Israel Defines Humanity

Personally I believe most of Israel attacks are for no reason but for perceived threat best to read this post,
Israel attacks Gaza strip after Hamas armed wing parade
Agreed that, over the past few years, some of Israel's reactions have been overreactions, but after being under constant attack for almost 70 years, when can a nation say "Enough is enough"?

Do you deny Hamas and other Palestinian terrorists often use meat shields? Do you deny they've often set up rocket launch points near or atop hospitals, mosques and schools knowing the Israelis would counter-attack with a rocket of their own?

Yes lets see, you have a few mins to run, too bad we have you all fenced in. No where to go. Israel has them in a prison, that is like saying,

Run prisoners , we are going to bomb inside the prison. Get real.

Y'know, the police keep chasing folks who rob banks.

See if you note the similar aspect......
Preventing free speech is a defining characteristic of Nazis...Islamo or other.

"Hamas, Palestinian Authority Target Journalists Ahead of Election
by Khaled Abu Toameh • August 23, 2016 at 5:00 am

  • Both of the journalists who were arrested made the mistake of reporting on the suffering of Palestinians living under Hamas rule. These are not the kind of stories that Hamas wishes to see ahead of the local and municipal elections. Rather, Hamas wants to see printed lies of prosperity.

  • It is a puzzle why foreign journalists choose not to report about the campaign of intimidation facing their Palestinian colleagues.

  • One might wonder if the human rights groups neglect these abuses because of their continued obsession with destroying Israel.

  • nAVXd-4_rZqxZM4p-JpzZ0QnGeNtr3fjqJh8q5dGNeMgOje7IYUvP51xaXCdV_g4CogcQase2Y5QJWTqq1sS3qakwaxiyPIUnqFe9Q=s0-d-e1-ft

  • Ahmed Said (left) and Mahmoud Abu Awwad (right) are two journalists living in the Gaza Strip who were recently arrested by Hamas security forces. Both journalists made the mistake of reporting on the suffering of Palestinians living under Hamas rule."
  • Hamas, Palestinian Authority Target Journalists Ahead of Election

QED...Hamas and PA......Islamonazis.

chic----journalists protect their opportunities----even in the USA----there are journalists and interviewers that strive mightily to keep their viablility be being able to --ENTER---
islamo Nazi areas and interview islamo Nazi arabs. No
journalist with an interest in GETTING INTO GAZA is going
to criticize HAMAS

"No journalist with an interest in GETTING INTO GAZA is going
to criticize HAMAS"

You should read more carefully.


No politician in the US dares to 'criticize Israel, not the President or even the Pope or any high official of any other country without being called to Israel or reprimanded and made to apologize. If an American journalist spoke anything anti Israel that would mean their job.

Perhaps you should consider the reason.....they are battling 7th century savages all around them.

But you are wrong about Barack Hussein Obama (the most merciful) who has proven to be an enemy of the tiny state.

Recall this?

"Jesse Jackson Says ‘Zionists’ Would Lose Influence Under Obama"
By Susan Jones | October 15, 2008 | 8:20 AM EDT
Jesse Jackson Says ‘Zionists’ Would Lose Influence Under Obama

And, of course, it was true.

Good for Pres. Obama to not be a pansy for Netanyahu, wish others would take his lead. No the Zionist are the intruders, the Palestinians are defending their land , what is left of it.
Personally I believe most of Israel attacks are for no reason but for perceived threat best to read this post,
Israel attacks Gaza strip after Hamas armed wing parade
Agreed that, over the past few years, some of Israel's reactions have been overreactions, but after being under constant attack for almost 70 years, when can a nation say "Enough is enough"?

Do you deny Hamas and other Palestinian terrorists often use meat shields? Do you deny they've often set up rocket launch points near or atop hospitals, mosques and schools knowing the Israelis would counter-attack with a rocket of their own?

Yes lets see, you have a few mins to run, too bad we have you all fenced in. No where to go. Israel has them in a prison, that is like saying,

Run prisoners , we are going to bomb inside the prison. Get real.

Y'know, the police keep chasing folks who rob banks.

See if you note the similar aspect......

Israel is doing the robbing.
Preventing free speech is a defining characteristic of Nazis...Islamo or other.

