Israeli fighter jet crashes after being 'shot down'

Like the truth, you would know a logical argument if it slept with you.

It's a mania that Jews have "God on their side" in stealing land Palestinians lived on.
Israel was attacked by Egypt, Jordan, and Syria. They were outnumbered like you wouldn't believe. Fewer than a thousand Israelis had been killed compared to over 20,000 from the Arab forces, and the area under Israeli control tripled. So yeah. God was watching over them. And like I said earlier. Israel stole nothing. It was the spoils of war. Perfectly legitimate.

EDIT: The Israeli's are also the only people in history who have been evicted from their homeland and managed to get it back. That should tell you something.
Egypt was preparing to attack. What Israel did is what is commonly referred to as a preemptive attack. What did you expect them to do? Wait patiently for them to attack? Don't be a fool. Egypt was preparing an attack. Why else were their troops massed on the Israeli border?
The Israelis shot first,NOT PRE ANYTHING,,,,,the Israelis planned their pre-emptive moron
"Not pre anything" ...but "pre-emptive strike" :2up:

Dude how can You contradict Yourself in the same sentence?
Iranian forces and militias will leave when the terrorists are defeated. That is official. So for Netanyahu it is easy. Respect Syria and Lebanon, leave the occupied areas and dont support "rebels". A new chapter could be started.

There's so much nativity in these words it's almost cute.
Flush that Obama out Your system, we didn't buy it then we don't now.

Tell us, does that package come with an extra virgin snake oil?
You don´t try - you can´t complain.

Assad Favors Peace With Israel, But Rejects Any Closer Relations
Assad: Syria to Recognize Israel if Real Peace Offered
EUTHANASIA - "You don't try - you can't complain" that's pretty much how You sound.

Dude, if You don't understand that when your enemy states he's "not sure" he wants to see You exist in 10 year, but demands everything under threat of violence- that the meaning of his "peace offer" is merely an open invitation to rape Your daughters and wives...

Then I suggest You slap Yourself in the face... and get the furthest away from the middle east as possible. They'll eat You with no salt.

Also You should check, I hear Assad is selling a bridge:

It´s Israel that is threatening the others. They bomb cities and civilians, violate other´s airspace and bomb them. They have the longest list of UN-Resolutions. They have Jews-only roads in their fascist system. 25 % are Arabs, 25 % are below the poverty line. Their regime is behind the terrorism in Syria and Iraq. It is one of the worst regimes on earth. And all this is not criticism but

↑ Antisemitism

Boy this is You just trying to squeeze as many beat up slogans as possible.
Exactly like Assad did when he offered us to agree with the demands of some 22 Arab countries and rape our women as a reward.

Sounds like You'd sign a treaty with the 1st guy entering the room, without realizing he's been crossing his legs in front of You all the time.
Am I correct that You're not a middle easterner?

Syria´s only conditions are the Golan Heights, Syrian territory. The rest is Zionist nonsense to avoid peace.
There's so much nativity in these words it's almost cute.
Flush that Obama out Your system, we didn't buy it then we don't now.

Tell us, does that package come with an extra virgin snake oil?
You don´t try - you can´t complain.

Assad Favors Peace With Israel, But Rejects Any Closer Relations
Assad: Syria to Recognize Israel if Real Peace Offered
EUTHANASIA - "You don't try - you can't complain" that's pretty much how You sound.

Dude, if You don't understand that when your enemy states he's "not sure" he wants to see You exist in 10 year, but demands everything under threat of violence- that the meaning of his "peace offer" is merely an open invitation to rape Your daughters and wives...

Then I suggest You slap Yourself in the face... and get the furthest away from the middle east as possible. They'll eat You with no salt.

Also You should check, I hear Assad is selling a bridge:

It´s Israel that is threatening the others. They bomb cities and civilians, violate other´s airspace and bomb them. They have the longest list of UN-Resolutions. They have Jews-only roads in their fascist system. 25 % are Arabs, 25 % are below the poverty line. Their regime is behind the terrorism in Syria and Iraq. It is one of the worst regimes on earth. And all this is not criticism but

↑ Antisemitism

Boy this is You just trying to squeeze as many beat up slogans as possible.
Exactly like Assad did when he offered us to agree with the demands of some 22 Arab countries and rape our women as a reward.

