difference between the weapons both sides use.

As far as Israel's so-called warnings are concerned, I'd like to see one or hear one. Regardless, it's the height of insanity to try to blame the Palestinians for the deaths of their own children simply because they just so happened to be where the bombs or artillery landed.

So it's OK to try to murder someone if you lack fighting skills.
Are you really that stupid or are you working at it?

What amazes me is the right's willingness to accept the deaths of innocent women and children just because they're Palestinians. Where's your moral outrage at the deaths of innocents at the hands of a superior military force, regardless of who's pulling the trigger?
Hamas terrorists hide behind children, so that people like you have exactly the reaction you have.

After the 3 Irsaeli teens were killed, one of things the Israeli security forces did was to go the homes of some SUSPECTS in the killing, take the families out of the homes, and then blow the houses up.

That's how Israel operates.

You would have rathered they not remove the families?

Asshole. I've never heard of blowing up the houses of people under suspicion for possibly committing a crime, in fact,

I've never heard of blowing up houses of people convicted of crimes.

Maybe the Germans in the World Wars. They were big on the collective punishment thing, which, btw,

is considered a war crime, or a crime against humanity...
That's how things work when you make war on a country with a capable military. Perhaps these Hamas scum should quit murdering innocent people.

Why is Hamas scum?

How can you come here claiming to be a conservative and complaining of UNconstitutional taxation yet support the genocide for which US taxpayers have paid over 100 BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBillion dollars?

How the fuck do you claim to be a conservative then support providing the Zionist motherfuckers with military hardware paid for by US taxpayers.

You are nothing more than a fucking hypocrite.


That IS a good question.
How many TRILLIONS do the Arabs owe the US?
One thing people should force through their thick skulls is that the Israelis are just one more group of Middle Eastern crazies. Don't confuse them with, say, Jewish-Americans...
That's how things work when you make war on a country with a capable military. Perhaps these Hamas scum should quit murdering innocent people.

Why is Hamas scum?

How can you come here claiming to be a conservative and complaining of UNconstitutional taxation yet support the genocide for which US taxpayers have paid over 100 BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBillion dollars?

How the fuck do you claim to be a conservative then support providing the Zionist motherfuckers with military hardware paid for by US taxpayers.

You are nothing more than a fucking hypocrite.


Mr. ShitstainNazi sir: Hamas is a fucking terrorist organization. Everyone recognizes this except jew haters like you, who had their brains blown out somewhere. Go kill yourself. SEriously.
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