Israel: Helping To Make A Better World

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Do any of the hasbara links that you guys post make up for all the death and horror brought on our world by zionist terrorists?
Do any of the hasbara links that you guys post make up for all the death and horror brought on our world by zionist terrorists?

Yeah them "Zionist terrorists." Ain't they somethin else? Palis attack them, Israel retaliates & the Palis win every time in the death count.
Do any of the hasbara links that you guys post make up for all the death and horror brought on our world by zionist terrorists?

Yeah them "Zionist terrorists." Ain't they somethin else? Palis attack them, Israel retaliates & the Palis win every time in the death count.

The worse part is every time the Palis need medical, or any other kind of help....who do they go to......their "zionist terrorists"

Just ask the Hamas leaders and their families and all other leaders who endlessly go to Israel for some medical reason or another.

Just what in the world makes them go to Israel and not any other place.


Leaders and non leaders cannot get enough of those "zionist terrorists" and all those terrorists have to offer.
Do any of the hasbara links that you guys post make up for all the death and horror brought on our world by zionist terrorists?

Yeah them "Zionist terrorists." Ain't they somethin else? Palis attack them, Israel retaliates & the Palis win every time in the death count.

You'd think The Zionists™ would have learned by now that the Arabs-Moslems posing as Pal'istanians have the exclusive right to committ acts of war aimed at Israel with no threat of retaliation. Because, as we know, the Pal'istanians feel "oppressed".
You'd think The Zionists™ would have learned by now that the Arabs-Moslems posing as Pal'istanians have the exclusive right to committ acts of war aimed at Israel with no threat of retaliation. Because, as we know, the Pal'istanians feel "oppressed".
Sane people would think that the Arabs would have learned by now that the Europeans posing as jews have the exclusive right to commit acts of war aimed at Palestine with no threat of retaliation. Because, as we know, the jews feel "oppressed".
You'd think The Zionists™ would have learned by now that the Arabs-Moslems posing as Pal'istanians have the exclusive right to committ acts of war aimed at Israel with no threat of retaliation. Because, as we know, the Pal'istanians feel "oppressed".
Sane people would think that the Arabs would have learned by now that the Europeans posing as jews have the exclusive right to commit acts of war aimed at Palestine with no threat of retaliation. Because, as we know, the jews feel "oppressed".

There's my little plagiarist.

And once again, you make a fool of yourself.
Do any of the hasbara links that you guys post make up for all the death and horror brought on our world by zionist terrorists?

The only death and horror I see are your attempts at sentence structure.

If it's death and horror you want, take a look at what your co-religionists have done (and done to each other), in Iraq and Syria.

Shirley, you agree that Allah is akbar.
You'd think The Zionists™ would have learned by now that the Arabs-Moslems posing as Pal'istanians have the exclusive right to committ acts of war aimed at Israel with no threat of retaliation. Because, as we know, the Pal'istanians feel "oppressed".
Sane people would think that the Arabs would have learned by now that the Europeans posing as jews have the exclusive right to commit acts of war aimed at Palestine with no threat of retaliation. Because, as we know, the jews feel "oppressed".

Actually, I dont believe the Jewish people feel oppressed. I think they understand that they are in a part of the world largely under the boot heel of a fascist, retrograde ideology that is as much a threat to itself as anyone else in proximity.

Consider, Habib, that in just a few decades, Israel has managed to build a world-class economy and a modern, parliamentary democracy amidst a portion of the globe that has been chocked by the boat anchor of Islamism.

Consider, Habib:

From a sidebar found at

The United Nations Development Program, in a report published last year, described in often painful detail some of the factors that have contributed to the decline of science and the rise of extremism in Arab societies. Among them are:

- Increases in average income have been lower in the Arab world than anywhere else for 20 years, except for the poorest African countries. "If such trends will take the average Arab citizen 140 years to double his or her income, whole other regions are set to achieve that level in a matter of less than 10 years," the report noted. One in 5 Arabs lives on less than $2 a day.

- Arab unemployment is the highest in the developing world.

- Surveys show more than half of young Arabs want to leave their countries and live in theUnited States or other industrialized countries where opportunities are better.

- The Arab brain drain is the world's worst, with about 25 percent of new graduates in science, medicine and engineering emigrating each year.

- About 1 in 4 Arab adults can neither read nor write. This is a particular problem among Arab women, 50 per cent of whom are illiterate. Many children do not attend school.

- The quality of education has declined, with many schools teaching mainly interpretations of the Koran, rather than other knowledge or skills.

- Less than 0.6 per cent of Arabs use the Internet and barely 1.2 percent have access to a personal computer. There are 18 computers per 1,000 Arabs, compared to the global average of 78.3.

- During the entire 20th century, fewer than 10,000 books were translated into Arabic -- equivalent to the number translated into Spanish in a single year. Religious books account for 17 per cent of new publications in Arab countries, compared to a world average of 5 per cent.

- Censorship stifles ideas, information and innovation. Numerous censors review book manuscripts, each with the power to edit text or demand revisions.

"" Pittsburgh Post-Gazette | Local, National & World News
5/27/2007 - Article Ref: PG0404-2278
Do any of the hasbara links that you guys post make up for all the death and horror brought on our world by zionist terrorists?
Do any of the hasbara links that you guys post make up for all the death and horror brought on our world by zionist terrorists?

OUTSTANDING POINT! You have a very fine brain Louie. Let us Americans never forget these Zionists. Right Louie?

Do any of the hasbara links that you guys post make up for all the death and horror brought on our world by zionist terrorists?

OUTSTANDING POINT! You have a very fine brain Louie. Let us Americans never forget these Zionists. Right Louie?


And not one a Palestinian. In fact, most were Saudis, Israel's new found friend.

And Arabs-Moslems, all of whom read the Koran, pray toward Mecca and share a common revulsion for Christians and Jews.

Strange how those people became your new found friends.
Do any of the hasbara links that you guys post make up for all the death and horror brought on our world by zionist terrorists?

OUTSTANDING POINT! You have a very fine brain Louie. Let us Americans never forget these Zionists. Right Louie?

Do any of the hasbara links that you guys post make up for all the death and horror brought on our world by zionist terrorists?

OUTSTANDING POINT! You have a very fine brain Louie. Let us Americans never forget these Zionists. Right Louie?


And not one a Palestinian. In fact, most were Saudis, Israel's new found friend.

Yep! Great point. Not a single Palestinian. Oh how they grieved for us dead Americans & others.

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