Sounds like You'd sign a treaty with the 1st guy entering the room, without realizing he's been crossing his legs in front of You all the time.
Am I correct that You're not a middle easterner?

Syria´s only conditions are the Golan Heights, Syrian territory. The rest is Zionist nonsense to avoid peace.

So that they can shoot down on Israeli kibbutzim (farms) again?
Like the truth, you would know a logical argument if it slept with you.

It's a mania that Jews have "God on their side" in stealing land Palestinians lived on.
Israel was attacked by Egypt, Jordan, and Syria. They were outnumbered like you wouldn't believe. Fewer than a thousand Israelis had been killed compared to over 20,000 from the Arab forces, and the area under Israeli control tripled. So yeah. God was watching over them. And like I said earlier. Israel stole nothing. It was the spoils of war. Perfectly legitimate.

EDIT: The Israeli's are also the only people in history who have been evicted from their homeland and managed to get it back. That should tell you something.
Egypt was preparing to attack. What Israel did is what is commonly referred to as a preemptive attack. What did you expect them to do? Wait patiently for them to attack? Don't be a fool. Egypt was preparing an attack. Why else were their troops massed on the Israeli border?
The Israelis shot first,NOT PRE ANYTHING,,,,,the Israelis planned their pre-emptive moron
On troops that were massing on their border. What would you have done? Given them the initiative and let them attack first? Are you really that stupid? And Syria and Jordan attacked them also. I suppose their troops just happened to be in a position to attack them also? Anyway, none of that changes the fact that a lot of rag heads were killed with minimal casualties to the Israeli's.. That's a good thing, no matter who attacked first.
There's so much nativity in these words it's almost cute.
Flush that Obama out Your system, we didn't buy it then we don't now.

Tell us, does that package come with an extra virgin snake oil?
You don´t try - you can´t complain.

Assad Favors Peace With Israel, But Rejects Any Closer Relations
Assad: Syria to Recognize Israel if Real Peace Offered
EUTHANASIA - "You don't try - you can't complain" that's pretty much how You sound.

Dude, if You don't understand that when your enemy states he's "not sure" he wants to see You exist in 10 year, but demands everything under threat of violence- that the meaning of his "peace offer" is merely an open invitation to rape Your daughters and wives...

Then I suggest You slap Yourself in the face... and get the furthest away from the middle east as possible. They'll eat You with no salt.

Also You should check, I hear Assad is selling a bridge:

It´s Israel that is threatening the others. They bomb cities and civilians, violate other´s airspace and bomb them. They have the longest list of UN-Resolutions. They have Jews-only roads in their fascist system. 25 % are Arabs, 25 % are below the poverty line. Their regime is behind the terrorism in Syria and Iraq. It is one of the worst regimes on earth. And all this is not criticism but

↑ Antisemitism

Boy this is You just trying to squeeze as many beat up slogans as possible.
Exactly like Assad did when he offered us to agree with the demands of some 22 Arab countries and rape our women as a reward.

Sounds like You'd sign a treaty with the 1st guy entering the room, without realizing he's been crossing his legs in front of You all the time.
Am I correct that You're not a middle easterner?

Syria´s only conditions are the Golan Heights, Syrian territory. The rest is Zionist nonsense to avoid peace.

Nonsense is what You naively call "peace".
There's no reason for us to get him anywhere close to us. Surely not to let him reach the same position from which his father used to shoot our villages on a daily basis.

Then again what is this joke about an Allawite promising us peace in Syria. He's not even the owner of the house and nowhere near a position of being a Chief noble tribesman of his domain. But then again You think You know Syria...

There's an old Arabic proverb -

"You cannot give someone what You don't have".
EUTHANASIA - "You don't try - you can't complain" that's pretty much how You sound.

Dude, if You don't understand that when your enemy states he's "not sure" he wants to see You exist in 10 year, but demands everything under threat of violence- that the meaning of his "peace offer" is merely an open invitation to rape Your daughters and wives...

