Israel Kills At Least 15 Syrian Soldiers in Bombings In Syria

Other sources are placing the number of killed soldiers at over 40. My source is not in English, so I am not providing it unless I am able to find the English website again.
thanks sherri----I was wondering when the isa-loving scum would
jump in to support the hezbollah dogs ----egypt, and the local
arabist pigs and even the Iranian dogs did just what they were expected

Yeah, so what? These soldiers were probably on their way to kill 70,000 more Syrian civilians.

You don't get it-----they were on the RIGHT SIDE----the HEZBOLLAH/ASSAD side --
not only did the baby brain smashing bombs get lost-----the operators thereof
----went down too. How much loss can one little sherri bear----in her noble
iso loving quest to strew the streets of Haifa with baby corpses or ----Damascus
with anti-alawite baby corpses-------whatever is available -----????
BEIRUT — Israel's weekend airstrike on a military complex near the Syrian capital of Damascus killed at least 42 Syrian soldiers, a group of anti-regime activists said Monday, citing information from military hospitals.The Syrian government has not released a death toll, but Syrian state media have reported casualties in Sunday's pre-dawn airstrike, Israel's third into Syria this year.The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said about 150 soldiers are normally stationed in the area that was targeted, but that it was not clear how many were there at the time of the strike.Rami Abdel-Rahman, the head of the group, said his sources at Syrian military hospitals gave him information on 42 Syrian soldiers killed in the Israeli attack.
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Yeah, so what? These soldiers were probably on their way to kill 70,000 more Syrian civilians.

ZIONIST mentality, kill, kill, kill!

Well, obviously Syrian civilians don't make your heart bleed. 70,000 is a bit more than 40. Why is that? And this is the Israel/Palestine board, not Israel/Syria.

THE topic is Israels cold blooded killing of 42 Syrian soldiers. WERE Zionists born to kill? YOU defend Zionist killing so cold heartedly.

Yeah, so what? These soldiers were probably on their way to kill 70,000 more Syrian civilians.

ZIONIST mentality, kill, kill, kill!

ISA MENTALITY ----get the cholinergic stuff from uncle adolf abu ali--
--and laugh as babies choke to death as they lungs clog with spit and
mucous----then do the wiggle the ass and hump the groin dance on the
little dead bodies

for those interested in the ideologies of isa-lovers-----google
sarin and nitrogen mustard gas ----sarin is a cholinergic
thing----an horrific death---gets children first----nitrogen
mustard is a vesicant----also horrific death---which also
involves asphyxiation---

invented by the germans----I believe BOTH used by
germany in world war I in the field---- since that time
the only people do use them in the field have been
terrorist groups (sarin) in Japan----and Isa-lovers----leaving
piles and piles of dead children to rot in the sun to the
delight of isa-lovers

Yeah, so what? These soldiers were probably on their way to kill 70,000 more Syrian civilians.

ZIONIST mentality, kill, kill, kill!

ISA MENTALITY ----get the cholinergic stuff from uncle adolf abu ali--
--and laugh as babies choke to death as their lungs clog with spit and
mucous----then do the wiggle the ass and hump the groin dance on the
little dead bodies

for those interested in the ideologies of isa-lovers-----google
sarin and nitrogen mustard gas ----sarin is a cholinergic
thing----an horrific death---gets children first----nitrogen
mustard is a vesicant----also horrific death---which also
involves asphyxiation---

invented by the germans----I believe BOTH used by
germany in world war I in the field---- since that time
the only people do use them in the field have been
terrorist groups (sarin) in china----and Isa-lovers----leaving
piles and piles of dead children to rot in the sun to the
delight of isa-lovers
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To repeat:
Without making any other statements about Israel, that country and Syria are at war. What happens in war between countries? Do their armies exchange flowers and friendship letters?
Sherri seems to forget that the Syrian people are happy and grateful to Israel. Finally someone stepped up and did something about this genocidal regime's crimes against humanity. Listen to the "Allah Akbar" praises for Israel by the amatuer Syrian man video taping the event:

AllahuAkbar Israel!

[ame=]Large Explosions Shake Damascus : Syria blames Israel - YouTube[/ame]
To repeat:
Without making any other statements about Israel, that country and Syria are at war. What happens in war between countries? Do their armies exchange flowers and friendship letters?

Some people believe Israel's only right is to be destroyed.

Sherri knows those soldiers probably murders Syrian civilians at a regular basis.

But if there is a chance to bash Israel, she will do it.

Syrian soldiers are spraying their own people in masses.

I have heard that many in Syria bless Israel over this.

Funny as hell, since we didn't do it for them, and we couldn't care less, honestly.

Israel is winning everytime.

Someone pass me the popcorn, please! XD
OK, let's get these rules straight. We're only supposed to care about Palestinian Arabs killed by Israelis. Arabs killed by other Arabs don't count because they're not part of the Israel/Palestine forum. Now if Israel goes out of this sphere and kills Syrian Arabs, then we're supposed to feel sorry for Syrian soldiers, and somehow forget the fact that these soldiers are engaged in a brutal civil war where they have killed Arab civilians, and in far greater numbers. Have I got it?
Isn't it strange that Frau Sherri, being all over the Internet all through the day and night like it was her job with overtime, has not condemned the Syrian Air Force for the aerial bombing of many civilians? I guess if the Muslims kill each other and there are no Jews involved, Frau Sherri could care less. However, it Israel kills some Syrian soldiers who not doubt were guarding those weapons that were to be sent to Hezbollah, Frau Sherri is no doubt condemning Israel all over the Internet. Meanwhile, approximately100,000 people have died in this Civil War, with probably just as many or more wounded, and Frau Sherri just overlooks these casualities. What a human being!!!

Syria: Aerial Attacks Strike Civilians | Human Rights Watch
OK, let's get these rules straight. We're only supposed to care about Palestinian Arabs killed by Israelis. Arabs killed by other Arabs don't count because they're not part of the Israel/Palestine forum. Now if Israel goes out of this sphere and kills Syrian Arabs, then we're supposed to feel sorry for Syrian soldiers, and somehow forget the fact that these soldiers are engaged in a brutal civil war where they have killed Arab civilians, and in far greater numbers. Have I got it?
That's right. You have to follow Frau Sherri's rules. You are not supposed to care that 16 innocent people at an election rally were killed by her friends.

At least 16 killed in bombing at Pakistan election rally -
OK, let's get these rules straight. We're only supposed to care about Palestinian Arabs killed by Israelis. Arabs killed by other Arabs don't count because they're not part of the Israel/Palestine forum. Now if Israel goes out of this sphere and kills Syrian Arabs, then we're supposed to feel sorry for Syrian soldiers, and somehow forget the fact that these soldiers are engaged in a brutal civil war where they have killed Arab civilians, and in far greater numbers. Have I got it?

You forgot the part about the bombings against another sovereign nation being an act of aggression, a war crime. I do not support bombings that are war crimes. IT does not matter that the nation they unlawfully bomb is in a civil war and killing their people. Thats a different matter.

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