Israeli fighter jet crashes after being 'shot down'


a retaliatory strike against a retaliatory strike?
Muslims are the aggressors here. Or did you not hear about the almost daily rocket attacks on Israel. Syria was also part of the coalition involved in the Six Day War, if I'm not mistaken. Every act of aggression is from those filthy camel-f*cking ragheads. Israel even agreed to give the Palestinians everything they asked for if they would simply renounce violence and recognize Israels right to exist. They refused. Their hatred would not allow then to even contemplate a nations right to exist. These are the kind of savages Israel is dealing with. Of course, you are one of those filthy camel-f*cking rag heads too. Aren't you? A Jew-hating rag head. When are you gonna join ISIS and get your ass blown away by the IDF? Huh? Send us a postcard when you get over there.

Who wouldn't be angry if a bunch Jewish immigrants stole their land, and nation?

Nonsense, the Judaic tribes are the native people of that area and as such have every right to both be there and to establish independence

Jews overwhelmingly left the region for 100's, and 100's, and 100's of years.

The Jews who left for Europe near 2,000 years ago, and whom dominate Israel, clearly stole the land from the Palestinians.

There's no right to displace people off the land they've lived on for 100's of years.

Zionists are disgusting, plain, and simple.

LOL nonsense

The Judaic people always maintained a presence in the area regardless of the pogroms against them which sought to FORCE them out. If any left, they didn't do it of their own free will

Jew hater

Boston relocate to Paradise and get a proper Education......America has failed you
So, it's okay to steal ones land if they contribute less?
They didn't steal anything. They simply returned to their ancestral home. And it happened in a single day. Just like the Bible said it would. One day there was no Israel. The next day there was. Shortly after that event, the rag heads tried to get rid of them, and had their collective asses handed to them. Because God was watching over them. The 6 day war was the most brilliantly fought battle in history. When you look at the numbers and the hardware arrayed against Israel, they should have been annihilated. What happened? The rag heads were sent packing, with their tails between their legs. I've done some research on Israeli hardware. They have a way to easily defeat any number of tanks that are sent against them. They have automated anti-tank platforms that can be dropped from the air. They are compact, and there are lots of them. No tank would stand a chance. They also have an advanced combat rifle that is light years ahead of anything the rag heads have. If I were President of the U.S. there is no way I would even dream of launching a military campaign against what Israel has militarily. We could probably beat them, but the cost would be one only a madman would contemplate.

Very screwy logic at best.
Like the truth, you would know a logical argument if it slept with you.

It's a mania that Jews have "God on their side" in stealing land Palestinians lived on.
Israel was attacked by Egypt, Jordan, and Syria. They were outnumbered like you wouldn't believe. Fewer than a thousand Israelis had been killed compared to over 20,000 from the Arab forces, and the area under Israeli control tripled. So yeah. God was watching over them. And like I said earlier. Israel stole nothing. It was the spoils of war. Perfectly legitimate.

EDIT: The Israeli's are also the only people in history who have been evicted from their homeland and managed to get it back. That should tell you something.

a retaliatory strike against a retaliatory strike?
Muslims are the aggressors here. Or did you not hear about the almost daily rocket attacks on Israel. Syria was also part of the coalition involved in the Six Day War, if I'm not mistaken. Every act of aggression is from those filthy camel-f*cking ragheads. Israel even agreed to give the Palestinians everything they asked for if they would simply renounce violence and recognize Israels right to exist. They refused. Their hatred would not allow then to even contemplate a nations right to exist. These are the kind of savages Israel is dealing with. Of course, you are one of those filthy camel-f*cking rag heads too. Aren't you? A Jew-hating rag head. When are you gonna join ISIS and get your ass blown away by the IDF? Huh? Send us a postcard when you get over there.

Who wouldn't be angry if a bunch Jewish immigrants stole their land, and nation?
Israel did not steal anything. The land was theirs. The Palestinian squatters had no right to it.