Then I suggest You slap Yourself in the face... and get the furthest away from the middle east as possible. They'll eat You with no salt.

Also You should check, I hear Assad is selling a bridge:

It´s Israel that is threatening the others. They bomb cities and civilians, violate other´s airspace and bomb them. They have the longest list of UN-Resolutions. They have Jews-only roads in their fascist system. 25 % are Arabs, 25 % are below the poverty line. Their regime is behind the terrorism in Syria and Iraq. It is one of the worst regimes on earth. And all this is not criticism but

↑ Antisemitism

Boy this is You just trying to squeeze as many beat up slogans as possible.
Exactly like Assad did when he offered us to agree with the demands of some 22 Arab countries and rape our women as a reward.

Sounds like You'd sign a treaty with the 1st guy entering the room, without realizing he's been crossing his legs in front of You all the time.
Am I correct that You're not a middle easterner?

Syria´s only conditions are the Golan Heights, Syrian territory. The rest is Zionist nonsense to avoid peace.

So that they can shoot down on Israeli kibbutzim (farms) again?

From day one, the surrounding Arab countries have wanted to destroy Israel. They have hated the Jews for thousands of years. Can you really blame Israel for shooting at massed troops, on their borders... enemies who have sworn to drive them into the sea? But Liberal scum bag assholes always defend the bad guys.
EUTHANASIA - "You don't try - you can't complain" that's pretty much how You sound.

Dude, if You don't understand that when your enemy states he's "not sure" he wants to see You exist in 10 year, but demands everything under threat of violence- that the meaning of his "peace offer" is merely an open invitation to rape Your daughters and wives...

Then I suggest You slap Yourself in the face... and get the furthest away from the middle east as possible. They'll eat You with no salt.

Also You should check, I hear Assad is selling a bridge:

It´s Israel that is threatening the others. They bomb cities and civilians, violate other´s airspace and bomb them. They have the longest list of UN-Resolutions. They have Jews-only roads in their fascist system. 25 % are Arabs, 25 % are below the poverty line. Their regime is behind the terrorism in Syria and Iraq. It is one of the worst regimes on earth. And all this is not criticism but

↑ Antisemitism

Boy this is You just trying to squeeze as many beat up slogans as possible.
Exactly like Assad did when he offered us to agree with the demands of some 22 Arab countries and rape our women as a reward.

Sounds like You'd sign a treaty with the 1st guy entering the room, without realizing he's been crossing his legs in front of You all the time.
Am I correct that You're not a middle easterner?

Syria´s only conditions are the Golan Heights, Syrian territory. The rest is Zionist nonsense to avoid peace.

So that they can shoot down on Israeli kibbutzim (farms) again?

From day one, the surrounding Arab countries have wanted to destroy Israel. They have hated the Jews for thousands of years. Can you really blame Israel for shooting at massed troops, on their borders... enemies who have sworn to drive them into the sea? But Liberal scum bag assholes always defend the bad guys.

Israel only pre-empted Egypt in the 1967 War. Syria and Jordan, however, attacked Israel FIRST. So if the Syrians lost the Golan Heights, then they have only themselves to blame.
EUTHANASIA - "You don't try - you can't complain" that's pretty much how You sound.

Dude, if You don't understand that when your enemy states he's "not sure" he wants to see You exist in 10 year, but demands everything under threat of violence- that the meaning of his "peace offer" is merely an open invitation to rape Your daughters and wives...

Then I suggest You slap Yourself in the face... and get the furthest away from the middle east as possible. They'll eat You with no salt.

Also You should check, I hear Assad is selling a bridge:

It´s Israel that is threatening the others. They bomb cities and civilians, violate other´s airspace and bomb them. They have the longest list of UN-Resolutions. They have Jews-only roads in their fascist system. 25 % are Arabs, 25 % are below the poverty line. Their regime is behind the terrorism in Syria and Iraq. It is one of the worst regimes on earth. And all this is not criticism but

↑ Antisemitism

Boy this is You just trying to squeeze as many beat up slogans as possible.
Exactly like Assad did when he offered us to agree with the demands of some 22 Arab countries and rape our women as a reward.

