Israel Defines Humanity

Hey Divine Fart, your support for ISIS terrorists is getting on my nerves. The FBI needs to do an IP check on you.
Let them. I do not support Islamic terrorists regardless of national origin. You, OTOH, have come to support Bleipriester, a well known antisemitic, pro-Palestinian terrorist and supporter of Bashar Assad, so kindly go fuck yourself.
"antisemitic, pro-Palestinian terrorist" is bullshit. It is even contradictory as the Palestinian terror groups also oppose the Syrian government.
One should note that for the agents on USMB, everyone is a "islamonazi" who does not agree to them, regardless of what it is about.
I do not support Hamas and Palestinian terrorists....
Disagreed as your many posts, including signature, proclaim.

BTW: Divine.Wind is suggesting a threat in the website I link to but this is only because it has no owner.

  • Computer Threats: 0
  • Identity Threats: 3
  • Annoyance factors: 0
Report for | Norton Safe Web
No owner? LOL. How big a blitzbirne are you? Are you saying the website magically appeared on the web infested with malware? Allahu Akbar!
No, it´s my website, moron.

And the bottom line is your site is a scam set up to trick people into losing money to support islamonazi terrorism

When we visited this site, we found it may be designed to trick you into submitting your financial or personal information to online scammers. This is a serious security threat which could lead to identity theft, financial losses or unauthorized use of your personal information.
Agreed. Just like the armchair warrior and antisemite himself, Blitzbirne is a spineless scumbag who relies on bullying and lies to press his points. Has he threatened to sue you yet for disagreeing with him? He as me. Ha!
Preventing free speech is a defining characteristic of Nazis...Islamo or other.

"Hamas, Palestinian Authority Target Journalists Ahead of Election
by Khaled Abu Toameh • August 23, 2016 at 5:00 am

  • Both of the journalists who were arrested made the mistake of reporting on the suffering of Palestinians living under Hamas rule. These are not the kind of stories that Hamas wishes to see ahead of the local and municipal elections. Rather, Hamas wants to see printed lies of prosperity.

  • It is a puzzle why foreign journalists choose not to report about the campaign of intimidation facing their Palestinian colleagues.

  • One might wonder if the human rights groups neglect these abuses because of their continued obsession with destroying Israel.

  • nAVXd-4_rZqxZM4p-JpzZ0QnGeNtr3fjqJh8q5dGNeMgOje7IYUvP51xaXCdV_g4CogcQase2Y5QJWTqq1sS3qakwaxiyPIUnqFe9Q=s0-d-e1-ft

  • Ahmed Said (left) and Mahmoud Abu Awwad (right) are two journalists living in the Gaza Strip who were recently arrested by Hamas security forces. Both journalists made the mistake of reporting on the suffering of Palestinians living under Hamas rule."
  • Hamas, Palestinian Authority Target Journalists Ahead of Election

QED...Hamas and PA......Islamonazis.
"antisemitic, pro-Palestinian terrorist" is bullshit. ....
You hate Israel as your many posts state. You support the Palestinian terrorist attacks on Israel as your many posts state.

Dude, the BVD and/or BfV can easily go through this forum and see what I'm talking about. Even if you forced the Admin to delete your posts, many people like me have quoted your antisemitic and pro-Palestinian bullshit. Lie all you want, but your posts are there.
"antisemitic, pro-Palestinian terrorist" is bullshit. ....
You hate Israel as your many posts state. You support the Palestinian terrorist attacks on Israel as your many posts state.

Dude, the BVD and/or BfV can easily go through this forum and see what I'm talking about. Even if you forced the Admin to delete your posts, many people like me have quoted your antisemitic and pro-Palestinian bullshit. Lie all you want, but your posts are there.
Show us that posts, arselicker.
I've been on both sides of that wall. And I can tell you Palestinans love being third world stooges. They really don't deserve to be in Israel at all.
they elected a terrorist group to lead them FFS. Fucking savages
What terrorist group. What makes them a terrorist group. The head ones of Hamas actually do have roots there and were born there.

"is hamas a terrorist group?" LMAO ok

Why do you say they are? I'll tell you why, the same reason Hezbollah is, because Israel says they are.

Penny---can you provide an interpretation of your last post?
Are you suggesting that Israel invented HEZBOLLAH?
I'm a Jew and an Israeli citizen. I have lived in Israel my whole life. Most of us want our government to stop building settlements on Palestinian land and we would like to see a Palestinian state. We don't like conservative assholes in America using us to push their ridiculous right-wing agenda. You just make yourself look like fools.

Be sure to say hello to Norman Finkelstein for me..... dunce. racist jerk

Exactly whice race do you believe that i belong to?
Preventing free speech is a defining characteristic of Nazis...Islamo or other.

