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Israel Warplanes Strike Gaza

"...Unfortunately your optimism is not buttressed by the reality of American foreign policy. AIPAC is fat too entrenched into the US Government for us to ever leave Israel to their own devices. You have loony evangelicals who can't say 'Hail Israel' without spontaneous orgasms, the majority of Americans being ignorant dupes who have been hypnotized by decades of media claims of 'Israel is our greatest ally', and then you have d--k s----g Zionist scum like F-g Roudy here in this toilet who are frothing Jewish Supremacists here to spread lies and call any free-thinking person a terrorist or Nazi. If you want to know who runs American ME foreign policy, check the member list of AIPAC, and look to Tel Aviv."
"It's all an International Jooooo-ish Kornspiracy, I tellz ya!!!"


Standard fare, from Arab Butt-Boys.
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Wow, another gif-fagtastic jerkoff, like your butt-boy FagRoudy.

Do tell, why is the US in the Middle East? Why do we pay off Egypt and Suadi Arabia to play nice with the Zionists?

Give it a shot, numbnuts.
Ahh. Several sentences that can be reduced to the Joooooos control America™ conspiracy theory.

Neocons are Jewish supremacists who have taken the US into every war since WW2. There is ZERO reason for us to be involved anywhere in the sty of Arabs and Jews.

Thanks. You've employed most every shibboleth, cliché and slogan I haven't hard in a dozen years.

Hollie----be not dismayed-----you can be treated to a REFRESHER COURSE---
There will be a meeting of the ELDERS OF ZION -----coming up---
Of course ---it is a big secret-----being one of those secret jewish things.
It will be held -----in the YANKEE STADIUM------now that the baseball season
is over and----the place holds no "goyim" Please join us-----ffth day of
CHANUKAH -------bring a candle. I will be there because I am president
of the refreshement comittee. -----bagels and lox and blood pastries for
ALL -----yummy stuff I am doing the blood collecting all month.
It is best ----that you WRITE your suggestions and discussion topics ---
and bring your notes. Don't tell anyone who is not one of US.......
Neocons are Jewish supremacists who have taken the US into every war since WW2. There is ZERO reason for us to be involved anywhere in the sty of Arabs and Jews.

Thanks. You've employed most every shibboleth, cliché and slogan I haven't hard in a dozen years.

Hollie----be not dismayed-----you can be treated to a REFRESHER COURSE---
There will be a meeting of the ELDERS OF ZION -----coming up---
Of course ---it is a big secret-----being one of those secret jewish things.
It will be held -----in the YANKEE STADIUM------now that the baseball season
is over and----the place holds no "goyim" Please join us-----ffth day of
CHANUKAH -------bring a candle. I will be there because I am president
of the refreshement comittee. -----bagels and lox and blood pastries for
ALL -----yummy stuff I am doing the blood collecting all month.
It is best ----that you WRITE your suggestions and discussion topics ---
and bring your notes. Don't tell anyone who is not one of US.......

Is fiction. Nice try, but how about taking a walk through reality if you are capable.
Thanks. You've employed most every shibboleth, cliché and slogan I haven't hard in a dozen years.

Hollie----be not dismayed-----you can be treated to a REFRESHER COURSE---
There will be a meeting of the ELDERS OF ZION -----coming up---
Of course ---it is a big secret-----being one of those secret jewish things.
It will be held -----in the YANKEE STADIUM------now that the baseball season
is over and----the place holds no "goyim" Please join us-----ffth day of
CHANUKAH -------bring a candle. I will be there because I am president
of the refreshement comittee. -----bagels and lox and blood pastries for
ALL -----yummy stuff I am doing the blood collecting all month.
It is best ----that you WRITE your suggestions and discussion topics ---
and bring your notes. Don't tell anyone who is not one of US.......

Is fiction. Nice try, but how about taking a walk through reality if you are capable.

I am very capable You should try it sometime.
I'm not the one tossing out false pretenses in order to deflect. Or silly gifs meant to try and laugh off real concerns and real issues of the US and Israeli policy and how that affects us here, and how it affects those who have been the whipping boys of Zion since 1948. It's your side, who has ZERO introspection as to Israel's part in the mess over there.

Yes, the poor little Jews, victims throughout history, just helpless victims who have done nothing by try and be good neighbors. That dog don't hunt anymore, sweetheart.
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"...Greater Israel was born dead..."
Your propaganda maps say otherwise...

Your demographics say greedy Jews in Israel will soon face a choice between theocracy or apartheid:

"According to Israel's Central Bureau of Statistics, as of May 2006, of Israel's 7 million people, 77% were Jews, 18.5% Arabs, and 4.3% 'others'..."

"According to Palestinian evaluations, The West Bank is inhabited by approximately 2.4 million Palestinians and the Gaza Strip by another 1.4 million. According to a study presented at The Sixth Herzliya Conference on The Balance of Israel's National Security[67] there are 1.4 million Palestinians in the West Bank..."

