Israeli Drone Strikes Target the National Defense Forces and the PFLP-GC


Nov 14, 2012
Again, Israel is directly involved in providing firepower to the Islamist terrorists of Nusra and FSA.

"On Wednesday afternoon, an unmanned aircraft belonging to the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) struck a National Defense Forces (NDF) convoy near the predominately Druze town of Hadar in the Golan Heights.

The IDF drone strike killed three members of the National Defense Forces and wounded another half dozen men, in what was described as an “attack on Hezbollah military installations”.

According to a military source in the Al-Quneitra Governorate, the IDF drone did not target any Hezbollah military installations or convoys, as the city of Hadar is filled with soldiers from Fouj Al-Joulan (Golan Regiments) and Liwaa Suqour Al-Quneitra (Al-Quneitra Hawks) – both militias are predominately Druze and members of the National Defense Forces.

Among those killed by the unlawful aggression by the IDF were Nader Jameel Al-Taweel, Al-Sheikh Wasseem ‘Aadel Badriyah, and Muhannad Sa’eed Barakat – all three men were from Hadar.

Across the border, the IDF struck again; this time, their target was the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General Command (PFLP-GC) inside the Beqa’a Governorate of eastern Lebanon.

The second IDF drone struck the PFLP-GC at the outskirts of Qusaya in the Beqa’a Valley, killing one member of the aforementioned Palestinian resistance group and wounding another three fighters."

Israeli Drone Strikes Target the National Defense Forces and the PFLP-GC

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