Israel Kills At Least 15 Syrian Soldiers in Bombings In Syria

less 42 Syrian soldiers for our soldiers to fight with,

How many Syrian babies did those men butcher.

aint see me crying.

what else would I expect from a proud baby killer like you, no tears to shed in one such as a you! You live to kill nonjews, your purpose for being!

you got me.

I wake up every morning, trying to find a tasty "non Jew" to kill. And then I drink their blood, bite their flesh, and their kids I save for desert.

you should watch it! Lipush the big bad Zionist might just find out where you live! I will eat you too! and drink your blood very slowly! Muhahahahahaha.
I thought it was just me.:eusa_shhh:
You're right about that link, and its web site appears to have many others.
However, the US has sought control of mid east oil since FDR and the British decided to divide up Persian, Iraqi, Kuwaiti, and Saudi oil for the primary benefit of the richest 1% of Americans and Brits during WWII. Why would anyone expect peace to prosper today when the greatest purveyor of violence on the planet finds so much profit in killing other people's children?
I guess all the viewers must realize by now that Georgie Boy is obsessed with money. Notice how many times in his posts he has mentioned "the richest 1% of Americans." It appears that those like Georgie Boy who really have nothing resent those who worked hard and achieved success. And, of course, he is always showing us how he hates this country when he repeats ad nauseam "the greatest purveyor of violence on the planet " Is anyone stopping Georgie Boy from moving to a different country? Other people have done it, so why not Georgie Boy?
irosie91 said:
There was no Jewish REALITY in Palestine prior to 1948 when 650,000 Jews inflicted their nation upon 1.2 million Arabs. At the time of Balfour Jews were a small fraction of the population of Palestine owning an even smaller fraction of the land. Your revisionism stinks to high heaven.

try again georgie----according to the stats YOU provided----there
was a land with ---1/3 of the population being jewish ----
and 2/3 arab. In reality jews OWNED 7 % of
the land and arabs owned virtually none of it ------Jews had
developed hospitals --a school system------newspaper publishers
and social agencies of many kinds and had built cities-----that is a
REALITY----Israel was a functioning society -----
supplying services to its population and to the arab population
and ready to accept hundreds of thousands of people attempting to
flee the filth of shariah oppression from countries at that very time
engaging in your favorite jihadist entertainment----the slitting of the
throats of jewish infants --grieving the death of your hero
adolf abu ali ------that was the REALITY pre 1948.

As to the
arabs in the area------if they did not have either a charitable christian
hospital here or there or jewish hospitals and jewish doctors----they got
no medical care at all and most did not attend school and they had
no universities
The l'il sherrithing thinks Assad's soldiers are Zionists? wow

The topic is Israels killing of 42 soldiers, are you now claiming Israelis are not Zionists?

I don't shed crocodile tears for Syrian soldiers, just like Sherri does not for Israeli soldiers who are killed.
Isn't it amusing how Frau Sherri is so concerned with the Syrian soldiers being killed, but she had nothing to say when the Syrian Air Force carpet bombed innocent people? She didn't even have anything to say when the Palestinians in Syria were being killed. When Israel is not involved, she is very quiet about all those her friends are killing.
You're right about that link, and its web site appears to have many others.
However, the US has sought control of mid east oil since FDR and the British decided to divide up Persian, Iraqi, Kuwaiti, and Saudi oil for the primary benefit of the richest 1% of Americans and Brits during WWII. Why would anyone expect peace to prosper today when the greatest purveyor of violence on the planet finds so much profit in killing other people's children?
I guess all the viewers must realize by now that Georgie Boy is obsessed with money. Notice how many times in his posts he has mentioned "the richest 1% of Americans." It appears that those like Georgie Boy who really have nothing resent those who worked hard and achieved success. And, of course, he is always showing us how he hates this country when he repeats ad nauseam "the greatest purveyor of violence on the planet " Is anyone stopping Georgie Boy from moving to a different country? Other people have done it, so why not Georgie Boy?
This viewer knows you don't realize or care about the millions of innocent Muslim civilians who have been murdered, maimed, displaced, and incarcerated in your name for the last twenty years. I criticize the rich for the same reason I criticize muggers and bank robbers; this country has been addicted to war since 1945, and it's becoming apparent that "patriots" on the right will never notice the mathematical impossibility of killing your way to peace. Since I am not one of those who have achieved success from investing in war or debt, I'm not going anywhere. Don't let the door hit your fat cracker ass on your way to Zion.
Other sources are placing the number of killed soldiers at over 40. My source is not in English, so I am not providing it unless I am able to find the English website again.