"Hamas, Palestinian Authority Target Journalists Ahead of Election
by Khaled Abu Toameh • August 23, 2016 at 5:00 am

  • Both of the journalists who were arrested made the mistake of reporting on the suffering of Palestinians living under Hamas rule. These are not the kind of stories that Hamas wishes to see ahead of the local and municipal elections. Rather, Hamas wants to see printed lies of prosperity.

  • It is a puzzle why foreign journalists choose not to report about the campaign of intimidation facing their Palestinian colleagues.

  • One might wonder if the human rights groups neglect these abuses because of their continued obsession with destroying Israel.

  • nAVXd-4_rZqxZM4p-JpzZ0QnGeNtr3fjqJh8q5dGNeMgOje7IYUvP51xaXCdV_g4CogcQase2Y5QJWTqq1sS3qakwaxiyPIUnqFe9Q=s0-d-e1-ft

  • Ahmed Said (left) and Mahmoud Abu Awwad (right) are two journalists living in the Gaza Strip who were recently arrested by Hamas security forces. Both journalists made the mistake of reporting on the suffering of Palestinians living under Hamas rule."
  • Hamas, Palestinian Authority Target Journalists Ahead of Election

QED...Hamas and PA......Islamonazis.

chic----journalists protect their opportunities----even in the USA----there are journalists and interviewers that strive mightily to keep their viablility be being able to --ENTER---
islamo Nazi areas and interview islamo Nazi arabs. No
journalist with an interest in GETTING INTO GAZA is going
to criticize HAMAS

"No journalist with an interest in GETTING INTO GAZA is going
to criticize HAMAS"

You should read more carefully.


No politician in the US dares to 'criticize Israel, not the President or even the Pope or any high official of any other country without being called to Israel or reprimanded and made to apologize. If an American journalist spoke anything anti Israel that would mean their job.

Perhaps you should consider the reason.....they are battling 7th century savages all around them.

But you are wrong about Barack Hussein Obama (the most merciful) who has proven to be an enemy of the tiny state.

Recall this?

"Jesse Jackson Says ‘Zionists’ Would Lose Influence Under Obama"
By Susan Jones | October 15, 2008 | 8:20 AM EDT
Jesse Jackson Says ‘Zionists’ Would Lose Influence Under Obama

And, of course, it was true.

Good for Pres. Obama to not be a pansy for Netanyahu, wish others would take his lead. No the Zionist are the intruders, the Palestinians are defending their land , what is left of it.

says......our little penny illiterate
I do not support Hamas and Palestinian terrorists....
Disagreed as your many posts, including signature, proclaim.

BTW: Divine.Wind is suggesting a threat in the website I link to but this is only because it has no owner.

  • Computer Threats: 0
  • Identity Threats: 3
  • Annoyance factors: 0
Report for | Norton Safe Web
No owner? LOL. How big a blitzbirne are you? Are you saying the website magically appeared on the web infested with malware? Allahu Akbar!
No, it´s my website, moron.

And the bottom line is your site is a scam set up to trick people into losing money to support islamonazi terrorism

When we visited this site, we found it may be designed to trick you into submitting your financial or personal information to online scammers. This is a serious security threat which could lead to identity theft, financial losses or unauthorized use of your personal information.
So true! But it is only a mockery of SOHR. Read yourself! And can you provide a link to this nonsense statement?


"Hi! I am Washington Bob from Britain! When ever I had a nightmare of Bashar you will read Barrel Bomb news in your newpaper the next morning. I love al-Qaeda and suicide attacks, behadings, rape, murder, torture and plunder. What I don´t like are barrels. I really hate barrels! Barrels of the essence of evil which is Bashar. Bashar makes many barrels every day. Barrels of Bashar contain a lot of stuff like Coke and beer. But also he does pork into barrels and labels them "humanitarian aid" when they are dropped on the neighborhoods. The mixture of Coke, beer and pork is quite explosive. When ever a fellow rebel encounters these infidel elements, he gets very angry and launches his suicide belt. This has caused many civilian casualties for which I hold Bashar responsible. This is my cause, please donate."

For all the others: It is utter bullshit, no personal details can be submitted, no account to donate to is named.

That is the address that comes up when your click on your site, and this is what my anti-virus comes up with
McAffe is wrong. Everybody can see there are no forms to submit data into and there is no account to donate to. Maybe, it is just because you falsely reported the page abusing the system and it will be solved soon.
"antisemitic, pro-Palestinian terrorist" is bullshit. It is even contradictory as the Palestinian terror groups also oppose the Syrian government.
One should note that for the agents on USMB, everyone is a "islamonazi" who does not agree to them, regardless of what it is about.

