(Israel) Exploding Pagers In Lebanon! Is This Terrorism? | Candace Ep 67

In Germany. A huge community. Supportive of Israel.
USA too. In my city there are many who do MIDDLE EAST restaurants and some who do middle east groceries or bakeries (however bakeries mostly Syrian christian run). The interesting demographic is they end up in muslim arab enclaves and their clients always include lots of jews----creating a few blocks of
DIVERSIFICATION that get tense in times like these----the young clerks express themselves by wearing LARGE CROSSES and displaying signs like "closed on Sunday" For comic relief----the sign on the bakery is "certified kosher"
It you think Hezbollah is not a terrorists organization
No more so than the IDF.
you do not reflect a view supporting the United States and several other countries.
What's wrong with that?
I do not care if you try to deny it or not. It is, what it is.
It's word games, propaganda speak, if people cannot wade through propaganda then they end up doing what the propaganda intends them to do, silence dissent, wave their favorite flag, demonize the enemies, most people here don't care for truth.
In Germany. A huge community. Supportive of Israel.

From June 2024


A recent poll by the Forsa Research Institute, conducted last week, has shown a significant shift in German public opinion regarding Israel’s military offensive in Gaza.

Commissioned by the German weekly magazine, Stern, the poll found that 61 per cent of Germans disapprove of Israel’s actions in the Gaza Strip, with only one-third still in support.

This marks a dramatic change from a November poll after the 7 October attacks, when 62 per cent of Germans supported Israel’s military response, and only 31 per cent were opposed.

Here's Berlin in late May this year:

No honest German can disapprove of the Nazis while approving of the Zionists.
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No more so than the IDF.

What's wrong with that?

It's word games, propaganda speak, if people cannot wade through propaganda then they end up doing what the propaganda intends them to do, silence dissent, wave their favorite flag, demonize the enemies, most people here don't care for truth.
It just points to a fundamental disagreement between us. Does it mean, I wouldn't help you out, if I found you on the side of the road, broke down? No. We just live with a different perspective.
It just points to a fundamental disagreement between us. Does it mean, I wouldn't help you out, if I found you on the side of the road, broke down? No. We just live with a different perspective.
What do you think the core disagreement is between us? I too would help you out if I found you on the side of the road broken down.

I've spoken to racists many times in my life, I recall speaking with South Africans before and they would openly speak of blacks as animals, vermin and their feeling of superiority was clear. Israeli Zionists are very similar, they approve of a segregated society, they approve of Palestinian communities being subject to curfews, being fenced in, having to go through five roadblocks just to get their groceries.

Israel is a very ugly society, many approve of it because they've been indoctrinated since birth and truly believe that they only way Jews and Arabs can live together is by using the model of the Israeli Zionists.

So I do wonder, what is the difference between us...
oh---well----venture up north, johnny-reb
I will be vacationing at an island on Lake Michigan, next summer. It is still unlikely I will be approached and engaged by Christian Hezbollah from Lebanon. But, if I do, and they do not physically attack or threaten, I will not shoot them to neutralize the threat. Sound good?

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