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Israel demolished 467 buildings and displaced 700 Palestinians in 2012

The activity you describe is described as such in islamo nazi literature as taking place in Samaria it isn't HOWEVER----based on what I have seen in my city ----I would say that there are some POLITICAL shenanigans going on in relation to real estate. Those people adversely affected by city building sealings or confiscations or condemnations ----often do BELIEVE that they are being targeted for SOMEONE's FRIEND IN CITY HALL Can you cite a case in samaria of houses demolished and then the land handed over to someone else------with no basis in law? House demolitions in Israel require a COURT ORDER ------the suit being served on the owner of the house with opportunity to dispute


Human rights groups and NGO's document the houses being demolished in the Occupied Palestinian Territories and lands taken by illegal settlers, they are not "islamo nazi literature."

And there is no Samaria, except in the deluded and brainwashed minds of illegal extremist settlers and their hate filled spawn and those who defend their war cimes and atrocities.

Nabi Saleh, that is a village in which lands have been stolen and homes demolished and village springs taken, and there is nothing unique about all that is happening in that village. Illegal settler presence and house demolitions and land thefts occurs throughout the OPT every single day the Occupation exists.

Sherri, what about the Caterpillar dealership run by Morris Birnbaum in Samaria?

Now, what in the world makes you think Caterpillar's designation of a place as Samaria makes it Samaria?

I do not worship Caterpillar or view them as having some God given right to name Occupied Palestine Samaria.

Caterpillar is a company that makes bulldozers that Israel uses to unlawfully destroy property of Palestinians and take human lives of Palestinians with, that is what they will be forever known for. They are a company who assists in and profits from ethnic cleansing, that is not something one should be proud of.


Human rights groups and NGO's document the houses being demolished in the Occupied Palestinian Territories and lands taken by illegal settlers, they are not "islamo nazi literature."

And there is no Samaria, except in the deluded and brainwashed minds of illegal extremist settlers and their hate filled spawn and those who defend their war cimes and atrocities.

Nabi Saleh, that is a village in which lands have been stolen and homes demolished and village springs taken, and there is nothing unique about all that is happening in that village. Illegal settler presence and house demolitions and land thefts occurs throughout the OPT every single day the Occupation exists.


Hamas Demolishes 18 More Structures

120 structures demolished in just a few weeks!
Where is your outrage? Where are the "human rights" NGOs? Where is TinHorn?
In just two days of work since July 8 Gazan authorities have demolished 120 structures including residences, with some if not all receiving no compensation!

"Gaza authorities demolish a number of structures, including residential structures
On 3 September, the Gaza authorities demolished approximately 18 structures, reportedly including four residential structures, displacing approximately 25 people and affecting an additional 75. The structures were located in an agricultural area, northwest of Beit Lahyia, and were reportedly demolished due to their location on “state land”. A few of the affected families remain displaced at the site of demolition, while the majority has moved to new locations.
According to some of the affected families, they were not provided compensation. Exact details of the process leading to the demolitions are still being assessed. On 8 July, the Gaza authorities demolished approximately 102 residential structures in Gaza City on the same grounds."



I do not know what this action in Gaza has to do with Israel's widespread ethnic cleansing operations all over Occupied Palestine, all designed to force Palestinians from their lands and give the lands to illegal settlers, I read in a post on another thread the houses in Gaza were being demolished to widen a road and build needed sewage and water facilities for the Palestinian population in Gaza. Hamas is not forcing Palestinians to leave to give lands to Jews.

Over 600,000 illegal Jewish settlers now illegally reside in Occupied Palestine, every day of their lives they live on land unlawfully in complete violation of international law. Why do you support the daily war crimes of Israel, in maintaning illegal settlers unlawfully on Occupied lands?


No they are not. There is nothing illegal about Israelis settling that land.
You don't find more than a bit strange all the hand-wringing and whining and bashing of Israel for doing exactly what Hamas is doing?
Tell me, how do you know that the structures Hamas demolished were built on a park?
Oh, you don't?
So you just assumed it, eh?
How convenient.

Yes, very strange!

Firstly, it is not at all clear WHY Hamas bulldozed these buildings. You have not presented any evidence that it was collective punishment, and then feign outrage that we do not condemn the collective punishment.

If it was collecitve punishment, then of course I would condemn it - as I dare say most people would do.