Until they join forces to attack the Jews, then they are the best of friends
Preventing free speech is a defining characteristic of Nazis...Islamo or other.

"Hamas, Palestinian Authority Target Journalists Ahead of Election
by Khaled Abu Toameh • August 23, 2016 at 5:00 am

  • Both of the journalists who were arrested made the mistake of reporting on the suffering of Palestinians living under Hamas rule. These are not the kind of stories that Hamas wishes to see ahead of the local and municipal elections. Rather, Hamas wants to see printed lies of prosperity.

  • It is a puzzle why foreign journalists choose not to report about the campaign of intimidation facing their Palestinian colleagues.

  • One might wonder if the human rights groups neglect these abuses because of their continued obsession with destroying Israel.

  • nAVXd-4_rZqxZM4p-JpzZ0QnGeNtr3fjqJh8q5dGNeMgOje7IYUvP51xaXCdV_g4CogcQase2Y5QJWTqq1sS3qakwaxiyPIUnqFe9Q=s0-d-e1-ft

  • Ahmed Said (left) and Mahmoud Abu Awwad (right) are two journalists living in the Gaza Strip who were recently arrested by Hamas security forces. Both journalists made the mistake of reporting on the suffering of Palestinians living under Hamas rule."
  • Hamas, Palestinian Authority Target Journalists Ahead of Election

QED...Hamas and PA......Islamonazis.

chic----journalists protect their opportunities----even in the USA----there are journalists and interviewers that strive mightily to keep their viablility be being able to --ENTER---
islamo Nazi areas and interview islamo Nazi arabs. No
journalist with an interest in GETTING INTO GAZA is going
to criticize HAMAS

"No journalist with an interest in GETTING INTO GAZA is going
to criticize HAMAS"

You should read more carefully.


No politician in the US dares to 'criticize Israel, not the President or even the Pope or any high official of any other country without being called to Israel or reprimanded and made to apologize. If an American journalist spoke anything anti Israel that would mean their job.

Perhaps you should consider the reason.....they are battling 7th century savages all around them.

But you are wrong about Barack Hussein Obama (the most merciful) who has proven to be an enemy of the tiny state.

Recall this?

"Jesse Jackson Says ‘Zionists’ Would Lose Influence Under Obama"
By Susan Jones | October 15, 2008 | 8:20 AM EDT
Jesse Jackson Says ‘Zionists’ Would Lose Influence Under Obama

And, of course, it was true.

Good for Pres. Obama to not be a pansy for Netanyahu, wish others would take his lead. No the Zionist are the intruders, the Palestinians are defending their land , what is left of it.

"Good for Pres. Obama to not be a pansy for Netanyahu,..."

Yet, a moment ago you swore that
"No politician in the US dares to 'criticize Israel, not the President or even the Pope or any high official..."

See why none of your posts will ever be taken seriously?
I do not support Hamas and Palestinian terrorists....
Disagreed as your many posts, including signature, proclaim.

BTW: Divine.Wind is suggesting a threat in the website I link to but this is only because it has no owner.

  • Computer Threats: 0
  • Identity Threats: 3
  • Annoyance factors: 0
Report for | Norton Safe Web
No owner? LOL. How big a blitzbirne are you? Are you saying the website magically appeared on the web infested with malware? Allahu Akbar!
No, it´s my website, moron.

And the bottom line is your site is a scam set up to trick people into losing money to support islamonazi terrorism

When we visited this site, we found it may be designed to trick you into submitting your financial or personal information to online scammers. This is a serious security threat which could lead to identity theft, financial losses or unauthorized use of your personal information.
Agreed. Just like the armchair warrior and antisemite himself, Blitzbirne is a spineless scumbag who relies on bullying and lies to press his points. Has he threatened to sue you yet for disagreeing with him? He as me. Ha!

Not yet but he has threatened to put me on ignore. Plenty of his friends have threatened to report me, and ended up with warnings when they did
Preventing free speech is a defining characteristic of Nazis...Islamo or other.

