I wonder how many rockets they can buy with the $215 million we just promised them.
Right now they're into high end condos and a red Bugatti.

Yes, unconscionable bastards. They pack dozens of Palestinian kids into structures they know are going to be blasted by the IDF, because those structures are the source point for rockets they fire into Israel. That's their propaganda for the West. "Look see how many innocent kids the Jews just murdered".

Now all the Hamas leaders will spend a few months in Monaco at the expense of the US taxpayer, recuperating from the heavy task of killing a thousand of their own children unnecessarily. No problem though, the kids are all "martyrs". That makes everything OK. Fucking savages.
You know, the thing is, you claim the Israeli government KNOWS this is their strategy. So if they are savages, I guess that makes the Israelis cold blooded calculating child killing heathens.

For clearly it is better to take an elite trained squad in there to secure the rockets than kill children. Unless of course the men and women of the IDF are nothing but chicken shitted pansies who would rather kill children than do their jobs?

Or perhaps it just isn't worth risking any Israeli lives to protect those the Palestinians consider live bait.
There you go, shear arrogance. So children's lives are worth less than Israeli lives, eh? Sounds more like bigoted scriptural talk than common human decency.

Has Israel ever TRIED to secure those rockets with out harming kids? Yeah, thought so. Because they aren't Jewish, their lives aren't worth a damn, huh? I think you called them. . . . "savages?"

If Israel wants to show that it has the moral high ground, it can't kill the children. If it kills them, it loses.

Nations that kill children are akin to child sacrificing Satan worshiping heathens. So nice Israel shows it's true colors. Monsters. Sorry, thanks for playing.
If it gave a shit about Peace, it wouldn't continue with the settlement activity. It would stop blockading ports and borders. It would offer equal rights.

If Palestinians gave a shit about peace they'd stop tossing rockets, building tunnels, and electing Hamas.

Don't act like Pali's want peace any more than Israeli's do. Neither of them care so it's a useless exercise.
Oh, no argument. Neither side wants peace. If peace came, Hamas would lose power. Likewise, if peace came, the ruling conservatives that keep having to hype a terrorist threat to stay in office, they would also lose power. They need each other and the hate they inspire to stay in power.
Israel vs. Palestine = black and white

Right? One side is evil and the other is righteous? Am I right?
You claim to be the resident genius around here. You tell us.

Neither side particularly cares about peace. Does that sound about right?
No. Israel wants peace. The other side doesn't. Elementary.
If it gave a shit about Peace, it wouldn't continue with the settlement activity. It would stop blockading ports and borders. It would offer equal rights.
Israel grants equal rights to Arabs that live peacefully in Israel. You are miserably under-informed.
And that is why the Palestinians are so happy with Israel's treatment of them. Really, all this talk of a war going on must be misinformation, they must all be living in peace and harmony since everyone has the same rights and privileges.
There you go, shear [sic] arrogance. ...

...................... :rolleyes:
At one in the morning, I'm tired, and I use the wrong homophone, and that's all you have? Nice.
Nations that kill children are akin to child sacrificing Satan worshiping heathens. So nice Israel shows it's true colors. Monsters. Sorry, thanks for playing.
Israel doesn't "kill" children so which nations do the sacrificing?
Nations that kill children are akin to child sacrificing Satan worshiping heathens. So nice Israel shows it's true colors. Monsters. Sorry, thanks for playing.
Israel doesn't "kill" children so which nations do the sacrificing?

448 children killed in Israeli attacks on Gaza, UN says
448 children killed in Israeli attacks on Gaza UN says The Electronic Intifada
The 72-hour ceasefire had barely expired when Israeli airstrikes on Gaza resumed on Friday.

As Israel claimed it is targeting “terror sites,” its first victim was a ten-year-old child in Gaza City. Ibrahim Dawawsa was killed while playing with some friends in the yard of a mosque close to his home, when a missile ended his life and injured his two young friends.

