Israeli fighter jet crashes after being 'shot down'

You obviously support the ragheads, you disgusting piece of shit. Why don't you head on over there and give them a hand? There's an Israeli bomb with your name on it.

What was an israeli 'plane doing in Syrian airspace, don't worry in a hot war israel will use the Americans children to fight for jewland
It was a retaliatory strike, you Muslim pig.

a retaliatory strike against a retaliatory strike?
Muslims are the aggressors here. Or did you not hear about the almost daily rocket attacks on Israel. Syria was also part of the coalition involved in the Six Day War, if I'm not mistaken. Every act of aggression is from those filthy camel-f*cking ragheads. Israel even agreed to give the Palestinians everything they asked for if they would simply renounce violence and recognize Israels right to exist. They refused. Their hatred would not allow then to even contemplate a nations right to exist. These are the kind of savages Israel is dealing with. Of course, you are one of those filthy camel-f*cking rag heads too. Aren't you? A Jew-hating rag head. When are you gonna join ISIS and get your ass blown away by the IDF? Huh? Send us a postcard when you get over there.

Who wouldn't be angry if a bunch Jewish immigrants stole their land, and nation?

Nonsense, the Judaic tribes are the native people of that area and as such have every right to both be there and to establish independence
Who cares? The Ragheads have 22 Arab countries and 56 Muslim countries, and do not make any contribution to the world with all that land and all that oil-wealth.

So, it's okay to steal ones land if they contribute less?
They didn't steal anything. They simply returned to their ancestral home. And it happened in a single day. Just like the Bible said it would. One day there was no Israel. The next day there was. Shortly after that event, the rag heads tried to get rid of them, and had their collective asses handed to them. Because God was watching over them. The 6 day war was the most brilliantly fought battle in history. When you look at the numbers and the hardware arrayed against Israel, they should have been annihilated. What happened? The rag heads were sent packing, with their tails between their legs. I've done some research on Israeli hardware. They have a way to easily defeat any number of tanks that are sent against them. They have automated anti-tank platforms that can be dropped from the air. They are compact, and there are lots of them. No tank would stand a chance. They also have an advanced combat rifle that is light years ahead of anything the rag heads have. If I were President of the U.S. there is no way I would even dream of launching a military campaign against what Israel has militarily. We could probably beat them, but the cost would be one only a madman would contemplate.

Very screwy logic at best.
Like the truth, you would know a logical argument if it slept with you.

It's a mania that Jews have "God on their side" in stealing land Palestinians lived on.
Israel was attacked by Egypt, Jordan, and Syria. They were outnumbered like you wouldn't believe. Fewer than a thousand Israelis had been killed compared to over 20,000 from the Arab forces, and the area under Israeli control tripled. So yeah. God was watching over them. And like I said earlier. Israel stole nothing. It was the spoils of war. Perfectly legitimate.

EDIT: The Israeli's are also the only people in history who have been evicted from their homeland and managed to get it back. That should tell you something.
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It was a retaliatory strike, you Muslim pig.

a retaliatory strike against a retaliatory strike?
Muslims are the aggressors here. Or did you not hear about the almost daily rocket attacks on Israel. Syria was also part of the coalition involved in the Six Day War, if I'm not mistaken. Every act of aggression is from those filthy camel-f*cking ragheads. Israel even agreed to give the Palestinians everything they asked for if they would simply renounce violence and recognize Israels right to exist. They refused. Their hatred would not allow then to even contemplate a nations right to exist. These are the kind of savages Israel is dealing with. Of course, you are one of those filthy camel-f*cking rag heads too. Aren't you? A Jew-hating rag head. When are you gonna join ISIS and get your ass blown away by the IDF? Huh? Send us a postcard when you get over there.

Who wouldn't be angry if a bunch Jewish immigrants stole their land, and nation?
Israel did not steal anything. The land was theirs. The Palestinian squatters had no right to it.

