Israel shows atrocities committed by Hamas on oct 7

Your problem is you are using the anti-Israel UN as a source.
The UN opposes genocide.
Why don't you?

Juan Cole: As Israel Defies UNSC Demand for Gaza Ceasefire, UN Human Rights Body Slams Ongoing “Genocide”

"The report then goes down the other criteria for genocide. 'Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group?' Check. This includes depriving them of needed medicines and inflicting psychological harm.

"Then there is 'Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part'” Check.

"Here she mentions the destruction of 77% of healthcare facilities, 68% of telcoms, almost 50% of roads, and 60% of Gaza’s 439,000 homes, all the universities, 60% of schools, etc.

"What about 'Genocidal intent'? Check."
It's getting harder and harder to find a pro-Israel source as time goes by.
That is your fervent hope but only true in the land of the uniformed and dishonest
Whatever the issues, going to bat for Hamas is Your self declaration of being a pervert.
Israel was the source of terror in the Middle East long before Hamas came into existence:

Israel and state-sponsored terrorism - Wikipedia

"The State of Israel has been accused of engaging in state-sponsored terrorism,[1] as well as committing acts of state terrorism on a daily basis in the Palestinian territories.[2]

"Countries that have condemned Israel's role as a perpetrator of state-sponsored terrorism or state terrorism include Bolivia,[3] Iran, Lebanon,[4] Saudi Arabia,[5] Syria,[6] Turkey,[7] and Yemen.[8]

"An early example of Israeli state-sponsored was the 1954 Lavon Affair, a botched bomb plot in Egypt that led to the resignation of the Israeli defense minister at the time.

"In the 1970s and 1980s, Israel was also a major supplier of arms to dictatorial regimes in South America, Sub-Saharan Africa, and Asia.

"In the 21st-century, it has been accused of sponsoring and supporting several terrorist groups as part of its proxy conflict with Iran."
But Hamas is listed as a terrorist organisation, Israel isn't.
But Hamas is listed as a terrorist organisation, Israel isn't.
Ethnic cleansing is an act of terrorism.
Israel is committing ethnic cleansing in Palestine.
Israel is engaging in terrorism.

Israel a 'terrorist state, apartheid regime', son of Israeli general says

"Emphasizing that there is no place called Palestine in the fundamental philosophy of Zionism, Peled said: 'According to Zionism, that is Israeli land, and those lands belong not to the Palestinians living there, but to all Jews in the world. If you have a supremacist ideology, that is, if you argue that one group has more rights than another, then you must use violence. You must have an apartheid regime for this racist ideology to be realized. That is the Israeli state,' he said."
Ethnic cleansing is an act of terrorism.
Israel is committing ethnic cleansing in Palestine.
Israel is engaging in terrorism.

Israel a 'terrorist state, apartheid regime', son of Israeli general says

"Emphasizing that there is no place called Palestine in the fundamental philosophy of Zionism, Peled said: 'According to Zionism, that is Israeli land, and those lands belong not to the Palestinians living there, but to all Jews in the world. If you have a supremacist ideology, that is, if you argue that one group has more rights than another, then you must use violence. You must have an apartheid regime for this racist ideology to be realized. That is the Israeli state,' he said."
It’s called responding TO terrorism
Ethnic cleansing is an act of terrorism.
Israel is committing ethnic cleansing in Palestine.
Israel is engaging in terrorism.

Israel a 'terrorist state, apartheid regime', son of Israeli general says

"Emphasizing that there is no place called Palestine in the fundamental philosophy of Zionism, Peled said: 'According to Zionism, that is Israeli land, and those lands belong not to the Palestinians living there, but to all Jews in the world. If you have a supremacist ideology, that is, if you argue that one group has more rights than another, then you must use violence. You must have an apartheid regime for this racist ideology to be realized. That is the Israeli state,' he said."
You can go on 12 billion times, Hamas is on the terrorist list, Israel isn't. So the West doesn't share your thoughts, but you're welcome to that opinion, I can only post actual facts.
It’s called responding TO terrorism
Zionism IS terrorism.

"Zionist political violence refers to acts of violence or terrorism committed by Zionists in support of establishing and maintaining a Jewish state in Palestine.

"These actions have been carried out by individuals, paramilitary groups, and the Israeli government, from the early 20th century to the present day, as part of the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian conflict."

Zionist political violence - Wikipedia
You can go on 12 billion times, Hamas is on the terrorist list, Israel isn't. So the West doesn't share your thoughts, but you're welcome to that opinion, I can only post actual facts.
Whose lists?
The US and UK are among the greatest sponsors of terrorism in all history, and Israel is among their most useful tools.

"In the pre-state period (1920s-1940s), Zionist paramilitaries like the Irgun, Lehi, Haganah and Palmach engaged in violent campaigns against British authorities, Palestinian Arabs, and internal Jewish dissenters to advance their political goals.

"Targets included security personnel, government figures, civilians, and infrastructure.

"After Israel's establishment in 1948, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) and other state security forces continued to employ violence against Palestinian and neighboring Arab populations during the 1948 war, subsequent Arab-Israeli wars, and the military occupation of the West Bank and Gaza Strip."

Zionist political violence - Wikipedia
Whose lists?
The US and UK are among the greatest sponsors of terrorism in all history, and Israel is among their most useful tools.
View attachment 954037
"In the pre-state period (1920s-1940s), Zionist paramilitaries like the Irgun, Lehi, Haganah and Palmach engaged in violent campaigns against British authorities, Palestinian Arabs, and internal Jewish dissenters to advance their political goals.

"Targets included security personnel, government figures, civilians, and infrastructure.

"After Israel's establishment in 1948, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) and other state security forces continued to employ violence against Palestinian and neighboring Arab populations during the 1948 war, subsequent Arab-Israeli wars, and the military occupation of the West Bank and Gaza Strip."

Zionist political violence - Wikipedia
Who's lists? Those where it matters.
You can go on 12 billion times, Hamas is on the terrorist list, Israel isn't. So the West doesn't share your thoughts, but you're welcome to that opinion, I can only post actual facts.
That should tell you you’ve been duped, but I suspect you won’t see it.

Facts you say? Lol. Fact is Israel has committed terrorism on a far greater level than Hamas ever could.
Support of a terrorist regime that if they could would do the exact same in the U.S., is idiocy.
Zionism IS terrorism.

"Zionist political violence refers to acts of violence or terrorism committed by Zionists in support of establishing and maintaining a Jewish state in Palestine.

"These actions have been carried out by individuals, paramilitary groups, and the Israeli government, from the early 20th century to the present day, as part of the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian conflict."

Zionist political violence - Wikipedia
You have to list how and a mere label does not do that

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