During the nearly month-long military offensive on Gaza prior to the short ceasefire, Israel killed 448 children and injured 2,502, according to United Nations estimates. As of 8 August, the death toll in Gaza had reached 1,922.

Palestinian children wounded in an Israeli air strike lay on a bed at a hospital in Khan Younis in the southern Gaza Strip, 8 August. (Abed Rahim Khatib / APA images)
The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs asserted that Israel’s targeting of nearly 1,000 civilian homes “raise serious concerns about the targeting of civilians and civilian objects and the launching of indiscriminate attacks.”

While celebrating the Eid al-Fitr holiday on 28 July, Hind Imad Qadoura, eleven, her brother Yousef, ten, and their cousin Mohammad Musa Marzouq Elwan, four, were killed when Israel shelled their home in Jabaliya.

But there is no single story that tells how Israel has killed children.

Hazem Naim Mohammed Aqel, who DCI-Palestine describes as an orphan, was killed by a drone missile on 23 July when he went with his cousin to the grocery store in the Zeitoun neighborhood of Gaza City.

On 29 July, Mohammad Abdul-Nasser Mohammad al-Ghandour, fifteen, was hit by a piece of shrapnel from an strike on agricultrual land in Beit Lahia, killing him instantly.

Ibrahim Moatasem Ibrahim Kloub, four, was playing on his balcony with his mother when a drone missile flew into his family’s home, killing him and seriously injuring his mother.

These are just a few of the hundreds of child deaths that are being carefully documented by human rights organizations.[]

Defence for Children @DCIPalestine Follow
181 children confirmed killed in #Gaza & 70 cases being investigated by @DCIPalestine as #Israeli assault continues.

9:56 AM - 2 Aug 2014

Nope, there's no doubt about it, just as the fundamentalist Muslims want to destroy Israel, the Tamudic Jews revel in the carnage of war. They think any person that isn't a Jew hasn't the same right to life, so it isn't a crime disposing of them. Hell, there's even a holiday. . . . Purim. Good time to cleanse the Earth of that filth, eh? So to say, "oh, Israel just wants peace, it's all the Arab's fault." What ever. Bull shit. The conservative Zionists believe all of Palestine is theirs by God's grace. They just need to exterminate the present occupants.


For clearly it is better to take an elite trained squad in there to secure the rockets than kill children. Unless of course the men and women of the IDF are nothing but chicken shitted pansies who would rather kill children than do their jobs?

Or perhaps it just isn't worth risking any Israeli lives to protect those the Palestinians consider live bait.

There you go, shear arrogance. So children's lives are worth less than Israeli lives, eh? Sounds more like bigoted scriptural talk than common human decency...

I'm not making a moral argument.
Israel's gov't, like Hamas, has a responsibility to protect their citizens. Hamas instead uses them to shield their munitions dumps and launching sites.
Last edited:
Nations that kill children are akin to child sacrificing Satan worshiping heathens. So nice Israel shows it's true colors. Monsters. Sorry, thanks for playing.
Israel doesn't "kill" children so which nations do the sacrificing?

448 children killed in Israeli attacks on Gaza, UN says
448 children killed in Israeli attacks on Gaza UN says The Electronic Intifada
The 72-hour ceasefire had barely expired when Israeli airstrikes on Gaza resumed on Friday.

As Israel claimed it is targeting “terror sites,” its first victim was a ten-year-old child in Gaza City. Ibrahim Dawawsa was killed while playing with some friends in the yard of a mosque close to his home, when a missile ended his life and injured his two young friends.

During the nearly month-long military offensive on Gaza prior to the short ceasefire, Israel killed 448 children and injured 2,502, according to United Nations estimates. As of 8 August, the death toll in Gaza had reached 1,922.

Palestinian children wounded in an Israeli air strike lay on a bed at a hospital in Khan Younis in the southern Gaza Strip, 8 August. (Abed Rahim Khatib / APA images)
The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs asserted that Israel’s targeting of nearly 1,000 civilian homes “raise serious concerns about the targeting of civilians and civilian objects and the launching of indiscriminate attacks.”