Haha, good joke, Palestinians were a massive majority of the land of Israel / Palestine in the turn of the century.
There weren't any Palestinian Arabs at the turn of the 20th century.
Teddy my friend you know better than that.....steve
Israel did not steal anything. The land was theirs. The Palestinian squatters had no right to it.

Haha, good joke, Palestinians were a massive majority of the land of Israel / Palestine in the turn of the century.
There weren't any Palestinian Arabs at the turn of the 20th century.

It was the Mutasarrifate of Jerusalem, and it was an Arab state with autonomy within the Muslim Ottoman Empire leading up to the Palestine Mandate.

The Jews clearly cleared off Palestinians off of the land they were living on, and yet there you go lying, it shows what despicable cretins Zionists are.

Pure horse pucky

It was never an Arab state LOL it was a province of Southern Syria. And the Judaic people invited the Arabs of Judea to stay, it was the Arab coalition that urged them to leave in preparation of an upcoming Arab attack
How strange you are because if you knew anything about the Original Israelites you would know that they were part Arab and other peoples...Hey Ho<You Should Know......

LOL you are completely daft. The Arab invasion didn't occur until about 650 VE, the tribes of Israel date back to, and inhabited the area of ancient Judea since the early to mid bronze age.

At least try and maintain a grip on reality if you would please, otherwise you confuse the readers.
Haha, good joke, Palestinians were a massive majority of the land of Israel / Palestine in the turn of the century.
There weren't any Palestinian Arabs at the turn of the 20th century.

It was the Mutasarrifate of Jerusalem, and it was an Arab state with autonomy within the Muslim Ottoman Empire leading up to the Palestine Mandate.

The Jews clearly cleared off Palestinians off of the land they were living on, and yet there you go lying, it shows what despicable cretins Zionists are.

Pure horse pucky

It was never an Arab state LOL it was a province of Southern Syria. And the Judaic people invited the Arabs of Judea to stay, it was the Arab coalition that urged them to leave in preparation of an upcoming Arab attack
How strange you are because if you knew anything about the Original Israelites you would know that they were part Arab and other peoples...Hey Ho<You Should Know......

LOL you are completely daft. The Arab invasion didn't occur until about 650 VE, the tribes of Israel date back to, and inhabited the area of ancient Judea since the early to mid bronze age.

At least try and maintain a grip on reality if you would please, otherwise you confuse the readers.
WHAT!!!!!!!!the Original Israelites were in their seminal state in Babylon....and were part Arab etc,obviously you were Shit at Maths at School and haven't improved since...your timeline is way,way out Boston...time to board the plane to Paradise...your ticket is waiting at the QANTAS* counter and we look forward to seeing you...steve

QANTAS*...(Queensland and Northern Territory Air Service),started in the outback as a tiny postal delivery service....Now the National Carrier with the Worlds Best Safety Record.....Viva Australia AKA Paradise.....Boston,bring your Bathers and Sunnies,you'll need them.

a retaliatory strike against a retaliatory strike?
Muslims are the aggressors here. Or did you not hear about the almost daily rocket attacks on Israel. Syria was also part of the coalition involved in the Six Day War, if I'm not mistaken. Every act of aggression is from those filthy camel-f*cking ragheads. Israel even agreed to give the Palestinians everything they asked for if they would simply renounce violence and recognize Israels right to exist. They refused. Their hatred would not allow then to even contemplate a nations right to exist. These are the kind of savages Israel is dealing with. Of course, you are one of those filthy camel-f*cking rag heads too. Aren't you? A Jew-hating rag head. When are you gonna join ISIS and get your ass blown away by the IDF? Huh? Send us a postcard when you get over there.

Who wouldn't be angry if a bunch Jewish immigrants stole their land, and nation?

Nonsense, the Judaic tribes are the native people of that area and as such have every right to both be there and to establish independence

Jews overwhelmingly left the region for 100's, and 100's, and 100's of years.

The Jews who left for Europe near 2,000 years ago, and whom dominate Israel, clearly stole the land from the Palestinians.