Haha, good joke, Palestinians were a massive majority of the land of Israel / Palestine in the turn of the century.
There weren't any Palestinian Arabs at the turn of the 20th century.
We have all heard the official narrative of the Israeli airstrike on Syria now, thanks to the ever-compliant MSM; an Iranian drone, controlled from a Syrian airbase, violated Israeli airspace so the Israeli airforce struck the Iranian control centre, destroying it and sending a stark message to Damascus and Tehran not to mess with Israel, even if it is a single, unarmed drone.

However, in the last 2 hours, information from sources on the ground inside Syria paint a very different picture of events.

They report that the Israeli airstrike was a complete failure, that Syrian loses are very minimal with the only notable damage being a large explosion at a mortar depot near Damascus.

The Israeli airstrike was unable to penetrate far into Syrian airspace as the Israeli ECM systems failed to counter the Syrian radars, resulting in most Israeli warplanes dropping their weapon loads harmlessly over southern Syria due to the heavy fire from the Syrian Air Defenses.

The huge failure of the Israeli air strike forced Tel-Aviv to launch another attack, however, that also failed ignominiously.

In short, the Israeli strikeforce dropped their encumbering load of bombs and got the hell out of there, at least two of their number were hit and one of them subsequently crashed in Israel, the pilots surviving but very badly injured.

VT WAS RIGHT: Israeli Airstrikes Were Complete Failure, Retaliation Against Russia Expected
Guess what? Damascus is gonna be totally destroyed. Also the surrounding towns and villages. Israel does have nukes. One day Syria, as well as it's allies, will attack Israel again. Some of the northern cities will fall, but Israel will pull out all the stops. The worlds oldest continuously inhabited city, gone in a single night. Game over. How do I know this? It's in the Bible. Which has a 100 percent accuracy for prophecies. It's going to happen. Count on it.
Syria is under protection of Bashar Assad.
Who is totally outclassed by God, LOLOL! Idiot.
The God you believe in does not differ. Your God is not the racist you believe him to be. You are referring to the Bible, read it and you will see there is no chosen people that get away with anything because the others "Muslim pigs". In fact, they are closer to Jesus than the Jews are.
So, it's okay to steal ones land if they contribute less?
They didn't steal anything. They simply returned to their ancestral home. And it happened in a single day. Just like the Bible said it would. One day there was no Israel. The next day there was. Shortly after that event, the rag heads tried to get rid of them, and had their collective asses handed to them. Because God was watching over them. The 6 day war was the most brilliantly fought battle in history. When you look at the numbers and the hardware arrayed against Israel, they should have been annihilated. What happened? The rag heads were sent packing, with their tails between their legs. I've done some research on Israeli hardware. They have a way to easily defeat any number of tanks that are sent against them. They have automated anti-tank platforms that can be dropped from the air. They are compact, and there are lots of them. No tank would stand a chance. They also have an advanced combat rifle that is light years ahead of anything the rag heads have. If I were President of the U.S. there is no way I would even dream of launching a military campaign against what Israel has militarily. We could probably beat them, but the cost would be one only a madman would contemplate.

Very screwy logic at best.
Like the truth, you would know a logical argument if it slept with you.

It's a mania that Jews have "God on their side" in stealing land Palestinians lived on.
Israel was attacked by Egypt, Jordan, and Syria. They were outnumbered like you wouldn't believe. Fewer than a thousand Israelis had been killed compared to over 20,000 from the Arab forces, and the area under Israeli control tripled. So yeah. God was watching over them. And like I said earlier. Israel stole nothing. It was the spoils of war. Perfectly legitimate.

EDIT: The Israeli's are also the only people in history who have been evicted from their homeland and managed to get it back. That should tell you something.
Yeah its always the others and IDF are way superior. Tomorrow it is fewer than a hundred, thereafter there have been absolutely no casualties.
We have all heard the official narrative of the Israeli airstrike on Syria now, thanks to the ever-compliant MSM; an Iranian drone, controlled from a Syrian airbase, violated Israeli airspace so the Israeli airforce struck the Iranian control centre, destroying it and sending a stark message to Damascus and Tehran not to mess with Israel, even if it is a single, unarmed drone.