Sounds like You'd sign a treaty with the 1st guy entering the room, without realizing he's been crossing his legs in front of You all the time.
Am I correct that You're not a middle easterner?

Syria´s only conditions are the Golan Heights, Syrian territory. The rest is Zionist nonsense to avoid peace.

Nonsense is what You naively call "peace".
There's no reason for us to get him anywhere close to us. Surely not to let him reach the same position from which his father used to shoot our villages on a daily basis.

Then again what is this joke about an Allawite promising us peace in Syria. He's not even the owner of the house and nowhere near a position of being a Chief noble tribesman of his domain. But then again You think You know Syria...

There's an old Arabic proverb -

"You cannot give someone what You don't have".

Israel occupies the Syrian Golan Heights, even the US says its Syrian.
Furthermore, election results show that the vast majority of the Syrians supports Assad while only a fraction of the Israelis supports Netanyahu.
EUTHANASIA - "You don't try - you can't complain" that's pretty much how You sound.

Dude, if You don't understand that when your enemy states he's "not sure" he wants to see You exist in 10 year, but demands everything under threat of violence- that the meaning of his "peace offer" is merely an open invitation to rape Your daughters and wives...

Then I suggest You slap Yourself in the face... and get the furthest away from the middle east as possible. They'll eat You with no salt.

Also You should check, I hear Assad is selling a bridge:

It´s Israel that is threatening the others. They bomb cities and civilians, violate other´s airspace and bomb them. They have the longest list of UN-Resolutions. They have Jews-only roads in their fascist system. 25 % are Arabs, 25 % are below the poverty line. Their regime is behind the terrorism in Syria and Iraq. It is one of the worst regimes on earth. And all this is not criticism but

↑ Antisemitism

Boy this is You just trying to squeeze as many beat up slogans as possible.
Exactly like Assad did when he offered us to agree with the demands of some 22 Arab countries and rape our women as a reward.

Sounds like You'd sign a treaty with the 1st guy entering the room, without realizing he's been crossing his legs in front of You all the time.
Am I correct that You're not a middle easterner?

Syria´s only conditions are the Golan Heights, Syrian territory. The rest is Zionist nonsense to avoid peace.

Nonsense is what You naively call "peace".
There's no reason for us to get him anywhere close to us. Surely not to let him reach the same position from which his father used to shoot our villages on a daily basis.

Then again what is this joke about an Allawite promising us peace in Syria. He's not even the owner of the house and nowhere near a position of being a Chief noble tribesman of his domain. But then again You think You know Syria...

There's an old Arabic proverb -

"You cannot give someone what You don't have".

Israel occupies the Syrian Golan Heights, even the US says its Syrian.
Furthermore, election results show that the vast majority of the Syrians supports Assad while only a fraction of the Israelis supports Netanyahu.

Haha, election results in Syria? What a joke! The voting booths there have only one lever in them, and Assad's name is on it.
It´s Israel that is threatening the others. They bomb cities and civilians, violate other´s airspace and bomb them. They have the longest list of UN-Resolutions. They have Jews-only roads in their fascist system. 25 % are Arabs, 25 % are below the poverty line. Their regime is behind the terrorism in Syria and Iraq. It is one of the worst regimes on earth. And all this is not criticism but

↑ Antisemitism

Boy this is You just trying to squeeze as many beat up slogans as possible.
Exactly like Assad did when he offered us to agree with the demands of some 22 Arab countries and rape our women as a reward.

Sounds like You'd sign a treaty with the 1st guy entering the room, without realizing he's been crossing his legs in front of You all the time.
Am I correct that You're not a middle easterner?
Syria´s only conditions are the Golan Heights, Syrian territory. The rest is Zionist nonsense to avoid peace.
Nonsense is what You naively call "peace".
There's no reason for us to get him anywhere close to us. Surely not to let him reach the same position from which his father used to shoot our villages on a daily basis.