While celebrating the Eid al-Fitr holiday on 28 July, Hind Imad Qadoura, eleven, her brother Yousef, ten, and their cousin Mohammad Musa Marzouq Elwan, four, were killed when Israel shelled their home in Jabaliya.

But there is no single story that tells how Israel has killed children.

Hazem Naim Mohammed Aqel, who DCI-Palestine describes as an orphan, was killed by a drone missile on 23 July when he went with his cousin to the grocery store in the Zeitoun neighborhood of Gaza City.

On 29 July, Mohammad Abdul-Nasser Mohammad al-Ghandour, fifteen, was hit by a piece of shrapnel from an strike on agricultrual land in Beit Lahia, killing him instantly.

Ibrahim Moatasem Ibrahim Kloub, four, was playing on his balcony with his mother when a drone missile flew into his family’s home, killing him and seriously injuring his mother.

These are just a few of the hundreds of child deaths that are being carefully documented by human rights organizations.[]

Defence for Children @DCIPalestine Follow
181 children confirmed killed in #Gaza & 70 cases being investigated by @DCIPalestine as #Israeli assault continues.

9:56 AM - 2 Aug 2014

Nope, there's no doubt about it, just as the fundamentalist Muslims want to destroy Israel, the Tamudic Jews revel in the carnage of war. They think any person that isn't a Jew hasn't the same right to life, so it isn't a crime disposing of them. Hell, there's even a holiday. . . . Purim. Good time to cleanse the Earth of that filth, eh? So to say, "oh, Israel just wants peace, it's all the Arab's fault." What ever. Bull shit. The conservative Zionists believe all of Palestine is theirs by God's grace. They just need to exterminate the present occupants.


I recall that Israel, for days, implored non-combatants to vacate the city. Just because Hamas needed human shields and threatened to kill anyone who tried to leave is no excuse for the Palestinians. The matter is over with and finished. Next case.
Nations that kill children are akin to child sacrificing Satan worshiping heathens. So nice Israel shows it's true colors. Monsters. Sorry, thanks for playing.
Israel doesn't "kill" children so which nations do the sacrificing?

448 children killed in Israeli attacks on Gaza, UN says
448 children killed in Israeli attacks on Gaza UN says The Electronic Intifada
The 72-hour ceasefire had barely expired when Israeli airstrikes on Gaza resumed on Friday.

As Israel claimed it is targeting “terror sites,” its first victim was a ten-year-old child in Gaza City. Ibrahim Dawawsa was killed while playing with some friends in the yard of a mosque close to his home, when a missile ended his life and injured his two young friends.

During the nearly month-long military offensive on Gaza prior to the short ceasefire, Israel killed 448 children and injured 2,502, according to United Nations estimates. As of 8 August, the death toll in Gaza had reached 1,922.

Palestinian children wounded in an Israeli air strike lay on a bed at a hospital in Khan Younis in the southern Gaza Strip, 8 August. (Abed Rahim Khatib / APA images)
The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs asserted that Israel’s targeting of nearly 1,000 civilian homes “raise serious concerns about the targeting of civilians and civilian objects and the launching of indiscriminate attacks.”

While celebrating the Eid al-Fitr holiday on 28 July, Hind Imad Qadoura, eleven, her brother Yousef, ten, and their cousin Mohammad Musa Marzouq Elwan, four, were killed when Israel shelled their home in Jabaliya.

But there is no single story that tells how Israel has killed children.

Hazem Naim Mohammed Aqel, who DCI-Palestine describes as an orphan, was killed by a drone missile on 23 July when he went with his cousin to the grocery store in the Zeitoun neighborhood of Gaza City.

On 29 July, Mohammad Abdul-Nasser Mohammad al-Ghandour, fifteen, was hit by a piece of shrapnel from an strike on agricultrual land in Beit Lahia, killing him instantly.