"Hamas, Palestinian Authority Target Journalists Ahead of Election
by Khaled Abu Toameh • August 23, 2016 at 5:00 am

  • Both of the journalists who were arrested made the mistake of reporting on the suffering of Palestinians living under Hamas rule. These are not the kind of stories that Hamas wishes to see ahead of the local and municipal elections. Rather, Hamas wants to see printed lies of prosperity.

  • It is a puzzle why foreign journalists choose not to report about the campaign of intimidation facing their Palestinian colleagues.

  • One might wonder if the human rights groups neglect these abuses because of their continued obsession with destroying Israel.

  • nAVXd-4_rZqxZM4p-JpzZ0QnGeNtr3fjqJh8q5dGNeMgOje7IYUvP51xaXCdV_g4CogcQase2Y5QJWTqq1sS3qakwaxiyPIUnqFe9Q=s0-d-e1-ft

  • Ahmed Said (left) and Mahmoud Abu Awwad (right) are two journalists living in the Gaza Strip who were recently arrested by Hamas security forces. Both journalists made the mistake of reporting on the suffering of Palestinians living under Hamas rule."
  • Hamas, Palestinian Authority Target Journalists Ahead of Election

QED...Hamas and PA......Islamonazis.

chic----journalists protect their opportunities----even in the USA----there are journalists and interviewers that strive mightily to keep their viablility be being able to --ENTER---
islamo Nazi areas and interview islamo Nazi arabs. No
journalist with an interest in GETTING INTO GAZA is going
to criticize HAMAS

"No journalist with an interest in GETTING INTO GAZA is going
to criticize HAMAS"

You should read more carefully.


No politician in the US dares to 'criticize Israel, not the President or even the Pope or any high official of any other country without being called to Israel or reprimanded and made to apologize. If an American journalist spoke anything anti Israel that would mean their job.

Perhaps you should consider the reason.....they are battling 7th century savages all around them.

But you are wrong about Barack Hussein Obama (the most merciful) who has proven to be an enemy of the tiny state.

Recall this?

"Jesse Jackson Says ‘Zionists’ Would Lose Influence Under Obama"
By Susan Jones | October 15, 2008 | 8:20 AM EDT
Jesse Jackson Says ‘Zionists’ Would Lose Influence Under Obama

And, of course, it was true.

Good for Pres. Obama to not be a pansy for Netanyahu, wish others would take his lead. No the Zionist are the intruders, the Palestinians are defending their land , what is left of it.

"No the Zionist are the intruders, the Palestinians are defending their land..."

But, as you learned earlier, it isn't their was sold to the Jewish folks.

See the error of your view?
Personally I believe most of Israel attacks are for no reason but for perceived threat best to read this post,
Israel attacks Gaza strip after Hamas armed wing parade
Agreed that, over the past few years, some of Israel's reactions have been overreactions, but after being under constant attack for almost 70 years, when can a nation say "Enough is enough"?

Do you deny Hamas and other Palestinian terrorists often use meat shields? Do you deny they've often set up rocket launch points near or atop hospitals, mosques and schools knowing the Israelis would counter-attack with a rocket of their own?

Yes lets see, you have a few mins to run, too bad we have you all fenced in. No where to go. Israel has them in a prison, that is like saying,

Run prisoners , we are going to bomb inside the prison. Get real.

Y'know, the police keep chasing folks who rob banks.

See if you note the similar aspect......

Israel is doing the robbing.

What, exactly would they be 'robbing'?

After all, we both know that they legitimately own the land.
More lies and bullshit by the Zionist warfighters on USMB whose most ratty cur seems to be on a personal campaign against me.

Lets just say your number is up and far too many people have seen your antisemitic islamonazi posts
Disagreed as your many posts, including signature, proclaim.

No owner? LOL. How big a blitzbirne are you? Are you saying the website magically appeared on the web infested with malware? Allahu Akbar!
No, it´s my website, moron.

And the bottom line is your site is a scam set up to trick people into losing money to support islamonazi terrorism

When we visited this site, we found it may be designed to trick you into submitting your financial or personal information to online scammers. This is a serious security threat which could lead to identity theft, financial losses or unauthorized use of your personal information.
So true! But it is only a mockery of SOHR. Read yourself! And can you provide a link to this nonsense statement?