However, in the last 2 hours, information from sources on the ground inside Syria paint a very different picture of events.

They report that the Israeli airstrike was a complete failure, that Syrian loses are very minimal with the only notable damage being a large explosion at a mortar depot near Damascus.

The Israeli airstrike was unable to penetrate far into Syrian airspace as the Israeli ECM systems failed to counter the Syrian radars, resulting in most Israeli warplanes dropping their weapon loads harmlessly over southern Syria due to the heavy fire from the Syrian Air Defenses.

The huge failure of the Israeli air strike forced Tel-Aviv to launch another attack, however, that also failed ignominiously.

In short, the Israeli strikeforce dropped their encumbering load of bombs and got the hell out of there, at least two of their number were hit and one of them subsequently crashed in Israel, the pilots surviving but very badly injured.

VT WAS RIGHT: Israeli Airstrikes Were Complete Failure, Retaliation Against Russia Expected
Guess what? Damascus is gonna be totally destroyed. Also the surrounding towns and villages. Israel does have nukes. One day Syria, as well as it's allies, will attack Israel again. Some of the northern cities will fall, but Israel will pull out all the stops. The worlds oldest continuously inhabited city, gone in a single night. Game over. How do I know this? It's in the Bible. Which has a 100 percent accuracy for prophecies. It's going to happen. Count on it.
Syria is under protection of Bashar Assad.
Who is totally outclassed by God, LOLOL! Idiot.
The God you believe in does not differ. Your God is not the racist you believe him to be. You are referring to the Bible, read it and you will see there is no chosen people that get away with anything because the others "Muslim pigs". In fact, they are closer to Jesus than the Jews are.
Well. I've heard enough. I gave you every chance for a civil discussion, but you're just a Jew hater. So sad.
We have all heard the official narrative of the Israeli airstrike on Syria now, thanks to the ever-compliant MSM; an Iranian drone, controlled from a Syrian airbase, violated Israeli airspace so the Israeli airforce struck the Iranian control centre, destroying it and sending a stark message to Damascus and Tehran not to mess with Israel, even if it is a single, unarmed drone.

However, in the last 2 hours, information from sources on the ground inside Syria paint a very different picture of events.

They report that the Israeli airstrike was a complete failure, that Syrian loses are very minimal with the only notable damage being a large explosion at a mortar depot near Damascus.

The Israeli airstrike was unable to penetrate far into Syrian airspace as the Israeli ECM systems failed to counter the Syrian radars, resulting in most Israeli warplanes dropping their weapon loads harmlessly over southern Syria due to the heavy fire from the Syrian Air Defenses.

The huge failure of the Israeli air strike forced Tel-Aviv to launch another attack, however, that also failed ignominiously.

In short, the Israeli strikeforce dropped their encumbering load of bombs and got the hell out of there, at least two of their number were hit and one of them subsequently crashed in Israel, the pilots surviving but very badly injured.

VT WAS RIGHT: Israeli Airstrikes Were Complete Failure, Retaliation Against Russia Expected
Guess what? Damascus is gonna be totally destroyed. Also the surrounding towns and villages. Israel does have nukes. One day Syria, as well as it's allies, will attack Israel again. Some of the northern cities will fall, but Israel will pull out all the stops. The worlds oldest continuously inhabited city, gone in a single night. Game over. How do I know this? It's in the Bible. Which has a 100 percent accuracy for prophecies. It's going to happen. Count on it.
Syria is under protection of Bashar Assad.
Who is totally outclassed by God, LOLOL! Idiot.
The God you believe in does not differ. Your God is not the racist you believe him to be. You are referring to the Bible, read it and you will see there is no chosen people that get away with anything because the others "Muslim pigs". In fact, they are closer to Jesus than the Jews are.
Well. I've heard enough. I gave you every chance for a civil discussion, but you're just a Jew hater. So sad.
First commandment: Those who don´t agree are Jew haters and must be banished.
Second commandment: Be an easily manipulable moron.
What was an israeli 'plane doing in Syrian airspace, don't worry in a hot war israel will use the Americans children to fight for jewland
It was a retaliatory strike, you Muslim pig.