There's no right to displace people off the land they've lived on for 100's of years.

Zionists are disgusting, plain, and simple.

LOL nonsense

The Judaic people always maintained a presence in the area regardless of the pogroms against them which sought to FORCE them out. If any left, they didn't do it of their own free will

Jew hater

LOL, according to the 1878 census only 3% of Israel was even Jewish born to the region, and another 1 - 2% were Jewish immigrants.
In addition to GDP, there are many more parameters for assessing the state of the economy. GDP grows constantly after rising oil prices, but our inner parameters like inflation, average wages, rising incomes of the population, food prices, gasoline do not show the same positive dynamics. For example, here the graph of the increase in the price (in rubles) of gasoline by year:


as you can see, the price has always been growing, despite the fact that the price of oil both grew and fell, the price of gasoline in Russia grew. And the key is simple, the price of gasoline in Russia includes about 60-80% of taxes, and to fill the budget, these taxes also increase each year.
In addition to GDP, there are many more parameters for assessing the state of the economy. GDP grows constantly after rising oil prices, but our inner parameters like inflation, average wages, rising incomes of the population, food prices, gasoline do not show the same positive dynamics. For example, here the graph of the increase in the price (in rubles) of gasoline by year:


as you can see, the price has always been growing, despite the fact that the price of oil both grew and fell, the price of gasoline in Russia grew. And the key is simple, the price of gasoline in Russia includes about 60-80% of taxes, and to fill the budget, these taxes also increase each year.
Are those prices inflation-adjusted and are those circles the prices of 92 and 95 for comparison?
They didn't steal anything. They simply returned to their ancestral home. And it happened in a single day. Just like the Bible said it would. One day there was no Israel. The next day there was. Shortly after that event, the rag heads tried to get rid of them, and had their collective asses handed to them. Because God was watching over them. The 6 day war was the most brilliantly fought battle in history. When you look at the numbers and the hardware arrayed against Israel, they should have been annihilated. What happened? The rag heads were sent packing, with their tails between their legs. I've done some research on Israeli hardware. They have a way to easily defeat any number of tanks that are sent against them. They have automated anti-tank platforms that can be dropped from the air. They are compact, and there are lots of them. No tank would stand a chance. They also have an advanced combat rifle that is light years ahead of anything the rag heads have. If I were President of the U.S. there is no way I would even dream of launching a military campaign against what Israel has militarily. We could probably beat them, but the cost would be one only a madman would contemplate.

Very screwy logic at best.
Like the truth, you would know a logical argument if it slept with you.

It's a mania that Jews have "God on their side" in stealing land Palestinians lived on.
Israel was attacked by Egypt, Jordan, and Syria. They were outnumbered like you wouldn't believe. Fewer than a thousand Israelis had been killed compared to over 20,000 from the Arab forces, and the area under Israeli control tripled. So yeah. God was watching over them. And like I said earlier. Israel stole nothing. It was the spoils of war. Perfectly legitimate.

EDIT: The Israeli's are also the only people in history who have been evicted from their homeland and managed to get it back. That should tell you something.
Egypt was preparing to attack. What Israel did is what is commonly referred to as a preemptive attack. What did you expect them to do? Wait patiently for them to attack? Don't be a fool. Egypt was preparing an attack. Why else were their troops massed on the Israeli border?
Very screwy logic at best.
Like the truth, you would know a logical argument if it slept with you.

It's a mania that Jews have "God on their side" in stealing land Palestinians lived on.
Israel was attacked by Egypt, Jordan, and Syria. They were outnumbered like you wouldn't believe. Fewer than a thousand Israelis had been killed compared to over 20,000 from the Arab forces, and the area under Israeli control tripled. So yeah. God was watching over them. And like I said earlier. Israel stole nothing. It was the spoils of war. Perfectly legitimate.

