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Israel Kills At Least 15 Syrian Soldiers in Bombings In Syria

OK, let's get these rules straight. We're only supposed to care about Palestinian Arabs killed by Israelis. Arabs killed by other Arabs don't count because they're not part of the Israel/Palestine forum. Now if Israel goes out of this sphere and kills Syrian Arabs, then we're supposed to feel sorry for Syrian soldiers, and somehow forget the fact that these soldiers are engaged in a brutal civil war where they have killed Arab civilians, and in far greater numbers. Have I got it?

You forgot the part about the bombings against another sovereign nation being an act of aggression, a war crime. I do not support bombings that are war crimes. IT does not matter that the nation they unlawfully bomb is in a civil war and killing their people. Thats a different matter.
Well it sure seemed like you had no problem with the Syrian Air Force bombing innocent people. I guess because the Jews were not involved in that, you kept your yap shut. The moment something involves the Jews and Israel, there are you again blaming Israel while your friends are busy in other places murdering innocent people. How many were killed in Iraq by your friends yesterday, Frau Sherri.
less 42 Syrian soldiers for our soldiers to fight with,

How many Syrian babies did those men butcher.

aint see me crying.

what else would I expect from a proud baby killer like you, no tears to shed in one such as a you! You live to kill nonjews, your purpose for being!
While Frau Sherri is acting like a broken record once again with her baby killer shtick, her friends are doing a fine job of killing not only babies, but also toddlers, teenagers and grown men and women. Just whom do you think you are fooling, Frau Sherri? We read the news to see what is going on in the Muslim world so we are quite aware what your friends are doing. Does anyone think that Frau Sherri sheds any tears over the innocents whom her friends have killed?
less 42 Syrian soldiers for our soldiers to fight with,

How many Syrian babies did those men butcher.

aint see me crying.

what else would I expect from a proud baby killer like you, no tears to shed in one such as a you! You live to kill nonjews, your purpose for being!

Whenever the l'il sherrithing erupts with such filth in a public place, it serves as a reminder that she's only playing at being a humanitarian, a pacifist, or a Christian.
less 42 Syrian soldiers for our soldiers to fight with,

How many Syrian babies did those men butcher.

aint see me crying.

what else would I expect from a proud baby killer like you, no tears to shed in one such as a you! You live to kill nonjews, your purpose for being!

you got me.

I wake up every morning, trying to find a tasty "non Jew" to kill. And then I drink their blood, bite their flesh, and their kids I save for desert.

you should watch it! Lipush the big bad Zionist might just find out where you live! I will eat you too! and drink your blood very slowly! Muhahahahahaha.
OK, let's get these rules straight. We're only supposed to care about Palestinian Arabs killed by Israelis. Arabs killed by other Arabs don't count because they're not part of the Israel/Palestine forum. Now if Israel goes out of this sphere and kills Syrian Arabs, then we're supposed to feel sorry for Syrian soldiers, and somehow forget the fact that these soldiers are engaged in a brutal civil war where they have killed Arab civilians, and in far greater numbers. Have I got it?

Sums it up pretty well, yeah
I feel sorry for the syrian soldiers who were guarding the
bombs----it was not their fault----their islamicist leaders
murdered them
OK, let's get these rules straight. We're only supposed to care about Palestinian Arabs killed by Israelis. Arabs killed by other Arabs don't count because they're not part of the Israel/Palestine forum. Now if Israel goes out of this sphere and kills Syrian Arabs, then we're supposed to feel sorry for Syrian soldiers, and somehow forget the fact that these soldiers are engaged in a brutal civil war where they have killed Arab civilians, and in far greater numbers. Have I got it?

You forgot the part about the bombings against another sovereign nation being an act of aggression, a war crime. I do not support bombings that are war crimes. IT does not matter that the nation they unlawfully bomb is in a civil war and killing their people. Thats a different matter.

yes----isa endorses the murder by isa loving islamicists of anyone
standing in the way of the genocidal agenda of ---isa lovers

the transport of bombs specifically for the purpose of cross border
terrorism designed to blow the brains out of israeli babies is a related ---
but slightly different matter----Isa endorses that activity too
To repeat:
Without making any other statements about Israel, that country and Syria are at war. What happens in war between countries? Do their armies exchange flowers and friendship letters?

Some people believe Israel's only right is to be destroyed.

Sherri knows those soldiers probably murders Syrian civilians at a regular basis.