Secondly, the IDF has been bulldozing buildings for years, and often for very little reason. They have likely detroyed a hundred times the number of buildings any other group has. It is vile, and any right-thinking person would condemn it. Most of ours poster here won't, because they don't care about the conflict. The conflict serves only as a justification for hate speech and racism.

These threads seem to be now based on the assumption of double standards - which is hardly helpful in inspiring interesting debate.
Hamas Demolishes 18 More Structures

120 structures demolished in just a few weeks!
Where is your outrage? Where are the "human rights" NGOs? Where is TinHorn?
In just two days of work since July 8 Gazan authorities have demolished 120 structures including residences, with some if not all receiving no compensation!

"Gaza authorities demolish a number of structures, including residential structures
On 3 September, the Gaza authorities demolished approximately 18 structures, reportedly including four residential structures, displacing approximately 25 people and affecting an additional 75. The structures were located in an agricultural area, northwest of Beit Lahyia, and were reportedly demolished due to their location on “state land”. A few of the affected families remain displaced at the site of demolition, while the majority has moved to new locations.
According to some of the affected families, they were not provided compensation. Exact details of the process leading to the demolitions are still being assessed. On 8 July, the Gaza authorities demolished approximately 102 residential structures in Gaza City on the same grounds."



I do not know what this action in Gaza has to do with Israel's widespread ethnic cleansing operations all over Occupied Palestine, all designed to force Palestinians from their lands and give the lands to illegal settlers, I read in a post on another thread the houses in Gaza were being demolished to widen a road and build needed sewage and water facilities for the Palestinian population in Gaza. Hamas is not forcing Palestinians to leave to give lands to Jews.

Over 600,000 illegal Jewish settlers now illegally reside in Occupied Palestine, every day of their lives they live on land unlawfully in complete violation of international law. Why do you support the daily war crimes of Israel, in maintaning illegal settlers unlawfully on Occupied lands?


No they are not. There is nothing illegal about Israelis settling that land.

International law and The International Court of Justice (in the 2004 Advisory Opinion on the illegality of the Wall), and the UN, in multiple Resolutions. announce to the world that East Jerusalem, the West Bank, and Gaza are the Occupied Palestinian Territories and the Fourth Geneva Convention prevents occupiers from moving settlers onto occupied lands. Israel is a signatory to the Fourth Geneva convention and is bound by it, by her treaty obligations.

Now, how is it you see Israel as not bound by international laws that apply to the rest of the world?

Being "the chosen people" does not set people or nations above the laws of the land.

When settlers are moved onto Occupied lands, they live there in violation of international law, they have an illegal presence on the land, and that never changes.

Last edited:

Human rights groups and NGO's document the houses being demolished in the Occupied Palestinian Territories and lands taken by illegal settlers, they are not "islamo nazi literature."

And there is no Samaria, except in the deluded and brainwashed minds of illegal extremist settlers and their hate filled spawn and those who defend their war cimes and atrocities.

Nabi Saleh, that is a village in which lands have been stolen and homes demolished and village springs taken, and there is nothing unique about all that is happening in that village. Illegal settler presence and house demolitions and land thefts occurs throughout the OPT every single day the Occupation exists.

Sherri, what about the Caterpillar dealership run by Morris Birnbaum in Samaria?

Now, what in the world makes you think Caterpillar's designation of a place as Samaria makes it Samaria?

I do not worship Caterpillar or view them as having some God given right to name Occupied Palestine Samaria.

Caterpillar is a company that makes bulldozers that Israel uses to unlawfully destroy property of Palestinians and take human lives of Palestinians with, that is what they will be forever known for. They are a company who assists in and profits from ethnic cleansing, that is not something one should be proud of.

Samaria has been there a loooooong time. I was joking about the Cat dealership. I figured you would jump on it like a duck on a Junebug and you didn't disappoint me.
There is no Sameria? ??? what happened to it? -----are there SAMARITANS? what happened to them? is there a KABUL? Kabul used to be a famous city-----does that one still exist? How about BAGHDAD? ALEXANDRIA? samaria is Palestine? I thought palestine refers to the PHILISTINES------------they never lived anywhere near SAMARIA I know there was a Troy-----but it was destroyed--------so I do believe that there is NO LONGER A TROY Does CORDOBA still exist? I hope sherri will bring me up to date as to what the jihadists lately claim never existed and they claim -------existed ONLY AS A DELUSION and what they decided to call themselves this month Does mecca exist?
iRosie -

Could you be any more childish?