Lol that's surprising.

Voice Of America Radio reported it, in Farsi. And I found the 42 dead confirmed in a story in Huffington Post and I provided the link in a prior post.
Other sources are placing the number of killed soldiers at over 40. My source is not in English, so I am not providing it unless I am able to find the English website again.

Lol that's surprising.

Voice Of America Radio reported it, in Farsi. And I found the 42 dead confirmed in a story in Huffington Post and I provided the link in a prior post.

so? 42 dead-----how did they die? you got the autopsy results? did some
of them have slit throats? were they sunnis or alawites ?
Other sources are placing the number of killed soldiers at over 40. My source is not in English, so I am not providing it unless I am able to find the English website again.

Lol that's surprising.

Voice Of America Radio reported it, in Farsi. And I found the 42 dead confirmed in a story in Huffington Post and I provided the link in a prior post.
Have you been keeping track of the Palestinians killed in the Syrian Civil War. The number has been well over 400 when I read about it, and no doubt the figure is higher now. Oh, I forgot -- the Jews were not involved in the deaths of these Palestinians so you just slide right by the news about them.
A Report confirming the 42 soldiers Israel killed in Syria.
Last edited by a moderator: A Report confirming the 42 soldiers Israel killed in Syria.
You mean to say you can't give us the figure of how many Palestinians have been killed in this Syrian Civil War? I guess you don't care because it was only Muslims killing them and not the Jews. It's the same with Muslims killing other Muslims in different places like Iraq or Pakistan. The Jews are not involved that you don't care how many Muslims have been killed.
If Israel would abide by intl law and allow Palestinian refugees in Syria to return to their homes, none would be dying in Syria. Israel is responsible for all of their deaths. And I do not know how many have died, that is not the thread topic.
"What was the Air Force trying to do – stop Assad’s chemical weapons from falling into the hands of global jihadists, the same ones who supposedly can’t be deterred because they have no address? No. Both times, the Air Force reportedly hit not chemical weapons but caches of long-range, accurate, conventional missiles that came from Iran and were meant not for “undeterrable” global jihadists without an address, but for Hezbollah, which has an address and is being deterred very nicely by Israel – so far.Why did Israel take out these missiles? The Israeli official quoted after Friday morning’s attack said it was to prevent Hezbollah from obtaining “game-changing” weapons. Which game was in danger of being changed? The game of Israeli military superiority, of the Israeli “qualitative edge.” The rules of this game are that Israel continually flies spy planes over Lebanon, bombs Syria now, and may bomb Iran’s nuclear facilities later, secure in its belief that the targets can’t do much in return – like bring down Israeli spy planes over Lebanon with*anti-aircraft missiles (which were hit in January), or terrorize the home front with long-range, accurate missiles (which were hit Friday and yesterday).In other words, Israel’s air strikes in Syria were meant to maintain its ability to carry out continued*acts of aggression*against its enemies without fear of challenge. This is the game, and this is what Israel doesn’t want anyone to change."
Last edited:
"What was the Air Force trying to do – stop Assad’s chemical weapons from falling into the hands of global jihadists, the same ones who supposedly can’t be deterred because they have no address? No. Both times, the Air Force reportedly hit not chemical weapons but caches of long-range, accurate, conventional missiles that came from Iran and were meant not for “undeterrable” global jihadists without an address, but for Hezbollah, which has an address and is being deterred very nicely by Israel – so far.Why did Israel take out these missiles? The Israeli official quoted after Friday morning’s attack said it was to prevent Hezbollah from obtaining “game-changing” weapons. Which game was in danger of being changed? The game of Israeli military superiority, of the Israeli “qualitative edge.” The rules of this game are that Israel continually flies spy planes over Lebanon, bombs Syria now, and may bomb Iran’s nuclear facilities later, secure in its belief that the targets can’t do much in return – like bring down Israeli spy planes over Lebanon with*anti-aircraft missiles (which were hit in January), or terrorize the home front with long-range, accurate missiles (which were hit Friday and yesterday).In other words, Israel’s air strikes in Syria were meant to maintain its ability to carry out continued*acts of aggression*against its enemies without fear of challenge. This is the game, and this is what Israel doesn’t want anyone to change." Israeli aggression in Syria is provoking a war | +972 Magazine