But if there is a chance to bash Israel, she will do it.

Syrian soldiers are spraying their own people in masses.

I have heard that many in Syria bless Israel over this.

Funny as hell, since we didn't do it for them, and we couldn't care less, honestly.

Israel is winning everytime.

Someone pass me the popcorn, please! XD

Come on, this has nothing to do with helping Syrians and it helped no Syrians. Convincing yourself baby killing is humanitarian? I wonder what life is like right now for those 2 captured IDF soldiers? Just part of the game I guess, lets be entertained with our popcorn while we imagine what glorious things are happening to them right now !
This whole "baby killing" claim over amd over does nothing but make you look like a crazyperson.


Youre like a broken record..
This whole "baby killing" claim over amd over does nothing but make you look like a crazyperson.


Youre like a broken record..

TRUTH IS TRUTH! YOU cannot bury the truth about Israels killing of children. It is never forgotten, by the world are God. THE names of over 1500 children you Zionists murdered since 2000 in Palestine are recorded, just have to go to B'Tselem and read the details Or DCI Palestine or Remember These Children. And you Zionists killed 20000 civilians in Lebanon in 1982, 40% or more children. The blood of all of these dead children is on your hands. Only one way to wipe blood like that away. But I know you do not want a sermon, so I will end with that.
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Thinking about those captured IDF soldiers, I bet the law in Israel does not even allow Lipush to talk about them right now. FUNNY, democcracies and censorship, how well they go together in Israel!
Now, this is interesting. This is from an article written in March. "Fom the Israeli-Syrian border looking down into the valley in Syria, one can see Jabat al-Nusra-occupied villages in the distance. Powerful binoculars show deserted streets and half-built or dilapidated houses, vacant for years, which now serve as seats of operations for the Syrian rebels. Jabat al-Nusra is said to number between 5,000 and 8,000, and include many foreigners. Facebook and YouTube pages that document the names and origins of dead Jabat al-Nusra fighters show that the top three countries being recruited from are Saudi Arabia, Tunisia and Libya, particularly from the Benghazi area.Israeli government sources said that despite al-Nusra having set up just 14 months ago, it has carried out more attacks and inflicted more damage on the Syrian regime than any other opposition organization.Itamar Rabinovitch, a professor of Middle East history at Tel Aviv University and Israel’s former ambassador to the US, said the activities of Jabat al-Nusra are “potentially very serious, in two ways. One is that when Assad falls — and I think it’s a question of ‘when,’ not a question of ‘if,’ the central government might be replaced by an Islamist or perhaps even a jihad-oriented, radical Islamist movement. The second is that there may be a terrorist or a jihadi takeover over parts of the country, and the country could at least for a while become fragmented, with the Alawites and the Kurds having autonomy and jihadi elements … possibly even gaining control of some of the weapons of mass destruction. Some of these areas may be close to the cease-fire line with Israel, and in that case, Israel will have to deal with it.”Yet al-Qaeda-affiliated organizations are not the only threat to Israel in Syria. “Hezbollah, as a front guard of Iran, acts here, trying their best to preserve and restore Assad’s rule here,” Hirsch said. They are preparing this area as a launching site for terrorism from “here, and not*from Lebanon.”He added, “They are strongly deterred after 2006 [Israeli-Hezbollah war] in Lebanon. No one wants to see the repeat of 2006, when the population suffered a lot and Hezbollah suffered many, many casualties and damage. So they would strongly prefer to operate from the shattered Syria, the new Syria.”One Israeli university academic, an expert on Islamist movements who prefers to remain anonymous, said that Jabat al-Nusra has two aims.*In the short term, “they want to make war against Assad.”They went on, “But there’s no doubt that after they succeed in ousting Assad, they will open another front against ‘the crusaders.’ …After they succeed in the first stage, they will continue onto the ‘main’ stage: the quest for the 'Bilad el Sham' — a name in Islam for the district of Syria, Jordan, Israel and Lebanon. The historical Syria, the greater Syria. There are traditions from Prophet Muhammad about the importance of this specific district in the Day of Judgement, and this is a very important foundation to the motivation of al-Qaeda for using the situation in Syria to make war against Israel.” Read more:*Israeli Soldiers Enter Syrian Golan Heights - Al-Monitor: the Pulse of the Middle East
To repeat:
Without making any other statements about Israel, that country and Syria are at war. What happens in war between countries? Do their armies exchange flowers and friendship letters?