What country is Prussia? Lombardo? Hannover?

What country is Lviv in? How about Skopje? What country is Kaliningrad in?

All of these change have happened far more recently that those in Palestine, and it is simple dishonesty for you to pretend otherwise.

No map, no country is carved in stone. Borders move, people move.

Grow up and accept that.
iRosie -

Could you be any more childish?

What country is Prussia? Lombardo? Hannover?

What country is Lviv in? How about Skopje? What country is Kaliningrad in?

All of these change have happened far more recently that those in Palestine, and it is simple dishonesty for you to pretend otherwise.

No map, no country is carved in stone. Borders move, people move.

Grow up and accept that.

There is no question that borders change In fact I have made that point many times ----just as the borders between Israel and its neighbors -----which acually were not definitely established ----- will "change" in the sense that they will not coincide with the armistice lines of the 1940s ------you made no point at all Saigon. as to SAMARIA it exists as the historic name of part of area now sometimes referred to as THE WEST BANK -----some people use that term to refer to that area Only an idiot would declare IT DOES NOT EXIST As to the term PALESTINE -----that is a term the use of which is silly and childish At one time it was applied to JUDEA/ISRAEL (which included samaria) and later it was applied for no good reason at all -----to all of that plus transjordan. as an AREA OF LAND but not a country. Some people inaccurately and childishly seem to want to use the term PALESTINE as referring to a country and I agree using that vague and meaningless term which was a bit ridiculous even at the time that the romans imposed is------childish
iRosie -

My point is that if you accept the legitimacy of Germany and Italy, then you accept the legitimacy of Israel, and the right of Palestine to be an independent state.

If you accept that Lviv is now in Ukraine and Skopje in Macedonia, then you accept that Ramallah is now in Palestine.

If you want to whine about Samaritans - be prepared to be asked why you do not also whine about Sudetenland and Prussia.

Anything else is hypocritical.
iRosie -

Could you be any more childish?

What country is Prussia? Lombardo? Hannover?

What country is Lviv in? How about Skopje? What country is Kaliningrad in?

All of these change have happened far more recently that those in Palestine, and it is simple dishonesty for you to pretend otherwise.

No map, no country is carved in stone. Borders move, people move.

Grow up and accept that.

Of course you've got your chronology wrong again.

But yes, indeed, borders move after conflict and peace is established on the basis of accepting that. Too bad the Palestinians still don't get that.
iRosie -

My point is that if you accept the legitimacy of Germany and Italy, then you accept the legitimacy of Israel, and the right of Palestine to be an independent state.

If you accept that Lviv is now in Ukraine and Skopje in Macedonia, then you accept that Ramallah is now in Palestine.

If you want to whine about Samaritans - be prepared to be asked why you do not also whine about Sudetenland and Prussia.

Anything else is hypocritical.

Wake up: Palestine does not (yet) exist as a state. And as long as the Palestinians refuse to make peace the borders will keep moving (and for the most part to their disadvantage).
Artevelde -

Please be aware that I have you on ignore mode because of your tendency for obsessive stalking.

I don't see or read your posts, have not done for perhaps 6 months now, and am unlikely to do so in future.

I suggest you check the forum rules and guidelines on stalking to avoid the kind of situation Unkotare is now facing.
Isn't it funny how people who claim they have you on ignore respond to your postings. Not with anything substantive of course. Talk about losers.
iRosie -

My point is that if you accept the legitimacy of Germany and Italy, then you accept the legitimacy of Israel, and the right of Palestine to be an independent state.

If you accept that Lviv is now in Ukraine and Skopje in Macedonia, then you accept that Ramallah is now in Palestine.

If you want to whine about Samaritans - be prepared to be asked why you do not also whine about Sudetenland and Prussia.

Anything else is hypocritical.

Wake up: Palestine does not (yet) exist as a state. And as long as the Palestinians refuse to make peace the borders will keep moving (and for the most part to their disadvantage).