"Hamas, Palestinian Authority Target Journalists Ahead of Election
by Khaled Abu Toameh • August 23, 2016 at 5:00 am

  • Both of the journalists who were arrested made the mistake of reporting on the suffering of Palestinians living under Hamas rule. These are not the kind of stories that Hamas wishes to see ahead of the local and municipal elections. Rather, Hamas wants to see printed lies of prosperity.

  • It is a puzzle why foreign journalists choose not to report about the campaign of intimidation facing their Palestinian colleagues.

  • One might wonder if the human rights groups neglect these abuses because of their continued obsession with destroying Israel.

  • nAVXd-4_rZqxZM4p-JpzZ0QnGeNtr3fjqJh8q5dGNeMgOje7IYUvP51xaXCdV_g4CogcQase2Y5QJWTqq1sS3qakwaxiyPIUnqFe9Q=s0-d-e1-ft

  • Ahmed Said (left) and Mahmoud Abu Awwad (right) are two journalists living in the Gaza Strip who were recently arrested by Hamas security forces. Both journalists made the mistake of reporting on the suffering of Palestinians living under Hamas rule."
  • Hamas, Palestinian Authority Target Journalists Ahead of Election

QED...Hamas and PA......Islamonazis.

chic----journalists protect their opportunities----even in the USA----there are journalists and interviewers that strive mightily to keep their viablility be being able to --ENTER---
islamo Nazi areas and interview islamo Nazi arabs. No
journalist with an interest in GETTING INTO GAZA is going
to criticize HAMAS
I'm a Jew and an Israeli citizen. I have lived in Israel my whole life. Most of us want our government to stop building settlements on Palestinian land and we would like to see a Palestinian state. We don't like conservative assholes in America using us to push their ridiculous right-wing agenda. You just make yourself look like fools.

Be sure to say hello to Norman Finkelstein for me..... dunce. racist jerk

Exactly whice race do you believe that i belong to?

chic----I think your putative racism is -----somehow a result of
your apparent disdain of Finklestein. I do not know his species -----let alone his race
Preventing free speech is a defining characteristic of Nazis...Islamo or other.

"Hamas, Palestinian Authority Target Journalists Ahead of Election
by Khaled Abu Toameh • August 23, 2016 at 5:00 am

  • Both of the journalists who were arrested made the mistake of reporting on the suffering of Palestinians living under Hamas rule. These are not the kind of stories that Hamas wishes to see ahead of the local and municipal elections. Rather, Hamas wants to see printed lies of prosperity.

  • It is a puzzle why foreign journalists choose not to report about the campaign of intimidation facing their Palestinian colleagues.

  • One might wonder if the human rights groups neglect these abuses because of their continued obsession with destroying Israel.

  • nAVXd-4_rZqxZM4p-JpzZ0QnGeNtr3fjqJh8q5dGNeMgOje7IYUvP51xaXCdV_g4CogcQase2Y5QJWTqq1sS3qakwaxiyPIUnqFe9Q=s0-d-e1-ft

  • Ahmed Said (left) and Mahmoud Abu Awwad (right) are two journalists living in the Gaza Strip who were recently arrested by Hamas security forces. Both journalists made the mistake of reporting on the suffering of Palestinians living under Hamas rule."
  • Hamas, Palestinian Authority Target Journalists Ahead of Election

QED...Hamas and PA......Islamonazis.

chic----journalists protect their opportunities----even in the USA----there are journalists and interviewers that strive mightily to keep their viablility be being able to --ENTER---
islamo Nazi areas and interview islamo Nazi arabs. No
journalist with an interest in GETTING INTO GAZA is going
to criticize HAMAS

"No journalist with an interest in GETTING INTO GAZA is going
to criticize HAMAS"

You should read more carefully.

I'm a Jew and an Israeli citizen. I have lived in Israel my whole life. Most of us want our government to stop building settlements on Palestinian land and we would like to see a Palestinian state. We don't like conservative assholes in America using us to push their ridiculous right-wing agenda. You just make yourself look like fools.

Be sure to say hello to Norman Finkelstein for me..... dunce. racist jerk

Exactly whice race do you believe that i belong to?

chic----I think your putative racism is -----somehow a result of
your apparent disdain of Finklestein. I do not know his species -----let alone his race

There are many things you seem not to know.

Educate yourself.
I've been on both sides of that wall. And I can tell you Palestinans love being third world stooges. They really don't deserve to be in Israel at all.
they elected a terrorist group to lead them FFS. Fucking savages
What terrorist group. What makes them a terrorist group. The head ones of Hamas actually do have roots there and were born there.

"is hamas a terrorist group?" LMAO ok

Why do you say they are? I'll tell you why, the same reason Hezbollah is, because Israel says they are.

Penny---can you provide an interpretation of your last post?
Are you suggesting that Israel invented HEZBOLLAH?