Then again what is this joke about an Allawite promising us peace in Syria. He's not even the owner of the house and nowhere near a position of being a Chief noble tribesman of his domain. But then again You think You know Syria...

There's an old Arabic proverb -

"You cannot give someone what You don't have".
Israel occupies the Syrian Golan Heights, even the US says its Syrian.
Furthermore, election results show that the vast majority of the Syrians supports Assad while only a fraction of the Israelis supports Netanyahu.

Haha, election results in Syria? What a joke! The voting booths there have only one lever in them, and Assad's name is on it.
Syria´s elections are observed by monitors from dozens of countries. There are no levers or names. There are cards with the pictures and names of the candidates and voters put their thumb print under the picture of the candidate of their choice and put the card into the ballot box.
In parliamentary elections, anyone can run and they are directly elected.
Boy this is You just trying to squeeze as many beat up slogans as possible.
Exactly like Assad did when he offered us to agree with the demands of some 22 Arab countries and rape our women as a reward.

Sounds like You'd sign a treaty with the 1st guy entering the room, without realizing he's been crossing his legs in front of You all the time.
Am I correct that You're not a middle easterner?
Syria´s only conditions are the Golan Heights, Syrian territory. The rest is Zionist nonsense to avoid peace.
Nonsense is what You naively call "peace".
There's no reason for us to get him anywhere close to us. Surely not to let him reach the same position from which his father used to shoot our villages on a daily basis.

Then again what is this joke about an Allawite promising us peace in Syria. He's not even the owner of the house and nowhere near a position of being a Chief noble tribesman of his domain. But then again You think You know Syria...

There's an old Arabic proverb -

"You cannot give someone what You don't have".
Israel occupies the Syrian Golan Heights, even the US says its Syrian.
Furthermore, election results show that the vast majority of the Syrians supports Assad while only a fraction of the Israelis supports Netanyahu.

Haha, election results in Syria? What a joke! The voting booths there have only one lever in them, and Assad's name is on it.
Syria´s elections are observed by monitors from dozens of countries. There are no levers or names. There are cards with the pictures and names of the candidates and voters put their thumb print under the picture of the candidate of their choice and put the card into the ballot box.
In parliamentary elections, anyone can run and they are directly elected.

Dude, I just can't decide weather You're really joking or saying this with a straight face...

First they wanted to put a picture of Putin, but he was shy.
You see..with STRAIGHT FACE agha

It's a mania that Jews have "God on their side" in stealing land Palestinians lived on.
Israel was attacked by Egypt, Jordan, and Syria. They were outnumbered like you wouldn't believe. Fewer than a thousand Israelis had been killed compared to over 20,000 from the Arab forces, and the area under Israeli control tripled. So yeah. God was watching over them. And like I said earlier. Israel stole nothing. It was the spoils of war. Perfectly legitimate.

EDIT: The Israeli's are also the only people in history who have been evicted from their homeland and managed to get it back. That should tell you something.
Egypt was preparing to attack. What Israel did is what is commonly referred to as a preemptive attack. What did you expect them to do? Wait patiently for them to attack? Don't be a fool. Egypt was preparing an attack. Why else were their troops massed on the Israeli border?
The Israelis shot first,NOT PRE ANYTHING,,,,,the Israelis planned their pre-emptive moron
On troops that were massing on their border. What would you have done? Given them the initiative and let them attack first? Are you really that stupid? And Syria and Jordan attacked them also. I suppose their troops just happened to be in a position to attack them also? Anyway, none of that changes the fact that a lot of rag heads were killed with minimal casualties to the Israeli's.. That's a good thing, no matter who attacked first.
You should have said that in the first place RW,then I would not have had to correct you,and insult you...just keep to the factual script and we'll have No Problems...have a Good Day..steven
It´s Israel that is threatening the others. They bomb cities and civilians, violate other´s airspace and bomb them. They have the longest list of UN-Resolutions. They have Jews-only roads in their fascist system. 25 % are Arabs, 25 % are below the poverty line. Their regime is behind the terrorism in Syria and Iraq. It is one of the worst regimes on earth. And all this is not criticism but

↑ Antisemitism

Boy this is You just trying to squeeze as many beat up slogans as possible.
Exactly like Assad did when he offered us to agree with the demands of some 22 Arab countries and rape our women as a reward.