How old does this saigon person think I am ? I was supposed to "whine" about the SUDETENLAND when? as to whining about the SAMARITANS ---when did that happen? If some germans wish to refer to the erstwhile sudetenlands as "the sudetenlands" I would certainly not spit out "does not exist" For historic and cultural reasons SUDETENLAND might exist for some people As far as I am concerned SAMARIA EXISTS ----as SAMARIA If someone wants to use the name "PALESTINE" for a country that might exist someday------even though historically doing so is based on a tragic fraud and the word itself is so foreign to the people who have adopted it that they cannot pronounce it except in a CLOWNISH MANNER ---to wit as BALESTINE-----there is nothing that I can do to end that idiotic idea. They can even invent a HISTORY OF PALESTINE ---recounting the thousands of years arabic speaking people resided ------wherever this "balestine" ends up landing Whatever BALESTINE WILL BE ------SAMARIA STILL EXISTS GEOGRAPHICALLY -------it is culturally and historically important

Baghdad will still exist too -----no matter what they do to it

believe it or not------some people are now claiming a PALESTINIAN CUISINE

long ago ----it must have been more than 30 years ago a silly Iraqi-----who was actually the founder of CAIR-----but his organization had a different name back then ----back then is in the 60s Delivered a rant on radio in which he expressed anger over the fact that Israelis seem to claim PITA as part of "ISRAELI CUISINE" (speaking of yet another "border") the man was HYSTERICAL he screamed "PITA IS ARRRRAB!!!!!!"
I was intrigued-----since that time I discovered that "pita' is neither an arabic or hebrew word. it is probably indo european---related to some ancient word "PAT"----for bread ??????? It does appear in the talmud-----but I doubt it is aramaic in derivation

Pita is bread----its been around for a VERY LONG TIME
Samaria is an area of land---around for a very long time
Palestine is a name used by the romans to designate a place they invaded that
corresponded to "judea/israel" -----more than 2000 years ago----it has been around a long time

if someday some people decide to name a new country "palestine" even though the moniker has nothing to do with them other than the fact that they ADOPTED IT--about 40
years ago in a move that amounted to nothing more than a politically motivated semantic fraud------fine with me----a little silly---but ok with me
iRosie -

Could you be any more childish?

What country is Prussia? Lombardo? Hannover?

What country is Lviv in? How about Skopje? What country is Kaliningrad in?

All of these change have happened far more recently that those in Palestine, and it is simple dishonesty for you to pretend otherwise.

No map, no country is carved in stone. Borders move, people move.

Grow up and accept that.

There is no question that borders change In fact I have made that point many times ----just as the borders between Israel and its neighbors -----which acually were not definitely established ----- will "change" in the sense that they will not coincide with the armistice lines of the 1940s ------you made no point at all Saigon. as to SAMARIA it exists as the historic name of part of area now sometimes referred to as THE WEST BANK -----some people use that term to refer to that area Only an idiot would declare IT DOES NOT EXIST As to the term PALESTINE -----that is a term the use of which is silly and childish At one time it was applied to JUDEA/ISRAEL (which included samaria) and later it was applied for no good reason at all -----to all of that plus transjordan. as an AREA OF LAND but not a country. Some people inaccurately and childishly seem to want to use the term PALESTINE as referring to a country and I agree using that vague and meaningless term which was a bit ridiculous even at the time that the romans imposed is------childish

----just as the borders between Israel and its neighbors -----which acually were not definitely established -----

That is true. Israel has never had any borders. Israel has never had any land for borders to define.
iRosie -

Could you be any more childish?

What country is Prussia? Lombardo? Hannover?

What country is Lviv in? How about Skopje? What country is Kaliningrad in?

All of these change have happened far more recently that those in Palestine, and it is simple dishonesty for you to pretend otherwise.

No map, no country is carved in stone. Borders move, people move.

Grow up and accept that.

There is no question that borders change In fact I have made that point many times ----just as the borders between Israel and its neighbors -----which acually were not definitely established ----- will "change" in the sense that they will not coincide with the armistice lines of the 1940s ------you made no point at all Saigon. as to SAMARIA it exists as the historic name of part of area now sometimes referred to as THE WEST BANK -----some people use that term to refer to that area Only an idiot would declare IT DOES NOT EXIST As to the term PALESTINE -----that is a term the use of which is silly and childish At one time it was applied to JUDEA/ISRAEL (which included samaria) and later it was applied for no good reason at all -----to all of that plus transjordan. as an AREA OF LAND but not a country. Some people inaccurately and childishly seem to want to use the term PALESTINE as referring to a country and I agree using that vague and meaningless term which was a bit ridiculous even at the time that the romans imposed is------childish

----just as the borders between Israel and its neighbors -----which acually were not definitely established -----

That is true. Israel has never had any borders. Israel has never had any land for borders to define.