"Hi! I am Washington Bob from Britain! When ever I had a nightmare of Bashar you will read Barrel Bomb news in your newpaper the next morning. I love al-Qaeda and suicide attacks, behadings, rape, murder, torture and plunder. What I don´t like are barrels. I really hate barrels! Barrels of the essence of evil which is Bashar. Bashar makes many barrels every day. Barrels of Bashar contain a lot of stuff like Coke and beer. But also he does pork into barrels and labels them "humanitarian aid" when they are dropped on the neighborhoods. The mixture of Coke, beer and pork is quite explosive. When ever a fellow rebel encounters these infidel elements, he gets very angry and launches his suicide belt. This has caused many civilian casualties for which I hold Bashar responsible. This is my cause, please donate."

For all the others: It is utter bullshit, no personal details can be submitted, no account to donate to is named.

That is the address that comes up when your click on your site, and this is what my anti-virus comes up with
McAffe is wrong. Everybody can see there are no forms to submit data into and there is no account to donate to. Maybe, it is just because you falsely reported the page abusing the system and it will be solved soon.

I reported nothing, that is what came up the first time I tried to go there. Your site has been hacked and used for illegal purposes
No, it´s my website, moron.

And the bottom line is your site is a scam set up to trick people into losing money to support islamonazi terrorism

When we visited this site, we found it may be designed to trick you into submitting your financial or personal information to online scammers. This is a serious security threat which could lead to identity theft, financial losses or unauthorized use of your personal information.
So true! But it is only a mockery of SOHR. Read yourself! And can you provide a link to this nonsense statement?


"Hi! I am Washington Bob from Britain! When ever I had a nightmare of Bashar you will read Barrel Bomb news in your newpaper the next morning. I love al-Qaeda and suicide attacks, behadings, rape, murder, torture and plunder. What I don´t like are barrels. I really hate barrels! Barrels of the essence of evil which is Bashar. Bashar makes many barrels every day. Barrels of Bashar contain a lot of stuff like Coke and beer. But also he does pork into barrels and labels them "humanitarian aid" when they are dropped on the neighborhoods. The mixture of Coke, beer and pork is quite explosive. When ever a fellow rebel encounters these infidel elements, he gets very angry and launches his suicide belt. This has caused many civilian casualties for which I hold Bashar responsible. This is my cause, please donate."

For all the others: It is utter bullshit, no personal details can be submitted, no account to donate to is named.

That is the address that comes up when your click on your site, and this is what my anti-virus comes up with
McAffe is wrong. Everybody can see there are no forms to submit data into and there is no account to donate to. Maybe, it is just because you falsely reported the page abusing the system and it will be solved soon.

I reported nothing, that is what came up the first time I tried to go there. Your site has been hacked and used for illegal purposes
Nope. Since there are no forms and no account to donate, only malware could be possible.
But no AV program finds anything.
Scan report for at 2016-08-23 16:11:35 UTC - VirusTotal
Personally I believe most of Israel attacks are for no reason but for perceived threat best to read this post,
Israel attacks Gaza strip after Hamas armed wing parade
Agreed that, over the past few years, some of Israel's reactions have been overreactions, but after being under constant attack for almost 70 years, when can a nation say "Enough is enough"?

Do you deny Hamas and other Palestinian terrorists often use meat shields? Do you deny they've often set up rocket launch points near or atop hospitals, mosques and schools knowing the Israelis would counter-attack with a rocket of their own?

Yes lets see, you have a few mins to run, too bad we have you all fenced in. No where to go. Israel has them in a prison, that is like saying,

Run prisoners , we are going to bomb inside the prison. Get real.

Y'know, the police keep chasing folks who rob banks.

See if you note the similar aspect......

our dear penny is into "PARROT ISLAMO NAZI SHIT" again-----Gazans are IMPRISONED ------they cannot get out----despite the fact that their largest borders are with EGYPT not Israel -----and they have a significant coast line ---AND they have deep tunnels ---miles and miles ---large enough so that trucks can be driven thru and-----many of which tunnel into both Israel and Egypt-----but somehow they are STUCK---
they are all behind bars and barbed wire
You hate Israel as your many posts state.
This post?

"Israel has the right to exist and defend itself."
Israel Defines Humanity

Even against Syria when it sends weapons to hezbollah to initiate an attack on Israel ?
Hezbollah defends Lebanon form Israeli aggressions. The transfer of weapons is not an act of aggression. Lebanon has the right to exist and to defend itself.