"According to these Israeli and Palestinian estimates, the population in Israel and the Palestinian Territories stands at 9.8–10.8 million..."

Demographics of Palestine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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The Arab-Muslims in Gaza need to leave.

To build new and happier and peaceful lives elsewhere.

There is no place for them in a reborn Israel, in the long run, and both the West Bank and Gaza are part of what will eventually become the final borders of Eretz Yisrael.

The Muslim-Arabs of both the West Bank and Gaza are in the way and already have been defeated repeatedly in battle.

They continue to exist at the discretion of the Israelis, who are different from those who have sworn to drive the Jews into the Mediterranean and to slaughter them.

Best, as a Muslim-Arab of those regions, to pack-up and drive-out under your own power and at your own pace, than to delude yourself until the last moment, only to be kicked out later, in a big hurry.
Greater Israel was born dead. Sooner or later Zionist greed will vanish Israel from the page of time and Palestine will become a democratic, and not Jewish, state. Unless the heroic Jew resorts to the Samson option, in which case what passes for civilization may follow the Jewish state into oblivion.

Unfortunately your optimism is not buttressed by the reality of American foreign policy. AIPAC is fat too entrenched into the US Government for us to ever leave Israel to their own devices. You have loony evangelicals who can't say "Hail Israel" without spontaneous orgasms, the majority of Americans being ignorant dupes who have been hypnotized by decades of media claims of "Israel is our greatest ally", and then you have dick sucking Zionist scum like Fag Roudy here in this toilet who are frothing Jewish Supremacists here to spread lies and call any free-thinking person a terrorist or Nazi.

If you want to know who runs American ME foreign policy, check the member list of AIPAC, and look to Tel Aviv.
I'd suggest the richest 1% of Americans control US foreign policy in much the same way every nation state has bowed to the wishes of its richest citizens for centuries.

IMHO, that can't change as long as a majority of American voters continue "choosing" between Republican OR Democrat when selecting their congressional representatives.

Every voter whose ballot contains established third party candidates could choose to FLUSH a hundred Democrats AND Republicans from DC in a single news cycle, if they decided to send the 1% a message they haven't heard in the US since Tom Paine died.
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Wow, another gif-fagtastic jerkoff, like your butt-boy FagRoudy.

Do tell, why is the US in the Middle East? Why do we pay off Egypt and Suadi Arabia to play nice with the Zionists?

Give it a shot, numbnuts.
Here we go. Dollar Dumabass is now claiming that the US pays Saudi Arabia to be nice to the Israelis.

That's the great thing about the internet. You get to laugh at lunatics and ignorant morons like Dollar Dumb when they make these idiotic claims. :clap:
I get it from those Racist Fucking Pro Palestinian Scumbags that they are :eusa_angel:
Why are you so indifferent to who instigated the violence in Gaza?

"An old man in Gaza held a placard that reads: 'You take my water, burn my olive trees, destroy my house, take my job, steal my land, imprison my father, kill my mother, bombard my country, starve us all, humiliate us all but I am to blame: I shot a rocket back.'”

What would you do in the old man's case, hug a Jew?

Palestine 2012 — Gaza and the UN resolution

Tell the old man he should have made peace, not war, with Israel in 1948.
Tell me why 650,000 Jews should have inflicted their nation by force of arms on 1.2 million Arab Palestinians in 1948?

"The crimes trace back to 1948, when hundreds of thousands of Palestinians fled in terror or were expelled to Gaza by conquering Israeli forces, who continued to truck them over the border for years after the official cease-fire."

Palestine 2012 — Gaza and the UN resolution
"...Your demographics say greedy Jews in Israel will soon face a choice between theocracy or apartheid..."
What part of...

"The Palestinians will be chased across the borders into Jordan and Lebanon long before population demographics can be brought to bear against the Israelis"

...do you not understand?
Wow, another gif-fagtastic jerkoff, like your butt-boy FagRoudy.

Do tell, why is the US in the Middle East? Why do we pay off Egypt and Suadi Arabia to play nice with the Zionists?

Give it a shot, numbnuts.
Here we go. Dollar Dumabass is now claiming that the US pays Saudi Arabia to be nice to the Israelis.

That's the great thing about the internet. You get to laugh at lunatics and ignorant morons like Dollar Dumb when they make these idiotic claims. :clap:

Oil, schmuck. My God, are you one dumb fuck.
Wow, another gif-fagtastic jerkoff, like your butt-boy FagRoudy.

Do tell, why is the US in the Middle East? Why do we pay off Egypt and Suadi Arabia to play nice with the Zionists?

Give it a shot, numbnuts.
Here we go. Dollar Dumabass is now claiming that the US pays Saudi Arabia to be nice to the Israelis.

