Israel Mulls Qatar Proposal: Gaza Pullout for Hostages -- and Hamas Exile; Update: Hamas Rejects


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Israel Mulls Qatar Proposal:

Gaza Pullout for Hostages -- and Hamas Exile;

Update: Hamas Rejects

10 Jan 2024 ~~ By Ed Morrisey

In theory, this sounds like a win for Israel in its war. In practice, though, it may just be another opportunity for Hamas to escape the IDF. According to reports this morning, Qatar has proposed what amounts to a capitulation from Hamas.
The real question is: do the Israelis think Hamas would ever capitulate? The war cabinet ministers have begun discussing it already:
A new Qatari proposal for a ceasefire would see the leaders of Hamas all be deported and all of the hostages captured by the terrorist group released in exchange for the withdrawal of the IDF from Gaza, according to news revealed by Channel 13 citing sources close to officials in Doha, Qatar.
If such a proposal were implemented, hostages would be released in stages. …
The war cabinet will convene on Wednesday at 6 p.m. to discuss the proposal, according to N12.
If the meeting took place as scheduled, it began 20 minutes ago. The proposal raises many questions, chief among them verification of exile and the rank of “leaders” to be expelled from Gaza. Presumably Qatar wants Yahya Sinwar and Mohammed Deif to get exfiltrated, while Israel would almost certainly demand expulsion for any Hamas terrorist of any rank as part of a deal to withdraw. How would that work, anyway? Does Qatar have a landing place for the exiles, or are they offering Hamas’ leadership shelter themselves? No other Sunni nation will give Hamas sanctuary; they won’t even allow Gazans in general to relocate to their countries.
Israel may question the timing, too. The IDF just announced that they have operational control of Khirbat Ikhza’a, just outside of Khan Younis. It’s a key strategic position, and more importantly, previously considered an escape route for Hamas leadership out of the trap in Khan Younis:
Khirbat Ikhza’a is just slightly southeast of Khan Yunis, making it an important strategic location for cutting off Hamas forces from maneuvering or fleeing in various directions there.
It is also only a few kilometers from the Jewish kibbutz of Nir Oz and was one of Hamas’s invasion launch points to take over that kibbutz on October 7, along with Nirim and Ein Hashlosha.
The IDF’s 5th Brigade destroyed hundreds of terror positions and killed dozens of Hamas terrorists to achieve operational control both above and below ground.
In addition, IDF forces found a variety of personal items, such as challah covers, bicycles, agricultural items that Hamas stole from Nir Oz residents, and some clues relating to Israelis who were kidnapped on October 7.
Needless to say, this offer of capitulation in exchange for safe passage out of Gaza seems highly motivated by the IDF’s gains. However, IDF control of this strategic location allows them to defend southern Israel much more effectively, a value that the war cabinet has to weigh in this calculation.
Those are just the short-term questions. Longer term, how can Qatar and other Sunni nations involved in the post-war Gaza project prevent Hamas’ return? Hamas had been incredibly popular — at least nominally — before and at the start of the war, not just in Gaza but also in the West Bank. A capitulation to Israel would likely damage their standing significantly, but Hamas’ political strength isn’t going to vanish entirely even in a retreat and defeat. It took years to de-Nazify occupied Germany, and that was after an utter demolition of the Nazis.
War-cabinet minister Benny Gantz warned earlier that a deal now would inevitably lead to another war. The IDF has control of northern Gaza, Gantz declared, but Hamas hasn’t yet been fully defeated:
Israel may question the timing, too. The IDF just announced that they have operational control of Khirbat Ikhza’a, just outside of Khan Younis. It’s a key strategic position, and more importantly, previously considered an escape route for Hamas leadership out of the trap in Khan Younis:
Any discussions of a Palestinian state are useless as long as the Palestinians refuse to accept Israel as a permanent Jewish state on present borders. The Palestinians — both in Fatah and Hamas — refuse to negotiate in good faith on that basis. The Gazans just proved on October 7 that they are far more interested in committing a genocide in Israel than in peace, and so are their terror-symp Western allies who mindlessly chant “from the river to the sea” and talk about their rapist-murderer “glorious martyrs” of the Al-Aqsa Flood.
The Jerusalem Post also reports that the hostage families had pressed hard for the war cabinet to approve this deal. With Hamas rejecting it outright — and especially in its renewed maximalist demands — Benjamin Netanyahu and Benny Gantz are essentially free to continue with their policy of utter defeat for Hamas, at least for now.