EDIT: The Israeli's are also the only people in history who have been evicted from their homeland and managed to get it back. That should tell you something.
Egypt was preparing to attack. What Israel did is what is commonly referred to as a preemptive attack. What did you expect them to do? Wait patiently for them to attack? Don't be a fool. Egypt was preparing an attack. Why else were their troops massed on the Israeli border?
Why are israeli troops massed on the Syrian and Lebanese borders now?
Egypt was preparing to attack. What Israel did is what is commonly referred to as a preemptive attack. What did you expect them to do? Wait patiently for them to attack? Don't be a fool. Egypt was preparing an attack. Why else were their troops massed on the Israeli border?
The Six Day War was not pre-emptive for Israel
“In June 1967, we again had a choice,” said Menachem Begin, Israeli prime minister from 1977 t0 1983. “We must be honest to ourselves. We decided to attack.”
No, Israel Wasn’t Fighting for Its Existence in 1967
Egypt was preparing to attack. What Israel did is what is commonly referred to as a preemptive attack. What did you expect them to do? Wait patiently for them to attack? Don't be a fool. Egypt was preparing an attack. Why else were their troops massed on the Israeli border?
The Six Day War was not pre-emptive for Israel
“In June 1967, we again had a choice,” said Menachem Begin, Israeli prime minister from 1977 t0 1983. “We must be honest to ourselves. We decided to attack.”
No, Israel Wasn’t Fighting for Its Existence in 1967


"In June 1967, we again had a choice. The Egyptian Army concentrations in the Sinai approaches do not prove that Nasser was really about to attack us. We must be honest with ourselves. We decided to attack him. Wars With No Alternative

This was a war of self-defense in the noblest sense of the term. The Government of National Unity then established decided unanimously: we will take the initiative and attack the enemy, drive him back, and thus assure the security of Israel and the future of the nation."

Like the truth, you would know a logical argument if it slept with you.

It's a mania that Jews have "God on their side" in stealing land Palestinians lived on.
Israel was attacked by Egypt, Jordan, and Syria. They were outnumbered like you wouldn't believe. Fewer than a thousand Israelis had been killed compared to over 20,000 from the Arab forces, and the area under Israeli control tripled. So yeah. God was watching over them. And like I said earlier. Israel stole nothing. It was the spoils of war. Perfectly legitimate.

EDIT: The Israeli's are also the only people in history who have been evicted from their homeland and managed to get it back. That should tell you something.
Egypt was preparing to attack. What Israel did is what is commonly referred to as a preemptive attack. What did you expect them to do? Wait patiently for them to attack? Don't be a fool. Egypt was preparing an attack. Why else were their troops massed on the Israeli border?
Why are israeli troops massed on the Syrian and Lebanese borders now?
Gee. It just might have something to do with...

Syria warns Israel of 'more surprises' as tensions boil over following Iranian drone incident


Israeli–Lebanese conflict - Wikipedia
I've heard Putin make the same polished speech, using the same phrases.

Although Russia didn't take part in shooting the jet, nothing happens there without their knowledge and a certain amount of control over the whole AA systems.

In this case the question is about the message Russia sent to her friends in the region and the US through this incident. Especially with the new movements of US systems in the region.
Seems to me there was cooperation between Russia - Israel - US, with Israel willing to take that calculated risk in order to keep a certain image for Russia and her allies that she's not going to interfere with their affairs.

Syria- Iran -Hezballah and Hamas are happy the jet was shot. Yet Russia does not interfere with new American positions in the region or when Israel has to take care of itself. Putin seems to understand the balance between the importance of image for his allies and practical needs. Part of diplomacy is playing into the hands of small fish, so that th bigger players can stay on the ground blocking Iran from spreading towards the Mediterranean sea.
Its just a half-assed policy. They allow others to bomb their ally, kill their ally´s people. That´s not diplomacy, it is just bullshit. Russia is not in a position to back down or something like that, the sanctions and the scapegoating are rolling anyway.

Sounds like You're talking about the Obama era.
And I'm talking about today.