That's the great thing about the internet. You get to laugh at lunatics and ignorant morons like Dollar Dumb when they make these idiotic claims. :clap:

Roudy-----~~~ la la la la money~~money~~~ money ---- is the theme song of
islamo nazis in the USA. I was here----when you was OVER THERE-----way
back circa 1960-----reading nazi literature that at that time ----dated as
far back as 1920 (disclaimer---I was a child----avid reader at a young age)
The actual preoccupation of USA ISLAMO NAZIS ----

BY CONTROLLING ***)))) THE MONEY (((((****
Wow, another gif-fagtastic jerkoff, like your butt-boy FagRoudy.

Do tell, why is the US in the Middle East? Why do we pay off Egypt and Suadi Arabia to play nice with the Zionists?

Give it a shot, numbnuts.
Here we go. Dollar Dumabass is now claiming that the US pays Saudi Arabia to be nice to the Israelis.

That's the great thing about the internet. You get to laugh at lunatics and ignorant morons like Dollar Dumb when they make these idiotic claims. :clap:

Oil, schmuck. My God, are you one dumb fuck.

Wait-a-minute. Didn't you deny, just a few posts ago, that our presence in the ME is about oil?
Why are you so indifferent to who instigated the violence in Gaza?

"An old man in Gaza held a placard that reads: 'You take my water, burn my olive trees, destroy my house, take my job, steal my land, imprison my father, kill my mother, bombard my country, starve us all, humiliate us all but I am to blame: I shot a rocket back.'”

What would you do in the old man's case, hug a Jew?

Palestine 2012 — Gaza and the UN resolution

Tell the old man he should have made peace, not war, with Israel in 1948.
Tell me why 650,000 Jews should have inflicted their nation by force of arms on 1.2 million Arab Palestinians in 1948?

"The crimes trace back to 1948, when hundreds of thousands of Palestinians fled in terror or were expelled to Gaza by conquering Israeli forces, who continued to truck them over the border for years after the official cease-fire."

Palestine 2012 — Gaza and the UN resolution
Tell the truth, Curious George The Islamist Monkey. In what is now Israel there were at most 300,000 Arabs, the rest of the 1.2 million (which by the way was more like 900,000 total), became Jordanians. Jordan is Arab Palestine.

"...Your demographics say greedy Jews in Israel will soon face a choice between theocracy or apartheid..."
What part of...

"The Palestinians will be chased across the borders into Jordan and Lebanon long before population demographics can be brought to bear against the Israelis"

...do you not understand?
Millions of Samidin...

"Sumud (Arabic: صمود*) meaning 'steadfastness'[1] or 'steadfast perseverance' is an ideological theme and political strategy that first emerged among the Palestinian people through the experience of the dialectic of oppression and resistance in the wake of the Six-day war.[2]

"Those who are steadfast, that is those who exhibit sumud, are referred to as samidin, the singular forms of which are samid (m.) and samida (f.)."

Perhaps you failed to grasp the lesson of 2006?
Here we go. Dollar Dumabass is now claiming that the US pays Saudi Arabia to be nice to the Israelis.

That's the great thing about the internet. You get to laugh at lunatics and ignorant morons like Dollar Dumb when they make these idiotic claims. :clap:

Oil, schmuck. My God, are you one dumb fuck.

Wait-a-minute. Didn't you deny, just a few posts ago, that our presence in the ME is about oil?
Nazi liars like Dollar Dumb have bad memories, and often jump from one idiotic conspiracy theory to another.
Wow, another gif-fagtastic jerkoff, like your butt-boy FagRoudy.

Do tell, why is the US in the Middle East? Why do we pay off Egypt and Suadi Arabia to play nice with the Zionists?

Give it a shot, numbnuts.
Here we go. Dollar Dumabass is now claiming that the US pays Saudi Arabia to be nice to the Israelis.

That's the great thing about the internet. You get to laugh at lunatics and ignorant morons like Dollar Dumb when they make these idiotic claims. :clap:

Oil, schmuck. My God, are you one dumb fuck.
Oil? You said the US paid the Saudis money to be nice to the Israelis. Sorry but half the world is buying oil from the Saudis, including many countries that are not friendly to Israel.

And how exactly are the Saudis "nice" to Israel?
I'm not the one tossing out false pretenses in order to deflect. Or silly gifs meant to try and laugh off real concerns and real issues of the US and Israeli policy and how that affects us here, and how it affects those who have been the whipping boys of Zion since 1948. It's your side, who has ZERO introspection as to Israel's part in the mess over there.

Yes, the poor little Jews, victims throughout history, just helpless victims who have done nothing by try and be good neighbors. That dog don't hunt anymore, sweetheart.
Stop masturbating and wipe that drool off your mouth. Ha ha ha.

Gawd I love this board.

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