"What was the Air Force trying to do – stop Assad’s chemical weapons from falling into the hands of global jihadists, the same ones who supposedly can’t be deterred because they have no address? No. Both times, the Air Force reportedly hit not chemical weapons but caches of long-range, accurate, conventional missiles that came from Iran and were meant not for “undeterrable” global jihadists without an address, but for Hezbollah, which has an address and is being deterred very nicely by Israel – so far.Why did Israel take out these missiles? The Israeli official quoted after Friday morning’s attack said it was to prevent Hezbollah from obtaining “game-changing” weapons. Which game was in danger of being changed? The game of Israeli military superiority, of the Israeli “qualitative edge.” The rules of this game are that Israel continually flies spy planes over Lebanon, bombs Syria now, and may bomb Iran’s nuclear facilities later, secure in its belief that the targets can’t do much in return – like bring down Israeli spy planes over Lebanon with*anti-aircraft missiles (which were hit in January), or terrorize the home front with long-range, accurate missiles (which were hit Friday and yesterday).In other words, Israel’s air strikes in Syria were meant to maintain its ability to carry out continued*acts of aggression*against its enemies without fear of challenge. This is the game, and this is what Israel doesn’t want anyone to change." Israeli aggression in Syria is provoking a war | +972 Magazine
"One thing is sure – Israel is provoking a war. (Imagine what this country would do if some enemy attacked its weapons sites.) Meanwhile, the Obama administration is backing Netanyahu and the generals 100 percent. As for this country, there isn’t a word of protest from anyone, certainly no one who matters. Israel may or may not be at war in the very near future, but if it isn’t, it won’t be for lack of trying."

That war that Israel and NATO is provoking in the Eastern Mediterranean is designed to redraw colonial borders in the Middle East and the Caspian Sea region.

It makes perfect sense the last settler-colonialist state on this planet would be leading the way.

Israeli aggression in Syria is provoking a war | +972 Magazine
Provoking a war?? Between who ?? Syria would never go head to head with Israel.
However, sending weapons to Hezbollah, which Israel has said multiple times they wouldn't tolerate, is provoking war, don't you think
SherriMunnerlyn, et al,

Let's see if we can find the salient points in this.

"What was the Air Force trying to do –

  • stop Assad’s chemical weapons from falling into the hands of global jihadists,
  • caches of long-range, accurate, conventional missiles that came from Iran
  • but for Hezbollah, which has an address and is being deterred very nicely by Israel – so far.

Why did Israel take out these missiles?

  • to prevent Hezbollah from obtaining “game-changing” weapons.

The rules of this game are that Israel continually

  • flies spy planes over Lebanon,
  • bombs Syria now,
  • and may bomb Iran’s nuclear facilities later,
  • to maintain its ability to carry out continued*acts of aggression*against its enemies without fear of challenge

Who is the aggressor?

I think Hezbollah is the aggressor and everything you point-out here is a "reasonable man" defensive action to preemptively prevent the escalation of hostilities and combat posturing.

So what is the complaint. Everyone understands who Hezbollah is. You either support them or you don't.

Hezbollah is an active force against peace in the region. They are a renegade force of non-state actors supported by Iran and Syria; an unregulated militia attempting to instigate hostilities.

Israel is exercising reasonable precautions.

Most Respectfully,

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