Israel Opens Dam Gates to Flood Gaza?

There is no doubt in my mind Zionists have been engaged in a conscious plan to colonize Palestine (including Gaza) since long before you or I were born.
Everything has been coordinated from the area 51 through the mind-bending radar, of course.
There is no doubt in my mind Zionists have been engaged in a conscious plan to colonize Palestine (including Gaza) since long before you or I were born.
Everything has been coordinated from the area 51 through the mind-bending radar, of course.
Does radar bend iron?
From a letter by US historian Lenni Brenner to Bibi regarding mind-bending Zionism:

"I must now question you re Jabotinsky’s most important writing, his 1923 article, 'The Iron Wall (We and the Arabs),' so that Americans can at least have a clearer perspective on the Zionist aspect of the Middle East’s politics.

"As I know you are busy, I’ll wait seven days for your reply, and then circulate this note and your reply over the internet. If you don’t reply, I’ll circulate this note and an English translation of The Iron Wall.

"In either case, Americans will have a clearer historical perspective re the Likud’s politics.Jabotinsky defined Zionism as a colonizing movement.

"There are 14 usages of 'colonisation,' 'colonists,' 'the Jewish colonist,' etc., in the article.

"He insisted that 'Zionist colonisation must either stop, or else proceed regardless of the native population. Which means that it can proceed and develop only under the protection of a power that is independent of the native population –- behind an iron wall, which the native population cannot breach.

"'That is our Arab policy; not what we should be, but what it actually is, whether we admit it or not. What need, otherwise, of the Balfour Declaration? Or of the Mandate? Their value to us is that an outside Power has undertaken to create in the country such conditions of administration and security that if the native population should desire to hinder our work, they will find it impossible.'”

Historian asks Netanyahu about Zionism and colonialism | Mondoweiss
There is no doubt in my mind Zionists have been engaged in a conscious plan to colonize Palestine (including Gaza) since long before you or I were born.
Everything has been coordinated from the area 51 through the mind-bending radar, of course.
Does radar bend iron?
My faithful opposition followers do look, like, bent, of course.
From a letter by US historian Lenni Brenner ... :
Spare me those commie kooks.
Everything has been coordinated from the area 51 through the mind-bending radar, of course.
Does radar bend iron?
My faithful opposition followers do look, like, bent, of course.
From a letter by US historian Lenni Brenner ... :
Spare me those commie kooks.
"There could be a freeman with the spirit of the slave, and there could be a slave with a spirit full of freedom; whoever is faithful to his self – he is a freeman, and whoever fills his life only with what is good and beautiful in the eyes of others – he is a slave."

Abraham Isaac Kook - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Is it possible Israel enhanced the destructive impact of the recent storm ravaging the Levant by deliberately opening dam gates and thereby making a bad situation even worse for civilians under IDF occupation?

Is it possible to get an article from a real news source, and not this fucking garbage?

Israel does something, and the fake journalist chimp does not even mention what was opened, why it was opened, who opened what, where it was opened, nor does the muslim filth interview a single israeli to discuss any of these issues.

Next we'll hear from this chimp about how israel created the storm to attack the muslim filth using the weather :cuckoo:
There is no doubt in my mind Zionists have been engaged in a conscious plan to colonize Palestine (including Gaza) since long before you or I were born.

So moron, if that is their goal, and are as massively armed and powerful as you and the other anti-israel filth says they are - why did they leave gaza almost 10 years ago? Why haven't they just used their alleged massive power advantage and remove the arabs already?

Oh that's right, the facts don't back up your moronic claims, thought so... :cuckoo:

Are you mentally ill?
There's "nothing Democratic about Islam" except the free elections HAMAS won in Gaza in 2006, remember? The one where that paragon of mid-east democracy (Israel) promptly arrested 20 Hamas MPs and 8 ministers?

So they were elected, what 8 years ago? How many elections have they allowed since? Who has run for office in gaza since 2006, idiot?

Surely you recall the democratic initiative exhibited by Israel and the US when they cut funds to the PA following the election, and the Jews withheld tax revenues amounting to $50 million per month?

I see, its the "jews" now, not "israelis." This turd cannot even hide its anti-semitism any more. And I guess its ok for BDS supporters to boycott israel and with-hold their funds - but not for others. Your idiotic opinions are as unbalanced as your mental state.
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The place that they are talking about does not have flood gates.
It is a reservoir not a dam.
Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News: I found the "dam!"

False story, they got flooded by the rains.
Gaza Woes Open the Floodgates of Anti-Israel Slander (VIDEO) | Jewish & Israel News
"The Al Mezan Center for Human Rights also blames Israel for supposedly opening up a dam in order to flood poor Gazans during torrential rains last week:
"For the second time in the past ten years, at approximately 6pm on Monday 18 January 2010, Israel opened the floodgates of one of the dams in the Gaza Valley..."

Now, can you tell us how many dams Israel controls in the Gaza Valley?

Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News: I found the "dam!"
There's "nothing Democratic about Islam" except the free elections HAMAS won in Gaza in 2006, remember? The one where that paragon of mid-east democracy (Israel) promptly arrested 20 Hamas MPs and 8 ministers?