Hamas is using the Israeli hostages and especially those Americans they hold with the threat of their deaths. I would put it past these vermin to murder them.
Qatar providing another example of taqiyya. My BS detector just bent another needle.
Well it doesn't matter , both sides do not trust each other and both will declare victory. If both sides can claim victory, then it should be possible for an agreement. Still when at war it is just a matter of time before you win, lose. or negotiate for peace (however long that will last). With negotiations for a peaceful solution both sides can claim victory and sell it to the local population.

The problem will still exist but at least there will be a break in the war for regrouping.

If both sides can get what they want or close enough for what they want, then I think there will be an agreement. Both side will claim victory and the fighting stops for now
If you were an important member within Hamas , you would not reflect on that absurd proposal for even seconds . It is entirely political and meant for Gullibles who could not see the Israeli deceit and the pretence of actually offering nothing sensible or realistic .
If my name was Ali Big Weener I would tell the Israeli Nazis to take a running jump .
Fake news:


Israel Mulls Qatar Proposal:

Gaza Pullout for Hostages -- and Hamas Exile;

Update: Hamas Rejects

10 Jan 2024 ~~ By Ed Morrisey

In theory, this sounds like a win for Israel in its war. In practice, though, it may just be another opportunity for Hamas to escape the IDF. According to reports this morning, Qatar has proposed what amounts to a capitulation from Hamas.
The real question is: do the Israelis think Hamas would ever capitulate? The war cabinet ministers have begun discussing it already:

If the meeting took place as scheduled, it began 20 minutes ago. The proposal raises many questions, chief among them verification of exile and the rank of “leaders” to be expelled from Gaza. Presumably Qatar wants Yahya Sinwar and Mohammed Deif to get exfiltrated, while Israel would almost certainly demand expulsion for any Hamas terrorist of any rank as part of a deal to withdraw. How would that work, anyway? Does Qatar have a landing place for the exiles, or are they offering Hamas’ leadership shelter themselves? No other Sunni nation will give Hamas sanctuary; they won’t even allow Gazans in general to relocate to their countries.
Israel may question the timing, too. The IDF just announced that they have operational control of Khirbat Ikhza’a, just outside of Khan Younis. It’s a key strategic position, and more importantly, previously considered an escape route for Hamas leadership out of the trap in Khan Younis:

Needless to say, this offer of capitulation in exchange for safe passage out of Gaza seems highly motivated by the IDF’s gains. However, IDF control of this strategic location allows them to defend southern Israel much more effectively, a value that the war cabinet has to weigh in this calculation.
Those are just the short-term questions. Longer term, how can Qatar and other Sunni nations involved in the post-war Gaza project prevent Hamas’ return? Hamas had been incredibly popular — at least nominally — before and at the start of the war, not just in Gaza but also in the West Bank. A capitulation to Israel would likely damage their standing significantly, but Hamas’ political strength isn’t going to vanish entirely even in a retreat and defeat. It took years to de-Nazify occupied Germany, and that was after an utter demolition of the Nazis.
War-cabinet minister Benny Gantz warned earlier that a deal now would inevitably lead to another war. The IDF has control of northern Gaza, Gantz declared, but Hamas hasn’t yet been fully defeated:
Israel may question the timing, too. The IDF just announced that they have operational control of Khirbat Ikhza’a, just outside of Khan Younis. It’s a key strategic position, and more importantly, previously considered an escape route for Hamas leadership out of the trap in Khan Younis:
Any discussions of a Palestinian state are useless as long as the Palestinians refuse to accept Israel as a permanent Jewish state on present borders. The Palestinians — both in Fatah and Hamas — refuse to negotiate in good faith on that basis. The Gazans just proved on October 7 that they are far more interested in committing a genocide in Israel than in peace, and so are their terror-symp Western allies who mindlessly chant “from the river to the sea” and talk about their rapist-murderer “glorious martyrs” of the Al-Aqsa Flood.
The Jerusalem Post also reports that the hostage families had pressed hard for the war cabinet to approve this deal. With Hamas rejecting it outright — and especially in its renewed maximalist demands — Benjamin Netanyahu and Benny Gantz are essentially free to continue with their policy of utter defeat for Hamas, at least for now.

Hamas is using the Israeli hostages and especially those Americans they hold with the threat of their deaths. I would put it past these vermin to murder them.
Qatar providing another example of taqiyya. My BS detector just bent another needle.

You want Sunni nations to take control of Hamas???? This disaster is on Israel...

Israel cannot eliminate Hamas. They have been assassinating Hamas leaders for decades.

Israel claims that it has cleared north Gaza yet their troops are still being killed and their tanks blown up.

Hamas police are seen patrolling neighborhoods.

Hamas has had months to rebuild damaged tunnels.

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