a retaliatory strike against a retaliatory strike?
Muslims are the aggressors here. Or did you not hear about the almost daily rocket attacks on Israel. Syria was also part of the coalition involved in the Six Day War, if I'm not mistaken. Every act of aggression is from those filthy camel-f*cking ragheads. Israel even agreed to give the Palestinians everything they asked for if they would simply renounce violence and recognize Israels right to exist. They refused. Their hatred would not allow then to even contemplate a nations right to exist. These are the kind of savages Israel is dealing with. Of course, you are one of those filthy camel-f*cking rag heads too. Aren't you? A Jew-hating rag head. When are you gonna join ISIS and get your ass blown away by the IDF? Huh? Send us a postcard when you get over there.

Who wouldn't be angry if a bunch Jewish immigrants stole their land, and nation?

Nonsense, the Judaic tribes are the native people of that area and as such have every right to both be there and to establish independence

Jews overwhelmingly left the region for 100's, and 100's, and 100's of years.

The Jews who left for Europe near 2,000 years ago, and whom dominate Israel, clearly stole the land from the Palestinians.

There's no right to displace people off the land they've lived on for 100's of years.

Zionists are disgusting, plain, and simple.

a retaliatory strike against a retaliatory strike?
Muslims are the aggressors here. Or did you not hear about the almost daily rocket attacks on Israel. Syria was also part of the coalition involved in the Six Day War, if I'm not mistaken. Every act of aggression is from those filthy camel-f*cking ragheads. Israel even agreed to give the Palestinians everything they asked for if they would simply renounce violence and recognize Israels right to exist. They refused. Their hatred would not allow then to even contemplate a nations right to exist. These are the kind of savages Israel is dealing with. Of course, you are one of those filthy camel-f*cking rag heads too. Aren't you? A Jew-hating rag head. When are you gonna join ISIS and get your ass blown away by the IDF? Huh? Send us a postcard when you get over there.

Who wouldn't be angry if a bunch Jewish immigrants stole their land, and nation?
Israel did not steal anything. The land was theirs. The Palestinian squatters had no right to it.

Haha, good joke, Palestinians were a massive majority of the land of Israel / Palestine in the turn of the century.
There weren't any Palestinian Arabs at the turn of the 20th century.

It was the Mutasarrifate of Jerusalem, and it was an Arab state with autonomy within the Muslim Ottoman Empire leading up to the Palestine Mandate.

The Jews clearly cleared off Palestinians off of the land they were living on, and yet there you go lying, it shows what despicable cretins Zionists are.
So, it's okay to steal ones land if they contribute less?
They didn't steal anything. They simply returned to their ancestral home. And it happened in a single day. Just like the Bible said it would. One day there was no Israel. The next day there was. Shortly after that event, the rag heads tried to get rid of them, and had their collective asses handed to them. Because God was watching over them. The 6 day war was the most brilliantly fought battle in history. When you look at the numbers and the hardware arrayed against Israel, they should have been annihilated. What happened? The rag heads were sent packing, with their tails between their legs. I've done some research on Israeli hardware. They have a way to easily defeat any number of tanks that are sent against them. They have automated anti-tank platforms that can be dropped from the air. They are compact, and there are lots of them. No tank would stand a chance. They also have an advanced combat rifle that is light years ahead of anything the rag heads have. If I were President of the U.S. there is no way I would even dream of launching a military campaign against what Israel has militarily. We could probably beat them, but the cost would be one only a madman would contemplate.

Very screwy logic at best.
Like the truth, you would know a logical argument if it slept with you.