Sounds like You'd sign a treaty with the 1st guy entering the room, without realizing he's been crossing his legs in front of You all the time.
Am I correct that You're not a middle easterner?
Syria´s only conditions are the Golan Heights, Syrian territory. The rest is Zionist nonsense to avoid peace.
Nonsense is what You naively call "peace".
There's no reason for us to get him anywhere close to us. Surely not to let him reach the same position from which his father used to shoot our villages on a daily basis.

Then again what is this joke about an Allawite promising us peace in Syria. He's not even the owner of the house and nowhere near a position of being a Chief noble tribesman of his domain. But then again You think You know Syria...

There's an old Arabic proverb -

"You cannot give someone what You don't have".
Israel occupies the Syrian Golan Heights, even the US says its Syrian.
Furthermore, election results show that the vast majority of the Syrians supports Assad while only a fraction of the Israelis supports Netanyahu.

Haha, election results in Syria? What a joke! The voting booths there have only one lever in them, and Assad's name is on it.
Thank You Forever...steven
It's a mania that Jews have "God on their side" in stealing land Palestinians lived on.
Israel was attacked by Egypt, Jordan, and Syria. They were outnumbered like you wouldn't believe. Fewer than a thousand Israelis had been killed compared to over 20,000 from the Arab forces, and the area under Israeli control tripled. So yeah. God was watching over them. And like I said earlier. Israel stole nothing. It was the spoils of war. Perfectly legitimate.

EDIT: The Israeli's are also the only people in history who have been evicted from their homeland and managed to get it back. That should tell you something.
Egypt was preparing to attack. What Israel did is what is commonly referred to as a preemptive attack. What did you expect them to do? Wait patiently for them to attack? Don't be a fool. Egypt was preparing an attack. Why else were their troops massed on the Israeli border?
The Israelis shot first,NOT PRE ANYTHING,,,,,the Israelis planned their pre-emptive moron
"Not pre anything" ...but "pre-emptive strike" :2up:

Dude how can You contradict Yourself in the same sentence?
Easy....It's called Passion....anyhow you can talk...steve
Israel was attacked by Egypt, Jordan, and Syria. They were outnumbered like you wouldn't believe. Fewer than a thousand Israelis had been killed compared to over 20,000 from the Arab forces, and the area under Israeli control tripled. So yeah. God was watching over them. And like I said earlier. Israel stole nothing. It was the spoils of war. Perfectly legitimate.

EDIT: The Israeli's are also the only people in history who have been evicted from their homeland and managed to get it back. That should tell you something.
Egypt was preparing to attack. What Israel did is what is commonly referred to as a preemptive attack. What did you expect them to do? Wait patiently for them to attack? Don't be a fool. Egypt was preparing an attack. Why else were their troops massed on the Israeli border?
The Israelis shot first,NOT PRE ANYTHING,,,,,the Israelis planned their pre-emptive moron
"Not pre anything" ...but "pre-emptive strike" :2up:

Dude how can You contradict Yourself in the same sentence?
Easy....It's called Passion....anyhow you can talk...steve

Yeah let's call it...passion. We agree. You good?
Are those prices inflation-adjusted and are those circles the prices of 92 and 95 for comparison?

Of course, the growth of each "gasoline tax" is explained by the forced measure due to the growth of inflation, but the growth of inflation is an indicator of the state of the economy

and are those circles the prices of 92 and 95 for comparison?

Not only for information, because 92 and 95 are the most popular brands of gasoline in Russia
Syria´s only conditions are the Golan Heights, Syrian territory. The rest is Zionist nonsense to avoid peace.
Nonsense is what You naively call "peace".
There's no reason for us to get him anywhere close to us. Surely not to let him reach the same position from which his father used to shoot our villages on a daily basis.

Then again what is this joke about an Allawite promising us peace in Syria. He's not even the owner of the house and nowhere near a position of being a Chief noble tribesman of his domain. But then again You think You know Syria...