Some people believe Israel's only right is to be destroyed.

Sherri knows those soldiers probably murders Syrian civilians at a regular basis.

But if there is a chance to bash Israel, she will do it.

Syrian soldiers are spraying their own people in masses.

I have heard that many in Syria bless Israel over this.

Funny as hell, since we didn't do it for them, and we couldn't care less, honestly.

Israel is winning everytime.

Someone pass me the popcorn, please! XD

Come on, this has nothing to do with helping Syrians and it helped no Syrians. Convincing yourself baby killing is humanitarian? I wonder what life is like right now for those 2 captured IDF soldiers? Just part of the game I guess, lets be entertained with our popcorn while we imagine what glorious things are happening to them right now !

An the hypocrite gloats over the idea of people suffering because they are IDF: at least for once she's being honest.
On March 8, while 21 UN observers were being held captive by Syrian rebels, another group of observers was running for their lives. Caught up in fighting between the Syrian army and rebels, they fled down a steep mountain. There, they were helped by Israeli Defense Forces soldiers who entered the Syrian Golan Heights to rescue them. The incident marked the most significant instance of Israeli soldiers crossing into the Syrian Golan Heights since 1974.

This was the lead paragraph of the article. Does anyone else wonder why sherri 'forgot' to include it? And incidentally, it was only into the 'buffer zone' and not to confront any Syrians.

Read more: Israeli Soldiers Enter Syrian Golan Heights - Al-Monitor: the Pulse of the Middle East
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On March 8, while 21 UN observers were being held captive by Syrian rebels, another group of observers was running for their lives. Caught up in fighting between the Syrian army and rebels, they fled down a steep mountain. There, they were helped by Israeli Defense Forces soldiers who entered the Syrian Golan Heights to rescue them. The incident marked the most significant instance of Israeli soldiers crossing into the Syrian Golan Heights since 1974.

This was the lead paragraph of the article. Does anyone else wonder why sherri 'forgot' to include it? And incidentally, it was only into the 'buffer zone' and not to confront any Syrians.

Read more: Israeli Soldiers Enter Syrian Golan Heights - Al-Monitor: the Pulse of the Middle East

Sherri did not forget anything, I posted to address these Resistance fighters Israel is aiding and who they are. And the thread topic is Israels act of aggression against the sovereign nation of Syria and her killings of 42 soldiers. DO you have the mental capacity today to address the topic?
Some people believe Israel's only right is to be destroyed.

Sherri knows those soldiers probably murders Syrian civilians at a regular basis.

But if there is a chance to bash Israel, she will do it.

Syrian soldiers are spraying their own people in masses.

I have heard that many in Syria bless Israel over this.

Funny as hell, since we didn't do it for them, and we couldn't care less, honestly.

Israel is winning everytime.

Someone pass me the popcorn, please! XD

Come on, this has nothing to do with helping Syrians and it helped no Syrians. Convincing yourself baby killing is humanitarian? I wonder what life is like right now for those 2 captured IDF soldiers? Just part of the game I guess, lets be entertained with our popcorn while we imagine what glorious things are happening to them right now !

An the hypocrite gloats over the idea of people suffering because they are IDF: at least for once she's being honest.

Im not the one eating popcorn and watching all of this and viewing it all as entertainment. You really need to leran to read. And I am not supporting bombing of anyone, so your cries of hypocrite go nowhere.
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Chaos makes left thefts easier and takes the eyes off the abuses of the Occupation. ISRAEL welcomes WWIII with open arms.
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Come on, this has nothing to do with helping Syrians and it helped no Syrians. Convincing yourself baby killing is humanitarian? I wonder what life is like right now for those 2 captured IDF soldiers? Just part of the game I guess, lets be entertained with our popcorn while we imagine what glorious things are happening to them right now !

An the hypocrite gloats over the idea of people suffering because they are IDF: at least for once she's being honest.

Im not the one eating popcorn and watching all of this and viewing it all as entertainment. You really need to leran to read. And I am not supporting bombing of anyone, so your cries of hypocrite go nowhere.

Assad is doing whatever he wants 70,000 people have died, stability is the area has been compromised. It appears the only people sitting around watching are Russia and China. "One [airstrike] targeted a weapons storage site containing missiles[for Hezbollah to strike Tel Aviv] and another was directed at a Damascus research facility."

