Israel searches in vain for tunnel complex in Gaza Hospital.

You are right but why do people never learn? the Governments have lied about every war, a lie started the Vietnam war and they have been lying ever since, but the herd never learn, they think if anyone speaks against the Government they hate Americans which is bullshit.
Agreed. I don’t know why so many refuse to learn from the past.

I too supported Israel unconditionally years ago. I ignorantly consumed Fox News and Rush Limbaugh. I even voted for the mass murderer W twice. I’m ashamed I was so ignorant, but I overcame it. I fear most don’t have the ability to change their beliefs even in the face of the truth.
To what? Your nothingness?
Nothingness? i asked if bombing the area 24/7 for five weeks could have killed that Woman? you didn't answer that question, and i predict there will be a lot more dead hostages who have been blown to hell by the Israelis, do you think those Zionist head cases care about hostages? they are worth more dead than alive to those genocidal maniacs.
Nothingness? i asked if bombing the area 24/7 for five weeks could have killed that Woman? you didn't answer that question, and i predict there will be a lot more dead hostages who have been blown to hell by the Israelis, do you think those Zionist head cases care about hostages? they are worth more dead than alive to those genocidal maniacs.

Those aren’t questions. They’re incitements to hate.

It seems you have no idea what a Zionist is, you control freak ignoramus.
Agreed. I don’t know why so many refuse to learn from the past.

I too supported Israel unconditionally years ago. I ignorantly consumed Fox News and Rush Limbaugh. I even voted for the mass murderer W twice. I’m ashamed I was so ignorant, but I overcame it. I fear most don’t have the ability to change their beliefs even in the face of the truth.
Well you should be proud for looking into events and having the courage to change your mind about some things, but it's the same here in the UK, some people are just too lazy to do their own research, i had a Cousin American, he was the oldest boy of my aunt, my Mums sister who married a US airman and moved to the US in the late 1940s, he served twice with the US Marines in Vietnam, i met him a few times over the years when he visited the UK, very nice man but he was a typical example of years of brainwashing that America can do no wrong, like i said he was in Vietnam twice once when drafted at 18 then later so second time he must have been a volunteer, so probably beyond educating in that respect.
Those aren’t questions. They’re incitements to hate.

It seems you have no idea what a Zionist is, you control freak ignoramus.
I just asked a question you won't answer, and i know very well what Zionists are, that's a problem for people like you, i know what i am talking about.
Well it would go for Hamas if i had seen any horror vids, the worst i saw was them firing at some cars on the road, and i condemn that.

They are the ones who started this, and now many people they supposedly represent will pay a hefty price.
Gaza has been autonomous since 2005.
If Genocide was the goal, 2.3 million packed into a tiny strip of sand would not take long.
Provide evidence confirming Gaza's been autonomous since 2005. Jews control Gaza's land borders, coastal waters, and airspace.

Jews prevent Gazans from engaging in commerce with the outside world. Look at what happened when attempt was made in 2010 to bypass Israel's illegal blockade of Gaza:

Gaza Freedom Flotilla - Wikipedia

"The Gaza Freedom Flotilla, organized by the Free Gaza Movement and the Turkish Foundation for Human Rights and Freedoms and Humanitarian Relief (İHH), was carrying humanitarian aid and construction materials, with the intention of breaking the Israeli-Egyptian blockade of the Gaza Strip.[1][2][3]

"In normal circumstances, aid is brought to Israel to be inspected and then transferred to Gaza.[4]

"On 31 May 2010, Israeli forces boarded the ships from speedboats and helicopters. Following resistance on one of the boats, nine activists were killed by Israeli forces."

One of those nine fatalities was an American citizens in case that makes any difference to your support for the racist, apartheid state of Israel.
Indeed they have, but not all there are many good jewish people who have spoken out against the Zionist thugs, even they have been branded as antimemitic by the lunatic Zionists, i have always drawn a distinction between Judaism and Zionism, the fanatics like to conflate the two, it's a propaganda tactic.
Haha they are thugs for responding to Hamas invading their country, killing 1000 plus people, raping, looting, and kidnapping citizens

you demafasict will go to any length necessary to defend your terrorist Baby butchering pals
Well you should be proud for looking into events and having the courage to change your mind about some things, but it's the same here in the UK, some people are just too lazy to do their own research, i had a Cousin American, he was the oldest boy of my aunt, my Mums sister who married a US airman and moved to the US in the late 1940s, he served twice with the US Marines in Vietnam, i met him a few times over the years when he visited the UK, very nice man but he was a typical example of years of brainwashing that America can do no wrong, like i said he was in Vietnam twice once when drafted at 18 then later so second time he must have been a volunteer, so probably beyond educating in that respect.
This is a big problem. Many Americans believe nonsense so it’s difficult to have a debate with them.

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