Hezbollah are the invaders and are the ones doing the most killings. Yes Lebanon has, but islamonazi terrorist insurgents dont. They are no different to daesh in Syria
And the bottom line is your site is a scam set up to trick people into losing money to support islamonazi terrorism

When we visited this site, we found it may be designed to trick you into submitting your financial or personal information to online scammers. This is a serious security threat which could lead to identity theft, financial losses or unauthorized use of your personal information.
So true! But it is only a mockery of SOHR. Read yourself! And can you provide a link to this nonsense statement?


"Hi! I am Washington Bob from Britain! When ever I had a nightmare of Bashar you will read Barrel Bomb news in your newpaper the next morning. I love al-Qaeda and suicide attacks, behadings, rape, murder, torture and plunder. What I don´t like are barrels. I really hate barrels! Barrels of the essence of evil which is Bashar. Bashar makes many barrels every day. Barrels of Bashar contain a lot of stuff like Coke and beer. But also he does pork into barrels and labels them "humanitarian aid" when they are dropped on the neighborhoods. The mixture of Coke, beer and pork is quite explosive. When ever a fellow rebel encounters these infidel elements, he gets very angry and launches his suicide belt. This has caused many civilian casualties for which I hold Bashar responsible. This is my cause, please donate."

For all the others: It is utter bullshit, no personal details can be submitted, no account to donate to is named.

That is the address that comes up when your click on your site, and this is what my anti-virus comes up with
McAffe is wrong. Everybody can see there are no forms to submit data into and there is no account to donate to. Maybe, it is just because you falsely reported the page abusing the system and it will be solved soon.

I reported nothing, that is what came up the first time I tried to go there. Your site has been hacked and used for illegal purposes
Nope. Since there are no forms and no account to donate, only malware could be possible.
But no AV program, including McAfee finds anything.
Scan report for at 2016-08-23 16:11:35 UTC - VirusTotal

There is something there or it would not be flagged as being dangerous
So true! But it is only a mockery of SOHR. Read yourself! And can you provide a link to this nonsense statement?


"Hi! I am Washington Bob from Britain! When ever I had a nightmare of Bashar you will read Barrel Bomb news in your newpaper the next morning. I love al-Qaeda and suicide attacks, behadings, rape, murder, torture and plunder. What I don´t like are barrels. I really hate barrels! Barrels of the essence of evil which is Bashar. Bashar makes many barrels every day. Barrels of Bashar contain a lot of stuff like Coke and beer. But also he does pork into barrels and labels them "humanitarian aid" when they are dropped on the neighborhoods. The mixture of Coke, beer and pork is quite explosive. When ever a fellow rebel encounters these infidel elements, he gets very angry and launches his suicide belt. This has caused many civilian casualties for which I hold Bashar responsible. This is my cause, please donate."

For all the others: It is utter bullshit, no personal details can be submitted, no account to donate to is named.

That is the address that comes up when your click on your site, and this is what my anti-virus comes up with
McAffe is wrong. Everybody can see there are no forms to submit data into and there is no account to donate to. Maybe, it is just because you falsely reported the page abusing the system and it will be solved soon.

I reported nothing, that is what came up the first time I tried to go there. Your site has been hacked and used for illegal purposes
Nope. Since there are no forms and no account to donate, only malware could be possible.
But no AV program, including McAfee finds anything.
Scan report for at 2016-08-23 16:11:35 UTC - VirusTotal

There is something there or it would not be flagged as being dangerous

oh-----I got a DANGEROUS on a citation-----like---in the past few days-----I forgot what the citation was all about
You hate Israel as your many posts state.
This post?

"Israel has the right to exist and defend itself."
Israel Defines Humanity

Even against Syria when it sends weapons to hezbollah to initiate an attack on Israel ?
Hezbollah defends Lebanon form Israeli aggressions. The transfer of weapons is not an act of aggression. Lebanon has the right to exist and to defend itself.

Hezbollah are the invaders and are the ones doing the most killings. Yes Lebanon has, but islamonazi terrorist insurgents dont. They are no different to daesh in Syria
Nope. Another of your lies. ISIS grants no secularity and freedom and elections to the people. Hezbollah does. Hezbollah supports the current government even despite it wants to get rid of Hezbollah. Hezbollah is a pillar of sanity in Lebanon and is in the majority coalition. What killings do you mean, by the way?
Last edited:

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