It's a mania that Jews have "God on their side" in stealing land Palestinians lived on.
Israel was attacked by Egypt, Jordan, and Syria. They were outnumbered like you wouldn't believe. Fewer than a thousand Israelis had been killed compared to over 20,000 from the Arab forces, and the area under Israeli control tripled. So yeah. God was watching over them. And like I said earlier. Israel stole nothing. It was the spoils of war. Perfectly legitimate.

EDIT: The Israeli's are also the only people in history who have been evicted from their homeland and managed to get it back. That should tell you something.

Where was this God of theirs during the Holocaust?

The Nazis also thought God was with them.

According to your logic the victors have God on their side.

It's no wonder why people take your Zionists as insane vermin.
Corruption is everywhere so don´t think Russia is an exception.

Of course, corruption is everywhere, but the scale is important. Russia is a relatively young state, we have been building our "democracy" for about twenty years. And we are faced with all the "diseases" which are inherent for "young democracy state". And our corruption is more extensive than, for example, in the US.

However, we can see that Russia´s economy is growing again. Dollar and Euro are not growing by the way.
In general no, now we are seeing more stagnation than growth

If the backers of "rebels" want them to have air defense, why didn´t they give them to them, we have 2018 now. Israel and other actors are not giving air defense because they support the terrorists covertly. Air defense cannot be hidden from the public. But the army found many other Israeli weapons in "rebel" and ISIS armories.

Because in this case, the backers of the "rebels" will also incur losses in aviation from the Russian air defense and will not be able to "fly safely" in Syria, but they have more aircraft, and other power in this region, so they will be able to win by a numerical advantage.
But, of course, no one wants a big war and big losses, and I think that there is a compromise with Israel, Israel sometimes bombs a Syrian military base, not often and not fatal for the Syrian defense capability, and Russia for its part doesn't improve the Syrian air defense system.
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Of course, corruption is everywhere, but the scale is important. Russia is a relatively young state, we have been building our "democracy" for about twenty years. And we are faced with all the "diseases" which are inherent for "young democracy state". And our corruption is more extensive than, for example, in the US.
Vast fields of corruption are legalized and thus don´t count. Managers become politicians and the other way round. The stats are bullshit.

In general no, now we are seeing more stagnation than growth
I have other information.

Because in this case, the backers of the "rebels" will also incur losses in aviation from the Russian air defense and will not be able to "fly safely" in Syria, but they have more aircraft, and other power in this region, so they will be able to win by a numerical advantage.
But, of course, no one wants a big war and big losses, and I think that there is a compromise with Israel, Israel sometimes bombs a Syrian military base, not often and not fatal for the Syrian defense capability, and Russia for its part doesn't improve the Syrian air defense system.
I meant MANPADS for example provided to the terrorists. And Russia has improved Syria´s air defense indeed. Pantsir and S-200 are active and we see the result: At least three victories in the recent months: A F-15, a F-16 and even a F-35.
But Israel has done exactly what you are talking about. There has been more or less direct support in battles.
Vast fields of corruption are legalized and thus don´t count. Managers become politicians and the other way round. The stats are bullshit.
Probably, this is the best solution for "corruption". Any legalization is much better than full lawlessness. For example, in Russia, there is nothing surprising if a prosecutor or a judge of an average provincial city is a dollar millionaire, and this is not even a hiding.

I have other information.
I don't insist.

And Russia has improved Syria´s air defense indeed. Pantsir and S-200 are active and we see the result: At least three victories in the recent months: A F-15, a F-16 and even a F-35

About F-35 reported that these were storks (which were presented for the award :wink_2:)
Probably, this is the best solution for "corruption". Any legalization is much better than full lawlessness. For example, in Russia, there is nothing surprising if a prosecutor or a judge of an average provincial city is a dollar millionaire, and this is not even a hiding.
Not surprising in the US either. The private companies that run the prisons pay the judges to pass harsh sentences.