Tinmore has never had a frontal bone----tinmore has never had a frontal lobe to
be encased and protected and its area defined---by a frontal bone
How old does this saigon person think I am ? I was supposed to "whine" about the SUDETENLAND when? as to whining about the SAMARITANS ---when did that happen? If some germans wish to refer to the erstwhile sudetenlands as "the sudetenlands" I would certainly not spit out "does not exist" For historic and cultural reasons SUDETENLAND might exist for some people As far as I am concerned SAMARIA EXISTS ----as SAMARIA If someone wants to use the name "PALESTINE" for a country that might exist someday------even though historically doing so is based on a tragic fraud and the word itself is so foreign to the people who have adopted it that they cannot pronounce it except in a CLOWNISH MANNER ---to wit as BALESTINE-----there is nothing that I can do to end that idiotic idea. They can even invent a HISTORY OF PALESTINE ---recounting the thousands of years arabic speaking people resided ------wherever this "balestine" ends up landing Whatever BALESTINE WILL BE ------SAMARIA STILL EXISTS GEOGRAPHICALLY -------it is culturally and historically important

You seem to make my point for me here, and it's nice that we seem to agree.

Samaria still exists geographically - as does Prussia, as does Sudetenland.

But those terms no longer exists, and we now use Palestine, or OT, Germany and Poland, as appropriate.

Palestine is no more of a fraud than Germany is.

Palestine is older as a national identity than some 20 other countries, and probably more.

How old is Canada? South Sudan? New Zealand? Tanzania?

Time moves on - as do sensible people.

I trust this will be the last time we see this laughable old "Where was Palestine in 1900?" nonsense trotted out.
You seem to make my point for me here, and it's nice that we seem to agree.

Samaria still exists geographically - as does Prussia, as does Sudetenland.

But those terms no longer exists, and we now use Palestine, or OT, Germany and Poland, as appropriate.

Wrong again those terms obviously still exist -----you used them .
"we" now use Palestine for what?

Palestine is no more of a fraud than Germany is.

wrong again Germany is a country Palestine is a name attributed
to Judea/israel by rome after rome invaded and occupied that area
and is the name used in the west to describe the area for the past 2000 years
About 40 years ago some arabs decided to adopt the word PALESTINIAN--for
themselves despite the fact that for almost 2000 years the term PALESTINIAN
was used only to describe jews living in that land area "palestine" regardless of
who controlled the area at any given time There is no country
called "PALESTINE" today

Palestine is older as a national identity than some 20 other countries, and probably more.

"Palestine" is not a national identity It is an area of land approximating Israel/Judea
the term PALESTINIAN means a jew living in that same area from approximately 2000
years ago until 1948 when PALESTNINIANS BECAME ISRAELIS

How old is Canada? South Sudan? New Zealand? Tanzania?

I don't know Palestine---existed from approximately 2000 years ago until 1948

Time moves on - as do sensible people.

Yes time moved on from 2000 years ago until 1948----when what was then called
PALESTINE became Israel and Jordan. Some people refused to be sensible and
insisted on using the term PALESTINE in an entirely new way certainly not meaning'
that which it had meant for more than 2000 years to wit JUDEA/ISRAEL and they
even decided to call themselves-----PALESTINIANS a term that had referred to jews only
for more than 2000 years The FRAUD part is the concept that many people have
which is that by taking on the name PALESTINIAN -----acquire a country and a history
in the land which was once called PALESTINE

I trust this will be the last time we see this laughable old "Where was Palestine in 1900?" nonsense trotted out.[/QUOTE]