What I'm saying is anyone who even Israel thinks is a perceived threat is a terrorist, it does not matter if they are just defending themselves against Israel, because Israel begins every fight.
Hey Divine Fart, your support for ISIS terrorists is getting on my nerves. The FBI needs to do an IP check on you.
Let them. I do not support Islamic terrorists regardless of national origin. You, OTOH, have come to support Bleipriester, a well known antisemitic, pro-Palestinian terrorist and supporter of Bashar Assad, so kindly go fuck yourself.

Montelatici is a BAATHIST like capt blei. Baathism is an Ideolgy based on ARAB NATIONALISM to the same extent that Nazism is based on "ARYAN" nationalism. Along with
arab nationalism comes-----arab muslim nationalism----which INCLUDES (believe it or not) the concept that Christians
are best off in life as DHIMMIS.. As for jews----the Baathist
ideology includes that opinion of Muhummad ---that jews should not exist in ARAB LAND During the lifetime of
Muhummad-----"Palestine" was not yet arab land----but muslims did invade shortly thereafter. By the time that Muhummad had been dead for 100 years----there were no
jews left in arabia------Jews had lived in arabia-----for more than 1000 years before muhummad was born. Once the arabs invaded Palestine-----Palestine became ARAB LAND.
Baathism is, specifically----ARAB NATIONALISM which is as fascist as is Aryan nationalism
I'm a Jew and an Israeli citizen. I have lived in Israel my whole life. Most of us want our government to stop building settlements on Palestinian land and we would like to see a Palestinian state. We don't like conservative assholes in America using us to push their ridiculous right-wing agenda. You just make yourself look like fools.

Be sure to say hello to Norman Finkelstein for me..... dunce. racist jerk

Exactly whice race do you believe that i belong to?

chic----I think your putative racism is -----somehow a result of
your apparent disdain of Finklestein. I do not know his species -----let alone his race

There are many things you seem not to know.

Educate yourself.

I try........ you got some important facts for me?
Preventing free speech is a defining characteristic of Nazis...Islamo or other.

"Hamas, Palestinian Authority Target Journalists Ahead of Election
by Khaled Abu Toameh • August 23, 2016 at 5:00 am

  • Both of the journalists who were arrested made the mistake of reporting on the suffering of Palestinians living under Hamas rule. These are not the kind of stories that Hamas wishes to see ahead of the local and municipal elections. Rather, Hamas wants to see printed lies of prosperity.

  • It is a puzzle why foreign journalists choose not to report about the campaign of intimidation facing their Palestinian colleagues.

  • One might wonder if the human rights groups neglect these abuses because of their continued obsession with destroying Israel.

  • nAVXd-4_rZqxZM4p-JpzZ0QnGeNtr3fjqJh8q5dGNeMgOje7IYUvP51xaXCdV_g4CogcQase2Y5QJWTqq1sS3qakwaxiyPIUnqFe9Q=s0-d-e1-ft

  • Ahmed Said (left) and Mahmoud Abu Awwad (right) are two journalists living in the Gaza Strip who were recently arrested by Hamas security forces. Both journalists made the mistake of reporting on the suffering of Palestinians living under Hamas rule."
  • Hamas, Palestinian Authority Target Journalists Ahead of Election

QED...Hamas and PA......Islamonazis.

chic----journalists protect their opportunities----even in the USA----there are journalists and interviewers that strive mightily to keep their viablility be being able to --ENTER---
islamo Nazi areas and interview islamo Nazi arabs. No
journalist with an interest in GETTING INTO GAZA is going
to criticize HAMAS

"No journalist with an interest in GETTING INTO GAZA is going
to criticize HAMAS"

You should read more carefully.


I understood that part-----Jounalists LIVING in Gaza who criticize Hamas----get arrested-----Jounalists OUTSIDE OF
GAZE who criticize Hamas------cannot get in------that was
my point. Sorry you misunderstood. Turkey seems to
suffer from a similar malady
More lies and bullshit by the Zionist warfighters on USMB whose most ratty cur seems to be on a personal campaign against me.
LOL A twofer! Not only does every post of yours confirm what I say is true by your own signature, but now you included it in a post!

Show us that posts, arselicker.
As previously predicted; bullying and lies. I've shown the posts yet you continue to ignore them. Do you also ignore your own pro-Islamist signature?

Will you tell everyone here the difference between an Islamic and an Islamist or do you even know? Will you tell everyone why you labeled it "Bashar's" or will you run from that too?
they elected a terrorist group to lead them FFS. Fucking savages
What terrorist group. What makes them a terrorist group. The head ones of Hamas actually do have roots there and were born there.

"is hamas a terrorist group?" LMAO ok

Why do you say they are? I'll tell you why, the same reason Hezbollah is, because Israel says they are.

Penny---can you provide an interpretation of your last post?
Are you suggesting that Israel invented HEZBOLLAH?

What I'm saying is anyone who even Israel thinks is a perceived threat is a terrorist, it does not matter if they are just defending themselves against Israel, because Israel begins every fight.
Those sneaky Jews tunneling into Gaza again?

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