Ibrahim Moatasem Ibrahim Kloub, four, was playing on his balcony with his mother when a drone missile flew into his family’s home, killing him and seriously injuring his mother.

These are just a few of the hundreds of child deaths that are being carefully documented by human rights organizations.[]

Defence for Children @DCIPalestine Follow
181 children confirmed killed in #Gaza & 70 cases being investigated by @DCIPalestine as #Israeli assault continues.

9:56 AM - 2 Aug 2014

Nope, there's no doubt about it, just as the fundamentalist Muslims want to destroy Israel, the Tamudic Jews revel in the carnage of war. They think any person that isn't a Jew hasn't the same right to life, so it isn't a crime disposing of them. Hell, there's even a holiday. . . . Purim. Good time to cleanse the Earth of that filth, eh? So to say, "oh, Israel just wants peace, it's all the Arab's fault." What ever. Bull shit. The conservative Zionists believe all of Palestine is theirs by God's grace. They just need to exterminate the present occupants.


I recall that Israel, for days, implored non-combatants to vacate the city. Just because Hamas needed human shields and threatened to kill anyone who tried to leave is no excuse for the Palestinians. The matter is over with and finished. Next case.
I wonder how many rockets they can buy with the $215 million we just promised them.
Right now they're into high end condos and a red Bugatti.

Yes, unconscionable bastards. They pack dozens of Palestinian kids into structures they know are going to be blasted by the IDF, because those structures are the source point for rockets they fire into Israel. That's their propaganda for the West. "Look see how many innocent kids the Jews just murdered".

Now all the Hamas leaders will spend a few months in Monaco at the expense of the US taxpayer, recuperating from the heavy task of killing a thousand of their own children unnecessarily. No problem though, the kids are all "martyrs". That makes everything OK. Fucking savages.

The innocent kids were packed into structures by the UN to protect them from the murderous child killing savage Jews. Who bombed the UN structures anyway.

NOPE they were packed into UNWRA structures that were also being used to store ammunition and rockets so the Israelis would not destroy them. Who breached the UN charter, International law, Geneva conventions and the rules of war by placing weapons, munitions and armed militia in and around the civilian areas and UNWRA structures for propaganda purposes. Then had to kill their own because the Israeli weapons could take out two men on a motorbike driving down a busy street without hurting anyone else.
Israel vs. Palestine = black and white

Right? One side is evil and the other is righteous? Am I right?

Not quite one side is very very evil and follows the teachings of its prophet who was a PSYCHOPATHIC CHILD RAPING MASS MURDERER The other is fighting for its very existence against an enemy that targets children, so they have to be just that little bit evil themselves
In what part of "no" did you interpret "Let's maintain the status quo"? Is our little imagination getting carried away?

Why waste your time typing if you're not going to say anything? :cuckoo:
You might wanna try applying that philosophy to your own drivel. However, all of you supporters of radical Islam and their goal of the destruction of whole societies are brain dead, so I don't expect any change to come.
Time for Israel to put up, shut up or Raus. You've been warned.

Hamas leader Khalil al-Haya insisted that Hamas "would not abandon its weapons" on Saturday, boasting that the group is allegedly closer to defeating "the Israeli entity and its leaders" more than ever.

"We say to those who brought the Jews [to Israel] from all over the world, we are now confident and believe more than ever in the implementation of the promise of Allah - that we will not keep you [Jews] in our country," Al-Haya threatened. "The option available to you is to leave the country for its native residents [Palestinian Arabs]."

Al-Haya added, in this context, that Hamas is "paving the way" for the success of the Palestinian "unity government," noting that Sunday's talks for international aid for Gaza in Cairo legitimizes the terror group politically and proves that war works.

Hamas Threatens Jews to Leave Israel - Or Else - Middle East - News - Arutz Sheva

Freedom fighters.

What, no?

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