Israel does not have schoolhouse shootings, despite the pals

browsing deer

Silver Member
Jul 11, 2015
Because the teachers are armed, and former military.

You have a teacher who carries a m-16 and knows how to use it means bad guys leave the schools alone.
I'm a substitute teacher here in the U.S. I've thought about approaching the school board and requesting permission to carry (concealed) while in the school.

Then I thought better, and realized that I would likely lose both my sub-teaching license AND my carry permit simply by asking.
Because the teachers are armed, and former military.

You have a teacher who carries a m-16 and knows how to use it means bad guys leave the schools alone.

I am being honest.

If a mass shooting was to occur on Israeli soil, the Mossad would hunt them down and either - 1. Bring them back to stand trial. Or #2,,,,,And Most likely to happen - kill the person whom done it.

Usually crimes such as theft, speaking secrets...will get them prison.

Killing an Israeli usually means that one gets executed themselves. You don't screw with the Isrealis - such as "El-Al" Airlines. No one screws with El-Al, unless you want to perform a suicide mission. Killing your adversary seems to be a worthwhile deterrent.

Al-Qaeda and other terror organizations......leave Israel alone. Hezbollah, Shiite Militias..... and other organizations whom Israel have been lifelong enemys with - especially when it involves the Gaza natural and has been occurring since time. But other more prominent terror organizations do not mess with Israel ; because again, to do so....means death.

Shadow 355
Israel has had this policy since the 70s. There has been no problem with it. And there has been no problem because of it.

If they replace gun free zones with teacher trained & packing zones this problem would not exist
Because the teachers are armed, and former military.

You have a teacher who carries a m-16 and knows how to use it means bad guys leave the schools alone.
I doubt that would deter a determined, suicidal killer in a classroom environment. Because at some point that armed teacher would turn his/her back and one quick shot from a handgun would eliminate that teacher and put his/her M-16 in the shooter's hands.

The only effective way to impose a counter-force deterrent to the typical school shooting would be the posting of heavily armed and armored guards in every classroom and in all school corridors. Second to that would be a careful airport-type search at every entrance -- which is equally impractical.
Your use of the word schoolhouse gives rise to thoughts about why school shootings have become rather common.

Today's schools are not schoolhouses. They are in fact a vast departure from the schoolhouse concept. A schoolhouse was a place where a community's children gathered under the attention of an affectionately disposed teacher who knew them all, and who knew their parents, and who because of that familiar disposition existed as an accepted and effective authority figure. That ethos no longer exists. Along with much of the societal adhesive which formed and strengthened the bonds of community, it is gone.

Today's schools are not schoolhouses. They are centers of coldly bureaucratic introduction to what has become a Big Brother society which is infinitely more complicated than that of the schoolhouse era. One aspect of that complication is emergence of an occasional "school shooter" who has been driven insane by it.

The ultimate effect of the increasing complication of today's America has been a sociological condition referred to by behaviorists as alienation. Those who are interested in better understanding the cause and dynamics of this condition are advised to read Dr. Erich Fromm's 1950's classic, Escape From Freedom, which is available in paperback from Amazon and is a fascinating, highly educational book.

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