So they were elected, what 8 years ago? How many elections have they allowed since? Who has run for office in gaza since 2006, idiot?

Surely you recall the democratic initiative exhibited by Israel and the US when they cut funds to the PA following the election, and the Jews withheld tax revenues amounting to $50 million per month?

I see, its the "jews" now, not "israelis." This turd cannot even hide its anti-semitism any more. And I guess its ok for BDS supporters to boycott israel and with-hold their funds - but not for others. Your idiotic opinions are as unbalanced as your mental state.
I see.
"Jew" is anti-Semitic but "Arab" isn't, are you too stupid to realize both nations are composed of Semites?
The place that they are talking about does not have flood gates.
It is a reservoir not a dam.
Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News: I found the "dam!"

False story, they got flooded by the rains.
Gaza Woes Open the Floodgates of Anti-Israel Slander (VIDEO) | Jewish & Israel News
"The Al Mezan Center for Human Rights also blames Israel for supposedly opening up a dam in order to flood poor Gazans during torrential rains last week:
"For the second time in the past ten years, at approximately 6pm on Monday 18 January 2010, Israel opened the floodgates of one of the dams in the Gaza Valley..."

Now, can you tell us how many dams Israel controls in the Gaza Valley?

Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News: I found the "dam!"

There are four or five and all are reservoirs not dams. They don't have flood gates and none of the them are big enough to flood the cities of Gaza.

Google Map,26.784668&hnear=Israel&t=m&z=12
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There's "nothing Democratic about Islam" except the free elections HAMAS won in Gaza in 2006, remember? The one where that paragon of mid-east democracy (Israel) promptly arrested 20 Hamas MPs and 8 ministers?

So they were elected, what 8 years ago? How many elections have they allowed since? Who has run for office in gaza since 2006, idiot?

Surely you recall the democratic initiative exhibited by Israel and the US when they cut funds to the PA following the election, and the Jews withheld tax revenues amounting to $50 million per month?

I see, its the "jews" now, not "israelis." This turd cannot even hide its anti-semitism any more. And I guess its ok for BDS supporters to boycott israel and with-hold their funds - but not for others. Your idiotic opinions are as unbalanced as your mental state.
I see.
"Jew" is anti-Semitic but "Arab" isn't, are you too stupid to realize both nations are composed of Semites?

NO. Just law-abiding enough to use the primary dictionary meaning of words like all the other normal people do.
The place that they are talking about does not have flood gates.
It is a reservoir not a dam.
Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News: I found the "dam!"

False story, they got flooded by the rains.
Gaza Woes Open the Floodgates of Anti-Israel Slander (VIDEO) | Jewish & Israel News
"The Al Mezan Center for Human Rights also blames Israel for supposedly opening up a dam in order to flood poor Gazans during torrential rains last week:
"For the second time in the past ten years, at approximately 6pm on Monday 18 January 2010, Israel opened the floodgates of one of the dams in the Gaza Valley..."

Now, can you tell us how many dams Israel controls in the Gaza Valley?

Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News: I found the "dam!"

There are four or five and all are reservoirs not dams. They don't have flood gates and none of the them are big enough to flood the cities of Gaza.

Google Map,26.784668&hnear=Israel&t=m&z=12
How did you manage to distinguish the number of reservoirs from dams, count the number of floodgates, and determine they lacked sufficient volume to flood Gaza from the map you linked to?
There is no doubt in my mind Zionists have been engaged in a conscious plan to colonize Palestine (including Gaza) since long before you or I were born.

So moron, if that is their goal, and are as massively armed and powerful as you and the other anti-israel filth says they are - why did they leave gaza almost 10 years ago? Why haven't they just used their alleged massive power advantage and remove the arabs already?

Oh that's right, the facts don't back up your moronic claims, thought so... :cuckoo:

Are you mentally ill?
Anyone with a signature like yours shouldn't be questioning another's sanity. I'll keep it simple, Stupid:

"What is the Gaza Strip?

"Gaza is a small strip of land, approximately 25 miles long and six miles wide, on the Mediterranean coast of Israel. For the past 38 years, it has been controlled by Israel. It is home to more than 8,500 Jewish settlers and approximately 1.3 million Palestinians.

"Why is Israel withdrawing from Gaza?

"In announcing the 'Disengagement Plan' in December 2003, Prime Minister Ariel Sharon said the withdrawal was to increase security of residents of Israel, relieve pressure on the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) and reduce friction between Israelis and Palestinians. Hamas, the Islamic Resistance Movement, claims that the withdrawal is the result of violent Palestinian resistance to Israeli occupation..."

Jews disengaged in Gaza because it was too costly in terms of troops and unfavorable PR everywhere on the planet except the US of A.

Since Jews are still in control of Gazan airspace, coastal waters, and the majority of land borders, their occupation of Gaza continues to this day.

Psychotic Jews and their US bitches (like you) lack the guts to cleanse Gaza today as they did Palestine 65 years ago because the world is watching and Israel, as a Jewish state, would go the way of White South Africa if they tried.

