Israel searches in vain for tunnel complex in Gaza Hospital.

I think cyber warfare is a greater threat to the US now than nukes

Our enemies are more dangerous than we give them credit for
The Americans would know more about that Bin Laden was on the CIA payroll for years.

^ Someone who's not an Establishment dupe, that's an extremely rare thing around here. Most of them are blissfully unaware of how a lot of these terrorist groups got started in the first place
You are right but why do people never learn? the Governments have lied about every war, a lie started the Vietnam war and they have been lying ever since, but the herd never learn, they think if anyone speaks against the Government they hate Americans which is bullshit.


A couple of nukes would end Turkey, so id say their capability is nonexistent against Israel.
Are you aware Pakistan has offered Turkey use of its nuclear arsenal if Jews are crazy enough to call on Samson?
They committed war crimes and claimed a complex tunnel system is beneath the largest hospital in Gaza; But the world have witnessed their lies live.
old cat lies----for the glory of allah and his BF---the rapist of mecca
None of this had to happen, the Israeli's agreed to the two-state solution, but thanks to Arafat, who rejected it, nothing changed.


By the end of the year, Clinton brought the two sides to the White House. At the pivotal meeting in December, he slowly read aloud the peace plan that would come to be known as the Clinton Parameters. It called for uncomfortable sacrifices from both parties but gave each side what the U.S. negotiators believed they needed.
A few days later, the Israeli cabinet voted to accept the plan. Yasir Arafat did what he generally did. He never said no, but he never said yes. The Saudi and Egyptian ambassadors in Washington strongly pressured him to agree to a deal, but perhaps feeling pressure from back home or sensing where Palestinian public opinion was or feeling that the provisions for the refugees were insufficient, Arafat dallied. Momentum was frittered away. Just before Clinton left office, he had one of his final conversations with Arafat. Arafat told him he was a great man. According to his memoir, Clinton replied: “I am not a great man. I am a failure, and you have made me one.”
Arafat’s nondecision further discredited the peace camp in Israel, suggesting that if he wouldn’t go for this, he would never go for any negotiated settlement. Sharon soared to victory in the next election. In “The Missing Peace,” Ross’s definitive 872-page history of this period, Ross concluded that Arafat never transformed himself from a guerrilla outsider to the kind of leader capable of forming and governing a nation. The Palestinians “surely were betrayed in the past, and they surely have suffered,” Ross wrote. “But they have also helped to ensure their status as victims. Never seizing opportunities when they presented themselves. Blaming others for their predicament. Declaring unmistakable defeats as victories.”

The Jews dug holes and buried themselves alive to blame it on Hamas
Lib 101
Little shovels and pails that you can buy at the coney island boardwalk stores.
I have dug many holes in the sand along the Jersey shore

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