I don't insist.
Russia GDP Annual Growth Rate | 1996-2018 | Data | Chart | Calendar

About F-35 reported that these were storks (which were presented for the award :wink_2:)
Israeli claim that was made on the day the F-35 received a S-200 missile. The claim says it was two weeks ago. What a timing :wink_2:
An Israeli fighter jet has crashed after it was apparently shot down during airstrikes against "Iranian targets" in Syria.

Israel said its planes struck 12 targets in a "large-scale attack", including three aerial defence batteries and four Iranian targets that are part of Iran's military establishment in the war-ravaged country.

The F-16 crashed during a mission after an Iranian drone had entered Israeli airspace and was shot down, according to the Israeli military.

The Syrian state news agency SANA reported Israel had "carried out a new aggression against one of our military bases in the centre of the country".

"Our air defences repelled it and hit more than one plane."
Israeli fighter jet crashes after being 'shot down' during strikes against Iranian targets in Syria

Good shooting
What are Israel doing in Syria.....what would that Jet have cost 20 million,30 million or more?.....No problem for Israel considering the US Taxpayer paid for it,and will for the replacement.....I reckon Israel is always invading other countries airspace....this time a Pop-Gun shot them down
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a retaliatory strike against a retaliatory strike?
Muslims are the aggressors here. Or did you not hear about the almost daily rocket attacks on Israel. Syria was also part of the coalition involved in the Six Day War, if I'm not mistaken. Every act of aggression is from those filthy camel-f*cking ragheads. Israel even agreed to give the Palestinians everything they asked for if they would simply renounce violence and recognize Israels right to exist. They refused. Their hatred would not allow then to even contemplate a nations right to exist. These are the kind of savages Israel is dealing with. Of course, you are one of those filthy camel-f*cking rag heads too. Aren't you? A Jew-hating rag head. When are you gonna join ISIS and get your ass blown away by the IDF? Huh? Send us a postcard when you get over there.

Who wouldn't be angry if a bunch Jewish immigrants stole their land, and nation?
Israel did not steal anything. The land was theirs. The Palestinian squatters had no right to it.

Haha, good joke, Palestinians were a massive majority of the land of Israel / Palestine in the turn of the century.
There weren't any Palestinian Arabs at the turn of the 20th century.

No, universally the Arabs of Southern Syria subsequently identified with Jordan, or Trans-Jordan. It wasn't until an Egyptian by the name of Assofat invented the PLO in about 1967 that there was any pretense to a national identity, even if there was no and still isn't a nation called pallestine
It was a retaliatory strike, you Muslim pig.

a retaliatory strike against a retaliatory strike?
Muslims are the aggressors here. Or did you not hear about the almost daily rocket attacks on Israel. Syria was also part of the coalition involved in the Six Day War, if I'm not mistaken. Every act of aggression is from those filthy camel-f*cking ragheads. Israel even agreed to give the Palestinians everything they asked for if they would simply renounce violence and recognize Israels right to exist. They refused. Their hatred would not allow then to even contemplate a nations right to exist. These are the kind of savages Israel is dealing with. Of course, you are one of those filthy camel-f*cking rag heads too. Aren't you? A Jew-hating rag head. When are you gonna join ISIS and get your ass blown away by the IDF? Huh? Send us a postcard when you get over there.

Who wouldn't be angry if a bunch Jewish immigrants stole their land, and nation?

Nonsense, the Judaic tribes are the native people of that area and as such have every right to both be there and to establish independence

Jews overwhelmingly left the region for 100's, and 100's, and 100's of years.

The Jews who left for Europe near 2,000 years ago, and whom dominate Israel, clearly stole the land from the Palestinians.

There's no right to displace people off the land they've lived on for 100's of years.

Zionists are disgusting, plain, and simple.