yes it is laughable that so many arabs have been tricked into thinking that the land called PALESTINE is an "arab country" when, in fact PALESTINE started out Judea/Israel---but was renamed PALESTINE when romans invaded------and has been the name people used to describe the land Judea/Israel and ----most amusingly ----the arabs who seem to WANT TO BE REFERRED TO BY THE SAME MONIKER USED FOR 2000 years for JEWS ----actually now identifiy with that word which in 1900 was a JEW ----to wit "PALESTINIAN"
Palestine was in the middle east ----and Palestinians were speaking hebrew and celebrating passover in 1900 It was not a country at that time -----it was a land of jews -----with residents of other kinds--on and off---- as had been true in Israell/judea and Palestine for THOUSANDS OF YEARS -- Palestine exists Palestinians are jews-----some arabs decided to USE a term that means JEW LIVING IN ---judea/israel aka palestine. in order to do that --------they CHANGED THE MEANING OF THE WORD PALESTINE and PALESTINIAN logically one can use the old or new meaning depending upon with whom one is talking Logically when READING ----one would have to know in what time period the writing was authored PALESTINE IN 1900 was an area of land--not a country and a PALESTINIAN in 1900 was a jew
How old does this saigon person think I am ? I was supposed to "whine" about the SUDETENLAND when? as to whining about the SAMARITANS ---when did that happen? If some germans wish to refer to the erstwhile sudetenlands as "the sudetenlands" I would certainly not spit out "does not exist" For historic and cultural reasons SUDETENLAND might exist for some people As far as I am concerned SAMARIA EXISTS ----as SAMARIA If someone wants to use the name "PALESTINE" for a country that might exist someday------even though historically doing so is based on a tragic fraud and the word itself is so foreign to the people who have adopted it that they cannot pronounce it except in a CLOWNISH MANNER ---to wit as BALESTINE-----there is nothing that I can do to end that idiotic idea. They can even invent a HISTORY OF PALESTINE ---recounting the thousands of years arabic speaking people resided ------wherever this "balestine" ends up landing Whatever BALESTINE WILL BE ------SAMARIA STILL EXISTS GEOGRAPHICALLY -------it is culturally and historically important

You seem to make my point for me here, and it's nice that we seem to agree.

Samaria still exists geographically - as does Prussia, as does Sudetenland.

But those terms no longer exists, and we now use Palestine, or OT, Germany and Poland, as appropriate.

Palestine is no more of a fraud than Germany is.

Palestine is older as a national identity than some 20 other countries, and probably more.

How old is Canada? South Sudan? New Zealand? Tanzania?

Time moves on - as do sensible people.

I trust this will be the last time we see this laughable old "Where was Palestine in 1900?" nonsense trotted out.

Still doesn't change the fact that today Germany is a country and Palestine isn't.
How old does this saigon person think I am ? I was supposed to "whine" about the SUDETENLAND when? as to whining about the SAMARITANS ---when did that happen? If some germans wish to refer to the erstwhile sudetenlands as "the sudetenlands" I would certainly not spit out "does not exist" For historic and cultural reasons SUDETENLAND might exist for some people As far as I am concerned SAMARIA EXISTS ----as SAMARIA If someone wants to use the name "PALESTINE" for a country that might exist someday------even though historically doing so is based on a tragic fraud and the word itself is so foreign to the people who have adopted it that they cannot pronounce it except in a CLOWNISH MANNER ---to wit as BALESTINE-----there is nothing that I can do to end that idiotic idea. They can even invent a HISTORY OF PALESTINE ---recounting the thousands of years arabic speaking people resided ------wherever this "balestine" ends up landing Whatever BALESTINE WILL BE ------SAMARIA STILL EXISTS GEOGRAPHICALLY -------it is culturally and historically important

You seem to make my point for me here, and it's nice that we seem to agree.

Samaria still exists geographically - as does Prussia, as does Sudetenland.

But those terms no longer exists, and we now use Palestine, or OT, Germany and Poland, as appropriate.

Palestine is no more of a fraud than Germany is.

Palestine is older as a national identity than some 20 other countries, and probably more.

How old is Canada? South Sudan? New Zealand? Tanzania?

Time moves on - as do sensible people.

I trust this will be the last time we see this laughable old "Where was Palestine in 1900?" nonsense trotted out.

Still doesn't change the fact that today Germany is a country and Palestine isn't.

It does not change the fact that in 1900 EVERY PALESTINIAN IN THE WORLD WAS A JEW Nor does it change the fact that the EXTREME CHANGE in the definition of the word PALESTINIAN ----was fostered by persons intent on perpetuating a FRAUD which---reaches the level of ORWELLIAN fantasy. The persons who fostered the fraud -----as idiotic as it is------are actually insisting that the PALESTINIANS of 1900 were "arabs" In fact they even use the definition of the word "palestinian" to insist "Jesus of nazareth as not a jew----he was a palestinian just like ---- MALIK NIDAL HASAN " The redefinition of words to create so silly a fraud------actually does CREATE LIES and FALSE BELIEFS lies are counter productive to the welfare of people of the planet

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