"Israel’s actions put Damascus and Moscow on notice that the U.S. and its allies may not wait for an international green light to become more actively engaged in the Syrian conflict. The administration said last week it was rethinking its opposition to arming the Syrian rebels or taking other aggressive steps to turn the tide of the two-year-old civil war toward the rebels.

Although Israel hasn’t officially acknowledged it carried out the airstrikes, Syrian officials on Monday were blaming Israel, calling them a “declaration of war” that would cause the Jewish state to “suffer.”

Russia, alongside China, has blocked U.S.-led efforts three times at the United Nations to pressure Assad into stepping down."

Israel Airstrikes Loom over U.S. Diplomacy on Syria
Now, this is interesting. This is from an article written in March. "Fom the Israeli-Syrian border looking down into the valley in Syria, one can see Jabat al-Nusra-occupied villages in the distance. Powerful binoculars show deserted streets and half-built or dilapidated houses, vacant for years, which now serve as seats of operations for the Syrian rebels. Jabat al-Nusra is said to number between 5,000 and 8,000, and include many foreigners. Facebook and YouTube pages that document the names and origins of dead Jabat al-Nusra fighters show that the top three countries being recruited from are Saudi Arabia, Tunisia and Libya, particularly from the Benghazi area.Israeli government sources said that despite al-Nusra having set up just 14 months ago, it has carried out more attacks and inflicted more damage on the Syrian regime than any other opposition organization.Itamar Rabinovitch, a professor of Middle East history at Tel Aviv University and Israel’s former ambassador to the US, said the activities of Jabat al-Nusra are “potentially very serious, in two ways. One is that when Assad falls — and I think it’s a question of ‘when,’ not a question of ‘if,’ the central government might be replaced by an Islamist or perhaps even a jihad-oriented, radical Islamist movement. The second is that there may be a terrorist or a jihadi takeover over parts of the country, and the country could at least for a while become fragmented, with the Alawites and the Kurds having autonomy and jihadi elements … possibly even gaining control of some of the weapons of mass destruction. Some of these areas may be close to the cease-fire line with Israel, and in that case, Israel will have to deal with it.”Yet al-Qaeda-affiliated organizations are not the only threat to Israel in Syria. “Hezbollah, as a front guard of Iran, acts here, trying their best to preserve and restore Assad’s rule here,” Hirsch said. They are preparing this area as a launching site for terrorism from “here, and not*from Lebanon.”He added, “They are strongly deterred after 2006 [Israeli-Hezbollah war] in Lebanon. No one wants to see the repeat of 2006, when the population suffered a lot and Hezbollah suffered many, many casualties and damage. So they would strongly prefer to operate from the shattered Syria, the new Syria.”One Israeli university academic, an expert on Islamist movements who prefers to remain anonymous, said that Jabat al-Nusra has two aims.*In the short term, “they want to make war against Assad.”They went on, “But there’s no doubt that after they succeed in ousting Assad, they will open another front against ‘the crusaders.’ …After they succeed in the first stage, they will continue onto the ‘main’ stage: the quest for the 'Bilad el Sham' — a name in Islam for the district of Syria, Jordan, Israel and Lebanon. The historical Syria, the greater Syria. There are traditions from Prophet Muhammad about the importance of this specific district in the Day of Judgement, and this is a very important foundation to the motivation of al-Qaeda for using the situation in Syria to make war against Israel.” Read more:*Israeli Soldiers Enter Syrian Golan Heights - Al-Monitor: the Pulse of the Middle East
From your link:

"The UNDOF was established in 1974, in the wake of the 1973 Yom Kippur war, as part of a cease-fire agreement between Syria and Israel. Until recently, six countries — Japan, Croatia, Canada, the Philippines, India and Austria — had contributed peacekeepers. Today, just three participating states — the Philippines, India and Austria — remain due to growing risks in the area.

There is a growing suspicion among the "serious people" that the UN isn't muscular enough to police the bankers New World Order.
What's lurking in the weeds?

"When the Berlin Wall fell in 1989, NATO was an Alliance of 16 members and no partners. Today, NATO has 26 members – with 2 new invitees, prospective membership for others, and over 20 partners in Europe and Eurasia, seven in the Mediterranean, four in the Persian Gulf, and others from around the world.”

Is there something vaguely imperial about Iraq joining NATO?

NATO?s Worldwide Expansion in the Post-Cold World Era | Global Research

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