LOL nonsense

The Judaic people always maintained a presence in the area regardless of the pogroms against them which sought to FORCE them out. If any left, they didn't do it of their own free will

Jew hater
Muslims are the aggressors here. Or did you not hear about the almost daily rocket attacks on Israel. Syria was also part of the coalition involved in the Six Day War, if I'm not mistaken. Every act of aggression is from those filthy camel-f*cking ragheads. Israel even agreed to give the Palestinians everything they asked for if they would simply renounce violence and recognize Israels right to exist. They refused. Their hatred would not allow then to even contemplate a nations right to exist. These are the kind of savages Israel is dealing with. Of course, you are one of those filthy camel-f*cking rag heads too. Aren't you? A Jew-hating rag head. When are you gonna join ISIS and get your ass blown away by the IDF? Huh? Send us a postcard when you get over there.

Who wouldn't be angry if a bunch Jewish immigrants stole their land, and nation?
Israel did not steal anything. The land was theirs. The Palestinian squatters had no right to it.

Haha, good joke, Palestinians were a massive majority of the land of Israel / Palestine in the turn of the century.
There weren't any Palestinian Arabs at the turn of the 20th century.

It was the Mutasarrifate of Jerusalem, and it was an Arab state with autonomy within the Muslim Ottoman Empire leading up to the Palestine Mandate.

The Jews clearly cleared off Palestinians off of the land they were living on, and yet there you go lying, it shows what despicable cretins Zionists are.

Pure horse pucky

It was never an Arab state LOL it was a province of Southern Syria. And the Judaic people invited the Arabs of Judea to stay, it was the Arab coalition that urged them to leave in preparation of an upcoming Arab attack

a retaliatory strike against a retaliatory strike?
Muslims are the aggressors here. Or did you not hear about the almost daily rocket attacks on Israel. Syria was also part of the coalition involved in the Six Day War, if I'm not mistaken. Every act of aggression is from those filthy camel-f*cking ragheads. Israel even agreed to give the Palestinians everything they asked for if they would simply renounce violence and recognize Israels right to exist. They refused. Their hatred would not allow then to even contemplate a nations right to exist. These are the kind of savages Israel is dealing with. Of course, you are one of those filthy camel-f*cking rag heads too. Aren't you? A Jew-hating rag head. When are you gonna join ISIS and get your ass blown away by the IDF? Huh? Send us a postcard when you get over there.

Who wouldn't be angry if a bunch Jewish immigrants stole their land, and nation?

Nonsense, the Judaic tribes are the native people of that area and as such have every right to both be there and to establish independence

Jews overwhelmingly left the region for 100's, and 100's, and 100's of years.

The Jews who left for Europe near 2,000 years ago, and whom dominate Israel, clearly stole the land from the Palestinians.

There's no right to displace people off the land they've lived on for 100's of years.

Zionists are disgusting, plain, and simple.

LOL nonsense

The Judaic people always maintained a presence in the area regardless of the pogroms against them which sought to FORCE them out. If any left, they didn't do it of their own free will

Jew hater
You are wrong in your Summation.........The Real Jew Lover theliq
Who wouldn't be angry if a bunch Jewish immigrants stole their land, and nation?
Israel did not steal anything. The land was theirs. The Palestinian squatters had no right to it.

Haha, good joke, Palestinians were a massive majority of the land of Israel / Palestine in the turn of the century.
There weren't any Palestinian Arabs at the turn of the 20th century.

It was the Mutasarrifate of Jerusalem, and it was an Arab state with autonomy within the Muslim Ottoman Empire leading up to the Palestine Mandate.

The Jews clearly cleared off Palestinians off of the land they were living on, and yet there you go lying, it shows what despicable cretins Zionists are.

Pure horse pucky

It was never an Arab state LOL it was a province of Southern Syria. And the Judaic people invited the Arabs of Judea to stay, it was the Arab coalition that urged them to leave in preparation of an upcoming Arab attack
How strange you are because if you knew anything about the Original Israelites you would know that they were part Arab and other peoples...Hey Ho<You Should Know......

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