"Public opinion polls show that around 60 percent of Israelis and virtually all Palestinians support the withdrawal.

"Who opposes the withdrawal?

"Israel's right-wing and religious parties are most opposed to the withdrawal.

"Finance Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, a member of Sharon's Likud Party, resigned in early August in protest, the highest ranking Israeli official to do so.

"He said that withdrawal does not require reciprocal concessions by the Palestinians. Hundreds of Israeli soldiers who object to the withdrawal have been excused from duties."

Israeli Withdrawal From Gaza Explained

'Jew get it?
Seriously, Georgie - do you imagine that calling others names is going to enhance your arguments? How does that work: is it some Marxist dialectic magic?

Your 'argument' is risible in its inaccuracy: fully 20% of Israel's *citizens* are Muslim or Christian Arabs - and they have the right to vote, to hold office in the government, all the rights of ANY citizen. (Their de facto rights are sadly subject to some prejudice - as are the rights of minorities in EVERY democracy on this planet! - but there IS recourse, and Israel IS working on it)

I try to not be overly 'literal' in my use of our English tongue, as meanings of words are only symbolic to begin with. But for you to use 'ethnic cleansing' or 'apartheid' to describe the situation of 'non-Jewish' citizens of Israel under Israeli law is simply false.

You need to ratchet back the Marxist rhetoric and the gratuitous insults - IFF, that is, you desire to engage in some actual discussion.

The continual 'tagging' of Israelis with offensive negative stereotypical memes in which you indulge yourself has detracted from your credibility to the point where it's beyond merely distracting.

We all know very well HOW you feel: that just doesn't mean a thing in discussions or debates. What you NEED to be conveying is WHY you feel - and to date, you have offered up virtually NO fact-based information.

I'd like to be able to have a discussion with other posters - but that does NOT appear to be your goal here.
Seriously, Georgie - do you imagine that calling others names is going to enhance your arguments? How does that work: is it some Marxist dialectic magic?

Your 'argument' is risible in its inaccuracy: fully 20% of Israel's *citizens* are Muslim or Christian Arabs - and they have the right to vote, to hold office in the government, all the rights of ANY citizen. (Their de facto rights are sadly subject to some prejudice - as are the rights of minorities in EVERY democracy on this planet! - but there IS recourse, and Israel IS working on it)

I try to not be overly 'literal' in my use of our English tongue, as meanings of words are only symbolic to begin with. But for you to use 'ethnic cleansing' or 'apartheid' to describe the situation of 'non-Jewish' citizens of Israel under Israeli law is simply false.

You need to ratchet back the Marxist rhetoric and the gratuitous insults - IFF, that is, you desire to engage in some actual discussion.

The continual 'tagging' of Israelis with offensive negative stereotypical memes in which you indulge yourself has detracted from your credibility to the point where it's beyond merely distracting.

We all know very well HOW you feel: that just doesn't mean a thing in discussions or debates. What you NEED to be conveying is WHY you feel - and to date, you have offered up virtually NO fact-based information.

I'd like to be able to have a discussion with other posters - but that does NOT appear to be your goal here.
Your goal here is to supply apologies for every crime the Jewish state commits.
20% of Israel's citizens lack nationality rights that Jews living anywhere on the globe possess as an accident of birth. Their children attend schools that receive a fraction of the funding Jewish schools attend. Non-Jewish families are excluded from living among Jews of equal economic standing because of their religion/ ethnicity which seems to qualify as "apartheid" anywhere except Israel, of course. BTW, Marg, when someone refers to me as "filth" and "moron" I'm going to repay the compliment in kind.
I'll keep it simple, Stupid:

The mentally ill trash again avoids the facts that destroy her claim, and she then reverts to personal insults to try and deflect from her failures.

Let's go back a step: the turd claims that Israel has a massive, all -powerful army, that is allowing it to "genocide" the arabs in the west bank and gaza.

The FACTS: In SEVENTY YEARS, the israelis have not "conquered" anything, and the arab population has not only massively increased, it enjoys the highest quality of life of any arab muslim country.

This forum really, really needs intelligent posters defending the arabs - the ones it has right now with this moron, pf tin-idiot, etc., are incapable of defending the arab side with any.

Since Jews are still in control of Gazan airspace, coastal waters, and the majority of land borders, their occupation of Gaza continues to this day.

And the fact that the so-called "democratically-elected" arab muslim regime in gaza is at war with israel has nothing to do with that, idiot?

Psychotic Jews and their US bitches (like you) lack the guts to cleanse Gaza today as they did Palestine 65 years ago because the world is watching and Israel, as a Jewish state, would go the way of White South Africa if they tried.

First off, asshole - I'm not jewish. Second, like azerbaijan israel could expel/deport EVERY single arab muslim today if it wanted, suffer a few years of economic sanctions, and then everything would revert back to normal, and not care one bit. I laugh at turds like this with their declarations: "the arab street will be AFLAME!" every time the US or Israel acts - yet it never happens. Go back to stormfront, you fucking turd.
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