And we're talking at different levels, that crossroad between the West and East is no further than an hour drive for the average Israeli. What You read on the news the next day, mixed and polished for all sides, we receive in real time by our own ears and eyes. The information You receive is so filtered and delayed that it leaves no doubt that for the most part neither Putin, Israel or Syria want any escalation, because in that mess such "opportunities" are being presented to each side on a daily basis.

At the end of the day Putin and even Assad understand that neither the middle east, nor the West are going to tolerate Iran spreading towards the Mediterranean. And I think Turkey has its' own reservations about that ambition.
Iranian forces and militias will leave when the terrorists are defeated. That is official. So for Netanyahu it is easy. Respect Syria and Lebanon, leave the occupied areas and dont support "rebels". A new chapter could be started.

There's so much nativity in these words it's almost cute.
Flush that Obama out Your system, we didn't buy it then we don't now.

Tell us, does that package come with an extra virgin snake oil?
You don´t try - you can´t complain.

Assad Favors Peace With Israel, But Rejects Any Closer Relations
Assad: Syria to Recognize Israel if Real Peace Offered
EUTHANASIA - "You don't try - you can't complain" that's pretty much how You sound.

Dude, if You don't understand that when your enemy states he's "not sure" he wants to see You exist in 10 year, but demands everything under threat of violence- that the meaning of his "peace offer" is merely an open invitation to rape Your daughters and wives...

Then I suggest You slap Yourself in the face... and get the furthest away from the middle east as possible. They'll eat You with no salt.

Also You should check, I hear Assad is selling a bridge:
Last edited:
Its just a half-assed policy. They allow others to bomb their ally, kill their ally´s people. That´s not diplomacy, it is just bullshit. Russia is not in a position to back down or something like that, the sanctions and the scapegoating are rolling anyway.

Sounds like You're talking about the Obama era.
And I'm talking about today.

And we're talking at different levels, that crossroad between the West and East is no further than an hour drive for the average Israeli. What You read on the news the next day, mixed and polished for all sides, we receive in real time by our own ears and eyes. The information You receive is so filtered and delayed that it leaves no doubt that for the most part neither Putin, Israel or Syria want any escalation, because in that mess such "opportunities" are being presented to each side on a daily basis.

At the end of the day Putin and even Assad understand that neither the middle east, nor the West are going to tolerate Iran spreading towards the Mediterranean. And I think Turkey has its' own reservations about that ambition.
Iranian forces and militias will leave when the terrorists are defeated. That is official. So for Netanyahu it is easy. Respect Syria and Lebanon, leave the occupied areas and dont support "rebels". A new chapter could be started.

There's so much nativity in these words it's almost cute.
Flush that Obama out Your system, we didn't buy it then we don't now.

Tell us, does that package come with an extra virgin snake oil?
You don´t try - you can´t complain.

Assad Favors Peace With Israel, But Rejects Any Closer Relations
Assad: Syria to Recognize Israel if Real Peace Offered
EUTHANASIA - "You don't try - you can't complain" that's pretty much how You sound.

Dude, if You don't understand that when your enemy states he's "not sure" he wants to see You exist in 10 year, but demands everything under threat of violence- that the meaning of his "peace offer" is merely an open invitation to rape Your daughters and wives...

Then I suggest You slap Yourself in the face... and get the furthest away from the middle east as possible. They'll eat You with no salt.

Also You should check, I hear Assad is selling a bridge:

It´s Israel that is threatening the others. They bomb cities and civilians, violate other´s airspace and bomb them. They have the longest list of UN-Resolutions. They have Jews-only roads in their fascist system. 25 % are Arabs, 25 % are below the poverty line. Their regime is behind the terrorism in Syria and Iraq. It is one of the worst regimes on earth. And all this is not criticism but

↑ Antisemitism
It's a mania that Jews have "God on their side" in stealing land Palestinians lived on.
Israel was attacked by Egypt, Jordan, and Syria. They were outnumbered like you wouldn't believe. Fewer than a thousand Israelis had been killed compared to over 20,000 from the Arab forces, and the area under Israeli control tripled. So yeah. God was watching over them. And like I said earlier. Israel stole nothing. It was the spoils of war. Perfectly legitimate.