There's an old Arabic proverb -

"You cannot give someone what You don't have".
Israel occupies the Syrian Golan Heights, even the US says its Syrian.
Furthermore, election results show that the vast majority of the Syrians supports Assad while only a fraction of the Israelis supports Netanyahu.

Haha, election results in Syria? What a joke! The voting booths there have only one lever in them, and Assad's name is on it.
Syria´s elections are observed by monitors from dozens of countries. There are no levers or names. There are cards with the pictures and names of the candidates and voters put their thumb print under the picture of the candidate of their choice and put the card into the ballot box.
In parliamentary elections, anyone can run and they are directly elected.

Dude, I just can't decide weather You're really joking or saying this with a straight face...

First they wanted to put a picture of Putin, but he was shy.
You see..with STRAIGHT FACE agha

Assad is a respected hero of humanity while Netanyahu faces corruption charges. What about Putin?
Of course, the growth of each "gasoline tax" is explained by the forced measure due to the growth of inflation, but the growth of inflation is an indicator of the state of the economy
Who is to blame? For Moscow it is sovereignty or humiliation. But sanctions don´t work always:
German-Russian trade growth is 40 % since begin of the year.

Not only for information, because 92 and 95 are the most popular brands of gasoline in Russia
So it´s the octane number?
It´s Israel that is threatening the others. They bomb cities and civilians, violate other´s airspace and bomb them. They have the longest list of UN-Resolutions. They have Jews-only roads in their fascist system. 25 % are Arabs, 25 % are below the poverty line. Their regime is behind the terrorism in Syria and Iraq. It is one of the worst regimes on earth. And all this is not criticism but

↑ Antisemitism

Boy this is You just trying to squeeze as many beat up slogans as possible.
Exactly like Assad did when he offered us to agree with the demands of some 22 Arab countries and rape our women as a reward.

Sounds like You'd sign a treaty with the 1st guy entering the room, without realizing he's been crossing his legs in front of You all the time.
Am I correct that You're not a middle easterner?
Syria´s only conditions are the Golan Heights, Syrian territory. The rest is Zionist nonsense to avoid peace.

So that they can shoot down on Israeli kibbutzim (farms) again?
From day one, the surrounding Arab countries have wanted to destroy Israel. They have hated the Jews for thousands of years. Can you really blame Israel for shooting at massed troops, on their borders... enemies who have sworn to drive them into the sea? But Liberal scum bag assholes always defend the bad guys.

Israel only pre-empted Egypt in the 1967 War. Syria and Jordan, however, attacked Israel FIRST. So if the Syrians lost the Golan Heights, then they have only themselves to blame.
Israel attacked Syria´s ally Egypt over the closure of the Straits of Tiran. Egypt just reinforced and secured the closure.

"In Egypt, according to Heikal, Nasser had admitted his responsibility for the military defeat in June 1967.[118] According to historian Abd al-Azim Ramadan, Nasser's mistaken decisions to expel the international peacekeeping force from the Sinai Peninsula and close the Straits of Tiran in 1967 led to a state of war with Israel, despite Egypt's lack of military preparedness.[119]"

Six-Day War - Wikipedia

As for elections, almost all parties are Zionist in Israel. Even the left that stands for "Labor Zionism". For example it is as if all German parties were National Socialist.
Egypt was preparing to attack. What Israel did is what is commonly referred to as a preemptive attack. What did you expect them to do? Wait patiently for them to attack? Don't be a fool. Egypt was preparing an attack. Why else were their troops massed on the Israeli border?
The Six Day War was not pre-emptive for Israel
“In June 1967, we again had a choice,” said Menachem Begin, Israeli prime minister from 1977 t0 1983. “We must be honest to ourselves. We decided to attack.”
No, Israel Wasn’t Fighting for Its Existence in 1967
Considering Begin was Head of the worst Zionist Terrorist Group who slaughtered Innocent Palestinians...His comment is true and consistant....O how the Zionist Rabble on here try to DENY THEIR FILTHY LEADERS me a Zionist and I'll show you a COMPULSIVE LIAR

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