EDIT: The Israeli's are also the only people in history who have been evicted from their homeland and managed to get it back. That should tell you something.
Egypt was preparing to attack. What Israel did is what is commonly referred to as a preemptive attack. What did you expect them to do? Wait patiently for them to attack? Don't be a fool. Egypt was preparing an attack. Why else were their troops massed on the Israeli border?
Why are israeli troops massed on the Syrian and Lebanese borders now?
Gee. It just might have something to do with...

Syria warns Israel of 'more surprises' as tensions boil over following Iranian drone incident


Israeli–Lebanese conflict - Wikipedia
Time is up for Zionist aggressions against Syria.
Sounds like You're talking about the Obama era.
And I'm talking about today.

And we're talking at different levels, that crossroad between the West and East is no further than an hour drive for the average Israeli. What You read on the news the next day, mixed and polished for all sides, we receive in real time by our own ears and eyes. The information You receive is so filtered and delayed that it leaves no doubt that for the most part neither Putin, Israel or Syria want any escalation, because in that mess such "opportunities" are being presented to each side on a daily basis.

At the end of the day Putin and even Assad understand that neither the middle east, nor the West are going to tolerate Iran spreading towards the Mediterranean. And I think Turkey has its' own reservations about that ambition.
Iranian forces and militias will leave when the terrorists are defeated. That is official. So for Netanyahu it is easy. Respect Syria and Lebanon, leave the occupied areas and dont support "rebels". A new chapter could be started.

There's so much nativity in these words it's almost cute.
Flush that Obama out Your system, we didn't buy it then we don't now.

Tell us, does that package come with an extra virgin snake oil?
You don´t try - you can´t complain.

Assad Favors Peace With Israel, But Rejects Any Closer Relations
Assad: Syria to Recognize Israel if Real Peace Offered
EUTHANASIA - "You don't try - you can't complain" that's pretty much how You sound.

Dude, if You don't understand that when your enemy states he's "not sure" he wants to see You exist in 10 year, but demands everything under threat of violence- that the meaning of his "peace offer" is merely an open invitation to rape Your daughters and wives...

Then I suggest You slap Yourself in the face... and get the furthest away from the middle east as possible. They'll eat You with no salt.

Also You should check, I hear Assad is selling a bridge:

It´s Israel that is threatening the others. They bomb cities and civilians, violate other´s airspace and bomb them. They have the longest list of UN-Resolutions. They have Jews-only roads in their fascist system. 25 % are Arabs, 25 % are below the poverty line. Their regime is behind the terrorism in Syria and Iraq. It is one of the worst regimes on earth. And all this is not criticism but

↑ Antisemitism

Boy this is You just trying to squeeze as many beat up slogans as possible.
Exactly like Assad did when he offered us to agree with the demands of some 22 Arab countries and rape our women as a reward.

Sounds like You'd sign a treaty with the 1st guy entering the room, without realizing he's been crossing his legs in front of You all the time.
Am I correct that You're not a middle easterner?
Very screwy logic at best.
Like the truth, you would know a logical argument if it slept with you.

It's a mania that Jews have "God on their side" in stealing land Palestinians lived on.
Israel was attacked by Egypt, Jordan, and Syria. They were outnumbered like you wouldn't believe. Fewer than a thousand Israelis had been killed compared to over 20,000 from the Arab forces, and the area under Israeli control tripled. So yeah. God was watching over them. And like I said earlier. Israel stole nothing. It was the spoils of war. Perfectly legitimate.

EDIT: The Israeli's are also the only people in history who have been evicted from their homeland and managed to get it back. That should tell you something.
Egypt was preparing to attack. What Israel did is what is commonly referred to as a preemptive attack. What did you expect them to do? Wait patiently for them to attack? Don't be a fool. Egypt was preparing an attack. Why else were their troops massed on the Israeli border?
The Israelis shot first,NOT PRE ANYTHING,,,,,the Israelis planned their pre-emptive moron

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